TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural ami Music (tenter. Population, 1060 Census, 16,372. Brevard Community 8,500, Brevard proper 4,057. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize-Winning A.B.C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to P>gah .National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. Vol. 74 — No. 20 SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BREVARD. N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1963 PRICE 10*: ★ 24 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEKLY 453 Petitioners Ask For Election On ABC Store In Brevard After receiving petitions with 4!>3 signatures of residents of Brevard, the Town Board of Aldermen adopted a res olution at a special call meeting this week requesting the Representative and Senators for Transylvania to introduce a bill in (he legislature calling for an election for the establishment of an ABC store here. The bill would exclude the sale of beer and wine in any form. Since the petitions contained ap proximately 25 per cent of the number for registered voters in the town, the board felt that it had no other alterna tive than to call for the election. A large delegation appeared before the board at the called meeting. The election will not be held earlier than July 9th, 1963. The bill proposed the profits from the store be distributed as follows: Not less than 5 per cent or more than 10 for law enforcement, as provided by law Not more than 5 per cent for educa tion as to the effects of the use of alco holic beverages and for the rehabilita tion of alcoholics The balance: 75 per cent to the General Fund of the Town of Brevard 25 >per cent to the County of Tran sylvania. In the absence of Mayor B. W« Thomason, Mark Osborne served as mayor pro tern at the meeting, and otlior aldermen attending were l)<>n Blanlcin ship, Buddy Melton, Anthony Trantham and Dr. John Tmesdail. Others attending in an official ca pacity were Cecil F. Hill, town attorney; Bill Edens, town manager; and Mrs.. Opal Armentrout, clerk. IMPERIAL MOTOR LODGE is now under con struction mi (lie tour-lane highway loading into Brevard at the city limits. At the loft is W. II. In gram, the owner, and going over the plans with him is I. M. Bag well, contractor, right. There are 24 rooms in the motel, a two-bedroom living quar ters and an office. Mr. Ingram hopes to open the modern mold in September. More details can be found in story elsewhere in this week’s Times. __(Times Staff Photo) Silver Tea Set Friday * «4 The annual Silver Tea sponsor ed by the Hospital Auxiliary will be held Friday, May 17th, from 2:00 to 4r00 o’clock in the Nurse’s Hilling room at the Tran sylvania Community Hospital. This event is held each year during National Hospital week, and proceeds will be used for the purchase of urgently needed equipment. Tours of'the hospital will be given by members of the hos pital sthff. Women of the Sacred Heart Catholic church and St. Philip's Episcopal church are furnishing cookies for the tea, and Mrs. Enno Camenzind is in charge of door prizes. Mrs. Marius Wells is president of tne aujfiliary. CALENDAR OF * COMING EVENTS Thursday, May 16 — League of Women Voters meets at Gaith er’s at 10:00 a. m. Open House at Armory 5:00 to 7:00 p. m. Lions meet at Campbell’s Esso at 5-00 d. m. Kiwanis club meets at Gaither’s at 6:45 p.- m. Friday, May 17 — Silver Tea and open house at hospital 2:00 to 4:00 p. m. Annual BLT Awards dinner at Legion Build ing at 6:30 p. m. Ace of Clubs meets at 8:00 p. «n. ^ Sunday, May 19 — Attend the church of your choice. Recital at Brevard Methodist church at 4:00 p. m. Monday, May 20 — Rotary club meets at Gaither’s at 7’00 p. in. Brevard Senior High P-TA meets at 8:00 p. m. Tuesday, May 21 — Ace of Clubs meets at 7:30 p. m. East ern Star meets at Temple at 8 00 p. m. Wednesday, May 22 — Jay cees meet at Gaither’s at 7:00 p. m. Special Week Observed Hospitals Described As Career, Center", Many Ate Employed Here Hospitals employ more than a million anil a half workers in some 200 different job classifica tions, John Bailey, administrator of the Transylvania Community Hospital, said today on the ob servance of National Hospital Week, May 12-18. The Transylvania Community Hospital itself has 38 employees in 18 job classifications, ranging from accountant to x-ray tech nician. Theme of National Hospital Week, held annually during the week of Florence Nightingale’s birthday, May 12th, under the sponsorship of the American f/ospital Association, is “Today’s Hospital — Career Center for America’s Youth.” The hospital truly is a career center. It might be likened to a small city, Mr. Bailey said. The hospital requires every level of skill, profession, trade and tal ent needed in a city, but it also requires the specialized skills of the nurse, therapist, and phy sician. For every hospital patient, —Turn To Page Flv* Replies to Boyd Representative Explains Reasons On Local Bill May 11, 1963 Mr. John I. Anderson, Editor The Transylvania Times Brevard, N. C. > Dear Mr. Anderson: The weather in Raleigh is be ginning to beat down on us. It’s been around 90 for several days now. And, judging by the let ter to the editor from Mr. Bob Boyd last week, it might appear that we are trying to make it hot around here, too. I can as sure you, though, that I prefer to have the cool cool cool of the mountains. I’m not sure that I need to answer Mr. Boyd’s letter, but I think our people expect me to say something about it. So, let me first say cn what grounds I agree with the many state I Graduates At UNC Jerry Whitmire Awarded Fellowship At Alabama Jerry Morris Whitmire has been awarded a three - year Na tional Defense Graduate Fellow ship for study in romance lang uages at the University of Ala bama, to begin in the fall of 1963. Mr. Whitmire will graduate from the University of North Carolina in July. He attended Rosman high school and graduated in 1957 from the Martha Berry School for Boys, Rome, Georgia. Prior to entering the University, he attended Brevard college. The award provides a stipend of $2,000 for the first academic year of study, $2,200 for the second, and $2,400 for the third, plus an additional $400 yearly for each dependent. Mr. Whitmire will major in Spanish and minor in French. JERRY W1HTMIRE ments Mr. Boyd made. His first and last statement regarding the five to one vote for our Flood Control Program is undoubtedly true. We cer tainly showed by our votes a de sire for this program. I am glad, however, that he did not try to —Turn to Page Six Open House" Will Feature First Anniversary Of Armory Thursday Public Invited To Event From From 5 To 7 pm In celebration ol the first anniversary of the opening of flic Wilier Memorial armory on French Broad street, "Open House” will he held Thursday, May 16th, from 5:01) p. m., un til 7:00 p. m. The public is most cordially invited to this event at the local U. S. Army Reserve training center. There will be displays of unit equipment. "Come out and help us ob serve your Armed Forces Day,” says SFC Kenneth F. Gray, assistant advisor. The modern armory was dedicated last May in a cere mony commemorating the pa triotic services of Joseph’ '7(1 '■ffeti Miller, Jr., and his broth —Turn To Page Seven Du Pont Grants Wage Increase A wage increase averaging 6 cents per hour was announc ed effective May 13th, 1963, ac cording to the Brevard plant management, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. In commenting upon this in crease, Don Biankinship, em ployee relations supervisor said: “Despite the fact that the Brevard Plant is in the middle of a construction program and, therefore, is far short of being fully productive, it is never theless consistent with our lo —Turn To Page Four Best Season Predicted Selle And Hunter To Head AnnuaLMusic Center Drive Plans are being formulated to conduct the annual membership campaign for the Brevard Music center, James Christian Pfohl, the director, announces today. faJtiMMiiMiiiiiimiiMiiiiiMiiiiimiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiii.Q i The Weather 3iiuiiiiiiiiitiiiniiiiiiniHtinuiuiiimtitiuinnin|»| Precipitation for the week to taled .17 of an inch occurring late Monday afternoon and eve ning. Daily high and low tem perature readings averaged 81 plus and 52, respectively. High reading for the week wis an 88 recorded Saturday, with low mark coming on Thursday and Friday mornings when the temperature dropped to 47. Readings for the week arc as follows: High Low Prec. 54 47 47 58 56 52 51 0 0 0 0 0 Trace .17 Wednesday 80 Thursday _84 Friday_85 Saturday_88 Sunday _82 Monday_71 Tuesday_81 Above normal are forecast, with ings today. Normal high and low are 75 and 52. A total of a quarter-inch of precipitation is expected in the form of showers or thundershowers on Friday and Sunday or Monday. temperatures cooler read Wolfgang Sclle is the now chairman, and Mrs. Ruth Hunter will serve as co-chairman. According to Mr. Pfohl, more fine artists are coming to the Music center this summer than during any two seasons in the past. “We are looking forward to •our best year,” lie states. Memberships are as Jollows: Single — $25.00 Sponsor — $50.00 (2 tickets) Patron — $100 (2 tickets) Donor — Over $100. More details on the 1003 sea son will be announced next week. Radio Network Group To Meet In Brevard Some 60 members of the Southeastern Regional Commu nications Network of the Mili tary Affiliates Radio System (MARS) of the United States Air Force will meet here this weekend. The visitors, from all over the state, will be guests of local ama teur radio operators who are —Turn to Fife Flv* THE BREVARD ROTARY CLUB was the first recipient of the Gover nor’s Attendance trophy for having five-months of perfect attendance by the entire1 membership. Charles Pic kelsimer, the president, is holding the beautiful trophy as other officers look on. Brevard Boiarkins will until tain tire cup left to rijrlil. are: tiers, vice president elected president: treasurer: and Dr. 1!)G4. Standing Dr. Janies San who is the newlyl John Alvin Gray, Marius H. Wells, the secretary. (Times Staff Photo) Succeeds Kimzey Miller Named Principal At Brevard Senior High N. A. .Miller, Jr,, supervisor of ruction in the Transvl vania school system since 1950, has been named principal of Rrevard senior high school, Supt.' Wayne Rradburn announ ces. lie succeeds llobert T. Kim /ey, who resigned recently, ef fective July 1st, 1003. Currently, Mr. Miller is com i pic! ing his doctor's degree at the University of Tennessee at Knox ville. lie holds a US degree in Edu cation from Western Carolina college. Cullowhee, and a M. E. ] degree from Springfield college. Springfield, Mass. Resides his work in the Tran sylvania educational system. Mr. Miller has taught at Broughton high school, Raleigh; Springfield College, Springfield, Mass; Roy- ] —Turn to Page Seven N. A. MILLER, JR, Reiter Announces More Religious Programs Being Heard Over WPNF Program Director Fred Reiter announces a new program added to WPNF’s Sunday morning schedule. The new broadcast will be called, “Revivallime,” and will be sponsored by the Seliea Church of God. The program will be conducted by the pastor of the church. Rev. Ralph Press ley. Broadcast time will be 7:30 a.m. This brings to five, the total of locally snonsored religious broadcasts heard on the local station on Sunday. Tlie others, their sponsors and times of broadcast include the “Pull Gospel Hour,” Rev. Bert Podson of the Rosman Church of God; “Gospel Hour,” Rev. Al vin Jones; “Broadcasting for Jesus,” Rev. Dewey Powell. Times of these programs are 8:00, 8:30, and 9:00 a.m., respec tively. In addition, the “Voice of Cal vary” is heard Sunday afternoons at 5:30 p.m. The program is con —Turn To Page Poor Teacher List Announo A list of teachers who shined contracts for the 19 school year is released today <’. \V. Bradburn, superintende of the Transylvania Couil schools. Several vacancies still exist seme of the schools, and a of additional teachers will released when they have obtained, he stated. The schools, their princij and teachers arc as follows: J Brevard Senior high school, j A. Miller, Jr., principal; Sarah Abercrombie, Mrs. Andrews, Robert Armstr Mrs. Velma D. Brittain, Clii Brookshire, Mrs. Rose N. rell. Landon Deal, John D. ] ersrnsn, Sirs. Alma L. Gallo Charles Glass, Mrs. Anna day, Mrs. Margaret M. Kin Randal J. I.vday, Mrs. —Turn To Page Rescue Squa Plans Auctio July 2Kill and 27th j born sot for the Brevard one Squad’s auction. According to Captain Rowe, last years auction such a success the squad j to make this an annual aj I,ast year squad men hoped to raise enough mi to purchase a small rea« tor. As it turned out, on the finest resusitators on

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