TRANSYLVANIA— An industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, 1960 Census, 16,372. Brevard Communi.y 8,5011, Brevard proper 4,857. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— The i.and of Waterfall?, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. Vol. 74 — No. 13 ★ SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BREVARD. N. C. BREVARD, N. C„ THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1963 PRICE 10". ★ 32 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEKL1 NO SERIOUS INJURIES resulted from the accident pictured above, v but damages amounting to thousands of dollars occurred when the 19G1 Falcon driven by Harold Holden, of route 2, Brevard, plowed into a pow er pole just outside the city limits of Brevard on the Rosman highway last Friday morning. Holden and his pas senger, Buster Barton, also of route 2, were admitted to the Transylvania Community hospital with cuts and bruises. The Holden car side-swiped a truck driven by John W. McCon nell, who was turning into hitf place of business. The accident resulted in power interruption to a part of lire* varcl and all of the upper end of Ihe county, including Rosinan and Lake Toxaway. The power was off for approximately one and a half hours, and only the fine work of Duke Pow - er employees prevented longer power j failure. The Transylvania Communi ty hospital was in one area withoul power, and it operated on auxiliary power until repairs were made. Pa trolman W. D. Sawyer investigated. (Times Staff Photo) Leonard Vs. Yates Squabble Developing In The Assembly Over County Court #■ * Rep. William Leonard told a House Judiciary committee the senators «'bo P’V'hcd the bill througn—son. It. E. Brantley of Polk and Sen. Oral T,. Yates of Haywood — previously had agreed not to rush the action. The Republican representa tive from Transylvania county insisted Tuesday that a house committee should hold a pub lic hearing before acting on a bill rushed through the Senate Monday night validating the county’s General Court. He also said thcv had agreed to discuss any local action be ing planned with him, but that he first learned their inten tions on the Transylvania bill when it was passed in the Sen j ate and sent to the House ** Monday night. (ft The Judiciary Committee took —Turn to Page Six CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, March 28 — Chem ical Engineers meet at Berry’s at 6:45 p.m. BPW meets at Co lonial Inn at 7:00 p.m. Masons meet at Temple at 8:00 p.m. Friday, March 29 — Jaycette Fashion Show at Brevard College auditorium at 8:00 p.m. Ace of Clubs meets at 8:00 p.m. Sunday, March 31 — Attend the church of your choice. Art ' exhibit, tea, in Faculty Lounge * at Brevard college, 3:00 p.m. Organ recital by Dr. Richard Peek at Brevard Methodist church at 4:00 p.m. Monday, April 1 — American Legion and Auxiliary birthday dinner at Legion building at 6:30 ,p.m. Rotary club meets at Gaith er’s at 7:00 p.m. Democratic Women meet at Gaither’s at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 2 — Ace of Clubs meets at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 3 — Toast masters club meets at Gaither’s at 6:30 p.m. WOW meets at Woodman Hall at 8:00 p.m. Brevard Lumber Company Holds Open House An “open house", honoring the formal opening of the new office and display building of Brevard Lumber company at 348 King street, wlii dc neld this Friday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. The new facilities are com pletely .modern in every detail. Many pictures of the new building, a history of Brevard lumber Company, and many congratulatory ads are carried in this issue of The Times. Valuable door prizes will be given away at the “open house” Friday. Some of these are: an alumnium combination storm Bulletin As The Times went to press at noon Wednesday, word was received from Raleigh that the House passed the bill which would validate the Tran sylvania General County court. The bill is now expected to be ratified later this week. Before giving favorable pas sage to the measure, the Ju dicial committee made a thor ough study and recommended its immediate passage. However, there was the sug gestion that the court should be set up again by the county commissioners. and screen door; a set of 4 white pine louvered doors; a corner china cabinet; two prizes of 5 —Turn To Page Four At Methodist Church Dr. Richard Peek To Give Organ Recital Here Sunday Dr. Richard M. Peck will pro- i sent an organ recital Sunday, March 3Lst, at 4:00 o’clock, at the Brevard Methodist church. This marks the third recital in this year’s Beulah McMinn Zachary organ series. A reception honoring Dr. Peek and members of the Zachary family will be held following the recital. Dr. Peek and his wife, Betty, are organists and directors of music at the Covenant Presby terian church in Charlotte, where they have developed an outstanding tfnusieal program for the church. A graduate of Michigan State University aind the Union Theo logical Seminary School of Sac red Music, Dr. Peek is in con stant demand as conductor, or ^-Turn to Pago Three aasjiswsrs zeaexie&iKm DR. RICHARD PERK College Drive Reaches 95% Of Its Goal It was announced late today that the Brevard College De velopment Fund campaign has new reached $57,000, this be ins 95r,< of the $00,000 cam paign goal. A formal announcement of the final results of the drive I has been promised for next j week’s Transylvania Times. In the meantime, all those who are still planning to make a pledge to this capital funds drive are urged to mail their pledge card to the college be fore next Wednesday. Schools Will Have Long Spring Vacation Here’s good news for Tran sylvania school students. They will get a long vaca- ! lion for ICastci and for the i spring. Schools will recess at 3:00 o’clock on Thursday, April 11th, and Hood Friday will be a holiday. The following week will also be a holiday, and classes will begin again on Monday, April 22nd, Supt. Wayne Bradbiirn announces. Chief Merrill Now Preparing State Manual Brevard’s fire chief. Pan Mer rill, is in Raleigh this week as sisting other outstanding fire chiefs in North Carolina in pre paring a manual for use by vol unteer fire departments across the slate. The group is working with the Eire Insurance Rating Bu reau, and the manual now being used by the volunteer depart incuts is designed for larger, paid organizations. Bill Edens, Brevard’s town manager, says the community should be proud of the local de partment and the excellent work that Chief Merrill is doing. ‘ Preparing this manual is reali public service," he declared. ' McGaha Heads VFW Post Gene McGaha is the new com- i mander of the Lewis Earl Jack- j son post of Veterans of Foreign Wars. He was elected at the regular March meeting, and the installa tion of new officers is tentative ly set for April 22nd. Commander McGaha succeeds Richard Tinsley. Other officers elected for the new years are as follows: M. N. Ashworth — Sr. vice commander •Cecil Wilson — Jr. vice com mander Vance Jackson — Quartermas ter R. M. Loft is — Chaplain R. S. Tinsley — 3 year trustee sDr. Carol Grahl — Surgeon Dr. Julius Sadcr — Surgeon Gene Ramsey — Judge advo cate Robert T. Gash — Judge advo cate Look Inside.. Editorials — page 2, section 3 Society — pages (1, 7, section 4 Sports — pages 4, 5, section 4 Leonard Reports — front, sec tion 3 Forest feature — page 6, sec tion 3 Many Streets In Brevard, Highways To Be Resurfaced During April A GRIM REMINDER that the fire season is here is pictured above. The home of James Collins, off Lake Sega Road, was destroyed by fire Monday afternoon from a blaze of undeter mined origin. The fire was one of several that have occurred recently, keeping the Brevard volunteer fire department busy. Damage was also done to the house next to the Collins residence, but the firemen quickly extinguished that blaze before turn ing their full attention to the Col lins house, which was burning out of control when they reached the scene. Firemen did manage to salvage a can containing some $50 in coins that Mr. Collins had been saving, but that was the only thing saved from the de structive blaze. (Times Staff Photo) Plea Is Made Fire Season Arrives, Many Alarms Answered In County The fire season lias arrived, and county and federal forest rangers urge all citizens to be extremely careful when in or near the woodlands. During the past week the Brevaru fire department was called out on three occasions, and the Bosnian firemen spent most of Monday battling a woodland blaze across from the Mitchell-Bissell company. More than 20 acres were burn ed over. Jack Mitchell, president of the Mitchell-Bissell company, was high in his praise of the fine work of the department, and with their new truck, the firemen were able to prevent the blaze from spreading to a residence and to a trailer. Wednesday was a class five fire day in the forest, and this classification is considered ex —Turn To Page Six The Weather 1 The weather in Transylvania was anything but spring-like dur ing the first few days of spring, but since then, warm sunshine and its accompanying March winds have made the season seem more like itself. High reading for the week came on Sunday afternoon when the mercury reached 72, and low reading came on Saturday morning when the temperature dipped to 20 degrees. Rainfall totaled less tlian six tenths of an inch for the seven day period. High Low Pree. Wednesday_ 62 40 .50 Thursday_ 50 32 0 Friday _ 50 27 0 Saturday _ 65 20 0 Sunday_ 72 25 0 Monday _ 68 30 0 Tuesday_ 64 49 .09 At Chapel Hill Society Editor Elected To Post, Press Women’s Group MISS DOROTHY WALLACE 1 Miss Dorothy Wallace, sodety editor of The Transylvania Times, was elected treasurer of the North Carolina Presswomen at their 10th annual spring Institute at Chapel Hill last weekend. Other officers elected were Dlonnie Pittman, Gastonia Ga zette, president; Eleanor Dare Kennedy, Greensboro Daily News, vice president; and Doro thy Ridings, Charlotte Observer, secretary. Workshops were conducted Saturday afternoon by Gene Rob erts, The News and Observer, Raleigh, feature writing; Gar land Atkins, the Gastonia Ga zette, news writing; and Ed —Turn To Page Eight WPNF Program Highlights Youth Choir Festival At Wake Forest Will Be Heard Locally WPNF will broadcast live the North Carolina Baptist Youth Choir Festival from the Chapel at Wake Forest College in Win ston-Salem, this Saturday after noon from 3:30 until 4:30 p.m. In making announcement of the broadcast, station manager A1 Martin expressed apprecia tion to other radio stations throughout the state who are listeners across North Carolina. ‘ We are grateful to the origi nating station in Winston-Salem and to our feed station, WMIT, Black Mountain - Mount Mitch ell,’’ Martin stated. Last year, the choir was com posed of over 2000 voiees from across the state of North Caro lina. The Youth Choir of the First Baptist Church of Brevard will participate in the event again this year. Program director Fred Reiter stated that present plans call for recording the program as it is being broadcast for possible re-broadcast. Other Programs The schedule for the Farm and Home hour is as follows: Thursday, Farm home admini stration, John Collins: Friday, Carolina news; Monday, county extension agent; Tuesday, Ex —Tun to Pui* Si* - I Asheville Paving Gets Contract | Of $154,200 Many streets and highways in and around Brevard are going to be resurfaced during the next 30 days, it was learn ed this morning. The work will begin on Mon day at the Davidson Kiver bridge, and the four-lane high way will be resurfaced into Brevard. The Asheville Paving com pany has the contract to do the work, and the bid was S154.200.00. Freddie Davidson, of Bre vard, will be the resident en gineer on the projects. Webb Pilillo, maintenance superintendent of highways in this district, informed Bill Edens, town manager, that crews from the State Highway department would be working with the paving company in repairing existing streets prior to the paving. He also stated that the four lancr would receive a 4-inch layer of asphalt. The street crews of the town will also cooperate with the resurfacing of the city streets. In addition to the four-lane project, another important phase of the project will the resurfacing of Broad street from Fisher road across town ' to the Country club road. Olhej streets to be resur faced are as follows: Main street from Oaklawn Avenue to Franklin street Probart street from Oaklawn street to West city limit King street from Caldwell street to Whitmire street Whitmire street from King street to S. R. 1352 Country Club drive from Broad street to end Park avenue from S. R. 1515 to end. Schoenburg Is Elected Exaited Ruler Of Ell Julian Schoenburg is ly elected exalted ruler vard Elks. He succeeds Don StoneDaca and the installation of new of cers will be held on Tuesdaj night, April 9th. Serving with Mr. Schoenbur are the following: Cleaves Johnson — esteeme leading knight Andy Brown— esteemed loy knight Lawrence Bauer — esteen lecturing knight Lehman Kapp — treasurer Kay Winchester — secretar A1 Ream, Herbert Selva in Don Stoneback — trustees. Appointed officers are: Jack Potts — presiding tice Bill Arden — chaplain Walter Newman— inner i Fred Stacks — tyler Charles DeMuth — esqu The next visit Red Cross Bloodmobile is uled on Thursday, It will set up in hall of the Bre\ church, and

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