TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, 1960 Census, 16,372. Brevard Community 8,500, Brevard proper 4,857. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.Ii.C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. Vol. 74—No. 31 SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BREVARD. N. C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1963, BREVARD, N. C. PRICE 10c ★ 24 PAGES TODAY * PUBLISHED WEEKLY Auction , Sale A Success! Prospective bidders attend ing the Brevard Rescue Squad Auction Friday and Saturday filled the auction building to capacity forcing many to stand outside. Auctioneer John Ford kept the tempo at a fast rate sell in tr almost 400 individual items. Wives of squad members operated a concession stand selling homemade cookies, cake and cupcakes, as well as soft drinks and coffee. Highlight of the Auction came at 10 p. m., when the winning Myrtle Beach Vaca tion ticket was drawn by Mrs. Gatha McCarson. Win ner of the beach trip and $125.00 expenses was Mr. Ar nold Smallwood, of Pisgah For est. Special thanks go to the Transylvania Times for their wonderful coverage, to Olin Mathieson for free advertise ment and to Lyda-McCrary , Ford for the donation of a A 1950 Ford automobile, C'apt. Jimmie Rowe states. Money earned at the auc tion and from the vacation do th nations will be used to pur chase equipment and to com plete the new squad building. “Thank you Transylvanians for your generous support!”, Mr. Rowe concluded. Kaeser Is Heard At Rosman, Sky Top Reopened Joe Kaeser, manager of the RCA division, which will oper ate the satellite tracking station in upper Transylvania county, was the principal speaker Tues day night at the regular meet ing of the Rosman Chamber of CUiuutrce. It was held in the school cafe teria, with B. E. Keisler, the president presiding. ^ Mr. Kaeser said that some 65 no 70 persons would come here by August 15th to operate the Tracking station, and they are ■^iow looking for housing facili ties. “Our people want to become a part of the community,” he de clared. Nath Miller, of Coral Gables, Florida, reported at the meeting that the lease with Camp Sum mr u ' ^e^n cancelled. " He said that he and his wife v • te Skv Top on the same high plane that they h. e neve for 15 years. | It will be operated as a din ing room and a family resort center, with houses and cottages —Turn to Page Three ’ CALENDAR OF » COMING EVENTS Thursday, August 1 — Kiwan is club meets at Gaither’s at 6:45 p.m. Lions meet at Colonial Inn at 7:00 p.m. Masons meet at Temple at 8:00 p.m. Friday, August 2 — District Tarheel Little Baseball tourna ment at Junior High field at 5:30 p. m. Ace of Clubs meets at 8:00 p.m. Brevard Music Cen ter concert at 8:15 p.m. Saturday, August 3 — Story Ho - -i irausyivania County Library at 9:30 a. m. Brevard Music Center concert at 8:15 p.m. | Sunday, August 4 — Attend the church of your choice. Bre vard Music Center concert at 3:30 p.m. Monday, August 5 — Rotary club meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 p.m. Transylvania Baptist asso ciation meets at First Baptist church at 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, August 6 — Ace of clubs meets at 8:00 p.m. Eastern star meets at Temple at 8:00 pm. Wednesday, August 7 — Toast masters club meets at Gaither’s at 6:30 p.m. WOW meets In Woodman Hall at 8:00 pm. GERALD C. SITTON has retired from the Brevard Post office after 37 years of service. He is shown above, left, receivng a certificate of appreciation signed by Postmaster General J. Edward Day from the local pos:master, C. Y. Patton, Jr. The staff of the local post office gave Mr. Sitton two pieces of lug gage as f retirement gift. (Times Staff Photo) ALAN SADER, son of Dr. and Mrs. Julius Sader, of Bre vard, is appearing this week at the Elat Rock Playhouse in “The Man Who Came to Din ner,” and will be seen next week in the hit musical, “The Fantasticks.” To Publish History Historical Groups Take Action At Meeting Here A highly successful joint meeting of the North Carolina Literary and Historical associa tion and the Western North Carolina Historical association was held last Friday and Satur day here at Brevard college. Key action of the meeting in cluded plans to plan, write and publish a comprehensive history of the mountain’s region of 23 counties. Professor of English at Mars Hill college, John A. McLeod, who also serves as president of the WNC group, was authorized to name a steering committee which is to report at the Octob er meeting. It will be held in Hendersonville. It was pointed out that half a century has passed since pub lication of the major history of the whole region, by John Pres ton Arthur. Principal address of the Sat urday morning session was by U. S. Judge Johnson J. Hayes of North Wilkesboro. His subject was the problems of research, writing and publish ing a county history. His recently published book is —Turn to Page Two Succeeds Parrish Chester Kilpatrick Is New Member Of YZelfare Board Chester Kilpatrick has been sworn in as the state appointee to the Transylvania County Wel fare Board, for a three-year term. He succeeds T. Ralph Parrish, whose term expired June 30th. Mr. Kilpatrick, a member of the Moore - Kilpatrick Funeral home, is well-known for his in terest in civic affairs in Transyl vania county. Other members of the Welfare Board are Hale Siniard, Jr. and Dan Wallen. Mrs. Suzanne Cox, Public Wel fare Worker I, has been added to the staff in the Welfare Of fice. She assumed the position July 1st. She has had experience at the Friendship House in Wash ington, D. C. and York County Juvenile Domestic Relations court in Rock Hill, S. C. Her hus band, Charles Cox, is employed —Turn to Page Five CHESTER KILPATRICK This Saturday The “Requiem” Will Be Presented, Music Center The Brevard Music Cenier j will present the choral highliiht of the 1963 season this Saturcay evening at 8:15 p. m. Veni’s tremendous work, the “Marco ni" Requiem will be perforned with the Transylvania S/m phony, the 150 - voice Brevard Festival Chords, and lour out standing sok'i.,1 . Soloists are- soprano Jeanette Pecorello, messo - soprano Fran ces Martin, tenor Eugen Talley Schmidt, and bass Paul Hick fang. Husband and wife Jeanette Pecorello and Eugen Talley Schmidt were featured soloists last Sunday at the Brevard Mus ic Center. Mezzo - soprano Frances Mar tin comes to Brevard from Mun ster, Germany, where she is a student of Karin Branzell. On September 16th, she will open the season in Aehen, Germany, singing Senta in Richard Wag ner’s “Dor Fliegende Holland er!" Frances Martin will also so lo with the Brevard Music Cen ter Symphony on Sunday, Aug ust 4th. Bass Paul Hickfang is pres ently assistant professor and Di rector of Opera at the Universi ty of North Carolina at Greens boro. He was a 1955-57 Ful bright Scholar to Munich, Ger many, and has been soloist with the Oklahoma City Symphony, the Honolulu Symphony, the North Carolina and Winston Salem Symphonies, the Mil waukee Opera Festival, and the Boston Opera Group. For a performance of the in spiring and beautiful Verdi Requiem follow the notes to the Brevard Music Center this Sat urday evening. Good News More Money Allocated To The School Budget Additional funds have made possible an increase in the current school budget of the Board of Education, accord ing to an announcement by the Transylvania County Com missioners. 0 ........b 1 The Weather I 0 jiiitiiiimiiiiiimmimllMiHiiHiiiiiiiuMMiiiiiiO High and low temperatures last week averaged 81 and 62 degrees, respectively, with over all high for the week an 87 de gree reading recorded on Sat urday afternoon. Low mark for the week was registered on 'both Wednesday and Thursday mornings when the mercury fell to 57. Rainfall for the week totaled just over two - and - a - quarter inches. Official saatistics are as fol lows: High Low Prec. Wednesday- 72 57 0.11 Thursday- 77 57 0.72 Friday_ 82 61 0.00 Saturday - 87 71 0.77 Sunday_ 85 65 0.10 Monday - 84 62 0.40 Tuesday - 82 62 0.16 The long range forecast calls for temperatures to average near normal highs and lows of 84 and 63 through Monday of next week. Precipitation will average about one inch in the form of widely mostly scattered after noon and evening thundershow ers. The current expense budget will be increased $1991.25, and the capital outlay budget will be increased by $2989.86. Wayne Bradburn, superinten dent, announces the following new teachers for the 1963-64 term: Straus elementary—Miss Lois Elease Wilson, Miss Ilena King, and Mrs. Nancy F. Fullbright. Brevard Elementary — Miss Shirley R. Pressley, Miss Jackie Ann Cabe, Mrs. Jane G. Kelley, John Dennis Mehaffey, Mrs. Dor is C. Lovell, and Miss Rita L. Allison. Brevard Junior high — Mrs. Joyce Owens, Alton P. Full bright, and Roy Lambert. Brevard Senior High — Miss Theodosia Sproles, Miss Mary —Turn to Page Four Wallace Leads Discussions At Kiwanis Meet Alan Wallace will lead a panel discussion at the Kiwanis club meeting Thursday night, August 1st, at Gaither’s Rhododendron room. The meeting will begin at 6:45 o’clock. The discussion will be on the topic, “What We Can Do.” Mr. Wallace is a member of the club. Tempo Of Business Increases In Town, County, Best Year Foreseen Retail Sales Hit High Mark $13,699,000 Business activity was in high gear in Transylvania county in the past year, according to a national economic survey. The county comnared well with other communities through out the country in market vital ity. Personal incomes and con sumer buying locally proved to be relatively high. These facts emerge from a new, nationwide survey of buy ing power, conducted by Sales Management. The copyrighted report, 676 pages long, gives economic data for every area. The volume of business done by Transylvania County's retail stores w-’s big because incomes were good. Net earnings, locally, after payment of all personal in come taxes, amounted to $25, 438,000, exceeding the previ ous year’s $24,229,000. What this figured out to, on a family basis, was found by dividing the income by the num ber of households. The average per household was $5,782, as against the former year’s $5,507. What was done with all this cash? The discretionary part of it, the part that was left after paying the basic living costs, was spent more freely than in some years. A smaller portion of it was —Turn to Page Three Lions To Hear Bill Leonard Bill Leonard, Transylvania’s representative in the 1963 Gen eral Assembly, will be the prin cipal speaker at the semi-month ly meeting of the Brevard Lions club this Thursday night at the Colonial Inn. He will speak on the activities in the House of Representatives. Meeting time is 7:00 o’clock, and all Lions are urged to at tend. MIKE THOMAS, sales manager of Thomas farms, North Carolina’s largest grower of gladioli, is shown with a few dozen of the fine crop this year. Currently, Thomas farms, located in lower Transylvania, is shipping some 7,000 dozens glads each day to all parts of the country. Mr. Thomas says that the flowers this year are among the finest ever grown on the Thomas farms her® and in Florida. (Times Staff Photo) Well-Known Here Collfaswn Is Named President Of Olin Corp. 01 in Mathieson Chemical Cor poration today announced sev eral high level executive changes and improved sales and earnings for the second quarter and first half-year of 1963. N. Harvey Collisson, formerly senior vice president, was named president and chief executive officer, succeeding Stanley de J. Osborne, who was elected chairman of the newly formed finance committee. Thomas S. Nichols, formerly chairman of the board, was elected chairman of the exccu t i v e committee, succeeding John M. Olin, and a member of the finance committee. Mr. Olin, who recently com pleted 50 years of service to the corporation, was appointed hon orary chairman of the board. He remains a member of the board and of its principal com mittees. Mr. Collisson, the new presi dent, joined Olin in 1950 as gen eral manager of what was then the Cellophane Division. Sub sequent appointments have in cluded vice president for opera tions in 1S54, executive vice president for the Packaging Di vision in 1955, corporate vice president for production and engineering in 1957 and vice president and general manager of the Metals Division in 1959. He was appointed senior vice president and chairman of the N. HARVEY COLLISSON staff committee three years ago and was elected a director of Olin in April 1961. Since 1958 he also has been president of Ormet Corporation, a jointly - owned aluminum-pro ducing subsidiary of Olin and of Revere Copper and Brass In corporated. Following graduation from Swarthmore College in 1924 with a B.S. degree in civil engineer ing, Mr. Collisson became a —Turn to Page Four Program Highlights Mrs. Alfred Galloway Wins WPNF's Treasure Hunt Prize Station Manager A1 Martin an nounces today the third winner in the current Summer Treasure Hunt, sponsored jointly by the local radio station and 12 of Bre vard’s merchants. The winner of the fourth con test was Mrs. Alfred Galloway, of 112 Wilson drive in Brevard. Mrs. Galloway was the only entrant last week to correctly identify each of the answers as “Sandman . . . April . . . Secret . . . and Moscow.” Many entries had all but the third answer, but several added an extra word, “Secret Love,” the song title from which the answer was obtained. Mrs. Galloway Is the recipient of a $25.00 weekly prise. The final week jackpott re mains $175.00. Other Programs The Farm and Home hour schedule for this week is as fol lows Thursday, N. C. Forestry Service, Clark Grissom; Friday, Soil Conservation Service, Gro ver McPherson; Monday, county agricultural extension agent; Tuesday, Brevard vo-ag depart ment, Randal Lyday; Wednes day, home agent, Jean Childers. Appearing on the Civic Hour are the following: Friday, Ki wanis club; Monday, Hospital auxiliary; Wednesday, Lions club. Speaking this week on Morn ing Devotions is Rev, J. M. Reev —Tern to Page Two July Building Permits Hit $39,600.00 Building permits issued in tlie town of Brevard during July totaled 839,600.00. Included in the project were four new houses and two re-" modeling projects. Town Manager Bill Edens says that the tempo of build ing in Brevard is increasing. Loftis, Summey Reunion Is j Slated Sunday The Loftis and Summey re anion will be held Sunday, Aug ust 4th, beginning at 4:00 p. m at the old Loftis place in Ceda Mountain. 1 All members of the Lofti clan are cordially invited to at tend. It is reported that many fro* distant places are planning t< be present. Moore To Shoi Slides At Meet Of Rotarians Charles Moore, welH Transylvania naturalist,; sent a program of nature : at the meeting of Brevard ] club Monday, August 5th. The meeting will 7:00 o’clock in Gaither’s dendron room. At the meeting last Gil Coan presented G of the Rosman Data Facility, a pin as the member of the club. During the presided over by Sanders, president, reports of the men for this

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