TRANSYLVANIA— An industrial. Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Tenter. Population, 1 OOP Census, 1(5,1172. Brevard Communi.y 8,5(10, Brevard proper 4,857. Vol. 74 — No. 6 THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prise - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— In? I and of Waterfalls, Mecca for vommer Tamps, uttranee to p, full National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BREVARD. N. C. BREVARD, N. C„ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1963 PRICE 10: ★ 24 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEKL'f FIRST PLACE WINNERS in the recent bowling tournament at Brevard Lanes were Jean Peterson, left, and Rhea Marshall, right, who coppecl first place honors in the doubles event. Pictured with them is Marge Henson, 'president of the Asheville City association, Women’s international Bowling Congress, sponsors of the tournament. Some 57 teams from all over Western North Carolina par tic paled in the hig event. Both girls howl with the Olin Jets. They received individual trophies and the first place cash prize of $-">5. (Times Staff Photo) Drive Set Work On Renovating Church Into Center Is Progressing Renovation work is Iw-ing done at the Transylvania Com munity Center on Gaston amt Rrobart streets. The main auditorium lias keen partitioned making two meeting rooms, one ol' which will have stage facilities for use by the I.iitle Theatre. Genera) renovation is being done in other parts of the building. A fund-raising drive will be gin February 14th, and a goal of $20,000 has been set for the two-week period. This amount will complete the purchase of the building and the renova tions. Four local organizations I liave already spoken for space. They include the Transylvania Youth Association, the Art League, Brevard Little Thea tre, and the Church of the Nazarene. Campfire Planned Bov Scouts Will Observe, Week, Demonstrate Camp Local Boy Scouts and Explor-1 cr Scouts will celebrate Boy | Scout Week by pulling up aj demonstration camp on the Jtin-| ior High school football field on Saturday, February 9th, and liv ing in the camp until noon Sun day. Scouts of the Kiwanis sponsor ed Explorer Post 701 and Boy Scout Troop 701 and the Presby terian church sponsored Troop 703 will erect a camp. They demonstrate Scout skills and Scout crafts and will also com pete in individual scouting events. In 1964? * Town Board Votes Monday Night • To Add Fluoride To City Water The town of Brevard will have fluoride added in its wa ter system, the Board of Aider men voted at their February meeting this week. This will be done when fi nances are available, they de cided. CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, February 7th — Kiwanis club meets at Gaither’s at 6:45 p.m. Lions club meets at Colonial Inn at 7:00 p.m. Ma sons meet at Temple at 7:30 p.m. Friday, February 8th — Bre vard College Vs. Wingate in col lege gym. Aee of Clubs meets at 8:00 p.m. Saturday, February 9th — Boy Scout camporee begins on jun ior high athletic field at 12:00 noon. Sunday, February 10th — At tend the church of your choice. Monday, February 11th — Ro tary' club meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 p.m. Brevard Elementary P-TA meets at 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 12th Hospital Auxiliary meets at 10:00 a.m. Aee of Clubs meets at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, February 13th — Jayoees meet at Gaither’s at 7:00 pjn. It is speculated that fluori dation of the water system will come next year. The aldermen also decided to call a special meeting on February 18th to study ways and means of having water meters installed throughout the town of Brevard. A public hearing was also set for the next regular meet ing on the resolution concern ing the levying of assessments on street improvements on McMinn avenue and Shipman street and also sanitary im provements on Fisher road. Tax Collector Lawrence Hipp reported to the board that $68,328.84 in taxes had been collected for the town. The charge was $90,032.20, and the percentage of collections is 75m He also discussed with board members the possibility of tax ing incoming and outgoing trailers and have them report to the tax office. Mayor B. W. Thomason pre sided, and the aldermen at tending included Don Blank inship, ‘•Buddy" Melton, Mark Osborne, Dr. John Trucsdail and Tony Traivtham. Also at tending in an official capacity were Mrs. Opal Armentrout, the clerk; Bill Edens, town manager, and Cecil J. Hill, town attorney. A campfire is planned for Sat-1 nrday evening. Parents, pro-i speclivc Scouts and the general public are all invited to visit and observe these Scouts in camp. Boy Scout Week this year is the week from February 7th to the 14th and is the annual cele bration of the establishment of the scouting movement in the United States. Scouting came to America in 1910 and to Transylvania Coun ty in 1920, when the Brevard troop became the first troop in the 7 county area which now makes up the Daniel Boone Coun cil of the Boy Scouts of America. School Menus To Be Carried As a public service, The Tran sylvania Times is beginning a series of articles on menus, etc., in the school cafeterias of the town and county. This week the menu at Bre vard senior high school cafe teria is carried. It is as follows: .Monday, Feb. 11 Pork barbecue on buns, cole slaw, mashed potatoes, peach pie, —Turn to Page Four \ CANDLER W. ELLIS has been promoted to converter sales manager for the film op erations of the Packaging Di vision of Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation. He was formerly manager, marketing services, film. Tracking Station Page Is Rerun By Popular Request By popular request, The Transylvania Times is re-run ning the page layout on the construction of the new satel lite tracking station in upper Transylvania county. It can he found on page three, third section. Demands for last week’s newspaper were terrific, and mid-morning last Thursday, all issues of The Times had been sold. Circulation of Brevard’s prize-winning newspaper is at an all-time high, and special effort is being made to see that all newcomers to Brevard and Transylvania county get The Times each week. Program Highlights WPNF Affiliated With NAB, High Standards Are Practiced Station Manager At Martin an nounces today that the local sta tion has now become an official subscriber to the Radio Code ol Good Practices of the National Assoeia tion of Broadcasters (NAB). The national organization headed by former Florida Gov ernor Leroy Collins as president, works with broadcasters across the country in updating broad cast procedures and practices and is instrumental in informing stations of important data con cerning Federal Communications Commission requirements. Any station numbering itself among NAB Code subscribers promises to abide by suggested programming procedures on con tent of programs and limits it self to a maximum number of commercial announcements in a given period. “Although, WPNF has main tained a high regard for the NAB Code in the past and has always striven to follow the Code sug gestions, we feel it is in the best interests of the station to join with other broadcasters in a joint venture to raise even high er the standards of our growing industry,” the station manager concluded. Other Programs The schedule for the Farm and Home hour is as follows: Thursday, Rosman home Ec. dept., Mrs. Dorothy Vaniman; Friday, U. S. Forest Service, Ted —Turn To P*|i FIT* Brevard College s Development Campaign Is Launched Locally Donations And Pledges Are Being Solicited A .*(>0,000 Brevard College Development program, to last over a period of three years, has been started in Brevard and Transylvania county. \V. II. Keith is the campaign director, and the committee assisting him, which was ap pointed by the Brevard Cham ber of Commerce, consists of John I. Anderson, Don Blank inship, Gil Coan, Arthur .1. I. oeb, l*uul Owenby. Jr., Ralph II. Ramsey, Jr., and C. A. But terwnrth, Jr„ treasurer. Mr. Keith says that letters containing brochures and pledge cards have been mail ed to many, many persons, ami others are being contacted personally and through the various civic clubs. He stresses the importance of cash contribution accoin ! ponying the pledges over the three - year period, because only the paid portion will he applied to a matching contri bution to Brevard College. A vast amount of the pub licity that is being distributed about (he local educational in stitution is carried in a public I service message of the Olin I Mathieson Chemical corpora | tiou on the hack page of this j ncws|wjper. Mr. Keith states: "After you have had an op portunity to read this material, ; we think you will agree that | Brevard College is contribut ! ing substantially to the life of our community in areas of ed ucation, culture, recreation, and general economic growth. "Here are some facts which are not brought out in our brochures: "Every industrial prospect — Turn to Page Eight The Weather \ The first month of the New Year offered Ihe following tem perature and precipitation sta tistics: The maximum reading came on the 12th when the tempera ture hit 03 degrees, while the low was reached on the morn ing of the 24th when tile mer cury dipped to (i below zero. Precipitation for the month totaled 3.5fl inches with 1 inch falling in the 24-hour period ending at G:00 p.m. on the 12th. During the past week, the high reading was 57 on Tues day, with the average high reading 4!) degrees. I.ow tem perature was 15 recorded on Monday morning. Average early morning low reading was 27 degrees during the week. Precipitation totaled .85 of an inch for the period. Official readings are as fid lows: High Low Prec. Wednesday_5B 30 .12 Thursday _ 53 33 0 Friday _ 30 30 .11 Saturday _ 46 2!) .02 Sunday __ 50 30 .00 Monday _40 15 0 Tuesday_... 57 21 0 LATE BULLETIN Anderson Junior College defeated Wingate Tuesday night at the same time Bre vard was defeating Lees-Mc Rae to wrap up the regular season Western Carolinas Junior College Conference championship for the Torna does. Brevard’s victory over Lees McRae had assured the Torna does of at least a tie for the Ijtle, but Anderson’s victory kjnocked Wingate, the only cither team with an outside chance of catching Brevard, completely out of contention. i Junior Division Beecher Curl A Regional, State ison Is The (krrn Champ I Hipp Reports Tax Colled ions In County Good During Past \ear Tax collections (luring 19(12 for Transylvania county were good. According to Lawrence Hipp, total collections were :593,214.(17. Mr. Hipp was asked by (lie Ilureau of Census at Washing ton, I). C. for a breakdown. It was as follows: Transylvania county—- $51(1, 393.50 Town of lirevard — $80,011.53 liosman - $2,812.04 Mr. Hipp also reported to the Transylvania County Commis sioners this week that tax col lec tions as oT l-'ehruary 1, 19(13 to talled .“1429,959.95, for 83.11 per cent. Tin- charge to Mr. Hipp was $517,358.04. Mr. Hipp also has in the bank 75 Real Estate Transactions Are Recorded Their were 75 real c-dalo transactions recorded during .lamiary in Hie register of deeds office, Owen Lee. the registrar, announces. These sales represented $15!}, SfMi.Dll. the stamps indicate. The complete list can he found on page seven, second section, of this week’s newspaper. $14,4711. !K) representing mire ported collections. Fisher Will Is Upheld In Civil Court, Other Verdicts Reached Climaxing (tie February Imn of Ihe civil calendar in superior court last week was the uphold is;; of the will of Roy A. Fisher, deceased. Judge Harry Marlin presid ed over I he session last week. Verdicts handed down this week in the criminal term of court, by Judge George I!. Pat ton were as follows: Red Conley, Fred Morgan and James Henry each pled guilty to a charge of larceny, and each was .sentenced to !! months in the county jail to work under the supervision of the Slate Prison department. Kli/.ic I.CO McCall was found guilty by a jury of driving un der the influence and was giv en a suspended sentence and fined $100.00 plus court costs. Jesse Young was found guil ty of a worthless check charge and was sentenced to four months in jail. Set Feb. 15 & 16 Little Theatre Now Holding Final Rehearsals For Comedy Rehearsals arc moving into the final stages for “Yon Can’t Take It With You”, the second production of the current Bre vard Little Theatre season. The play, listed as one of the top 20 all time favorites, will be presented Thursday and Friday, February 15th and 16th, at the American Legion building here in Brevard. One of the finest easts assem bled for a BLT production in recent years will take part in "You Can’t Take It With You”. Made up almost entirely of BLT veterans, the large cast also in cludes several newcomers to the local stage. Appearing in the Moss Hart George S. Kaufman long time Transylvania County Future Farmer of America Beecher Carl Allison has won the re* Sinai and slate junior corn championship. Beecher Carl is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Allison, route '2, Brevard. This announcement has been made by A. 1). Stuart, ex-' tension agronomy specialist, N. C. State College, Raleigh. This is the second time that a Transylvania junior has won the regional contest. Beecher Carl's yield was 165.17 per acre and the variety used was DeKalb 81)5. Voting Allison will receive a 850 Savings Bond for being regional winner, donated by the National 1‘lant Food In stitute, and he will also receive a corn trophy from the First Ihiion National Bank of Bre vard, sponsor of the local corn contest. .Iti-st recently Hugh N. Lam ing-! won the regional and state title in the adult division of' the growing contest,' and Jim Davis, county extension chair man has ibis' to say: "Transylvania is indeed for tunate in having both the jun ior and the adult champion of (he stale. ‘ They are to he congratulat slanding recognition to oi county.” cd upon bringing such out Local Troo Sponsoring Exposition Three local Scout troops promoting the Scout. Exp at Stephens Lee high sc gym this coming Saturday, Oth, from 2:00 until 9:00 The exposition is by the Daniel Boone coun the public is cordially invil attend. Admission is 50 cents per p son. laical troops sponsoring event and their officials Troop 785 — Paul scoutmaster. Brevard Troop 786 — Kemp scoutmaster, Glade Cub Pack No. Jalftfc

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