TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Edur-a tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, IfWiO Census, 1»J,372. Brevard Communi.y 3,500, Brevard proper 4,857. Vol. 74 — No. 18 if THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper fAfDC0ATD bCrevardP0Sn!AcE BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1963 PRICE 10*" * 24 PAGES TODAY TRANSYLVANIA— The I,atnl of Waterfalls, Mecca, for Summer Camps. Entrance to i I'isgah .National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. ★ PUBLISHED WEEKL Transylvania's Larger Industries Photographed For North Carolina Movies REPRESENTATIVES from Governor Terry Sanford’s newly cre ated film hoard were in Transylvania making movies last Thursday. At the left they ran he soon at the Olin Mathieson Chemical cor 'poration at Pisgah Forest. Charles L. Russell, the community rela tions director for Olin is at’the left, and the cameraman is Roger Sandell. Ben Mast directs the photographing. At the right they are pictured high atop one of the new buildings under construction at the Brevard Du Pont plant. A1 Morrison, the plant manager, is be tween the two movie producers, (Times Staff Photo),, % -1 Delinquent . Tax List To Be Carried Delinquent laves will be ad vertised in next week's issue of The Transylvania Times, and tax sale certificates will be sold oil the first Monday in June, according to I,. K, Ilipp, tax collectbi'. Mr. Ilipp reports that col lections on 1902 taxes are run ning ahead of collections at this same period last year. lie also reports that there are nearly 100 less names to he advertised for delinquent taxes for the same period. » Trustees Of ^ College To Meet Friday The Brevard College Board of Trustees will attend a general meeting on Friday, May 3, at 11:00 A. M. in the faculty lounge; separate committee meetings are scheduled for 10:00 A. M. that morning. The executive committee will meet on Thursday, May 2, at 7:30 P. M. In connection with the meet ing, the Brevard College Cam ■£• pus Ladies will entertain the wives of the trustees in Anna bel Jones Hall today. CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, May 2 — Kiwanis _»lub meets at Gaither’s at 6:45 p. m. Lions meet at Colonial I-n af 7:*V> o. m. Masons meet -•:* Temple at 8:00 p. m. Friday, May 3 — Aee of Clubs meets at 8:00 p. m. Saturday, May 4 — May Day at Brevard college at 3:00 p. m. Public invited. Spring Dance at V Legion building at 9:00 p. m. Sunday, May 5 — Attend the church of your choice. Singing at court house at 2:30 p. in. Monday, May 6 — General County Court at 9:30 a. m. Ro tary' club -meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 p. m. Tuesday, May 7 — Ace of Cluhs meets at 7:30 p. m. East ern Star meets at Temple at 8:00 p. m. Wednesday, May 8 — Jaycees meet at Gaither’s at 7:00 p. to. NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK was commemorated in Transylvania County and across the nation last week, and those pictured above took a large part in the activities of the week. Left to right, Mrs. Alan Wal lace, exhibits chairman; Alan Wal lace, speaker at the meeting of Friends of the Library last Wednes day evening; Jack Driscoll, president of Friends of the Library; Admiral Ligon B. Ard, treasurer; and Mrs. James Nichols, vice president. Sec ond row, left to right. Mrs. J. D. Cur wen, librarian; Mrs. Lehman Kapp, librarian; Mrs. Robert Bolt, secre tary; Mrs. George Dysart, tea chair man; and Mrs. G. E. Smithson, chair man of National Library Week in Transylvania county. (Times Staff Photo) An Experiment Local Library Will Stay Open Each Monday Night Beginning on May 6th, the Transylvania County Library will be open each Monday night on an experimental basis. According to Mrs. Lehman Rapp, the librarian, this action is being taken in order to bet ter serve the business men and women of the community who find it difficult to use the li brary between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. "This is an experiment, and f the evening hours are used, he practice of keeping the li brary open one night a week vill be continued,” she stresses. Library hours are as follows: Monday 10 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Tuesday 10 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Wednesday — Closed Thursday 10 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday 10 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m . -5:00 p.m. Sunday — Closed Keith Announces Larry Turner To Head United Fund Drive For Transylvania Larry Turner, assistant man ager cl' Houston Furniture com pany, has been named General Fund Raising chairman of the United Fund, President Bill Keith announces. Mr. Turner, who is active in civic and community affairs, will name the chairman of the vari ous committees at an early date. He succeeds Chester Kilpa trick, who did an outstanding job of carrying Transylvania’s UF goal “over the top” last fall, Mr. Keith reports. “We are indeed fortunate to have another fine young man to head our drive,” the UF presi dent continued. ) Mr. Turner is a 3i!nd degree Mason, a Shriner, an Elk, a vol unteer fireman, a Jaycea and a —Turn to Page Five LARRY TURNER f5]niimniimuininmnmimmminii niiiiiiiiiif?] The Weather j 0 iniiiiniiin ilium mini i mi mi imiuniniH mm JTJ Last week the long range weather forecast stated that "lit tle or no rainfall is indicated through Monday.” As of 6:00 p.m. Monday, the local observer had recorded a total rainfall of 2.16 inches, to be followed by another 2.17 inches before 8:00 a.m. Tuesday. The rain began and continued almost constantly from 3:00 a.m. Sunday morning. High reading for the month of April was 89 degrees on the 22nd, with the low recorded, a 23 degrees on the 16th. Rainfall for the month totaled 5.04 inches occurring on the 6th, 7th, 28th, 29th. and 30th. Statistics for the past week are as follows: High Low Prcc Wednesday_ 66 37 0 Thursday_ 64 41 0 Friday—._ 68 33 0 Saturday _71 33 0 Sunday- 64 33 .83 Monday _■_ 57 51 1.33 Tuesday_ 67 50 2.17 First Citizens Bank Approved For Brevard The First Citizens Bank and Trust company has been ap proved by the State Banking commission to establish bank ing facilities in Brevard. This action was taken at the last regular meeting of the commission in Raleigh. Officials of First Citizens —Turn to Page Six Citizens Telephone Company Receives Loan Of $1,393 000 County Court Opens Monday The next Criminal term of General County court in Tran sylvania will be held on Mon day, May 6th. According to F. Marvin Mc Call, the clerk, the court will begin at 9:30 a.m. All defendants and witness es in eases pending must ap pear at that time or capias for their arrest will be issued, he states. Judge Robert T. Gash will preside over the court, and J. Bruce Morton is the prosecu tor. Mrs. Adams To Resume First Grade School ■r" 'V A private first grade will be taught by Mrs. Nelson Adams during the school year 1963-64 This school has been in op eration for the past several years but was discontinued dur ing the present year while the Adams family is in New York where Mr. Adams is in graduate school. The class is operated in the Adams homo and is offered pri marily for boys and girls who cannot attend the public schools because their 6th birthday comes after October 15th. Mrs Adams states that they should have attended kindergarten for one or more years and be suf ficiently mature for the acade mic atmosphere of a first grade program. Persons interested in enrol ling their children are asked to contact Mrs. Adams at 527 Riv erside Drive, New York 27, New York. During the past year Mrs. Adams lias been teaching in the Riverside Church Nursery. Kin dergarten weekday program and has been a graduate student in Teacher’s college of Columbia University. The Adams will return to Brevard in late summer. Work Reviewed Robert T. Kimzey Plans Retirement On July** liy The Editor After S8 years of devoted service, Robert T. Kiinzcy, principal of district No. 1 in Transylvania and also princi pal of Brevard Senior High school, is retiring. The retirement becomes effec tive July 1st, 19(>3. While he is retiring from the educational field, Mr. Kimze.v is looking forward to a busy life on his cattle farm along the French Broad Fiver across from the Greenville highway. His hobbies, gardening, golf ing, hunting, fishing and read ing and community activities are also expected to occupy much of his time as they have in the past. Since becoming principal of Brevard high school in 1935, Mr. Kimzey said he planned to retire at the age of f>0. On March IRth of this year, he reached this age. With good health and a sur plus of energy, Mr. Kimzey de cided that he would make his dream come true and devote his time to varied fields. “School work is still a pleas ure and an inspiration to me," he said as he signed his letter of resignation. Thousands of Transylvania boys and girls have hcen edit ROIJEKT T. KIM/EY rated under the leadership of Ih'hci t ’1'. Kinizev, and lie likes . to look at the honor roll of honor students hanging in his office and reminisce. lie has seen a steady growth: in the educational sydem in | Transylvania, and he lias been a great part of it. “Our schools will compare favorably with any in I lie state, even those that arc subsidiz ed," he declared. And he has a good word for —Turn to Page Pour Program Highlights Will Air Recommendations Of Brevard's Planning Board Station manager A1 Martin an nounces that the local station will broadcast again this week the program bv Gil Coan before the Brevard Rclary Club. Because of last minute pro gram changes, the program had to be shifted to Friday of last week, and a number of persons missed it. It will be broadcast again this Thursday night beginning at 7:05 p.m. The talk by the chairman of the Brevard Planning Board con cerns the work of the board and plans for Brevard's future. Program director Fred Reiter announces that the station will carry the first program in a series of four entitled “Project 153," a part of the 1903 Sesqiti Ccntennial Celebration, Synod of North Carolina, Presbyterian Church, U. S. The first program will be heard on Monday eve ning, May 6th, at 7:30 p.m. It is called “Freedom Sings a Mountain Song,” and tells part of the story of King’s Mountain heroes. The remaining programs in the scries will be broadcast on the following three Monday nights. Other Programs The schedule for the Farm —Turn To Page Flw REA Grant To Be Used Over 5-Yedr Period Brevard's Citizens Tela phone company has received 1 RICA loan of 81,393,000.01 Congressman ltoy A Tayln announced late Tuesday. According to Charles Picl elsimer. General Manager, th loan will provide service fo 2,473 subscribers and for til construction of 314 miles o new lines. The central office buildin! at Rusinan will be expands and service to existing sul scribers will be improved. , This new1 expansion prt gram will he carried out ot cr a period of five years. . In commenting on the ej pansion program, Mr. Picke simer pointed out the rapi growth of the company. In February, 19(52, when th company converted to a ne' system and moved into ne' quarters, there were 700 vi cant lines, enough to provid adequate service within Bit yard for the next five year! it was estimated. Today. Mr. lMekelsima! stall'd, there arc less 100 vacant lines, and 1300 lines have been ordered. The newly approved loaj brings total expenditures fa expansion since 1957 to sons 3'a million. - Within the five - year iod. all telephones will be and two - party lines, some five - party lines in county. All four - party will be eliminated, Mr. rlsinier said. Spring Dance Saturday At Legion Buildi There will be a Spring Saturday night at the legion building, and is cordially invited to Music will be fu C. “Dump" His Rhythm Makers, ing will begin at 9:00 Admission will be couple.