TRANSYLVANIA— An industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, I960 Census, 16,372. Brevard Community 8,500, Brevard proper 4,857. Vol. 74s—No. 25 THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BREVARD. N. C. THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1963, BREVARD, N. C. PRICE 10c ★ 24 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEKLY CONGRESSMEN TOURING the Blue Ridge Parkway and various recreational facilities of Western North Carolina last weekend were much impressed with what they saw. And they told a huge, local delegation at the Pink Beds so Satur day morning. In the center is Rep. Wayne Aspi nail, chairman oi the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, discussing the progress that is be mg made in Pisgah National Forest. In the group, from left to right, are: Bob Sloan, of Franklin, who assisted in making arrangements for the tour of the visiting congressmen; Ranger Ted Seely; Chairman Aspinall; Congressman Roy Taylor, who brought the group from Washington to' Western North Carolina; and Wayne Bradburn, president of the Brevard Chamber of Commerce. (T i m os St a ff Ph o to) Brevard's ¥ ZIP Code * Is 28712 “Our five - digit ZIP Code is 28712,” Brevard's postmaster C. Y. Patton, announces. “If everyone in Brevard will use this ZIP Code on all theii correspondence it will greatly speed mail deliveries and re duee the chance of mis - senl mail,” Postmaster Patton >id ZIP Code, the Post Office 'L/J partment's revolutionary hew system of improved mail dis patch and delivery, goes into ef feet nationally on July 1st. | He stressed the importance oi all citizens of Brevard learning this city’s ZIP Code and using it in their return address on all correspondence. In answering mail, he said, ZIP Codes taker from return addresses on in coming mail should be used. ^ “The ZIP Code is literally the last word in mail address ing,” the postmaster said. “II ^should follow the city and state in addresses.” He cited this example of the —Turn to Page Foui Youths Fined For Misconduct In The Pisgah Eight youths from Brevard and Pisgah Forest were ar rested Sunday on charges of disturbing the peace and be # ing intoxicated in the Pisgah National Forest Saturday night. y- The arrests were made by ' the Brevard police and fores try officials. The group was tried before US Commissioner John A. Ford. Each was fined $20, and I all were suspended from the camping and recreational s areas cf the forest for six months. CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday. June 20 — Kiwanis 4^ Club meets at Gaither’s at 6:4E p.m. Lions club meets at Haw kins Lake at 7:00 p.m. Friday, June 21—Aee of Clubf meets at 8:00 p.m. Sunday, June 23—Attend th< church of your choice. Mason: observe St. John’s Day beginning at 8:30 a.m. at Temple. Brevarc Music Center concert at 3:3( p.m. Monday, June 24—Rotary clul meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 25 — Ace oi Clubs meets at 7:30 p.m. Elk: meet at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, June 26—Jayceei meet at Gaither’s at 7:00 p.m. Pless To Preside Jurors Drawn For July Term, County Court Verdicts Listed Jurors for the next term oi Superior Court in Transylvania county are announced today bj Clerk of Court Marvin McCall. The one-week term opens or Monday, July 8th, and it will bf for the trial of criminal cases Mr. McCall also announces th< dates for other Superior Court: in Transylvania during the com ing year. They are as follows October 21, two-weeks term February *!. 1964, one-week term MareffW, two-weeks term. The jury list for the July 811 term follows: Charles E. Wilmot, Jr. Clarence A. Burnette L. Leon Scruggs Carl Allen McKinney Carl Glenn Lambert, Jr. Oscar E. Lothery Mrs. Edward Morley Glover Jackson Mrs. Richard Moore Lula Loftis Echol Galloway Joseph E. Whitmire Ed Junior McCall Tom Stroup Mrs. Clyde Shuford Mrs. Walter L. Nicholson James P. Cunningham Mose Gash Lewis E. Pickelsimer Ed H. Mackey Arthur L. Waldroup James E. Austin Arthur Jenkins Roy Galloway Mrs. Robert H. Duckworth Harry McBride C. V. Green Ralph Galloway Mrs. T. F. Hargis —Turn to Page Fiv« Enjoyed Parkway Trip Congressman Taylor Says Weekend l our Beneficial Congressman Roy A. Taylor reported earlier this week from tb« fo? was quite phased T»ith the week end visit of The members of the House Committee on In terior and Insular Affairs. “I thought it was a very successful trip, and we espe cially enjoyed the trip on the Blue Ridge Parkway," Rep. Taylor continued. He had invited fellow mem bers to inspect the Parkway and other recreational facilities in Western North Carolina. The weekend opened with a banquet last Friday night at the Battery Park hotel in Asheville. Representing Bre vard at the function was Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bradburn and Mr. and Mrs. John I. An derson. On Saturday, a large local del egation met the visiting group of congressmen at the Pink Beds, and officials of the Brevard Chamber of Commerce served them refreshments. Making the trip with Sep. Tay lor were Rep. Wayne Aspinall, of Colo., chairman of the com mittee; Rep. Hjalmar C. Mygaard of North Dakota; Ren. Ralph J. Rivers of Alaska; Rep. John Kyi of Iowa; Rep. Robert B. Duncan of Oregon; Rep. Ilomer Ahele of Ohio: and Rep. John Marsh, Jr., of Virginia. The extension, proposed by Rep. Taylor several months ago, would cost about $50 million, and would extend the scenic mo tor road to the Atlanta area. The WNC congressman obtain ed a $25,000 appropriation for a study of the proposed exten —Turn to Page Five Brevard Music Center Opening '63 Season Sunday Afternoon Public Service Company To Open Office The Public Service Company of North Carolina, Inc. is begin ning construction of the distri bution system in the Town of Brevard for supplying natural gas for residential, commercial and industrial purposes. Officials of the company ask the residents of the community to please pardon the inconveni ences which may be caused by this construction. They say that every attempt is being made to ittstad these facilities as rapidly as possible causing the least in terruption to pedestrian and mo tor traffic. Ash Carper, Jr. has been ap pointed the local manager, and the company will open an office at 340 South Broad street, adja cent to the A & P Store, on or about July 1st. QiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiQ | The Weather 1 By - A1 Martin Official Weatherman With an average daily high of 78 degrees and an early morn ing low that balanced out at just over 55 degrees, Brevard came to the end of several dry weeks with over one inch of precipita tion from last Friday through Tuesday of this week. High reading of the week came on Friday when the mer cury climbed to 85 degrees. The low point, temperature wise, during the week occurred on Thursday morning of last week when the mercury drop ped to 49 degrees. Readings for the past week —Turn to Page Five Banner Tourist Season Expected, Summer Camps Open At Capacity The 19G3 tourist season in Brevard and Transylvania county is expected to be a banner one, a survey this week reveals. Already the famed Pisgah National forest is crowded on weekends with visitors from many adjoining states. Motel operators and owners of the restaurants and drive ins in the community report quite an influx in business. Practically all of the 18 or ganized summer camps report a capacity number of campers for the season. The Transylvania Music camp will have its largest en rollment, and concerts are planned through out the sum mer season. This is the 27th season, and elaborate plans are being completed for the —Turn to Page Five I RED II. ISRAEL OWEN G. LEE At The Court House Fred Israel Succeeds Owen Lee As Register Of Deeds Hudson Is few President Of Brevard Lions Jack Hudson, Transylvania county’s attorney, is the new president of the Brevard Lions club, and along with the other officers, he will be installed at a special ladies’ night meeting on Thursday. This event will be held at the picnic grounds at the Hawkins farm at Blantyre, beginning at 7:00 o’clock. Cecil J. Hill will be in charge of the installation ceremony. During the business session, —Turn to Page Five I Winners Of Olin Mathieson Scholarships Are Announced LINDA SPROUSE SANDRA LANDRETH CLINTON OWEN PATRICIA BRADBURN NIEN PING TING Winners of scholarships, awarded annually by the Film and Ecusta Paper Operations of Olin Mathieson Chemical corporation, have been announced by the scholarship committees. Linda Sprouse and Sandra Landreth have been awarded three-year nurses training schol arships. Clinton Owen and Patricia Bradburn are recipients of two-year scholarships to Bre vard College, and a two-year scholarship to the University of North Carolina has been awarded to Nien Ping Ting. Miss Sprouse,. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sprouse, of Brevard, will attend Ruther lord Hospital scnooi ot i\ursing. ivnas u officials on the college scholarship committee. Fred H. Israel is the new reg ster of deeds for Transylvania :ounty, succeeding Owen G. Lee, resigned. Mr. Israel took the oath of of ice before clerk of Superior •ourt. Marvin McCall, and he las already assumed his new hities. Mr. Lee has accepted a posi ;ion with the Olin Mathieson Chemical corporation at Pisgah Forest. ~ *'*'.*, , j i He will be the assistant to tne sales - service supervisor of the film division of Olin. lie will leave on Monday, Tune 24th for New York City, where he will take special training in the Olin offices there. He was first appointed regis ter of deeds on Nov. 1st, 1959, and he was elected to the of fice in the general election in November, 1960. A native Transylvanian, Mr. Israel has been in the automo tive and service station business in Brevard for the past 15 years. A graduate of Rosman high school, he served for 4M> years in the Air Force during World War II. He was in the Pacific theatre for more than a year. A member of the First Bap tist church, he is also a legion naire and a member of the VFW. I He and his wife reside in For est Hills. In addition to serving as reg ister of deeds, he will be Tran sylvania’s service officer. In a statement to the press this week, he said he would serve the people of Brevard and Transylvania to the best of his ability. Noted Artists To Appear With Symphony The Brevard Music Cen ter, the “Summer .Music Cap ital of the South"’, opens its 27th season Sunday afternoon with a concert featuring pi anist Stewart Gordon amt trumpet soloist Emerson James Christian PfohJ, di rector of tiie Brevard Music Feature stories, with pic tures, on I)r. Pfohl, Stewart Gordon and Emerson Head can be found on the inside pages of this week’s issue of The Transylvania Times. Center will conduct the Bre vard Music Center Symphony Orchestra. Pianist Gordon, who as a boy studied under the Ger man master Gieseking, will play the Grieg CONCERTO FOR PIANO IN A MINOR. Emerson Head, trumpet soloist, will play Giannini’s CONCERTO FOR TRUMPET. Dr. Pfohl will conduct the Brevard Music Center Symp- , hony Orchestra in a perfor- j mance of Handel’s WATER I MUSIC SUITE, and the OV ERTURE TO RIF.NZI, by Wagner. i * 'V- ■ fji 1 The concert will begin at j Sf:30 in the rustic auditorium ■ at the Brevard Music Center, located high in the Blue Ridge j Mountains of North Carolina J near Brevard. J Next week’s concerts will I feature Metropolitan Opera basso Giorgio Tozzi; violinist Joan Field; harpist Edward Vito; and pianist Bonnie Bromberg. Derry Deane, vio lin, and Roger Drinkall, cellist, will present a recital on June 25. Parkway Tunnel Contract Let Congressman Roy A. Taylor announces today that the con tract for tunnel work in Tran sylvania and Haywood counties cn the Blue Ridge Parkway has been awarded to Troitino and Brown, Inc., of Asheville. The contract is for $275,* 391.00. It includes the concrete lin ing in the tunnels, lining the remainder of the Devil’s Court House tunnel, constructing stone masonry portals on both Frying Pan Gap tunnel and Pin nacle Ridge tunnel. Other work includes tunnel extension and retaining walls. To Offer Cash Prizes New Summertime Program Will Be Heard Over WPNF Station Manager A1 Martin an nounces today that plans are be ing concluded on a special sum mer feature that will award cash prizes to local listeners. The feature will be in the form of a treasure hunt, which vill take place on paper, with ;ontestants to pick up the entry nlanks at business firms co jperating with the station in sponsoring the event. Clues to the answer will be ;iven each afternoon on the ‘Tune Time” program, hosted by ■’red Reiter. More details will be given on he program and in next week’s ■dition of The Times. Program Director Fred Reiter innounces that the station' is iow carrying a Sunday night oramentary by John Anderson, it 7:30 p.m. The new program, “Perspec Other Programs tive," views important world is sues as well as local events. This commentary brings to a total of 19, the number of edi torials and commentaries broad cast weekly by WPNF. “Comment” is heard Monday through Saturday at 7:30 a.m., 4:30 p.m., and 6:17 p.m. The schedule for the and Home hour is as Thursday, extension service, Leonard Hampton; day, soil conservation Grover McPherson; county extension cb Tuesday, N. C. forest: Clark Grissom; home agent, Jean Appearing on are the fo and Plate Club; ican Legion;