TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, I960 Census, 16,372. Brev ard Community 8,500, Brevard proper 4,857. Vol. 74—No. 43 THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A Stale And National Prise - Winning A.B.C. Netvsvauer SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BREVARD. N. C, TRANSYLVANIA— 'lii n Land of Water fa!!.-, Mo’Ci for Slimmer Pumps, Entrance to Pisg.Th National Forest and .Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1963 PRICE 10c ★ 24 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEKLY Public Ts Invited To Formal Dedication Of New Tracking Station The public will get a look at the new Satellite Tracking and Data Acquisition Facility of the National Aeronautics Space Administration above Kosman at formal dedication ceremonies and open house on Saturday, Oct. 26th. The multi-million dollar sta tion will be open to the public at 12:15 -p.m., with the formal dedication ceremony slated to begin at 1:45 o’clock. This new tracking station, the second of its kind in the world, is located in upper Transylvania comity in beau tiful I'isgah National forest. Because of limited parking space, visitors are requested to form car pools. There will he shuttle buses from the parking area to the tracking station. Open house will continue Saturday afternoon until 5:00 pan. In case of heavv rains during the morning, the formal cere ti inony will ho cancelled. Should it rain during (In* program. Iho ooromonios will ho moved into Iho 'administration buildiM". Special music' for Iho pro gram will bo furnished by Iho Brevard high school hand, with John l>. Kvorsman direct in tC The program is as follows: National Anthem Master of Ceremonies, The Honorable Hoy A. Taj lor. Member of Congress Invocation by The Reverend Dr. Knrmelt Md.nrly Introduction of H nests Welcome by The I [onorable Austin I loosed, Mayor of Bos nian Remark-■ by The Honorable Sam Krvin, Jr., United Stal es Senate Remarks by The Honorable B. Kverett Jordan. United States Senate Remarks by Dr. Harry .1. Col'll Director of Goddard Spate Might Center. Demon .sindion of spare eommunien tions. Address by Dr. George L. Simpson, Jr., Assistant. Ad niinislrator for Tee lino logy t tiliziition and Policy Plan ning of the National Aeronau tics and Space Administration Address by The Honorable Terry Sanford, Governor of North Carolina Ponediciion by The Rover fnrt ti. W. Thomason Mayor of Brevard All joilfll Tours of Silo for (lie Public Music by Brevard Hit'll School Band The new tracking site will he used to acquire Scientific ilittu from NASA scientific satellites some of which may he orbiting the earth some (>0, 000 miles up. The station is linked with NASA’s Goddard Sparc Flight < enter at Greenhelt, Maryland. If atmospheric conditions permit, the public may witness and possibly participate in a voice “roll call'* with other NASA trackin'', stations located in Alaska, Australia, South Africa and l.omlon, Iliigland. I'osinan is Ideal l.ocation The location, about 17 miles .southwest of lirorard and about 7 mile., from l!u inan is almost cninplofoh In • horn i ■ r!i<> fro fluency noise. This is essential ■■because die Iran-miiUcrs in s» iellites arc very low power (five walls ur less) and some satel lite,, more Ilian OO.OOfl tidies SWa.v. will be rliffi<-ilIf lo "hear.” It is onl; about 41)0 air miles from (loddard. This ri'asonabl,, pioxiiiid. is ini|joitaiit tor rea sons oi coMimiinii-aiion and liai son l!(isiiian also lias (lie follow ill!' atlvantages’: It is one of the very few 'll - Tilth (o I*a'ft* Seven 1 THE PISGAH FOREST, N. C., OPERATIONS of Olin Mathieson Chemical corporation are being: dedicated as the Hanes Works on Wednesday, Oc tober 30th, honoring: John Wesley Hanes, pictured in the inset. Those operations manufacture a wide variety of types of cellophane, cigarette paper, lightweight printing papers, and specialty items for the tobacco industry. CALENDAR OF * COMING EVENTS 4. Thursday, October 24 — ^Awards banquet, Ecusta cafeter ia, 7:00 p.m. BPW meets at Gai ther's at 7:00 p.m. Masons meet at Temple at 8:00 p.m. Friday, October 25 — Brevard vs. Hendersonville at 7:30 p.m. Ace of Clubs meets at 8:00 p.m. Sunday, October 27 — Attend the church of your choice. Monday, October 28 — Rotary club meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 p.m. Open House at Brevard Senior High school at 7:30 p.m. Music Club meets with Mrs. Har old Killian at 8:00 p.m. * Tuesday, October 29 — Con servation dinner meeting at Bre vard Senior High school, 7:00 %V-nr Look Inside pictures and stories of satel lite tracking station, first sec tion, page six, and third section, page three. Sports, third section, pages one and four. Pictures and stories of Tran sylvania’s winners at State Fair, third section, page five. News of and for the women, third section, page six Editorial page, second section, page two. Senator Yates Speaks Awards Banquet In Rural Contest Slated Thursday <* The annual Awards banquet for 1963 in the Transylvania Community Development con test will be held at Olin Math ieson Chemical corporation on Thursday night of this week. Community club members and others will be guests of Olin. The banquet will begin at 7:00 o’clock. Senator Oral Yates, of Way nesville, will be the principal speaker, and Ralph Lee, pres ident of the Community De velopment council, will be the master of ceremonies. Special guests will be in troduced by Grover McPher son, president of the County Agricultural Workers council. Keitha Fay McCall, a mem ber of the Balsam Grove Com munity club, will introduce Senator Yates. Awards will be presented by Jack Hudson, county at torney, and Morris L. Mc Gough, of Asheville, repre senting the Asheville Agricul —Turn to Page Four In Washington Friday Henry Henderson Receives Highest Degree In Masonry HENRY R. HENDERSON Henry R. Henderson, Masonic 'eader in Transylvania county, vill receive the highest degree n masonry, the 33rd degree, in special ceremonies in Washing on, D. C., on Friday, October 5th. He is the first Transylvanian to receive this honor, which is twarded on the basis of distin uished service to masonry. He was elected at the Biennial ■ession of the Supreme Council, ccording to Thomas J. Harkins, last sovereign grand command er and sovereign grand inspec tor general in North Carolina. Mr. Henderson will attend a luncheon, a formal dinner, and the special ceremonies during which he will be awarded the —Turn to Page Five Olin To Be Dedicated As Hanes ! Works At Ceremonies Wednesday Town Has Water Shortage I)ue to the long dry spell, Brevard lias a water shortage. It was necessary on Tues day night for town officials to call oil the firemen to puinp water from King’s creek to the reservoir. Engine No. I is now being used for pumping from the lower part of the creek to the raw water line, a distance of 260 feet. Bill Edens, town manager, says that A. 1‘. Thomas, YVNC largest grower of glads, has offered a line irrigation puuip, which will be put into service immediately. All residents are urged to conserve water every way pos sible. They are asked not to water lawns, wash cars, etc. The situation is serious, and only a heavy, steady rain will bring relief. { The Weather ! 2 mm minimum mm miiitiiiiMiiimiiiiimiiiip) Little precipitation fell on Brevard during the past week, and that which was recorded was apparently only dew accumu lated overnight. The forecaster promises some slight relief from the dry weath er of the past three weeks, with j an average of a half-inch of pre I cipitation during the next five i days. Temperatures through next Monday will be a few degrees above average highs and lows of 65 and 42. Last week’s high and low w'ero 82 and 24, with daily averages of 76 and just under 32. Readings for the week were: High Low Wednesday --— 74 28 Thursday - 76 24 Friday —. 74 28 Saturday.. 74 32 Sunday _ 82 36 Monday_ 78 38 Tuesday _ 74 35 Readings for August and Sep tember were as follows: High Low Prec. August _ 92 43 3.72 September_ 84 31 4.74 | PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS at the third annual Rally of the Soil and Water Conservation districts i in Western North Carolina here next Tuesday night ' are pictured above. Home 250 persons are expochy.i to attend the dinner meeting in Brevard Senior high school cafeteria. At the left is Bryce it. Vomits, administrative officer, state committee, Raleigh, and at the right is F. II. Claridge, North Carolina State Forester. 'Sc A-. : a / vs v ■;: Soil & Water Conservation Rally Will Be Held Here i The Third Annual Western North Carolina Soil and Wat ! er Conservation Bally will be held Tuesday, October 29lh, at 7:00 o’clock, in the Brevard Senior High school cafeteria. A. W. Nesbitt, chairman, Western Area SWCS Supei vi sors, will preside over the dinner meeting. The theme of the rally will be ‘’Forestry", and the prin cipal speaker will be F. II. Claridge, North Carolina State Forester. The purpose of the rally, ac cording to John D. Smith, chair man of the Transylvania coun ty district, is to unite the peo pie who have a common inter- ' ost in conservation of natura' • resources, and to further the j program ol' work in the soil' conservation districts. Mr. Claridge will be intro duced by Andrew Gennett, a member of the state Conserva tion and Development Board. Others who will appear on the program include Dr. Emmett K. Mcl.arty, president of Bre vard College: C. W. Bradburn, president of the Brevard chamber of Commerce; Hon. Roy A. Taylor, 11th Congres sional District; John I. An derson, editor of The Tran sylvania Times; Joe Kuyken —Turn to Page Eight I Big Football Games Will Be Heard Saturday, WPNF Two big football games are on tap for broadcast this Saturday afternoon and evening over WPNF, according to station offi cials. At 1:45 p.m. Bill Currie will report on the University of North Carolina at the University of South Carolina contest as the Gamecocks play host to the vis iting Tarheels. Saturday evening at 7:50 p.m. Zeb Lee will do play-by-play as the Western Carolina Cata mounts meet the Lenoir Rhyne Mountain Bears. Sponsors for the college foot ball games over WPNF this sea son are Sledge Radio & TV Serv ice, Morris Pharmacy, Brevard Lanes, The Chef House Restau —Turn to Page Sevei Pisgah Forest Plant Honors Famed Advisor The Pisgah Forest, N. operations of Olin Mathiesou Chemical Corporation will be dedicated as "The Hanes Works" in a ceremony at the site of this industrial complex on October 311th. The dedication will'he in rec ognition of the sen ices of John Wesley Hanes to the company and to the .community. An intimate advisor and as sociate of the late Harry II. Straus, who founded the Frus ta l’aper Corporation at this location, Mr. Hanes was instru mental in melding Feusta the Olin industrial structure and in bringing the Olin Cel lophane venture to North Car olina. Ilis efforts and influ ence have been major factors in promoting the growth and success of the paper and film enterprises, and their conse quent economic influence on the community and on the state. The Pisgah Forest organiza tion consists of the Ecusta Paper Operations and Film Operations of (din's Packaging Division. Ecusta, the oldest of these op erations, was established in 1939. The Film Operations built its first cellophane plant and estab lished its headquarters here in 1950. Frusta's original and rather —Turn to Page Five Imperial Motor Lodge Opens Brevard’s new motor court, the Imperial Motor Lodge, is now open. The owners, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ingram and son, Buddy, made the announcement today that the new facility, which has been under construction for some sev en months, is now open to the public. The Imperial Motor Lodge, completley modern in every de tail, has 24 separate units that can accommodate 100 persons. Among the many outstanding features of the new motor lodge is a heated swimming pool. Each unit also has a television set. The Ingrams state that a —Turn To Page Seven Du Pont Construction Forces At Brevard Plant Win Safety Award % The Brevard Construction division here at the local Du Pont plant has received the Chief Engineer’s award at an Award Safety Rally with the entire personnel attending. The award was made by safety officials from the Wilmington, Delaware, headquarters, who were high in their praise of the construction forces of Du Pont here at the Brevard plant. They pointed out that on Feb ruary 5, 1962, the first man was placed on the Du Pont roll to start the Photo Products expan sion here. Since then, an average force of 371 Du Ponters have work ed a total of 1,208,000 hours without a lost time injury, and in so doing they are re ceiving outstanding recogni tion from the Du Pont chief engineer. '> In making the presentation to A. D. Day, field project manager here, C. E. Daniels, assistant chief engineer at Wilmington, said: “You have qualified for the award by virtue of the Du Pent roll forces working 600 safe days for a total of 1,208, 000 safe hours. We are happy to welcome the fixed-fee con tractor forces to the meeting and to have them celebrate with us, since we are as inter ested in their performance as we are in the Du Pont roll. We regret exceedingly the ac cident of last August and hope that both Du Pont and con tractor forces will now go through the rest of the job injury-free. “It is interesting to note at this point that the o\ er-all con struction safety performance at this site is better than the award figures indicate, since there were two previous construction periods which were injury-free but of insufficient duration to qualify for an award. If we could add these periods to yours, the total would become 1,519 safe days and 1,513,800 safe hours. Vou might have won this award earlier, but I am happy to say you could not have done a bet ter job. “Safety ceremonies such as this are always pleasant be cause it is a happy occasion when we can celebrate ab sence of personal Injury. We, of management, are particu larly pleased when we can be part of such ceremonies, since it is one way that we can offer concrete evidence of our sup port of, and strong belief in, our safety activity. Manage ment's part, all too often, is in planning and reviewing safety programs; and it is only occa sionally that we have the op portunity to personally partic ipate.” In accepting the award, Mr. Day stated: “This award is accepted on be half of the people who made it possible. We do so with a feel ing of humility in that we rec ognize that with greater effort on each of our parts, we might have reached this point without unpleasant memories. “I would like to take this opportunity to thank each of the members of our team for their individual efforts and ask that we all join in a re dedication of ourselves to that kind of aelf-disclpllne Which allows each of us to return home safely every day". Iu salutatory remarks prior to the presentation of the award, B. B. Lewis, assistant manager. Construction division at Wil mington, said: “I want to exteud to you my eougratu lations achievement of the chfof en gineer's safety award. It is especially noteworthy that since the start of * —Turn to Page

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