THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper Vol. 74 — No. 38 ★ P»fD0:AT BREVARD?5"'GE BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1963 PRICE 10c * 24 PAGES TODAY * PUBLISHED WEEKLY TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfall1?, Meoei for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, 1960 Census, 16,372. Brevard Community 8,500, Brevard proper 4,857. ATTRACTING MUCH ATTEN fi TION on the court house lawn in front of the jail are the parts of two copper moonshine stills, as re-assem bled by members of the sheriff’s de ** partment. The rigs were captured recently on Bracken’s creek in the East Fork section of Transylvania, and some 400 gallons of mash were also nabbed. During a 30-day per iod, the officers discovered and de stroyed four stills in the county. Pic tured, from left to right, are: Ed Owens, Lonnie Sisk, Floyd Owen and Sheriff Carter McCall. (Times Staff Photo) Larpe Majority Voted ASCS Committeemen Are ElectedConvention Friday Community committeemen for the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service pro gram in Transylvania county were selected in the annual coun ty-wide election conducted mail, with 82 percent of tne farmers in the county voting in the election. Farmers elected in the 8 com munities are shown in the order of their positions: Chairman, vice chairman, reg ular member, first and second alternates: Boyd - Arnold Brown, Wil f liam Gash, Randall Lankford, Sid Wilson and Earl Orr. Brevard - A. A. Trantham, Francis Allison, Dixon Lyday, Charlie Clayton and F. H. Holden. Cathey’s Creek - J. A. Whit mire, Homer H. Israel, Otto Alexander, Gaston Whitmire and James A. Parker. Dunn’s Rock - Charles W. Davis, Marvin W. Whitmire, Earl Parker, William Wallis and Hermon Hogsed. Eastatoe - Perry Gravley, Robert Chappell, Bill Lan dreth, Ransler King and Fields Powell. Gloucester - J. R. Brown, Ralph Owen, M. D. Anders, iL. E. Owen and R. V. Owen. * Hogback - Warren Fisher, Herbert Fisher, Avery Reid, g|E. A. Reid and Floyd Jones. w Little River - N. B. Woody, M. H. Shuford, Edward Mack ey, Neal Hamilton and Roscoe McCall. The chairman of each commu nity is a delegate to the county convention and the vice - chair —Turn to Page Seven CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, September 19 — League of Women Voters meets at Gaither’s at 10:00 a.m. Ki wanis club meets at Gaither’s at 6:45 p.m. Lions club meets at Colonial Inn at 7:00 p.m. Friday, September 20 — Ace of Clubs meets at 8:00 p.m. Bre vard Senior High vs. Glen Alpine nt 8:00 p.m. Sunday, September 22 — At tend the church of your choice. Monday, September 23 — County Court opens at 9:30 a.m. Rotary club meets at Gaither’s at: 7:00 p.m. 'BLT try-outs at Transylvania Community Cen ter at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 24—BLT try-outs at Transylvania Com munity Center at 7:30 p.m. Ace of Clubs meets at 8:00 p.m. Civ ic Chorus meets in choir room of Methodist church at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 25 — Jaycees meet at Country Club at 7:00 p.m. Jurors Called Civil And Criminal Cases Set, General County Court A rather heavy docket of civil and criminal cases will be heard in Transylvania's General County court next week. Court convenes on Monday morning at 9:30 o’clock, and all defendants, witnesses, attorneys, officers and others involved in any of the cases are urged to be in court at that time. Judge Robert T. Gash will pre side, and Bruce Morton will prosecute. Court officials, including Judge Gash, Solicitor Morton and Clerk Marvin McCall, were reappointed for a two-year Rowe Named To WNC Rescue Post Jimmie C. Rowe, captain of the Brevard Rescue squad, was elected secretary and treasurer of the Western North Carolina Rescue Squad association at the annual convention at Camp Hope near Wayncsville. Other officers are as follows: Clarke Hyatt, president, Chero kee; and Jack L. White, vice president, Haywood county. Some 11 WNC rescue squads belong to the association, and membership in the body entitles each squad to draw on the other units for assistance when the emergency arises. term at tlie last regular meet ing of the Board of County Commissioners. Jurors called to serve durinj next week’s court are as follows Oliver Byrd, Frank Carr, Jud< McCall. Gaston Whitmire, Join H. Goldberger, Mrs. William P Bryson. Robert Chappell Charles F. Collins, William A Arnette, 0. K. Smathers, Elme: Bryant, V. C. Stiles, Mrs. Ralpl Paxton, Paul C. Owen, Willian Wallace. Johnny McJunkin, Clif ford L. McCall. J. B. Waldrop A. R. Leopard, Marvin Owen Mrs. Lewis C. Osborne, L. N Chappell. Wayne W. Foote Clyde Sorrells, A. Bryon Combs Ernest Pangle, Mrs. Wae Mann Ernest Gilstrap and Mrs. T. T Loftis. Cordial Welcome Is Extended To College Students And Faculty As Term Opens Comments Made By President As Brevard college begins the new term. President Emmett K. McLarty issues the following statement to lie included in this special issue of The Transyl vania Times: “The new academic year, 1963 - 1964, is under way at Brevard college, and the pro spects are excellent for a good year. “396 students in regular stand ing have been registered, and in addition to this number there are several special students tak ing regular college work. These figures do not include the many Brevard people who will be studying art and music in the college facilities this year. “The college personnel is always impressed and deeply grateful for the many expres sions of welcome extended by individuals and businesses in the local community. Since over half of our student body come from outside North Caro lina, the reputation of Bre vard as a warm-hearted com munity is spreading through out the nation. In a recent open house held at the college | for new and returning stu dents and their parents, there were many expressions of com mendation for the kindness and hospitality expressed by the college and community. Now I wish to add my own ap preciation to the people of Brevard for their interest and support of the college. “Cities and towns throughout our State which do not have col • leges of -their own are realizing what a great asset an institution of higher learning is to a com ■ munity. Those on the admini i station, staff and faculty of the college confidently believe that Brevard college is one of the ' very best two-year colleges in I the nation, and our belief is sup ported by high school counselors and four-year college admissions offices throughout the nation. “35 of the present student body are day students, mean ing that these live in the im mediate area and commute to college. One third of tlie grad uates of our local high school who attend college attend Bre —Turn to Page Eight In New Location Lowe's To Hold Grand Opening All Day Friday The grand opening of the new Lowe’s Brevard Associate store here will be held this Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Free refreshments will be served and several valuable prizes, including a General Electric portable television set, will be awarded. Co-owners Russell Armen Program Highlights WPNF To Broadcast Some 18 College Games During Fall WPNF will broadcast a mini mum of 18 college football games this fall, Station Manager A1 Martin announces. The entire 10-game schedule of the University of North Caro lina is slated, and 8 games that Western Carolina will play are on tap for local broadcasting. Opening the college gridiron schedule will be the Carolina Virginia game this Saturday afternoon from Chapel Hill. Bill Currie, of the Carolin: Radio Network, will be describ ing all the action beginning a 1:15 p.111., with kick-off set foi 1:30. Saturday evening, Zeb Lee, o: VVSKY in Asheville, will begii the fall football season for West ern Carolina with the initia broadcast on a new four-statioi network as WCC takes on Car son-Newman at 8:00 p.m. Air —Turn to Page Threi trout and Albert McCann state that it is not necessary to be present to win one of these valuable prizes, and they in vite everyone to come by, see the new building and register for these prizes. The modern structure, locat ed at 1020 Asheville highway next to Straus elementary school, contains 9,000 square feet of floor space that will be used for both sales room and warehouse space. Lowe’s recently moved into . —Turn to Page Eight , Qmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 0 ^ | The Weather j 3 nil iiimnniiiiiiii 111111111111111 n 1111111111111 | Afternoon readings ranged i ■ from 67 to 84 degrees during the J past week with early morning i ■ lows varying from 52 to 61 de grees. ' Average highs and lows were , i 76 and 54 degrees respectively, j ■ with a total of eigliteen-one- - 1 hundredths of an inch of pre- ( i cipitation recorded during the ■ period. Readings for the week were i —Turn to Page Sevei i THE CAMPUS OF BREVARD COLLEGE is once again teeming With activity as some 400 stu dents begin the new year. This is the annual wel coming edition of The Transylvania Times, and it salutes the students, faculty and staff. In the inset at the left is Dr. Emmett K. McLarty, who begins his seventh term as president of the local educa tional institution. (Times Staff Photo) Draft Board Is Wanting Information Local Board No. 89 of the Selective Service system for Transylvania county requests that all registrants who are married and living with their wives in a bona fide family relationship report this fact immediately to them, if they have not done so. A recent executive order issued by President Kennedy places these registrants in a lower order of selection for Armed Forces physical exami nation and induction at the present time. An announcement of a reg istrant’s marriage published in a newspaper is not enough evidence for the local board. It must be reported by him personally. Immediate atten tion to this matter should be given. The local board office is lo cated in the basement of the post office in Brevard. The telephone number is 883-2155. Civic Chorus Holds First Meet Tuesday The first meeting of the Bre •ard Civic Chorus for the 1963 i4 season will be held Tuesday, September 24th, at 8:00 o’clock, n the choir room of the Bre 'ard Methodist church. Under the direction of Charles rolliff, the chorus will begin re iearsals for the Schutz “Christ nas Story”, to be presented in lecember. Ray Childers will erve as accompanist. Officers for the year are Charles Martin, president; Dick Seiler, vice president; Mrs. Dick Seiler, secretary; Mrs. Dwight Irown, treasurer; and Mrs. Rob ert Melton, publicity chairman. All persons interested in sing ng with the chorus are asked o attend if he Tuesday rehearsal. Many In Special Groups 35 Local Students Are Now Attending Brevard College Brevard, Rosman Receives Powell Bill Allocations The towns of Brevard and Rcsman have received grants from the Powell Bill fund at Raleigh. Allocations were as follows: Brevard - $16,932.4!) Rosman ■ SI,491.27 The funds are distributed an nually tu qualified cities and towns for use in non-highway system street work within their corporate limits. Checks to the individual mu nicapilities will be mailed from Raleigh the latter part of this month in order that they will reach municipalities by October 1st. Powell Bill allocations are based on a formula using the population and street mileage in the municipalities, and the total allocation this year represents an increase over 1962 of $437,524.08. The six largest allocations this year are Charlotte,, $732,550.83; Greensboro, $486,161 54; Win ston-Salem, $397,837.36; Raleigh, $344,420.34; Asheville, $284, —Turn to Page Sevel A total of 35 Transylvania county students have registered as academic students at Brevard college for the fall semester, ac cording to officials of the insti tution. They include the following: Philip Jordan Adams, Cather ine Sue Atwell. Thomas Charles Bingham, Joseph Thomas Black well, Donna Blankinship. Charles Albert Burnette, George Michael Clark, William Bradley Combs, j Robert Hugh Eldridge. Ben.ia- j min Gillespie. John Michael Gil- j lespie. Barbara Ann Hamilton, Mar jorie Elaine Henderson, Dar rell Lee Hogsed, Martha Frenche Kimzey, Gayle Hampton Lance, John Richard Mueller, Banks Ely Nicholson, Roger Hall Owen, Doris Elaine Rutti, David Bruce Wauchope. Everette Walter Whit mire, Mary Alice Wilkes, Mich ael Emmett Wilson, Doris Eve lyn Montgomery, Anne Eliza beth Schlunz, William Edward Sumner, and Viola Perez Talley, all of Brevard; Lee Edward Callender, Aun dria McGuire, and Robert Jo seph Justus, of Pisgah Forest; Carolyn Paulette Greene, Carl Clifford Powell and Zeno Wright, of Rosman; and Clinton David Owen, of Lake Toxaway. In addition to these students, a large number have registered for special courses in music and art. On Campus Here Will Begin Construction Of A New Administration Building Ground will be broken for the new Administration build ing at Brevard College this fall, President Emmett K. Mc Larty announces today. This building is the second in the new quadrangle local ted on the south west corner of the college campus. A new class room building to be con structed during the nest two years will complete the quad rangle. Construction of the Admin istration building is part of the second phase of the cur rent Development Program at Brevard. The building will house of fices for all members of the administrative staff and the offices of the student Deans. The present Administration building will be renovated to house the music department. Also, the cafeteria wlU be en larged to accommodate a stud ent body of 600. Contracts have been lot to —Turn to Page Five Special Edition Of The Times Is Published Brevard and Transylvania officials join hands with tiie merchants and others in the community in welcoming the large and selected student body, faculty and staff mem-' hers to Brevard college for the 1063 - ’64 term. AH indications point to one of the most successful years in the history of the school, which this fall begins its 110th year of educational and religi ous sen ice to the youth of the state and nation. Enrollment is a t a peak, with many special students al so being enrolled. Special Edition This week The Times is pub lishing its annual Brevard col lege greetings edition, and all subscribers are urged to read the entile paper with interest. This paper is going not only to regular subscribers, but al so to students, parents, trus tees of the college and a large number of out-of-town friends of the institution. Mayor B. VV. Thomason said yesterday that it is always a real pleasure to welcome the students and faculty members to town. He praised the offi cials of the college on the pro gress tiial is being made at the institution. On behalf of the county board of commissioners Bole Boyd, chairman, sent cordial greetings to the college stu dent body and the faculty and staff members. Wayne Bradburn, president of the chamber of commerce, welcomes all persons to Bre vard college for the new year. Two Boy Scouts Will Receive Eagle Badges The Transylvania Boy Scout district will present Eagle badges to Marshall M. Feaster, III, and Stephen L. Coffman on Sunday, September 22nd. Robert R. Bolt, chairman of advancement, states that the presentation will take place at the Brevard - Davidson River Presbyterian church at the close of the 11:00 o’clock worship service. .Mr. Bolt will preside and Rob ert T. Gash, district chairman, will make the presentation. This will be the first Eagle presentation in Transylvania county in several years. All Scouts and Scouters are urged to be present, and all visitors arc welcome. BLT To Hold Try-Outs Next Week Try-outs for parts in the Bre- | vard Little Theatre’s opening play of the season have been i called for Monday and Tuesday, September 23rd and 24th, in the Transylvania Community Cen- : ter, at 7:30 o’clock. The play, “The Solid Gold Cadillac”, is a olass of Broadway, written by George S. Kaufman and Howard Teichmann. The story revolves around a little old lady who owns 10 shares of stock in a giant corporation, and who decides to take a hand in run ning the business. The resulting action proves to be intei and hilarious. The cast includes 11 men 6 women, of varying Mrs. Jane J< ‘ urges persons atre to attend the

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