TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, 1960 Census, 16,372. Brevard Community 8,500, Brevard proper 4,857. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA—0 The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance 4a PLsgah National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music FestivaL Vol. 75—No. 19 SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BREVARD, N. C. ZIP CODE 28712 BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1964 PRICE 10c ★ 24 PAGES TODAY * PUBLISHED WEEKLY AN ARCHITECTS DRAWING of the new plant of the American Thread company at Calvert is shown above. Construcion is well underway, and some 250 local persons are expected to be employed when the plan is completed. David E. Howe, director of operations, delivered an informative address on the company last Friday at the annual Rosman Cham ber of Commerce banquet, and details of his talk, along with another picture, are carried elsewhere in t his week’s edition of The Times. Many Tried In General County Court Many verdicts were handed down in General County Court this week by Judge Robert T. Gash. The court was recessed on Tuesday and Wednesday since local attorneys ‘ and the jury were called to try a case in Hendersonville. Cases heagdLyere follows: JSi" 'Junioy MeCftli, Harold Richard Sltton, Arthur Alex ander McCrary, Lloyd Comp ton, Vernon McCall, Jack Blan ton Ashworth, Julius Cort Gal loway, and Henry G. Braswell, charged with reckless driving, had to pay $25.00 and costs each. Albert William Rogers, charged with improper drivers license, had to pay costs. Robert Lewis Barnes, Daniel Jeffery Zumstein, and Call LUiott were each charged with driving too fast for road con ditions and each had to pay costs. James D. Shelton, charged with malicious destruction of personal property, was given a prison sentence of 5 to 9 months. James Johnstone, charged with inadequate support, was ordered to make certain pay ments. James Gordon McCollum, —Turn To Page Five CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, May 7 — Kiwanis Club meets at Gaither’s at 6:45 p.m. Lions meet at Colonial Inn at 7:00 p.m. Masons meet at Tem ple at 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 8 — Recital at Brevard College at 8:00 p.m. Saturday, May 9 — Registra tion for Primary continues at 9:00 a.m. Recital at Brevard Col lege at 1:30 p.m. Democratic county convention at court house at 2:00 p.m. Elks dinner-dance at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, May 10 — Mother’s Day. Attend the church of your choice. Brevard College recital at Brevard Methodist church at 4:00 p.m. Monday, May 11 — Brevard Elementary P-TA meets in cafe teria at 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 12 — Hospital auxiliary meets at 10:00 a.m. Ace of Clubs meets at 7:30 pm. Chamber of Commerce directors meet at Library at 7:30 p.m. Elks meet at 8:00 p.m. Brevard Civic Chorus meets at Brevard Meth odist church at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 13 — Jay cees meet at Berry's at TOO p.m. Event Successful American Thread Official Is Heard At Rosman Banquet David E. Howe, director of operations, American Thread company, sketched in several of the details on his company’s new Sylvan Plant now being built in nearby Calvert, at the annual Kosman Chamber of Commerce banquet last Friday night in the school cafeteria. He said the new facility would he “a modern, efficient plan', with the latest equipment for' producing yarns under clean, conditions.” Among the points of interest: “It will probably be the first all-electric textile mill in the country. There will be no smoke, no dirt, because there will be no smokestack." It will also provide: Precision controlled temper ature and humidity, Special ductwork to draw dust and lint from the air, Fully automatic floor clean —Turn to Page Eight Beginning At 2:00 Democrats To Hold County Convention This Saturday Transylvania Democrats will hold their county convention here on Saturday in the court house, beginning promptly at 2:00 o’clock. According to Bill Lyday, chairman, the convention is being held for the purpose of electing new officers for a two year term. Delegates to the State Con vention on May 20th, will also be appointed. Each precinct sends a chair man and a vice chairman to the convention, and each will have a vote, Mr. Lyday says. AH Democratic candidates in the county are expected to attend the convention, and they will be recognized. In addition to Mr. Lydiy, other current officers ar°: Mrs. Julia Fisher - 1st vice chairman C. Few Lyda - 2nd vice chair man Mrs. Nancy Gillespie - 3rd vice chairman Mrs. Margaret Knoth - sec retary J. Bruce Morton - treasurer DR. JOHN B. BENNETT MRS. MARY G. LOBDELL F. N. EGERTON Three Facu Ity Resignations A re Announced At Brevard College Dr. John B. Bennett has re signed from his post as Dean of Brevard College to accept an appointment as Professor of Philosophy at Western Caro lina College beginning with the September, 1964, term. In announcing Dean Bennett’s resignation, President Emmett K. McLarty said, “Because of his total commitment to the goal of excellence in all phases of the college program, Dean Bennett has had a pervasive influence in the development of Brevard’s present stature. “Specifically responsible for all educational affairs and ac tivities of the college, he has guided the Academic Standards Committee in redesigning the —Turn to Page Eight Mrs. Mary Gladys Lobdell, whc has served on the faculty of Bre vard College since 1942 as teach er of Biology, has elected to re tire, effective June, 1964. In announcing her retire ment, President McLarty said: “The sustained contribution she has made will not be re tired from a place of influence in the college nor from being multiplied through the work of those who have had the good fortune to study with her.” Mrs. Lobdell earned here B.S degree in botany from Mississipp State College for Women, hei MB. degree in entomology an< zoology frotn the University a —Turn to Pago Seven President Emmett K. Me Larty has announced that Frank N. Egerton, who has been teaching physiss and mathematics at Brevard for the past eight years, will resign at the end of this semester. Mr. Egerton was appointed tc the faculty in 1956. His teaching career Included positions at Trin ity College, Princeton University Rutgers University, University oi Georgia, Louisburg College, and Duke University. President McLarty reported that Dr. Ora L. RaiLsback, of Clarendon Hills, Illinois, has been appointed to the post held by Mr. Egerton. Dr. RaiiSback was head of the i —Turn to Page Five Construction Beg ins On The Beam Administration Building, College Campus Centei Renovation Is Also Planned Ground has been broken aid construction is being storied on the new Iteani Administra tion building at Brevard Col lege. According to Dr. Emmett K ■McCarty. president, the building is being erected at a cost of SI81.000.00. Funds were made possible by a challenge grant o£ $100,000.00, from C. Grier Beam, of Cherryville, who is a member of the Board of Trustees of the college. Mi. Beam’s gift was match <■(1 by the amount of S125, 000.00, subscribed from indus tries, townspeople of Brevard, the alumni, the trustees and friends of the college every where. Besides covering the cost of the new Administration building, the funds will be used to build new campus roads and to reno vate the Campus Center building for the music department. The cafeteria will also be en larged to double its capacity. The new administration building is being erected in the quadrangle with the Sci ence building, which was com pleted some three years ago. The next building on the site will be a classroom structure of —Turn to Page Seven I The Weather j Q 'IIKJII11II IMilll 11 Hill 1111IMI1111UMI mill, imilllp] Another wet week is behind us as Brevard recorded almost one and a half inches of preci tation during the past seven day period. \ Temperatures varied from a ! low of 37 degrees last Thursday 1 morning to a high of 78 this past Tuesday afternoon. The average high and low readings for the week were 70 and 44 degrees, respectively Daily readings for the week were as follows: Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday High Low Tree. 74 73 72 56 64 74 78 45 37 39 48 48 48 41 .38 .00 .00 1 .51 t .57 1 .00 ! .00 l Tax Collections 1 1 Continue Good ' The collection of 1963 taxes in Brevard, Bosnian and Tran sylvania county continues good, Lawrence Hipp, the tax collec tor, reported at board meet ings this week. Of the charge of $98,378.90 in ' Brevard, a total of $83,454.08 , had been collected as of April 3, 1964, he stated. The percentage was 84.83 per cent. For Rosrnan, collections total ed $2,493.23, of the charge of $2,992.50. Percentage • wise, this was 83.32%. For Transylvania the 1963 < charge was $548,856.96, and 1 collections for this year were 1 $490,389.56. i The percentage was 89.35%. Mr. Hipp reported to the ] county commissioners that dur- j big the past three-year period ( the charge has increased from , $444,874.79 to $548,856.96 for j a gain of $103,982.17. o Mr. Hipp also reports that he has collections totalling ] $18,360.35 on hand, which are : unreported. These are back ; and current tax collections. THE BREVARD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE has recently completed installation of new signs located near the city limits on the three major highways leading into Brevard. Shown above, left to right, are Cham her President Bill Keith ; Dr. Emmett i K. McLarty, who sketched the origi- ’ nal design ; and A1 Martin, who heads the committee which ordered and in stalled the signs. (Times Staff Photo) ! Seeking Solution Discontinuance Of Ambulance Service Discussed At Meeting _1 . ' , k- •!.. il '_ - : The Transylvania Board of County Commissioners dis cussed at length the discon tinuance of ambulance service on June 30th by the funeral homes at their May meeting this week. County Attorney Jack Hudson eported that by law the com nissioners were unable to per orm this service at this time. Counties which are in the ambulance business, he said, were either doing it without authority or by a special act of the legislature. The commissioners are asking he Board of Trustees at the ocal hospital to give considera ion to the matter. They are also asking the two uneral homes in Brevard to con inue to give this service at least or another year until they could ;et some legislative action. It rould also be necessary to put • in the following year’s budget. If a solution is not found in he immediate future, the com nissioners are going to call a mblic meeting in order to dis uss the situation further. In other action at this week’s meeting, the commissioners granted $3,500 for expansion of the library as requested by Mrs. Oliver Orr, Charles L. Russell and Mrs. Lehman Kapp, the librarian. One Ordinance Adopted Board Holds Long Session Monday, Paving Is Planned Registration Continues Saturday Registration for the Primary Election on May 30th will con tinue on Saturday and also on May 16th, J. O. Wells, chair man of the Board of Elections, announces. Registration on the first day was light, because of the bad weather, Mr. Wells states. This is not a new registra tion, but all persons who have moved from one precinct to an other or into Transylvania from another county must register. Also persons becoming 21 years of age who are not reg istered must do so, he states. “In this connection, if a per son becomes 21 between now —Turn to Pace Six WPNF Program Highlights Coverage Of News On Weekends Said Good WPNF is now serving this leneral area with complete news overage during the weekend, vhen other news media usually lave something of a slack period, iccording to station officials. Program director Fred Reiter mints out that the local station s a full member of the Associat ed Press, and thereby receives ■omplete reports on regional, na ional and international develop nents 24 hours daily. Each weekend the station car ies a total of 32 world, state, ocal, or sports summaries, in iddition to 16 “Weather Weird” jroadcasts heard houriy through cut the clay Monday through Sat urday. All of the local news carried by the station is edited by the staff of The Transylvania Times, and persons having items of in terest for use on either of the twice - daily broadcasts, are asked to make reports directly to The Times staff. Other Programs The schedule for the Farm and Home hour is as follows: Thurs day, Rosman home ec. dept., Mrs. Vera Taylor; Friday, ASC office; Monday, county freW-*81"* chair —Turn to Page Seven Brevard’s aldermen discuss-. ed several matters at their May meeting this week, and took action on other items dur ing the lengthy session. An ordinance concerning job classification and pay plan for [own employees was adopted. ... This was described as a progressive move, and the or dinance is posted at the City llall. couni The aldermen had been aske lo do something about ambuli service in the town and after June 30th. The two funeral homes vard are discontinuing the bulancc business as of this After much discussion, aldermen concluded that the town cannot lance service. Several streets will be paved * " * fund of $4,000 for this work. Music Lovers ] Club A wan Scholarshii Two scholarships of each have been awarded b Brevard Music Lovers Ch study during the 1964-65 year. Winners are Miss Judy a piano student of Mrs. Arte Miller, and Steve Owen, a student of Charles Jolliff. Miss Ryan, is the 16-y daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Ryan, of Brevard. Steve, 1 is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Owen, of Rosman. Auditions were held evening in the Brevet! auditorium. Mre. - was chairman of the