TRANRYLVANTA— An industrial. Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, I960 Census, 16,372. Brevard Community 9,500, Brevard proper 4,857. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A' State And National Prize - Winning A. 11. C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— The T ar,3. Willi reservations at more than 230 as of Wednesday morning;, all indications point to the biggest annual banquet ever in the history of the llre vard Chamber of Commerce. The auspicious affair will be held this Friday night. March ! J''lh. in the Masonic temple on | (Oast. .Main street. It will begin promptly at 7:(Mt o'clock, and the ladies of tile Fastcrn Star promise a delici : mis meal. Volt (iilinore, wlm is ili rector of the l'. S. Travel i Service, Washington, I). C., I will he the principal speaker. A native North Carolinian, Mr. (iilinore was voted the CSA’s Man of the Year in the travel industry, lie enjoys a world wide reputation and j is described as an informative, dynamic a n d interesting ; speaker. lie will he introduced by John 1 Anderson, editor of The Transylvania Times, who will also serve as master of cere j monies on the program. • Wayne Bradburn, president of the Brevard Chamber of Com merce, will deliver the address of welcome and introduce spec ial guests. Special music on the program . —Turn to Page Two j Program Highlight! Gilmore Address Will Be Heard Two Times Over WPNF WPNF will record highlights of the annual Chamber of Com merce banquet this Friday night and broadcast a special program including the main ad dress by Voit Gilmore, director of the U. S.. Travel Service. Program Director Fred Reit er announces that the program wili be aired at two different times, making it passible for those persons who might other wise miss the special event to hear the important message from this nationally known speaker. Mr. Gilmore is a native of Southern Pines and has been recognized for the exceptional work of the travel service dur ing the past year. The recording of the address will be carried on Saturday at 1:10 p. m. and again on Mon day afternoon at 5:05 p. m. Station Manager A1 Martin an nounces that the local station also plans to carry the basket ball game between the winner of the Wilmington and National —Toro to Page five Local Chamber, Commissioners Acquire Site I'.rcuml mid Transylvania ■'(■I 11 new industry this week. Il is Ilic Hi (Mini Manufae I m in1. «• <>1111>;111> . ii division of i;111ii's of < aioiiiiii. of iiohcIit soui ill*'. 1 lie 'ilo is located in North llrei in (I .id ini ( ill In I lie South ci n I’nilv,,n tracks near tin* (■I.hi- i;.i|ilis( church. I Tic a 111 i 11 ■ > n ("ciucul of (lip m u imlusl ri (nines from llar i i Sampler, ( h.iii iiiiin of tin* r.oanl id Trustees ami lid Nolle. Hie local plant mami'4-,i: er el II ul Ii's of < arn! ilia, joint ly uilli Urn ni" I; i a • I Ii I ■ r 11. pres ide i H of (lie lirevard ( ham-*’ to r of ( oiiiinerce, and Mil I 0.111. ( liairinaii of (lie Indus I rial i oniinil lee of the yaril (iiic ori'aiiization. Cradim; of (lie site will he •in today. and plans and sped-. Mentions are lieinif completed. !( is hoped I lull ((instruction el lhe 10.00(1 s(|uarc foot build in;; (an he started in flic im mediate future. The Ure\aril operation of limit's of Carolina will he a sen iiic plant .and some 100. persons are expelled to lip employed initially. There are proposed ini ceases each year. ■ \ 19 The Ki el ai d site is large. cnouah for the company C .expand in 10,000 square l'eyi and the property was acquired from VV II.. Win. I*, and t diaries II. ISur"in and Em- ; melt Crccn. 11 \\;is purchased jointly by the Krevard Chamber of Com merce and the Transylvania r.oard of Commissioners. The proposed expansion of tlie llrevard plant is as fol lows: liv Iflli.j - mi to 12(1,000 square feel tty 1%X - up to 40.000 square feet f rom the incorporation date in 1951. It til ti Originals Cor poration has grown from a small eouecrn employing 30 people to a multi million dol lar business with over 1200 employees. Annual payroll lias grown from st'20.000 ill 1*151 to a fig ure excelling $.775,000 in 1962. ,J The Hendersonville plant has 50,000 square feet and houses the executive; offices, designing, cutting, sewing and shipping operations, and a re tail outlet store. Kufll Original fabric de signs come from the drawing; hoards in tile Hendersonville: plant and New York Show room. and are created into, the most current styles foil sizes 3 to II. Three Transylvania are bring represented Region IV 19(j3 convention ; the American Camping assoc ia tion in Leesburg, Florida, this week. Those attending include Mrs. Kathryn Curtis and Miss Treva Tilley, of Camp Illahee, Nath j Thompson, of Camp Carolina, and Miss Mary Gwynn, of Gay j Valley. ..." Keynote speaker will D. Colby, editor of the ing section of the Outd""» magazine and autho: Good Housekeeping Mgn Family Camping. The convention began