TRANRYLV A NT A— An Industrial, Tourist, Eduen tional, Agricultural and Music Center, Population, 1fHJ0 Census, 16,372. Brevard Commonly 3,560, Brevard proper 4,857. Vol. 74 — No. 16 ★ THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— Tlic land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer (amps, Entrance to Pisgah National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BREVARD. N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1963 PRICE 10-: ★ 24 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEKLl “PEOPLE WILL SAY WE’RE IN LOVE” is one of the over-popular Rodgers and Hammerstein melodies sung by Betty Aim Sehranz, as “Lan vey”, and Bob Betts, as “Curley” the romantic leads in OKLAHOMA! which is being presented this week by tiie ilrevard Little theatre in co operation with the Mrevard Civic Orchestra and Hrevard Civic Chorus. A Smash Hit “Oklahoma/” To Be Presented Three Times Here This Week The smash Broadway musical, OKLAHOMA!, by Rodgers anil Ilammersloin will be presented by the Brevard Little Theatre, in cooperation with the Brevard Civic Orchestra and the Brevard Civic Chorus, Thursday, Friday and Saturday in the Brevard Sen ior High School auditorium at 8:15 p.m. Maggie Masters is supervising director, with Charles .Tollin' serving as musical director and i Kaylene Schoenberg as director of choreography. The east, in order of appear ance, is as follows: Aunl Eller—Pat Murphy Curly—Bob Betls l.aurev—Betty Ann Schranz Ike Skidmore—Charles Martin Slim—Jim Nichols Fred—Charlie Cook Will Parker—Bill Beasley Jud Fry—Bob Lancaster Ado Annie Carnes—Shirley —Turn to Page Three CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, April 18 — Clean Up Campaign begins in Brevard. League of Women Voters meet at Gaither’s at 10:00 a.m. Kiwan is club mecLs at Gaither’s at 6:45 p.m. Lions club meets at Colon ial Inn al 7:00 p.m. Brevard Little Theatre production of Ok lahoma! in high school auditori um at 8:15 p m. Friday, April 10 — Ace of Clubs meets al 0 00 p.m. Bre vard Little Theatre production of Oklahoma! in high school au ditorium at 8:15 p.m. Saturday, April 20 — World War I veterans meet at court house at 2:30 p.m. Brevard Lit tie Theatre production of Okla homa! in high school auditorium at 8:15 p.m. Sunday, April 21 — Attend the church of your choice. Monday, April 22 — Rotary club meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 p.m. Democratic Women meet at Gaither’s at 7:30 p.m. Music dub meets with Mrs. Nat Town send at 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 23 — Ace of Clubs meets at 7:30 p.m. Elks meet at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 24 — Jay cees meet at Gaither’s at 7:00 p.m. Second In Series Town Board Discusses Ways Of Financing Water Meters ‘The Board of Aldermen had several alternatives to fi nanee the installation of wa ter meters,” said Mayor B. W. Thomason, "and it ehose the least painful way.” At a special meeting of the board this past week, various methods of payment were dis cussed. In addition, (he build ing inspector was directed to begin a house-to-house inspec tion for down spouts connected to the sanitary sewage system. All citizens are advised that downspouts connected with the sanitary sewage system are prohibited by the town ordinances. Mayor Thomason stated that the cost of an installed water meter was approximately $50 dollars. With minor repairs the meter should last 25 to 30 years. One proposal was to double the water rate for the next year and install the meters on a “pay as you go basis." This proposal was tabled as making the cost of this utility prohibi tive. Another proposal was to double the lax rate for the fis cal year beginning July 1, 1003. This method was reject ed immediately for obvious reasons. The board returned to the. idea of financing the installa tion of the meters by bonds. Presently, there is passing through the city reservoirs — Turn to Page Three Local Medical Care Bill At $1381000 IIow miii-li ilo residents of Transylvania county spend a year for medical, dental and hospital care? What is their annual health bill, taking in to account the amount they spend for health insurance? According to recent / studies, made by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare and by the University of Michi gan, the cost is going up rapid ly in the local area and in most other sections of the country. Because of the higher prices, especially for hospital care, the millions of Americans who see doctors, buy drugs or go to the hospital each month are finding that their health dollar is buy ing only two-thirds as much as it did 10 years ago. In Transylvania county, on the basis of the latest figures, the out-of-pocket expenditures for medical care amount to approximately SS4 per person per year, or 5.7 percent of net income. Some 68 percent of this rep resents direct payments and the remainder the cost of health insurance. In line with the rising prices that have been noted national ly, the current expenditures lo cally compare with S63 per ca pita 10 years ago. These sums apply merely to private expenditures for health cure. They do not include gov ernment outlays or medical care provided through private ehari —Turn to Page Five Dog Clinics Continued This is the time of year when all owners of dogs must have them vaccinated against rabies. The program is already in prog ress. If your dog has not been vac cinated within the past three years, you are required to have it done, according to officials of the Transylvania county health —Turn To Page Seven Formulating Plans For The Restoration Of Bowling Alley Plans are being made to re store Brevard Lanes, the own ers announce this week. According to Dr. W. 0. Kearse, this fine recreational facility, which was gutted by fires recently, should be re opened around the first of August, barring unforeseen circumstances. He continued: “Because so many people have expressed an acute feel ing of loss due to this fire and the desire for the re-es tablishment of Brevard Lanes, we presently plan to do every thing possible to put this rec reational facility back into op eration at the earliest prac tical time." Frank “Footsie” Case is managing affairs of Brevard Proclamation Issued National Library Week To Be Observed, Exhibits Are Open National Library week will hr observed in Brevard and across America during the week of April 21st - 27th. Several outstanding events have been planned in connection with the observance, and Mayor B. W. Thomason Iras issued a proclamation, proclaiming the event here. Mayor Thomason urges all cit izens to unite in this national effort to achieve a better-read, better-informed America, as well as to stimulate interest in librar ies of all kinds — to the end! that all citizens vedlize the full potential of national purpose. Two interesting exhibits of early book art are on display at the Transylvania library in con junction with the local observ ance of National Library Week. The exhibits are on loan from the North Carolina museum of art in Raleigh. Vellum sheets from the hand written and hand illuminated Book of Hours manuscripts, printed pages with woodcuts from early Bible pages, and hand —Ton To Page Flvo Lanes while the business is closed because of the fire. He can be reached at tele phone 883-4262 or seen at his home at 107 Allison road in North Brevard, In an open letter to the peo ple of Transylvania, Dr. i —Turn to Pace seven I••hiiiiiiQ 1 The Weather Cool mornings and mild after noons have been the weather story in Brevard during the past week. Early morning lows have rang ed from 23 to 48 degrees, aver aging out to 36. Afternoon highs have varied only 7 degrees dur ing the week, from 62 to 69 de grees. Average afternoon high was 66 degrees. Only a trace of precipitation was recorded during the week, on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Readings for the week are as follows: Wednesday Thursday - Friday Saturday Sunday Monday ... Tuesday ... High Low . 69 41 . 69 38 . 69 48 . 65 32 . 62 42 . 62 29 68 23 Partly cloudy skies should con tinue through tomorrow (Fri day), and temperatures should average 5 to 10 degrees above normal through Monday. Nor mal highs and lows for this area are 68 and 45. Little rainfall is expected before Tuesday. Special School Bond Election Is Slated For Saturday, June 1; PLEASED WITH PROGRESS that is being made resurfacing the four lane highway into Brevard from Pis gah Forest are Webb Pittillo, left, maintenance supervisor in Transyl vania and Haywood counties, and T. M. Austell, right, district engi neer for Transylvania, Henderson. Haywood and Polk counties. Xhe work is being done by the Asheville Paving company, and many Itrevard streets arc included in the project. Freddie Davidson is the resident en gineer in charge. While the paying is being done on the four-laner, high way crews are busy repairing curbs and gutters and readying the streets for the asphalt surface. (Times Staff Photo) Community Effort “Clean-Up” Time Arrives In BrevardCooperation Urged This is Clean-Up, Paint-Up, Fix-Up week in Brevard. According to Mayor B. \V. Thomason, the primary objective is to “keep Brevard beautiful”. In a proclamation to the citi zens of the community, he urges 100 per cent participation in this effort. Working closely with the May or and the town board is the Chamber of Commerce. “With spring approaching and with the tourist season just around the corner, this is an ideal time to clean-up”, they state. Homeowners should also use the Spring Clean-Up' campaign in the community to rid their —Turn to Page Seven Look Inside.. Lewis Meece tells of bowling thrills on page 4, third section. Tom Mitchells in the news on sports pages. Rosman FFA boys at slate meeting, front, third section. It’s Clean-Up Week in Bre vard as several stories through out The Times relate. Rep. Leonard reports on activ ities in legislature, front, second section. Bridal, engagement pictures on society, page six, third sec tion. List of donors to Brevard Col lege campaign carried in first section. Also more than 100 local per sons assisting with production of Oklahoma! listed in story in sec tion one. See some of cast in fine photo, front, section two. Instructions Given Local Civil Defense To Evacuate Schools, 25111 With the still prevailing Cuban crisis, it is very important that the people of Transylvania Coun ty give their support and coop eration to a full scale school evacuation exercise on Thursday, April 25th. “It is essential that we have an evacuation test in order to determine the best steps to take in the event of a natural or man made disaster." says Transylvan ia County Civil Defense Director, F. L. “Buck" McCall, and Depu ty Director, I.. C. Hall of Itos man, who are working with school authorities. They have outlined the following as basic instructions: 1. When the official alarm is sounded, all motor vehi ties in the Brevard and Rosinan areas must slop in order to let the school children set started home. Parents who normally transport their children to and from school are asked to he at the school not less than forty (40) minutes before the alarm is sound ed so that traffic officers can place or park them in an orderly manner. :i. Local children will walk rapidly home — taking the route suggested by the par ents and never changing it thereafter. You must plan your child’s route for him —Turn to Page Seven Program Highlights Daily Reports From General Assembly Heard On WPNF Program Director Fred Reiter announces today that WPNF is featuring special reports on the 1963 General Assembly on the Farm and Home Hour, Monday through Friday afternoons at 12:15 p.m. Verne Strickland reports news of special interest to farmers in this area, on a program made available to the station by the North Carolina Farm Bureau Federation. Station manager A1 Martin re minds listeners that again this year, in cooperation with the New Asheville Speedway, the local station is awarding free passes to weekly races at the speedway. Passes are given throughout the day on Thursday and Friday, and to be a winner, a listener needs only to correctly answer a question about a record played following a Speedway announce ment. “This feature created much interest last year, and the sta tion is pleased to again be able I to offer free passes to racing fans in this area,” Martin con cluded. Other Programs The schedule for the Farm —Turn to Page Seven Action Is Taken By Two Boards At Called Meets Transylvanians will vote in a..special school bond election on Salurday. June 1st. 1 his decision was reached by the County Commissioners at a special called meeting Tuesday night. when the mem bers of. the Board of Education presort fed a petition to the commissioners requesting such ion. The education hoard ex plained that the Committee For Better Schools in Trail s'hania liad made recommen dations for school improve ments in the county, and these recommendations had been ap proved by. many civic, social and fraternal organizations as well as lire I’TA groups. Transylvanians will vote whether or mil to levy a spe cial lax of 25c on the S100 val uation of property to supple ment the current expense funds Iroin state and county allotments. The commissioners also ask ed the Board of Education to supply them with a list of per sons wild would serve as elec tion officials at no costs. At the meeting of the Board of Education other action tak en was the election of AY Briupmlp. tp term as snffcrinteudent « — Turn to Page Two Music Center Programs On Coast-To-Coast Six concerts, which were tran scribed at the Brevard Musi center, are currently bein broadcast over the Nationa Broadcasting Company Iron coast-to-coast each Wednesda night. The announcer is Ben Growei and the 55-minute programs be gin at 9:05 o'clock. The programs are being broac cast through the cooperation c NBC and the American Feden lion of .Musicians. James Christian Pfohl, th director of the Brevard Musi center, said the officials of NB and AFM describe the musi from the local center as the fit est from any of the summe camps in America. “We are most pleased with th latest national recognition, an we hone all our friends in Thai sylvania can hear the series t programs over NBC.” Election To Be Held At Bosnian, 7tl Rosman will hold a town eh tion on Tuesday, May 7th, the purpose of electing a Ma and a Board of Aldermen. The deadline for filing April 27th at noon, and regis tion will be continued on days, April 20th and 27th. Mrs. Spurgeon Queen is registrar. Mayor Austin Hogsed is ing re-clection, as well as members Verlin Wood and ! sey Paxton. Running on the same Carlos Pangle. There are only two of the board at the pr since the third men Queen, moved to Pisfah 1

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