\ TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, 1960 Census 16,372. Brevard Community 8.50& |j Brevard proper 4,857. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper -- ^ - ■ . .-bp TRANSYLVANIA^* The Land of Waterfalls, Meet* for Summer Camps, Entrance ti Pisgah National Forest and Home of Brevard College ana I Brevard Music Festival. Vol. 76—No. 37 ★ SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BREVARD. N. C. ZIP CODE 28712 BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1964 PRICE 10c * 24 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEKLY m. \ BOTH GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATES were in ' 'Tran sylvania last Saturday, and they were given a warm recep tion at the annual Du Pont picnic in Sky Valley at the old Guion estate. Judge Dan Moore, of Canton, was the first to arrive, and he is pictured with several officials of the j. company in the top left photo. Robert L. Gavin is shown above as he shakes hands with a pro spective voter. Plant Manager Albert B. Morrison was snap ped by the photographer with both of the candidates in the two pictures at the left. In a letter on the editorial page in this week's Times, Mr. Morri son says that North Carolina will have a good governor dur ing the next four years regard less of the outcome of the No vember General Election. Gavin Brings Campaign To Local Area Gubernatorial c a n d i date Robert L. Gavin spoke before Brevard Republicans last Sat urday night emphasizing in dustry and job development. Speaking before just under 20C people at the fund-raising din ner, Mr. Gavin proposed that a job development commission be established for North Carolina. The duties of this commis sion, he said, would be to co ordinate the activities of the state’s many administrative departments which are con cerned with industrial devel opment. Mr. Gavin pointed out that in dustry has been slow to locate in the extreme eastern and west ern portions of the state because lack of transportation has kept them out. “The transportation through —Turn to Page Seven CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, September 10 — Rosman High vs. Robbinsville at County Stadium, 7:30 p.m. Ma sons meet at Temple at 8:00 p.m. Billy Graham film at court house at 8:00 p.m. Friday, September 11— Ace of Clubs meets at 8:00 p.m. Billy Graham film at court house at 8:00 p.m. ^ Saturday, September 12 — Bil ly Graham film at court house at 8:00 p.m. Sunday, September 13 — At tend the church of your choice. Monday, September 14 — Ro tary club meets at Gaither’s at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 15 — Ace cf Clubs meets at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 16 — Toastmasters meet at Gaither’s at 6:80 p m- WOW meets in Wood man Hall at 8:00 p.m. Begins October 3rd Board Of Elections Calls For New Registration In County There will be a new registra tion of voters in Transylvania prior to the November General Election. According to J. O. Wells, chairman of the Transylvania county Board of Elections, the new registration will begin on Saturday, October 3rd. The new registration will be in all precincts. Registration will continue on October 10th, 17th and 24th. Pfohl Writes Community Thanked By Director, Music Center Sept. 8, 1964 At the end of the Brevard Music Center’s 28th season, it is more than just appropriate that I thank the citizens of Brevard for the help which made this the most successful summer we have known. It is a pleasure to be able to do so. The paradox which makes things most dear to us often most neglected or forgotten was resolved in Brevard this summer, as more and more of our citizens began to share the rewards—and not just the bur dens— of the “Summer Music Capital of the South.” Students from 44 states and Puerto Rico came to study and to play at Transylvania Music Camp; and the finest performances and the greatest musical artists en riched our community. Thou sands of tourists attended the Center’s concerts, in addition to the increased local follow ing. Especially the news media— —Turn to Page Four Annual Fire School Will Begin, 21st Plans are underway for the Sixth Annual Western North Carolina Firemen’s Training School, slated for Brevard the week of September 21st. D. R. Boyd, Brevard fire chief, expects the largest enrollment in the history of the school this year. Many phases of fire-fighting and training will be taught by capable, well-qualified instruc tors from the various depart ments in Western North Carolina and Sherman Pickard and a staff of professional instructors from the Insurance Commissioner’s of fice, Raleigh. Dan Merrill, retired chief, who is assisting with preparations for the school, will also serve as an instructor. Workshop Underway College Opening With Capacity Number Brevard College's annual Faculty - Staff • Student Work Conference, which is now in progress, will conclude on Sat urday with an evening of fel lowship for all participants. New students will arrive on Sunday to begin a program of testing and orientation. They will be joined by the sophomores for Wednesday’s registration, and classes will begin on Thursday. Seven well-qualified persons of considerable training and exper ience have been added to the faculty for the coming school term. Dr. Ora Railsback, an A.B., A.M., and Ph.D. graduate of Indiana University, will teach physics and mathematics. Dr. Railsback served as head of the physics department of the Chi cago division, University of Illinois, for 12 years and as assistant to the vice-president of that division for two years. He has written a number of scientific articles which have been published. Miss Marie Benge, a former Brevard College honor student, received the B.S. from Western Carolina and the M.A. from the University of South Carolina. Miss Benge was a recipient of the National Science Foundation grant for mathematics teachers. She has had teaching experience at Franklin and North Buncombe high schools, and has assisted with the Gifted Child program at Western Carolina. Miss Benge will be instructing in mathemat ics. Professor Ray H. Burson, a B.S. graduate of Rutgers Uni versity and an M.A. graduate of the University of Missouri English department, has had considerable experience in for eign teaching. He has served as a language Instructor for the Turkish Air Force Langu age School in Izmir and as in structor and director of cours es for Centro-Colombo-Ameri cano in Cali, Colombia, South America. He will join the Eng lish department personnel. Dr. Robert Jeffers of Kan sas City, Kansas, is a B.S.. M.A., and Pli.D. graduate of the Uni versity of Wisconsin, where he finished with honors. He will be instructing in biology and chem istry. The program of guidance and counseling will be under the direction of Harrison E. Tawney, who holds the B.S. in education from Ohio State University and the M.A. in ed ucation from Kent State Uni versity. Professor Tawney was employed as director of public relations at St. Mary’s Semi nary and Junior College in St Mary’s, Maryland, as principal of Troy High School in Welsh field, Ohio, and as director of guidance at George Mason High School in Falls Church, Virginia. Miss Willoughby G. Jarrell, who holds the A.B. and M.A. de grees in government and history lrom Indiana University, will teach in the history department and serve as Dean of Women. Miss Jarrell has done research in political science at Indiana Uni versity and has taught at Joseph Foust School in Columbus, Indi ana. Girls’ health and physical ed ucation classes will be instruct ed by Mrs. Barbara W. Daye, a B.S. and M.A. graduate of Appalachian State Teachers’ College. Mrs. Daye has taught at West Henderson High School, at Lees-McRae’s Appal achian Summer Camp, and as a fellowship grant teacher in Appalachian State’s elementary school and college classes. United Fund Adopts Budget Of $33,476, Drive Begins 28th Transylvania YDC Group To Attend Meet A large delegation of Transyl vania Democrats is expected to attend the state wide YDC rally on Saturday. Sept. 12th, at Mag gie Valley. Local attorney. Bruce Morton, has tickets lor interested per sons. Registration will be held at the Mountain Valley Inn at Maggie Valley, beginning at 2:00 o’clock, and the dinner meeting will be gin at 7:00 o'clock. Jim Graham, newly appointed commissioner of agriculture, will be the principal speaker, and candidates for the presidency of the YDC are also expected to he heard. a.......&> I The Weather j AI Martin Official Weatherman Temperatures for the past week were quite consistent in that the high reading for the week was Only two degrees more than the daily average high and the low mark for the period was just five degrees below the weekly average. High and low readings for the week were 84 and 47 degrees, with average daily, readings of 82 and 52 degrees, respectively. There was no precipitation re corded during the week. Statistics for the week were as follows: High Low Wednesday _ 80 49 Thursday 82 49 Friday 83 58 Saturday ____ _ 83 57 Sunday . 84 54 Monday _.. 80 51 Tuesday _ 79 47 liiiiiiHiiiHiiiMMiiiMHimiiiitiMiiiiiimtiiniiiiiiiiiHt Look Inside.. iniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiMiiituiiiiMuiiiiiiuiiiiMiiiiuimniiii Classifieds, pages 2 and 3. front section Sports news, pages 2 and 3, third section Editorials, page 5. third sec tion Women's News, page 6, second section, pages 6 and 7. third sec tion Church calendar, page 3. sec end section REV. ROBERT F. SHELBY, Jr., of Belmont, will be the guest speaker at a meeting;“of the Brotherhood of the Luth eran Church of the Good Shep herd Thursday night at 6:30 o'clock. The pastor of Hol> Comforter Lutheran church. Mr. Shelby is a graduate 01 The Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, Columbia. S. C., and has served parishes in North and South Carolina. Before going to Belmont, he was pastor of Saint Paul's Church, the largest Lutheran congregation in South Carolina. J. GRADY MONDAY, a na tive of Clover, S. C.. has join ed the law firm of Hamlin and Ramsey here in Brevard. Mr. Monday has just recently fin ished a Practical Stalls course given by the North Carolina Bar association in Raleigh, and he came to Brevard directly from the state capitol. He is a 1955 graduate of Clover high school, and a 1959 graduate of Erskine College, Due West, S. C., where he received a A.B. degree. Mr. Monday went to Washington, D. C., in 1959, where he was on the staff of Senator Olin I). Johnston of South Carolina for several years. He returned to enter law school at Wake Forest and received liis L.L.B. degree there in June of this year. He was admitted to the North Carolina Bar in August. Amount Needed Slightly More Than Last Year V budget of S35,476.00 has been adopted for this fall’s campaign of the United Fund in Brevard and Transylvania county. This amount is less than S'100 over last year's budget. Jack Mitchell, the president, reports, and the Board of Di rectors gave long and careful consideration to all requests. The drive will begin on Mon day. Sept. 28th, with a kick off breakfast for officers and workers in the United Fund. President pitched praised the work of the Admission and Budget committee. This group is headed by Neville Fuleihan. "We are pleased that we were able to come up with a budget comparable to last year's, and we feel that this is the minimum amount need ed to support the community's essential health, welfare and recreational services." he de clared. The careful review ;tnd final judgment of the Admission and Budget committee provides as surance to the contributors that their dollars are allocated wisely, the president contin ued. The great mapority of the funds raised here remain in Brevard and Transylvania county, and the local UF also supports its fair share of state and national needs. Charles F. Himes will direct the campaign this fall. The Voices Of Newsmakers Are Heard On WPNF Through special arrangements with a national organization, WPNF is now presenting the roices of the important newsmak ers on its daily news summaries. Among the world figures being heard on the local news broad casts are President Johnson, Sen ator Goldwater, U.N. dignitaries and many more. In addition to adding color to the news reports, these special features bring the news to the listener in far more depth than with an ordinary report, station officials said. A total of 17 world or state summaries are heard daily over WPNF. and many of these fee —Turn to Page Four Brevard College Campus—A Busy Place Again