Bargains Galore To Be Offered By Brevard Merchants Thursday, Friday, Saturday % TRANSYT,VANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music renter. Population, 11160 Census, 10,372. Brevard Oommuni y 8,500, Brevard proper 4,857. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgali National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. Vol. 74 — No. 8 ★ SFCOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BREVARD, N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1963 PRICE 10-: ★ 24 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEKLY THE FIRST INSTALLATION on the Brevard College Endowment Fund that has been inaugurat ed by tin* Brevard Jaycees was recently presented to Dr. Emmett K. MeLarty. President Tom McCrary is shown presenting the cheek for $1,000.00 to Dr. Mel.arty, while Jaycees Chester Kilpatrick, left, and John K. Smart, right, members ol the Jaycees Endowment Fund committee, look on approvingly. The endowment fund will be increas I ed by §200.00 each year by the Jaycees, and the in terest from the fund will be used to aid some wor i thy Transylvania county student attending Brevard College. Currently, a campaign to raise §60,000 for the local educational institution is being conduct- i ed by the Brevard College Development committee of the Brevard Chamber Chamber of Commerce. (Times Staff Photo) j What’s InA Name How much is the name ami •address of a Transylvania county resident worth? On a Mailing list — plenty. Just how much, depends on his posit ion. economically and otherwise. If he is wealthy and is thereby a good prospect lor a cabin cruiser or for member ship in an exclusive club, his name is worth quite a bit. However, if his name is a readily - obtainable one. as is the case with school teachers, doctors, lawyers and the like, or if his buying power is low, it brings less. There are about 250 firms that compile such lists and lease them or sell them to companies that wish to ap proach prospects by mail or —Turn to Page Seven Facts Presented Aldermen Continue Discussion Of Water Meters In Brevard The Town Board of Alder men took action on several matters at a special call meet ing Monday night. A notice of adoption of an annexation ordinance was fil CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, February 21 — 3 day George Washington sale begins. League of Women Vot ers meet at Gaither’s at 10:00 a. nv. Kiwanis club meets at Gaith er’s at 6:45 p. m. Lions club meets at Colonial Inn at 7:30 p. m. Masons meet at Temple at 7:30 p. m. Friday, February 22 — Bre vard Vs. Waynesville at Bre vard Senior high gym. FFA Fa ther - Son banquet at Senior high school at 7:30 p. m. Ace of Clubs meets at 8:00 p. m. Sunday, February 24 — At tend tile church of your choice. Monday, February 25—Rotary club meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 p. m. Tuesday, February 26 — Ace of Clubs meets at 7:30 p. m. Bre vard Junior High P-TA meets at 7:30 p. m. Straus P-TA meets at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, February 27 — jaycees meet at Gaither’s at 7:00 j>. m. Piano Received Dates For Judging In Rural Contest Set, Officers Named The tentative dales for the judging in the Transylvania Ku ra 1 Development program have lx*en set for October 2nd, 3rd and 4th, and the awards program will he held at the Olin Mathie son Chemical corporation on the evening of October 8th. According to Jim Davis, coun ty agent, the new officers and directors arc as follows: President — Ralph Lee, Ce dar Mountain community Vice - president — Merrimon Shuford, Little River communi ty Secretary - Treasurer — Mrs. Hester Hanson, Sapphire-White water community The directors are to be com posed of the president or his representative and two other members of his choice from each —Turn To Page Four ed, and it is found elsewhere in the first section of this week’s Times. The territory to be annexed lies along the Country Club road. A lengthy discussion was held concerning the financing of placing water meters in the Town of Brevard. The follow ing facts were presented by Town Manager Bill Edens: (1) There are 352 metered services outside the city limits. (2) An additional 45 meters would be installed outside the city this year. (3) There are 128 meters in cluding commercial establish ments in the Town of Brevard. (4) Brevard has 1789 water services inside and outside of the town. (5) The estimated cost of metering the entire system in Brevard would be over $60, 000. The Aldermen will discuss the matter at later meetings, and the Clerk, the Attorney and the Town Manager were instructed to proceed to de tails concerning financing the project. The Board also amended the water ordinance regarding bona fide boarding and room ing houses, and authorized them to be placed on the met —Turn to Page Three Activities Planned ! Committee Chairmen For ! Friends Of Library Named Jack Driscoll, president ol Friends of Transylvania Count} ; Library, announced committee chairmen and planned activities i for the coming year. The chairmen are: Book Com ments and Reviews—Mrs. Sum ner Williams; Exhibits—Mrs. A1 an Wallace; Finance Admira Ligon B. A r d; Historian — Mrs. C. A. Richardson; Member ship — Mrs. Charles Glazner National Library Week — Mrs Gene Smithson; Publicity — Mrs Bill Norris; Puppet shows— Mrs. Robert N. Hill, III; Story Time — Mrs. Glenn Hardesty and Mrs. Vernon Wray. Activities for the year will in clude events of interest ot chil dren and adults alike. National Library week will be observed during April of this year and special exhibits are being plan ned during that week to focus attention on the County Library. An important event for the children will be the summer story hour. This will run for 10 weeks during the summer months on Saturday mornings and will feature children’s stor ies, puppet shows, etc. From time to time during the ! year exhibits will be on display in the country library. These ex hibits will be collections of un usual items and works of local artists and craftsmen. These dis j plays will be publicized in The | Transylvania Times and will re [ main in the library for several weeks in order that interested | pesons may view them, i Friends of the Library is a! ; loosely-knit national organization i ! which promotes appreciation and —Turn to Page Five ! Jurors Drawn For Next Term j • Of General County Court, 4th The next term of the Gen eral County court in Transyl vania is set for Monday. March 4th, and it will be for the trial of jury cases. i Jurors who will serve dur ing the court are as follows: Mrs. R. E. Matthews, Ed C. ! Mitchum, Jackson A. Gillespie, j Perry Lee Sitton, Mrs. Charles \V. Cook, William D. Scruggs, i William E. Bentley, Edward : Conley, Donald Lee McCall, Breakdown Given Transylvania Farmers Granted $37,434 In '62 Through ACP Transylvania county farmers received a total of $37,434.00 gross assistance through the Ag ricultural Conservation program in 1902. This figure and others are con tained in the annual statistical ASCS report made public this week by the Transylvania coun ty ASCS office in Brevard. In addition to the gross assis tance given county farmers, the report pointed out that 831 farmers participated in the pro gram; 47,27(5 acres of farmland came under the program; 12,570 acres of this farmland was crop land; and 7,347 was non-cropland pasture. One of the big items included in the ACP allocation for the year was $3,401.00 for the seed ing of 175 acres of permanent pasture or hay. A total of 122 county farmers carried out this practice. The liming of farmland was another conservation practice on which a large part of the alloca tion was used. 241 farmers limed a total of 1,065 acres of farmland at a cost of $9,459.00. A total of $15,390.00 was used on improving vegetative cover for soil and watershed protec tion. A total of 544 farmers im proved 1,761 acres of pasture and hay with this practice dur ing 1962. There were 10 conservation practices included in the County —Turn To Pago Three Big George Washington Birthday Sale Celebration To Begin Today Sales Event Is First In Series Of Promotions Brevard merchants are stag ing a town • wide sales promo tion on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. The big three day event is a "George Washington's Birth day" Sale, and the participat ing merchants have gone all out to offer tremendous bar gains throughout their stores this weekend. In announcing the sale, Mer chant’s Division Chairman Dewey Nix stated, "It's George Washington's birthday, but the Transylvani ans shopping in our stores this weekend will be getting the gifts. "Wre’ve really chopped down prices for this event, and I urge everyone to shop our Brevard stores for the many values that can be found there." Shoppers are requested to read the many "George Wash ington" advertisements in this week’s issue of the Tran sylvania Times, including the two-page spread on the sale found in the second section of this paper. Snow Closed Schools On Brevard and Transylvania county had the first real snow fall of the year late Monday night and early Tuesday morn ing. The depth of the snow rang ed from four inches at lower elevations to seven and eight —Turn to Page Seven Thomas J. Langford, Troy H. Zachary, W. E. Neill, Cal vin L. Frady, Clarence Orr. Gertha H. Landreth, Jack 1,. Zachary, Mrs. Tom Couch, Carolyn Ashworth Eugene Shelton, Jack H. McCall, Roy E. Carter, George W. Poor, William Douglas Brown, Jam es A, Newsome, Verdicts handed down in the General County court on Monday were as follows: Ralph Fisher Perry, charged with possession, has to pay — Turn to Page Four Banks, PO And Some Offices Close Friday Friday, George Washington's birthday, will be a semi-holiday in Brevard and Transylvania county. Schools and stores will remain open; however, several offices will close. The day is a legal holiday, so the banks and the post office will be closed. There will be no delivery of rural or city mail, and the gen eral delivery window at the post office will be open from 11:30 a. m., until 12:00 noon. Offices in the court house will be closed, but the town hall will be open. ./'.k BREVARD MERCHANTS a r e celebratin'!: George? Washington's birthday this weekend with a gigan tic three-day promotion. Officials' of the Merchants Division of the ' Chamber of Commerce are pictured above looking over the promotional material being used in the big town wide event. Chairman Dewey Nix, left. TreifcHinii'W. lirovvn, cen ter. iiml See ret.-ire Hill Norris, right seem pleased with plans for the ceJe hration. and they urge Transylvan ians to shop the participating stores for hundreds of outstanding values. (Times Staff Photo) Banquet Planned Community Center Campaign Is Now In Full Swing Here To Make Awards FFA Chapter Will Hold Annual Bainjucl On Friday The annual Father-and Son . banquet of the Brevard Chapter of Future Farmers of America will be held Friday night of this week in the cafeteria of Brevard : senior high school, beginning at 7:30 o’clock, Randal .7 .Lyday, the advisor, says an excellent program is planned in keping with the na tional observance of Future Farmers of America. Dr. A. I). Stuart, iff the ex tension division, State College, Raleigh, will attend the banquet and award the state corn grow ing championship trophies to | two Transylvanians. They are: Hugh N. Lambert, adult divis i ion Beecher Carl Allison, junior ! division. Chapter awards will bo mado by linger Wilson. Lewis Fradv will give a toast to the Home Kconomics girls, and the response will be by Sn sail Ashe. A talk on the National FFA week will be given by lionnie Huggins, and .Mr. I.yday will rec ogni/.e special guests. Others participating on the program will be Merle lJaldwin. David Cantrell. Frank Smith and the officer* will be in charge of the closing ceremony. This group recently won first place in the federation ritual and parliamentary procedure contest at Hendersonville, and Frank Smith placed second in public speaking. Mr. I.yday and the group will —Turn To Page Seven rrogram Highlight* WPNF Rendering Valuable Public Service To County Radio’s importance to the town and county was emphasized this week as the local radio station made numerous announcements concerning school closing in Transylvania, Henderson, and Buncombe counties. “Shortly after six o’clock on Tuesday morning, Superintend j ent Wayne Bradburn called our morning man, Leon Southerland, j informing him of the school sit uation,” station manager A1 Mar I tin said. “Immediately Leon began making the announcement for the benefit of local residents, in forming them that schools in the area would be closed because of the weather. “From Asheville, we received word that business schools were also closed, and that information was added to our announce ments.” During the afternoon, a num ber of persons called the statior —Turn to Page Sh The campaign for funds for the now Transylvania Com ■nullity Center is now in full swing and Campaign Director Rev. Ren Ormand urges all solicitors to complete their canvassing this week and next. Persons who have not been contacted may make contri butions to Ralph i. Duckworth, the Community Center treas urer, at the First Union Na tional Rank. Transylvania’s larger in ! dust l ies including Olin, Du Pont, and Mitchell - Bissell Company, have made a chal lenge gift of ^3,200.00 to the Center. The Center, the former Methodist church, on Gaston street, is currently being reno vated, and quarters for the Art League and church ser vices have already been set up.. Look Iiisid l»r. Julius Sader, president of the Center, said the officers and directors were most pleas ed this week with a beautiful —Turn to Page Fivi You’ll find much good itig inside of The Transylv Times this week. There are many excellent j tures too . . Here’s a guide portion of the paper: Page 7, section three - resentative Bill Leonard re on activities in the Legislati Page 6, same section name youth leaders at and Rosman Page 4, section three Morrison writes about his est sport thrill. On page complete coverage i to Tornadoes being -Turn to! *

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