TRANSYLVANTA An Industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center, Population, I960 Census, 16,372. Brevard Communi y 3.500, Brevard proper 4..057, THE TRANSYLVANIA TIME A Slate Xml /Motional Vrize- Winning'. Mewspapcr \ TRANSYLVANIA— Tlic Land of Waterfalls. Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to I’isgah National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. I Vol. 74 — No. 11 SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT . UIIEVAKD. N, C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1963 PRICE 10-: A 32 pages today * PUBLISHED Wl'.FKi.t THE MlTf HEI I mSSF;j.I COMPANY, lurat. ,1 • •lit* flnd 11111»■ ' :ith1.1■ liasman <vn US 11 i y! i way ti l, will oh: r-rvf “<ipen llmi v" oi» i'iiil.iv eve i.iiiig' of Hi! wept in Pflehratidii nt the plant’.' lival aiTiiivtTs.Try in Transylvania cuaiilv. Tlii' jmlilic is rmiiially 111\ iI<•«I In aMt iiil lid\v«• i*li I hr hours of V 0 a ini Hi: 1)0 u'i h n I,. ( A 11:1 in SI ml in I’liol n) I Fire Danger Rises All burning permits have j been cancelled in Brevard and Transylvania e o « n t y and tlnciiglujiit Western North Carolina. This action has been taken by state and federal fhresters, and fire burning permits will ! remain cancelled until after a i general rain. The woods and forests are powder dry, and the foresters urge everybody to be extreme* l.v careful when in or near tin1 woodlands. According to Clark Grissom, there have been several for . est fires in Transylvania dor * mg the past week. Last Thursday some 80 acres were burned over on East Fork, and a small fire was put out on Nancy Mountain (top of Blue Ridge) Satur day night. This fire covered about a quarter of an acre. Another lire that was set burned over about an acre on Sunday night on Quebec moun tain. Fortunately, fire fighting crews of the Pisgah National forest were in the Sunburst area Tuesday afternoon when a fire was reported to have been set in that area. They were able to quickly put out the blaze, which they —Turn to Page Flv< CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, April -1 — Kiwanis Club meets at Gaither’s at 6:45 p. an. Lions club meets at Co lonial Inn at 7:00 p. rn. Friday, April f> — Are of Clubs meets at 8:00 p. m. Sen ior play at. Brevard Senior High school at 0:u0 p. in. Students play at Brevard college audi torium at 8:00 p. m. • Saturday, April fi — Student plays at Brevard college audi torium at 8:00 p. m. Sunday, April 7 — Attend Ihe church of your choice. Civic Chorus coucert. at First Bap tist church at 8:00 p. m. Monday, April 8 — Rotary club meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 p. m. Tuesday, April 0 — Hospital auxiliary meets at l(b00 a. m. Ace of Clubs meets at 7:30 p. m. Directors of Chamber of Commerce meet in Library at 7:30 p. m. Elks meet at 8:00 Wednesday, April 10 — Jay cees meet at Gaither’s at 7:00 i>. at. First Anniversary Mitchell-Bhsell Company To Have “OpenHouse”On Friday Till1 puli] if i, cordially invitee to •Open House" Friday even in f from 7:110 until 10.00 o'clock at tile .Mitchell Bisscll company u celebration of the first anmvei sary of the plant iti Transylvania county. The invitation comet todav <rom John It. .Taek ‘ Mitchell the president. Tours of the plant will he eon ducted; refreshments will In served; and ihmr prizes will hr awarded. These fine prizes will include a United States Savings bond and a Channel Master portable radio, valued at $40.9.r». Prior lo tiie ' Open House . a supper for bonds holders of tin company will be held in the Ron man ‘this v.ili beyir. at 6:30 o'clock. During- the anniversary cole Illation at tlie plant, members of the ffosman Resettle squad will conduit the traffic, and (he au xiliary of the proil11 will serve —Turn To Page Five Replies to Leonard County Attorney Reveals \Hion Regarding Court flic follow id'* slatrmciit I concerning the recent | County Coni l controversy Was issued by John It. Hudson, Jr., j coll Illy attorney: I “I first learned about this situation the weekend of March IK, and I personally contacted Represent alive Leonard Monday morning, the inili, as In- was leaving for Raleigh I had him come to the court house lor a conference With Judge Robert Cash, So licitor Bruce Morton, Clerk Marvin McCall and myself. We explained to him that we wish ed him lo iiitrodiiee and pass, as (iniekly as possible, a bill eliminating any doubt as In the validity of the court, and ratifying all of its acts. Speed was because delay would seriously affect live presti-’e and slaiidhii; til' (lie court, and would unduly alarm those per sons who had obtained di vorces in the court and had since remarried. It was explained to him that this court had saved the Coun ty a considerable sum since its inception thrme,h elimina tion of terms of .Superior court, which have always been cestly to the county. On the other hand the County Court actually makes money, and in addition, it saves the citizens who ate unfortunate enoui;li In come before it, between Sla to $:i0 in costs of court. He was informed that it up — Turn to I'afie I'igh r. Large Track Of Property In Town Sold For Residential Development 64 Units Of Apartments Are Proposed A huge, wooded tract of land containing I!) acres lo cated in the heart of Brevard was sold this week for residen tial de\clo|>mcnt. This iiroperty lies behind Silverinonl, the Silvei'sleen es tate, on Lasi Main street, and is stirronnded by Itice and Maple streets and (Move cir It was purchased hy Baxter Taylor, prianinenl Asheville executive, from the Silver steen heirs. They are Mrs. Al lred II. Weiss, .Mrs. Thor A. Bjcrg, and Mrs. Bnhcrt N. lliil, III. They feel that the sale of (lie properly will answer the critical housing; shortage in Brevard. They Will retain Sil vcrinmtl with its surrounding gardens and grounds. Mr. Taylor proposes to build tit units of apartments on five acres of the property, 1 anil the remaining It acres will he sold for restricted home sites. In Hie apartment suh-divi sion there will he S Iwo-slory In iek buildings containing X apartments eaeli. There will lie entrances in to the properly oil' of Kast Main street amt Maple street. Tilt- Kast. Main entrance will parallel Wilson drive. Mr. Taylor said that righl —Turn to Page Seven Voting Places I For Referendum j Tuesday Listed The voting places for the Cal | Mr for Slaughter referendum i and the. llonny Penny Kgg rofer lei'dutii on Tuesday. Auril !)!h. aw- announced today hy Jim Ma vis. Transylvania’s extension chairman. The county committee in 1 charge of the voting is as fol —Turn to Page Elgh THE WOODED AREA surrounding the arrow in the aerial photograph above has been sold by the Silversteen heirs to Baxter Taylor, prominent Asheville executive, for a high-class residential de velopment The arrow itself points to Silvermont, the Silversteen homplace which along with the sur rounding grounds, were retained by the heirs. (Aerial photo by John Anderson in plane flown by Spencer Hammill) THE THREE MEN above were happy to announce this week the sale of some 19 acres of/property in the heart of Brevard that will be devel oped as a high-class residential area. At the left is Gil Conn, realtor, and in the center is Baxter Taylor, presi dent of Asheville Construction com pany and other firms in Asheville, who bought the property from the Silvcrsteen heirs. Attorney Cecil ,). Hill is at the right. (Times Staff Photo) Need Is Stressed School Board Tb Request Hie '■ Commissioners Call Election On State Level Leonard’s Bill Restricts Llection Board Politicking Transylvania Republican Rep. William Leonard Tuesday sub mitted legislation to prohibit members of tho State Board of : Elections from taking active roles in political campaigns. His bill, co-signed by a num ber of other Republicans, would place on the state board's mem bers the same restriction now imposed on members of county boards. They could not hold elective | oilic-c, be a candidate lor any i office or serve as a campaign | manager for any candidate. Rep. Leonard said the meas ure was not precipitated by any specific incident and that he knew of no instance where any members cf the state board had engaged in any of the activities his bill would prohibit. "But, 1 think they should, be on the same footing as the enun —Turn to Page Five At First Baptist Civic Chorus Will Present Palm Sunday Concert, 8 P.M. A Palm Sunday concert will I be presented by the Brevard Civic Chorus on Sunday, April 7th. at 8:00 o'clock in the First Baptist church. The concert will be parts two and three oi Handel’s Messiah, the passion and resurrection sections. Charles Jollifl' is the director of the chorus, and Ray Childers is the organist. Soloists will include Betty Ann Killian, Gloria Sanders, Ruth Hunter and Lloyd Burhans. The group elected officers at their last meeting for the new year, and they are as follows: Charles Martin, president: Dick Seiler, vice president: Miss Jeannie Brown, secretary; Mrs. Betty Brown, treasurer; and Mrs. Susan Melton, publicity chair man. Answers Sheriff’s Letter Board Chairman Explains The Policy Concerning Uniforms Mr. John I. Anderson Editor Transylvania Times Brevard, N. C. Dear Mr. Anderson; Much has been said about the County Commissioners not buying uniforms for the Sheriff’s department. Some people have tried to attach political over tones to this pol icy of the County. To set the record straight let’s set out the reason for this policy. For the fiscal year 1961-62 the salary for the Sher iff was $441.82 per month plus an automobile furnished by the county. The salary for a Dep uty was $250.00 plus $125.00 per month expenses plus uni forms furnished by the county. The total cost of uniforms for the sheriff’s department for the fiscal year 1961-62 td the county was $814.28. When we were making up the operating budget for the Sheriff’s department for the •—Turn to Page Sb The Transylvania County Board of Education at their regular meeting April 2nd ac cepted a proposal for a school tax supplement from the Citi zens Committee, and will peti tion the Transylvania County Board of Commissioners tor a special election as soon as possible on this school tax pro posal. These recommendations have] been carried to all P-TA groups I in the county, and they have also] hicn explained to various civic) organizations in the town and] county. For continued progress in the) school system, the proposals aiel absolutely necessary, Supt. Wayne Bradburn states. The proposed school tax would! be for $0.25 per S100. of valua-T i tion and would be used for the| j following purposes: i (1) Ten additional teachers. (a) Two teachers to relieve principals of full-time teaching duties in situa-j tions where a school hasf a minimum enrollmcn of 170 pupils. (b) Provide an addition teacher for Rosman! mentary school in ord to give the school a Fu time principal. . (c) Reduce English cla size to a maximum 120 pupils per class —Turn to Page «evo Firm Employe To Make Stud OfWaterSup The Town Board of Aid announced at its regular ly meeting Monday night. I the firm of Harwood-Beebe ter engineers of Sparta South Carolina, had been I ed to make a far reaching'sl cf the sources -of water for the town of Brevard. The study will begin ately and the report available within |he n oral months. V A public )

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