TRANSYLVANIA— An industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, 19elow. On Friday it fell to 12 degrees ami on Monday it shivered down to 30, Rainfall totaled .71 of an inch, and it came on Saturday and —Turn to h|e Seven Much road improvement work is underway in Brevard and Transylvania county. A. II. Hughes, of the district high way office in Sylva, told the press Wednesday morning. The four-lane highway lead ing into Brevard from Pisgah Forest1 is being resurfaced, along with several cl' Brevard streets, which connect with the highway system. Another important project which was let just recently was the paving of the road leading into the tracking sta tion in upper Transylvania This contract was awarded to William B. Dillard, of Sylva, and rapid progress is being made, Mr. Hughes reports. “Every effort to restore all roads damaged by the floods on March 5th and 12th is be —Turn To Page five FORMER MISS BREVARD, Shirley llammill. is'pictured above in authentic costume of the early 1900’s as she portrays Ado Annie in "Oklahoma!". With her is Bill Beaslev, newcomer to Brevard with DuPont Photo Products, who plavs the part of Will, the cowbov who loves Ado Annie but doesn't know how to handle the "1 Can't Say No" Kiri. “Oklay homa!” is being produced by Brevard Little The*- 1 atre, Civic orchestra and chorus and will be pre sented April 18th, 19th and 20th in the senior hiKh school auditorium at 8:15 p.m. Tremendous Production Civic Orchestra Readying “Oklahoma,” Next Week New Officers Of Moose Lodge Named New officers were elected at the regular meeting of Bre vard Lodge No. 1769, Ley#l j Order of Moose. John f{. Hudson, Jr., was named governor, and other of-1 ficers include Fleet G. Holden, junior governor; Marshall Tea gue, three - year trustee; John ny Menser. prelate; and Dennis Hamilton, treasurer. They will be installed at the April 16th meeting. Teen Center Opens Monday Open House and an inform al spring dance will be held Monday, April 15th, sponsored by the Teen Center. The Open House will be held from 7:30 to 9:00 o’clock in their new quarters at the Com munity Center, and the dance will be in the American Le —Turn to Page Three i By Jeanette Austin The Brevard Civie Orches tra, under the direction of Charles Jolliff, will make its first appearance since becom ing reactivated when "Okla homa!" is presented April 18th, 19th and 20th in the Bre vard Senior high school audi torium. When the house lights dim ! and the strains of the overture I fill the air. another phase of | the co-operative effort necessary ; to produce a musical of the mag nitude of "Oklahoma!" will he evidenced. This ever popular Hedgers and llammerstein musical is be ing produced by Brevard T.ittle Theatre in co-operation with the I’.nvard Civic Orchestra and Civic Chorus. .Maggie Masters is supervising director, with Mel Everingham as general chairman and Jane Johnson as co-ordinator. Originally organized in 19.r>8 by Ralph Reeu at Brevard Col- | lege, the orchestra gave a j number of concerts, its major undertaking being that of providing full orchestral ac companiment for Gilbert and Sullivan’s “The Mikado." The group disbanded in the spring —Turn To Page Five Program Highlights WPNF Will Be On The Air At 6:00 This Sunday Morning The annual Easter Sunrise Service from Pickelsimer Me morial Garden on the beautiful campus of Brevard college will be broadcast live beginning at 6:00 a.m. Sunday morning, A1 Martin, station manager, an nounces. In addition, the service will be recorded off the air and re broadcast at 2:00 p.m. Sunday for the benefit of those who will not be able to attend or hear the live broadcast. “We are most happy at the op portumty of presenting this serv ice to our listeners, and we are grateful to Citizen’s Telephone company for making the broad cast possible,” Mr. Martin stated. Other Programs The schedule for the Farm and Home hour for the coming week is as follows: Thursday, soil conservation service, Gro ver McPherson: Friday, N. C. Forest service. Clark Grissom; Monday, county extension chair man; Tuesday, station program; —Tam to Page Ftv* i Schools Close Thursday, Offices Monday Highlighting the Faster ob servance in Transylvania county will be the Good Fri day services at St. Philip's episcopal church. Churches throughout the town ami county are planning special services on Sunday, and a number of Faster sun rise services are slated. Public schools in Brevard ; and Transylvania county will close Thursday for the Faster holidays and they will reopen on Monday. April 22nd. Town and county offices jj will he closed on Faster Mon day. as will be the First Cuioii National Bank and the Bre vard Federal Savings and l.oan association. The union services on Good Friday will begin at 12:00 noon and last until 3:00 p. ill. j The services have been divid ed into 20 and 25-ininute seg ments. presided over by vari ous ministers in the county. Fach will speak on one of the seven last words of Christ from the cross. The public is urged to at tend the services, remaining for as many periods as they wish. The ministers who will par- ! tieipate and the time schedule j follows: f 12:00 - 12:20 p. m.—Rev. j Frederick Valentine, Jr., pas tor of st. Philip’s Fpiscopal church. 12:20 - 12:40 p. m. — Rev. Alfred Rhyne, pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Good j Shepherd. 12:40 - 1:05 p. m. — Rev. Samuel A. Raper, pastor of —Turn To Page Seven More Directors Are Added To Commerce Bodi The Brevard Chamber of Con merce increased the number o] directors serving the organs lion at a general membership meeting Tuesday night in thP library. For years, the board of dire tors has been comprised of elected members, but the chang in the by-laws adopted at Tue day night's meeting will increas the number of directors to lor every 1(H) members of thi Chamber of Commerce. Curre l.v, there are slightly more thaf 200 members in the local civil body. A motion to work with —Turn To Page Fo Look Inside. Bargains galore in the cla fied section — pages 2 and first section. Society also takes a doub spread on pages 6 and 7, section. VIP from Egypt visits sylvania, page 3, first sectio Jack Mitchell, president Mitchcll-Bissell company, ports on open house, page first section. Brevard and Music camp lured in Ford magazine. See j ture and story, front, se section. Much news from Brevard lege also carried in second tion. Thoughts at Eastertime ; ried on page 6. second Rep. Bill Leonard rep activities in the legislature, i of third section. Sports news is fond c 4 and 5, third section. And you’ll enjoy story on Vacation page 6, third j