TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Copulation, ifitiP Census, 16,372. Brevard Contmuni.y II,500, Brevard proper 4,357. Vol. 74 — No. 19 THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— fio i •• -t -'.rrfe.11.* Mecca for .Summer Camps, Entrance to I’jsgnh National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard .Music Festival. SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BIIEVAR D. N. C. BREVARD, N. C„ THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1963 PRICE 10*: ★ 24 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEKLY BREVARD CUB SCOUTS, Don 4, Pack 703, have adopted the animal shelter as their welfare project of the year. They also carried out the theme of “lie Kind To Animals” week by donating 5 feed ing' bow Is to the animal shelter recently. The bowls Were imrohasod by the Cubs from their reptilar den dues. Members of Den 4 pictured above at the animal shelter, front row, left to right, are: Mark McGuire, Gary Kitchen. Joey Allen, Steve McGib boney and Ricky Nelson. Back row, left to right, Mitchell King, Gary Schoenberg, Ricky Cook, and Artie Smart. (Times Staff Photo) \ * BLT's Awards Banquet Set For May 17 Thf‘ annual Brevard Tittle Theativ Awards Banquet will he held Friday, May 17ih, iji the American Legion Building, ac cording to Mrs, Betty Evering ham, social chairman. The entire- BI.T membership and any other persons interest ed in Little Theatre are cordial ly invited to attend. The main ovenl of the eve fling will be the awarding of sixteen handsome plaques for outstanding performances and service during the 62 63 sea son. This year tin- plaques are being given by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vogler in honor of Mrs. Vogler’s sister, the late Beulah Zachary, who organized and di rected the original Brevard Lit tle Theatre and who later be came the producer of the "Kuk *1 la, Fran and Ollie” TV show. The awards will he presented by Itobroy Farquhar, BLT di rector and managing director of ' the N. C. State Theatre at Flat Bock. Other features of the evening will be the showing of slides and movies of the three produc tions of the season — “Charley's Aunt”, “You Can't Take It With You” and “Oklahoma!”— and a short talk by president Mel Ev cringham reviewing both the humorous and the more serious highlights of the year. The menu will include tur —Turn to Page Three 1 CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, May 9 — Masons meet at Temple at 8:00 p.m. Friday, May 10 — Confederate Memorial Day. County offices in court house closed. Recital at Brevard college auditorium at 8:00 p.m. Saturday, May 11 — Registra tion for school election 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. in all precincts. Re cital at Brevard college auditor ium at 4:00 p.m. F.lks Dinner dance at 7:00 p.m. Sunday, May 12 — Attend the church of your choice. Organ recital by Elizabeth Whisenant at Brevard Methodist church at : 4:00 p.m. Monday, May 13 — County court convenes at 9:30 a.m. Ro tary club meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 p.m. Transylvania Shrine club meets at Berry’s at 7:00 p.m. Brevard elementary school P-TA meets at 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 14 — Hospital auxiliary meets at 10:00 a.m. Ace of Clubs meets at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 15 — Toast masters club meets at Gaither’s at 6:30 p.m. WOW meets in Woodman Hall at 8:00 p.m. At Annual Meeting Trustees Of Brevard College Approve More Expansion Plans Olio of (ho mini successful annual lin'l'lilifs uf (ho Board Ilf Trustees of lii'OVui if < 'allege was hold here last t'rlibv. ‘‘f'oiitiiiuod ovpan sion" might he considered the theme of the important meeting. During, their Uil^iiioss meet ing, the trustees approved the largest faculty raise lit the his. tory of the college. In addition, they gave the Buildings and <irounds Com mittee approval to proceed with the following improve inents as soon as the $125,000 matching funds are available: (1) planning and receiving bids on four new faculty hous ing units (2) constructing a new ad ministration building (3) renovating and convert ing the present Campus Cen ter Building for the use of the Music Department (4) increasing the capacity of the cafeteria by 50 per cent. Plans were also made to match the $100,000 challenge grant with an additional $125, 000 with which to pay for the outlined capital improvements. Included in the new plan ning was the expenditure of $25,000 on new streets for the campus. Reverend Robert G. Tuttle announced that the Methodist churches of Asheville have a gift of $250.00 which will be used to help secure a nation ally-recognized leader to hold a spiritual life retreat for llro —Turn to Page Three . Replies To Leonard Bovd Kvplains Aelion On Bill In Oeneral Assembly Fortune Cove Rrovnrd. N. C. May (i. l!K;:» Mr. John I. Anderson, llditor Transy 1 vania Tinu-s Rrevard, North Carolina Dear John: In 1961 the citizens of Tran sylvania county approved a Flood Control program for their county by a vote of 2,442 lor I. and 458 against. Since that time, much work has been ac complished from an engineering standpoint towards the comple tion of this project. For the past year it has been apparent that, in order lor this program to move forward, it would be necessary to condemn certain lands and in order to do so, it would be necessary that the Flood Control committee be granted the power of eminent domain. Rowan county was faced with the same problem and a bill was introduced by their Representa tive Clyde Harris .granting the power of eminent domain to the Flood Control committee with certain safeguards contained in the bill. This bill was drawn af ter careful study to attain the same purposes that will be neces sary in Transylvania county. Some months ago at a meeting of the County Commissioners. I asked Mr. Leonard, in the pres ence of several people, if he First On Friday College Is Planning Several Musical Events During May A number of musical events have been planned by the Bre vard College Department of Music during the month of May. Miss Elizabeth Whisenant will be presented in an organ recital at the Brevard Methodist church Sunday, May 12th, at 4:00 o’clock. A graduate of Brevard College and Greensboro College, with a B.M. in church music, she is presently organist of St. John's Baptist church, Charlotte. She is a member of the Charlotte Amer ican Guild of Organists and of the Oratorio Singers of Char lotte. In addition to her church duties, she is a private instruc tor of piano and organ. Her program Sunday will in clude selections by Buxtehude, —Turn to Page Three ELIZABETH WHISENANT would introduce a bill granting to the Hood Control ComrniUee the rigid to eminent domain, and did riot receive either a "yes" or "no” answer. About six weeks ago I was in Raleigh with Jack Hudson, and standing on the sidewalk of the Sir Walter Hotel I again asked .Mr. Leonard if he intended to draw and introduce a bill grant ing to the Flood Control com mittee the right of eminent domain. He again declined to answer. So, on at least two oc casions I personally have asked Mr. Leonard to introduce this legislation and I know that oth ers- have also consulted him about this important matter. Since the cut - off dale on local legislation is rapidly ap proaching, and due to Mr. Leon ard’s refusal to agree to intro duce legislation in order to obey the mandate of the people of this county, I felt it necessary to see what, if anything, I could accomplish towards securing this legislation. Therefore, Jack Potts and I went to Raleigh and —Turn To Page Three School Election Slated For Tuesday,) June 4, Precinct Officials Listed j County Court To Convene Next Monday Tile next term of Transyl vania’s General County court is set for next Monday, May 13tli, beginning at 9:3tl o'clock. All defendants, witnesses and others involved in the court are instructed to he in the court room at that time. The following verdicts were handed down on Monday and Tuesday of this week: Chester M. Reeves, drunk driving and no operator’s li cense, S125.00 and costs. Ray McCall, Arthur Press ley, and Harley Pressley, tres passing, costs. Russell Mack McCall, sev eral charges of traffic viola tions, S50.00 and costs. Mary Griffin, carrying con cealed weapon and assault with deadly weapon, S50.00 and costs. Jack Moore, operating motor boat with insufficient life pre servers, S10.00. Mike Moody, assault, costs. p t. ( e r Frederick Leone, —Turn To Page Seven Tax Collections Reported Good At the regular monthly meeting of the coun ty commissioners last Monday night. Tax Collector L. II. Hipp reported that tax collec tions were running high. The total charge for county taxes, including the corpora tion excess tax for 1962, was 8529,667.48, according to Mr. Hipp. Tax collections, as of May 6, 1963, amount to $483,810.29, or 91.34 per cent of the amount charged. Tax collections for the Town Of Brevard, as of May 6, 1963, amount to 877,520.81, or 86.10 per cent of the amount charged. Mr. Hipp also announces that the delinquent tax list is being carried in this week’s Transylvania Times. It is published on pages 5 and 6 second section. Monday Night Town Board Acts On Many Items, Amendments Adopted (aJmiiiiiiiiiiHiitiiiiiiiimiiiii.. [T] ! The Weather \ i~») iiiiiiiinmiiinmnimimiimiiiiiiniimiiiiiintifST With average daily high read ings of 74 degrees and early morning lows balancing out at 39 degrees, Brevard had another dry week with only a trace of precipitation recorded on Thurs day. High reading for the week was a sunny 82 on Monday of this week, and low mark came on last Thursday morning when the mercury dipped to 25 degrees. Readings for the week are as follows: High Low Wednesday_ 57 32 Thursday _ 70 25 Friday_. 69 58 Saturday__ 77 32 Sunday ..a_81 38 Monday_'_ 82 46 Tuesday .. 78 43 The extended forecast for this area is temperatures averaging several degrees above normal (74 and 511 and generally fair weather, hut chance of scattered thundershowers and somewhat cooler weather about Saturday. The Town Board of Aider men held a busy and lengthy session Monday night, with Mayor B. W. Thomason pre siding. A proposal for improving the Brevard golf course and country club was made by E. E. Fraser to the board. Action was tabled, pending further investigation and a joint meeting with the Brevard Recreation commis sion. The aldermen adopted an amendment to the zoning or dinance that placed all of the property of Spencer Hammill on Broad and French Broad on commercial basis. Previously, part of it had been zoned resi dential and the other commer cial. The aldermen discussed at length the water and sewer age main extension policy that was presented to the 1 oard by town manager, Bill Edens, ear lier this year. It will be given —Turn to Page Seven CITADEL CADET JOSEPH HUGH BRAD BURN, left, son of Mr. ;m<l Mrs. .1. II. ItradInirn. route 2, Brevard, is shown with (ten. Mark \V. Clark, president <d' The Citadel, admiring Brad burn’s cert i fie ate of selection for the 1 9(2', edition of Who’s Who 'among Students in American Uni versities and Colleges. In’living awarded this honor the cadet has achieved a coveted distinction among seniors in universities and colleges across the na tion. Cadet Bradbiirn received his certificate in a ceremony at The Citadel •earlier this week. Bolt Presided Many Boy Scouts Advance At Recent Court Of Honor Austin Hogsed Re-Elected As Rosman s Mayor Rosmari’s mayor, Austin Hou sed, was re-elected for his third term in the town election on Tuesday. He tlefeatcd Kverel! McCall in a close vote of lit) to 103. An entire new board of aider men was elected on Tuesday, and victorious were: Allen Sisk - 128 votes Boyce White - 112 votes Carlos Fannie - 111 votes. The incumbents who were de feated were: Verlin Wood - 110 votes; and Dorsey Paxton - !>!) votes. Another candidate, A. M. White, Sr., polled 88 votes. Some 29 Bov Scouts wore re cently recognized for their .ad vancements and achievements at the ■quarterly court of honor lor the Transylvania District, I’.oy Scouts of America. Highlighting the Court of Hon or was tile advancement of Boh in Daniels of Troop 703 to the rank of I.ife Scout. The Life rank is the second highest in scouting; Scouts advancing to the Ten derfoot rank were Hilly dreed love, Itandy llouck. Eddie (lash. Muddy Ingram, Al I’erkins, Tom my daddy, linger Sherin, Tom my Norton, Sammy Norwood Dickie Strieker, Charles Wyatt, Tommy Dcchant, Logan Gilstrap, and Steve Spicer. Hlair Joluwon achieved the rank of Second Class Scout, and Larry Chapman and Bob Brown —Turn to Page Seven Program Highlights NBC Series From Music Camp Proving Popular Over WPNF Station Manager At Martin rp minds listeners that the loca' station will continue to earr\ the series of programs recorded last summer at the Brevard Music Center and currently be ing broadcast over the NBC radio network. The programs are being broad cast each Wednesday evening at 9:05 p. m. and on Sunday af ternoons at 2:05 p. m. The programs will feature many of the varied musical groups at the center last sum nor in a wide range of selec tions. “We are pleased at this op portunity to bring the music of he Brevard Music Center to the people of this area in this man ner,” Mr. Martin stated. “Also, we are grateful to NBC for making the series avail able to us at line cost only,” he concluded. Other Programs The schedule for the Farm and Home hour for the coming week — Turn to Page Three Registration Will Begin On Saturday i Trans' Ivahiaris " ill vote in a pedal school election nil Tuesday'. June 4th. -■ Tilt' purpose of the election is To uile upon a proposal for. a special ad valorem tax to tie . le; it'd on all real and personal '' proper!). These taxes are lo be use<| In suppleincn: The current etj peuxe funds front state an! i uinty allotments hy employ! it re additional leathers, spel ei:i) -1 a i f .members, and supl porting personnel as needed. Tile books that were used ini the \nvemher 19(i2 edngres-j si oil al will he used ill. I his special election. lte.e'iM.ralion of new voters, "ill he field on Saturday. May 11:11 and the following two Sal iii:da> s. Saturday. June 1st, will lie challenge (lay. The max i mum. annual, ad valorem tax that may be as sessed. levied anil collected upon a favorable vote on the proposal is 25 cents on each out' hundred dollars of proper ly evaluation. I’reeinct officials are as fol lows: Brevard No. 1 - Mary M.' ('<>11 It y Brevard No. 2 ■ I.eo ?.ynell, Brevard No. 3 - Roy Blirrell Brevard No. I • Oleta P. Short Cathey’s Creek - Allie W. Waldrop Cedar Mountain • Ellen Dunn's Rock - Betty II. Com|) —Turn to Page Thxetl Legion Elects New Officers Tin* Monroe Wilson post of till American Legion elected new ofl fleers at their regular monthlf meeting Monday night. These officers will be installe at their next meeting. Monda •tune 3rd. They are as follows: Commander - David Sams 1st Vice Commander - Jit Wagoner 2nd V i e e Commander - Bi| ltauglm 3rd Vice Commander - Heij Woodward Adjutant - Jim Wulpi Sgt. at Anns • Martin Turbyi and Arthur Cillespie Finance Officer - Jim Wii Service Officers - Owen and Burley Head Craves Registration Officer! Jesse Ashe Publicity Officers - John derson and Charlie Russell Chaplain - Vance Jackson Historian - Vernon Wray Athletic Officer - Ernest strap. Elgon B. Ard is the retir commander. ~r Real Estate Transactions At High Mark Real estate transacts Transylvania during the of April were at the ure of $362,727.00, the register of deeds, today. There were some I actions, and they are in this week’s Times i 8, third section.

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