TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, 1960 Census, 16,372. Brevard Community 8,500, Brevard proper 4,857. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. Vol. 74—No, 32 SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BREVARD. N. C BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1963 PRICE 10c ★ 24 PAGES TODAY * PUBLISHED WEEKLY County * Court Adjourns The July-August term of General County court in Tran sylvania was adjourned Tues day afternoon, after some 60 cases had been disposed of. Verdicts handed down are as follows: Edward Jordan Gillespie, reckless driving, $25.00 and costs. Doris Whitner, Elaine Cagle and Mrs. Chester Cagle were found guilty by a jury of as sault and they had to pay costs. Monroe Hubbard, forcible trespass, costs. Homer Cox, Sr., found guil ty by a jury of driving under the influence, was fined $100 and costs. The case was ap pealed. Robert Maurice Logan, driv ing too fast for conditions, costs. ». James N. Madden, improper whnuffler, costs. Charles Richard Garren, possession, costs. | A judgment was brought against Kenneth Barton on a non-support charge. He ap pealed to Superior court. James Thomas Darnelt and Martha Cox Brown, driving the influence, $100 and costs. Robert L. Huggins, too fast for road conditions, costs. Arthur Tilinan Owen, Cecil Varnell Palmer, Charles Sam uel, Carl Daniel Roess, Jr., and Raymond Myers Badger, speeding, costs. Charles II. Chastain, Jr., speeding, $12 and costs. Walter Guy Powell, improp er registration, costs. The court order the proba tion of Eddie Sitton revoked. The case of Claire W. Math eson vs. Larry Landreth and D. C. Landreth was settled, jj^ction grew out of injuries —Turn To Page Flv* *feuth Original Corporation To Hold Picnic The annual Ruth Original Cor poration picnic will be held Fri day, August 9th, with approxi mately 500 scheduled to attend, Employees and their families of both the Hendersonville and Brevard plants are invited. tRuth Original manufactures eir own exclusively designed children’s dresses and sports jfcar. The company now employs ov er 200 people. CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, August 8 — Masons meet at Temple at 8:00 p.m. Friday, August 9 — Brevard Festival concert at 8:15 p.m. Saturday, August 10 — Story Hour at Library at 9:30 a.m. Brevard Festival concerts at S30 and 8:15 p.m. Eks Club Inner-Dance at 7:00 p.m. Sunday, August 11 — Attend the church of your choice. Hen ry Rood Workshop opens at Bre vard college. Brevard Festival concert at 3:30 p.m. Monday, August 12 — Rotary club meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 p.m. Music Center concert at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday, August 13 — Cham ber of Commerce Directors meet at Library at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 14 — Jay cees meet at Gaither’s at 7:00 pm. THE BREVARD CHAMPIONS in the District 1 play-off here in the Lit tle Tar Heel league last Saturday afternoon are shown above. The lads defeated North Wilkesboro by the score of 3-2, and now they go on to the State Tournament at Sanford on August 12th. The managers on the back row are Herbert Hall and George Limbo, and the bat boy, George Limbo, Jr., is in front of tbe group. On the first row, left to right, are: Elliott Spohn, Marty Griffin, Phillip Roper and Rickie Lanning. Second row: William Hooper, Mitch ell Reed, Wayne Pressley, Mickey Smith, Charles Parker and Kenneth Drake. Third row: Robert Hall, Ronnie Norton, Kenneth Maynard, Danny Thompson and Steve Moore. Complete details on the game can be founds on the Spoi-ts Pages. (Times Staff Photo) REV. JARVIS BROCK Pre-School Registration Is Slated Pre-scliool registration at the Brevard Senior High school for students who have moved into District I will be held during the next two weeks, according to N. A. Miller, principal. New students should register at the school between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. beginning Monday, August 12th, through August At 82nd Annual Session Rev. Jarvis Brock Named Moderator Of Association " _ Rev. Jarvis Brock, pastor of the Little River Baptist church, was elected moderator of the Transylvania Baptist association at the 82nd annual session t)iis week. Other officers are as follows: Rev. Kadez Wilde, vice modera tor; Ray Childers, clerk; Mrs. Mary Brooks, treasurer; Rev. Paul Mims, Sunday School sup erintendent; J. L. Heath, Train ing Union director; Jesse Gilles pie, Brotherhood president; Tom Bryson, RA director; Mrs. Jim Peterson, WMU president; Mrs. Fred Tinsley, VBS superinten dent; Terry Steil, music direc tor; Rev. John Cox, parliamen tarian; and D. H. Orr, historian. The opening session was held Monday night here at the First Baptist church, with Dr. Harold Tribble, president of Wake For est College, as the principal speaker. The theme of the meeting was “Sharing Christ”. Music was furnished by the Glady Branch Church choir, and afterwards, E. C. Wilkie was heard. Tuesday morning’s session was held at the Calvary Baptist church, and the theme was On East Main Dr. Wilburn Davis Opens Dental Office In Brevard Dr. Wilburn A. Davis an nounces the opening of a denta’ office for the general practice of dentistry at 204 East Main street. A native of Haywood county Dr. Davis received his A.B. and D.D.S. degrees from the Univer sity of North Carolina. He har just completed two years servic with the U.S. Naval Dental Corps. Dr. Davis is a member of Uk American Dental Associatior North Carolina Dental Society American Society of Dentistry for Children, and Xi Psi Phi professional fraternity. He and his wife, Nancy, and their two children, Cindy and Mike, reside at 406 Probart street. DR. WILBURN DAVIB “Sharing Christ With the Bap tist church, and the theme was “Sharing Christ with the Whole Wide World”. Reports were heard during the meeting, and prior to the Asso ciations! sermon, officers were elected. The sermon was delivered by Rev. Frank Jordan, and Mrs. Harold Killian sang a special number. A luncheon was served in the fellowship hall, followed by the afternoon session. The theme was “Sharing Christ Through Our Churches”, and addresses were delivered by W. R. Wagon er, Marse Grant, W. K. McGee and William Poole. The concluding session Tues day night was held at the Mt. Moriah - Cherryfield Baptist —Turn to Page Six Works Of Some 30 Composers To Be Featured American Music only is sche duled for this weekend at the Brevard Music Center. As the culmination of American Music Week, the Brevard Festival Or chestra, the Brevard Festival Sinfonietta, and the Brevard Music Center Philharmonia will perform works by American composers, the older, well - es tablished ones as well as the younger, up-coming ones During the week works of about 30 composers will be read at the Center as a part of Amer ican Music Week. About 15 of these composers will be on hand to hear their compositions read by the Brevard Music Center Philharmonia, the orchestra of the Advanced Division which has been performing together all summer. On Friday Night A varied program of Ameri can Music will be played on Friday evening, August 9, at 8:15, by the Brevard Festival Orchestra under the direction of James Christian Pfohl. Open ing the program will be the late John K. Paine’s “Symphony No. 1.” Vincent Persichetti will be on hand to conduct liis “Sym phony No. 4, Opus 51.” The world premier of Vittorio Gian nini’s “Psalm 130” will be dur ing this evening’s performance. Gary Karr, for whom the com position was written, will be the guest artist. Karr was recently cited by MUSICAL AMERICA as one of the 9 most outstanding —Turn to Page Eight Mitchell-Bissell Announces Pay Raise Of 5 Cents Jobn R. Mitchell, president of Mitchell-Bissell company, of Bosnian, announces today a 5 cent per hour increase for all empoyees. This increase will become effective as of August 5th. Also announced were the plans for instituting a profit sharing pension plan. Com plete details of the plan will be spelled out at a later date upon approval of all provi sions by the Internal Revenue Service. Important Vote ASC Election Will Be Held During September County and community com nitteemen who will administer iSCS programs in 1964 will be ilected by their fellow farmers n September, according to Glenn A. Whitmire, chairman of the Transylvania county ASCS committee. These committeemen will take office October 1st. Henry Rood Workshop Is Set Next Week The Henry Rood Art Work shop will be held in the College Barn Studio at Brevard College August 11th - 17th. Landscape classes will be held out of doors from 9:00 a. m. to 12:00 noon each day. Por trait classes will be held in the studio afternoons from 1:30 to 4:30. This is the sixth year that the workshop has been held in Brevard. For further informa tion call Mrs. Becky Macfie at 888-2137. Mr. Whitmire states that cur rent county committeemen are responsible for seeing that all phases of the election are prop erly performed in accordance with regulations issued by the Secretary of Agriculture. Present community committee men will select a slate of six or more eligible nominees to be voted upon in this year’s elec tion. The list of nominees will include the names of all persons who may be nominated by prop er petition to the county ASCS office. Any farm tenant, operator, or owner may vote in the commu nity elections if he is now par ticipating or is eligible to par ticipate in any of the programs administered by the county ASCS committee. Mr. Whitmire urges all farm ers to vote in the committee elections. He says that these com mitteemen perform very vital work in the administration of all ASCS farm programs. Their vital role makes it es pecially important for all farm ers to participate in the selec tion of the best qualified persons as committeemen. KEN MORRISON, resident natu ralist at the Audubon Colony at Sher wood Forest for the past 5 weeks, is shown above welcoming H. Brad Hawkins, who succeeds Mr. Morri son. Mr. Hawkins, director of the Junior Museum in Greensboro, will be in charge of the nature program for the next three weeks. He will show a fullcolor slide program Mon day afternoon entitled, “A Walk in the Woods”. (Austin Studio Photo) In Sherwood Forest t11 ■ Brad Hawkins To Conduct Program, Audubon Colony The Audubon Colony at Sher wood Forest on Cedar Mountain will present an outstanding full color slide program next Mon day, August 12, at 3:00 p.m. en titled, “A Walk in the Woods,” with both photography and nar ration by H. Brad Hawkins, di rector of the Junior Museum at Greensboro. Mr. Hawkins’ presentation is one of the Audubon Nature The ater Series at Sherwood Forest which is bringing some of the nation’s top naturalists and pho tographers to Western North Carolina for the first time this summer. His excellent pictures will illustrate the rich and var ied plant and animal life which can be seen in North Carolina, from the rhododendron of the mountains to the Venus-fly-trap of the coast. Through the magic of the close-up camera, you will get an “insect-eye” view of na tures boundless beauty. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins and their family are spending most of this month at the Audubon Colony where he is serving as resident naturalist in charge of field trips and special activities. Mr. Hawkins, a former National Park Service Naturalist, is a member of the Association of Interpretive Naturalists, the Southeastern Museum Confer ence, and the Carolina Bird Club. He also serves on the edu cation committee of the North Carolina Wildlife Federation. His direction at the Greensboro —Turn to Page Eight Dr. Grahl Will Reopen Office The dental offices of Dr. Carol L. Grahl, located at 109 Johnson Street here in Brevard, will be reopened this Thursday, August 8th. Dr. Grahl has completed his post-graduate studies at the University of North Carolina, and he and his wife have re turned to Brevard. Dr. Grahl has been doing ex tensive post graduate work at Chapel Hill for the past six months, during which time his offices here in Brevard have been closed. Program Highlights Tom Galloway Wins Again In WPNF Treasure Hunt Contest Tom Galloway is a repeat win ner in WPNF's Treasure Hunt contest. Mr. Galloway will receive a check of $25.00, A1 Martin, sta tion manager, announces. Mr. Galloway correctly an swered the questions asked with the following answers. “Little Girl. . . Night. . . Bonanza . . . Carolina.” The final week’s jackpot re mains $175.00, and the station manager stated that a special two-week contest was being con I sidered to determine winner of the final jackpot. As an added clue to this week’s contest, Mr. Martin said a total of 7 words is needed to solve this week’s series of songs and clues and arrive at the cor rect answer. Other Programs The schedule for the Farm and Home hour Is as follows: Thursday, U.S. Forestry Service, —Tumi to Pag* Seven Tjim iiu illinium mn mn mini i nummmimimlM ! The Weather 1 gjmiiuiiiMii»ttmniimuiinni»inuttmmimnitpj| By - A1 Martin Official Weatherman The afternoon high for the past week averaged just over 87 degrees, with the early morning low dipping to an average of slightly under 60 degrees. High reading for the week came on Saturday afternoon when the mercury climbed to 82. Low mark was reached on Fri day, Saturday and Sunday morn ings when the temperature fell to 57 degrees. Rainfall for the week was lesj than 1'our-hundredths of an inch. High Low Prec. Wednesday-84 Thursday_87 Friday —-84 Saturday -92 Sunday_90 Monday-- 86 Tuesday-89 62 Trace 62 0.01 57 Nona 57 Nona 57 Nona 63 Nona 69 0.02 Temperatures for the next 5 days are expected to average 1 to 4 degrees above normal read ings of 83 and 63. Rainfall will average one to three-quarter inches in widely scattered after noon and evening thundershow ers becoming more numerous over the weekend. Tax Collections At Record High Tax collections in Transyl vania have reached an all-time high, Lawrence Hipp. tax col lector, reported to of Brevard and the commissioners S&J51 r was $529,844.95 For collection charg 93.30

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