TRANSYLVANIA— An industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, I960 Census, 16,372. Brevard Communi.y 8,500, Brevard proper 4,857. Vol. 74 — No. 22 THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BREVARD. N. C. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1963 PRICE 1C TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. ★ 32 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEKL1 OFFICIALS OF THE NEW Tran sylvania Community Center issue a cordial invitation to all ‘persons in the town and county to attend the “open house” of the renovated build ing on Gaston street on Saturday. Highlighting the event will be pan cake meals at breakfast, lunch and dinner, and all proceeds will go to further renovation work. At the left is Rev. Ren Ormand, who is serving as the funds raising chairman for the center, and Dr. Julius Sader, presi dent, is next in line. Mrs. Emmett K. McLarty is the secretary, and at the right is Tom McCrary, who is vice chairman and head of arrangements for the “open house” and the pan cake meals. (Times Staff Photo) With Pancake Meals J Community Center To Hold “Open House ” This Saturday The new Transylvania Com munity center, located on Gas , ten street, will be formally * epened to the public on Sat urday. The ‘‘Open House” will be highlighted by three pancake meals during the following hours: Breakfast — I SO to 9‘30 I.i»nch'— 11:30 to 1:30 Dinner — 5:00 to 7:00 Tickets. which are contribu tions to the center for con tinued renovation work, are S1.0O each, and they areTieing si ltl under the direction of Lloyd Burhaus. Tom McCrary, the general chairman of the event, cordial ly invites the public to at tc"«i and net a good meal while seeing the new center. Mrs. Sneldine McIntosh, Jr., is in chareo of hostesses’ com mittee. while Me! Fverinaham is the procurement chairman. ^ jVT-mv local merchants ace roet“>' ”t:i><' fogd. etc., to the event, and oil indications point to an overwhelming success. Xt>e chairman is being as givtcii kv Carroll R-hnsati. of. fic>-|s of the Transylvania Commimitv center and many other individuals. ‘•feme o”f. Fnioy a good meal, morning noon or ineht and see what a wc”<|cif..l cemmunitv center Tran«vl v?nia rnuatv new has,” Mr. McCrary urges. CAIENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, May 30 — Memor ial Day Service at Gillesnie Ev 4 evgreen cemetery 11:00 a.m. Post office, banks and county offices closed. Saturday, June 1 — Transyl vania Community Center open house, pancake breakfast, lunch and dinner served. “Trial By Jury” and “Hanpy Journey to Camden and Trenton” in college auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Sunday. June 2 — Attend the church of your choice. Brevard College baccalaureate sermon at Brevard Methodist church at 11:00 a.m. Graduation in college gym at 3:00 p.m. Brevard Sen ior high baccalaureate service in J. B. Jones auditorium at 8:00 p.m. Rosman High baccalaureate service in Silversteen gym at v* 8:00 p.m. Monday, June 3 — Rotary club meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 p m Rosman High school graduation in Silversteen gym at 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 4 — Special school election, polls open 6:30 a.m., close 6:30 p.m. Brevard Senior high graduation in J. B. Jones auditorium at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Star meets at Temple at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, June 5 — Toast masters club meets at Gaither’s at 6:30 p.m. WOW meets in Woodman Hall at 8:00 p.m. Concerning ABC Bill Position Of Town Board Explained To Chairman (Editor’s note: To fully ex plain the Town’s position re garding the bill calling for an election on the establishment of an ABC store in Brevard, The Times is carring the let ter that was sent by tbe Board of Aldermen to the Chairman the Propositions and Grieve ances Committee in Raleigh this week.) May 25, 1903 Mr. Lester Martin, Jr. Chairman Proposition and Grievances Committee N. C. House of Representatives Raleigh, N. C. Dear Mr. Martin: \s the Aldermen and Legisla tive Body of the Town of Bre vard, we would like ot submit the following evidence in con Goodwill Buys Buitk Agency Goodwill Motor Company, Tnc. has purchased the local Buick dealership from Hayes Motors, Inc., it is announced by V. H. Fricks, president of Good will, and Freeman Hayes, pres dent of Hayes. The Buick facilities will be moved to the South Broad Street location now occupied by Good will. Mr. Hayes has been the Buick dealer here since 1955. In 1958 he obtained the Rambler fran cise, which he will continue to operate in its present location. Goodwill Motor Co., Inc., with its combined facilities, will now merchandise and service Pon tiac, Buick, GMC and Kaiser Jeep. neetion with the public hearing of a proposed bill to call lor an election in connection with an ABC store for the Town of Brevard. A petition bearing the names of 453 citizens of the Town of Bre vard was ptmeuted to the Board of Aldermen on Monday, May 13, 1963, requesting an election to determine whether or not an ABC store should be established in the Town of Brevard. The to tal number of persons signing the petition constituted about ?5% of the registered voters of the Town of Brevard. Based on this netition it was apparent to the Board of Aldermen that the citizens of the Town of Brevard had made known their desires for an election and the Board nf Aldermen felt that it was its duty to give the town the oppor tunity to vote. The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Brevard does not take a position as to whether or not it favors an ABC store: it simply takes the position that the peti tions bearing an overwhelming number of names of the citizens ought to be considered and when a body of the citizens of the town is involved the people ought to have the right to de fecniine their wishes by ballot. We are attaching hereto a eer —Turn to Page Four Memorial Service Slated The American I.egion and the American Legion auxiliary will observe Memorial Day in Transylvania county on Thifrs ctay, May 30th, at 11:00 a. *1., in the Gillespie • E/ergrejsn cemetery, according to Mrs. J. I!. Pettit, chairman for tikis occasion. Rev. R. L. Phillips of the Enon Baptist church will de liver the invocation. Mrs. Illy Rogers, president of the aux iliary, will introduce David B. Sams, the feature speaker. Other patriotic organiza tions participating arc the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Vetenns of Foreign Wars, the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary, the United States Army Re serve and the Gold Star Mothers. All legionaires and auxili ary members are urged to at tend this service in memory of the war dead, and the pub lic is cordially invited. During the remainder of the day, the auxiliary will place a flag on each veteran’s grave in the County. It is hoped that many per sons will display their flags —Turn to Page Three /■imimnm—i-nmmut.*iiiimntiimiiimimnn»^ { The Weather | Transylvania, as well as most of North Carolina, received a good soaking since Saturday with rainfall that caught the weath erman completely by surprise. In Brevard, rainfall for the week totaled 2.56 inches with all but I'our-one-hundredths of this occurring since Friday night St 6:00 I(igh temperature for the week was 78 records on Wednes day of last week and Tuesday of this week. Low mark came on Friday morning when the mercury chill ed to 36 degrees. Average highs and lows were 68 and 48 respectively. Daily statistics are as follows: High Low Free. Wednesday _ 78 45 0.00 Thursday ------ 66 47 0.04 Friday _ 66 36 0.00 Saturday - 62 47 0.65 Sunday_ 63 51 0.37 Monday__ 62 54 1.10 Tuesday __ 78 58 0.40 For the next five days daily highs will average from 74 to 77 with early morning lows averag ing 52 to 55. The forecast calls for heavy precipitation in the form of scattered showers through Saturday. Temperatures will drop somewhat during the weekend. At Duke Power Co. Gaines Is Retiring, Clark Is Named Successor, Brevard Office J. M. Gaines, veteran Duke Power company, manager here at Brevard, will retire June 1st after 35 years service, most of J. M. GAINES, the prominent manager of Duke Power company here, ia retiring as of June 1st, after 35 years of service to his company and to the community. At the l ight is his successor, John D. Clark, of Hickory. (See accompanying story). which was spent as the com pany’s top representative in the Transylvania county area. He will be succeeded by John D. Clark of Duke’s Hickory dis trict office. Mr. Gaines, who has headed Duke’s operations in Brevard since 1929, except for two years as manager at Hendersonville, is a native of Texarkana, Ark. A graduate of Georgia Insti tute of Technology, before join ing Duke Power in 1928, he was "’'th Westinehouse Electric & Mfg. Co. in Sharon, Pa. and Flor ida Power Corp, in St. Peters burg. He served overseas in World War I and participated in five major engagements. Mr. Gaines is a Methodist, is a director of and was twice pres ident of the Brevard Chamber of Commerce, past director of the Brevard Kiwanis Club, a di rector of Western North Caro lina Associated Communities, member of the American Leg ion, member of the Engineers Club of Western North Carolina, member of the Southeastern Section of the American Physi cal Society, is of Senior Member grade in the Institute of Elee —Turn to Page Six Graduation Exercises Set At College, Brevard And Rosman THE THREE MEN above will award diplomas at graduation exer cises in Brevard and Transylvania county during the coming week. At the left is Dr. Emmett K. McLarty, president of Brevard College, who will give out the sheepskins at exer cises Sunday afternoon. In the eeu ter is Principal E. F. Tilson. who will award the graduates their diplomas at Rosman on Monday night. At the right is Principal Robert T. Kimzey, who Will make.the presentations at Brevard senior high school next Tues day night, Ballot Carried Special School Election Is Set Tuesday, Background Cited The special election for school improvements next Tuesday was called after a thorough investi gation and study of needs in the] school system was made by the Transylvania County Citizens’ Committee for Hotter Schools. , David C. Lea is the chairman. Regarding the election, the following statement has been re leased by the committee: The Transylvania County Citizens' Committee for Better Schools would like to remind all voters of Transylvania County of the School Tax Sup plement election on June 4, 1963. The purpose of the sup plement is to provide the nec essary funds for upgrading and broadening the education al opportunities in the schools in Transylvania County. It will be used to employ additional teachers, librarians, and other 1 supporting personnel. If our ; schools are to’ keep pace with today’s demands on education, the school tax supplement is a must. There are certain tacts —Turn to Page Seven First Union National Bank Is Low Bidder The First Union National bank was the low bidder on the Brevard water bonds, totaling §13,000.00. There were 7 bids, and they were opened in Raleigh on Tuesday by the Local Gov ernment commission. First Union’s low bid was 3.6216 per cent, and the bonds mature from June, 1965 un til June, 1976. The announcement was made by Bill Keith, Brevard’s vice president, First Union National bank. Look Inside.. Variety of sports, pages 4 and 5, first section. Reasons for voting for In school election, back page, fourth section. Pictures on BPW installation, pages 6 and 7. fourth section. Much pictorial coverage given to graduating classes throughout the paper. Times and WPNF win awards, front page, fourth section. Rep. Bill Leonard reports page 3, fourth section. [ Alexander Named To Post, UNC Jack Alexander, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Lewis Alexander,! of 62 Turnpike road, was recent ly elected president of the Stu dent Body in the School of Phar macy at the University of North Carolina for the 63-64 term, dur ing which time he will be com pleting his Senior year. During his sophomore year, Jack became a member of the Pharmacy Senate and will'serve as its ©resident also during the 19S3-'64 term. During his junior year, he was elected president of that class, served as a member of the Dean’s cabinet, member of the Pharmacy senate and student librarian. He is also married and has two children: Tim age 6 and Lisa age 4. His wife, Nan, is a sec retary at the University of North Carolina School of Dentistry. Transylvanians will vote in a special school election next Tuesday, June 4th. The purpose of the election \ is to vote upon a proposal for a special ad valorem tax to he levied on all real and per sonal property. ^ These taxes are to l>e used to supplement the current ex pense funds from state and county allotments by employ ins' additional teachers, spe cial staff members, and sup porting personnel as needed. The hooks that were used in the November 196!! congres sional election are being used in this special election. Registration has been held during the past three Satur days, and this coming Satur day is challenge day. The polls will be open next Tuesday from 6:30 a.m„ until 6:30 p.m. A sample ballot is as follows: FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT ELECTION INSTRUCTIONS 1. To vote “FOR" school im provement tax, make a cross (X) mark in the square to the left of the words "For School Improvement Tax of Not More than 25 cents per S100.00 Valuation.” 2. To vote “AGAINST” the school improvement tax, make a cross (X) mark in the square to the left of the words “Against School Improvement Tax of Net More than 25 cents per S100.00 Valuation.” 3. If you tear or deface or wrongfully mark this ballot, return it and get another one. FOR SCHOOL IMPROVE MENT TAX OF NOT MORE THAN 25 CENTS FOR $100.00 —Turn to Page Four Pros And Cons Heard At Hearing On ABC Election RALEIGH—The Mayor of Bre vard told a legislative committee today that if an election is hold in Brevard on the question of legalizing liquor, "the distillers will pay thousands of dollars in support of their cause.” Mayor B. \V. Thomason, a re tired minister, said distillers “will use every hook and crook to win the election." He made the statement at a hearing before the House Propo sitions and Grievances Commit tee on a bill by Rep. William Leonard of Transylvania to per mit a referendum in Brevard on the question of establishing ABC stores in the town. Dr. E. K. McLarty, president of Brevard College, urged the committee not to approve the bill. Establish m e n t of ABC stores, he said, would be “put ting a road block in the paths" of young people. He added, “it will hurt Brevard College. If we permit an ABC store you will hurt recruitment at the college . . . For God’s sake, have mercy on your young —Turn to Page Sevei Rundown Of These Events Made By Times It’s graduation time in Bre vard and Transylvania county. Fxercises are slated at Bre vard College Sunday after noon, at Bosnian Monday eve ning and at Brevard senior , high school next Tuesday night. Baccalaureate sermons will be preached on Sunday. Schools will close on Friday. However students will return to the various institutions for their report cards next Tues day morning. The Brevard College gradu ation day sermon will be giv en Sunday morning at 11:00 o’clock at the Brevard Method ist church by l)r. Frank Jor dan. Dr. Emmett K. McLartv, president of Brevard College, will award diplomas at exer cises that afternoon, beginning at 3:00 o’clock. Complete de tails are carried in stories on page 3, section 2. At Rosman High School The baccalaureate sermon for the Rosman high school seniot class will he delivered Sunday, Julie 2 in the high school audi torium at 8:00 u.m. hy the Rev. Page Lee of the Bible Depart ment of Mars Hill College and pastor of Mt. Moriah Calvert Baptist church. n Special music will be rendered U by Gloria Moody Gustina Bar- i ton and Carolyn Greene and the combined Glee clubs under the < direction of Mrs. ,T. M. Winget. Gail Powell will give Ihe in-: vocation and Ronald Dodson will give the benediction. The commencement exercises will be held Monday night, June, 3 at 8:00 n.m. in the Silversteen gymnasium. Student speakers will present n program on “Mn —Turn to Page Three Big Convention To Be Held Here In June Brevard College will be the scene of the annual convention of the North Carolina Pupil Transportation Association to be held here June 11th to 14th. Some 400 school transporta tion personnel, many with their wives and children, are expect- \ ed to be on hand. Theme of the meeting is ‘'Education, Key To Progress.” According to Hugh Allen, as sociation president, “truly, the keys that start the motors of the 9,000 buses which Iransport more than 565,000 pupils to school each clay are keys to ed ucation. “The average cost per pupil ; for transportation is less than 10 cents per day. North Cam '■ lina’s bus drivers, 90 per cent , —Turn to Page Four Wayne Glazener Wins Road-E-01 Wayne Glazener, a 16 - yeui | old junior at Brevard senior, ' high school, won the Safe Driv- • ; ing Road-E-0 sponsored by the 1 Brevard Jaycees here last week end. Wayne’s victory in the hotl contested local Road-E-0 ea him the right to compete in state-wide Road-E-0 to be in Burlington on June Bth 91 h. He will be accompanied Burlington by Don Volts, was chairman of the local E-O. Young Glazener is the Mr. and Mrs. J. B. G1 Rt. 1, Pisgah Forest

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