THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prise - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper Vol. 77—No. 53 SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BREVARD. N. C. ZIP CODE 28712 BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY DECEMBER 31, 1964 PRICE 10c ★ 24 PAGES TODAY * PUBLISHED WEEKLY Regulations Cited Tax Listing Begins On Monday, Office Is Moved Mailboxes Are Blown Up In ^Transylvania Brevard has been hit by a rash of mailbox bombings in ^ the past week. Sheriff Carter McCall has collected about 15 boxes that have been totally destroyed by someone who has been put ting firecrackers or cherry bombs in them. There are many more boxes that have sustained partial damage from firecrackers —a total of around 50 in the coun ty. Sheriff McCall is personally putting up a $50 reward for information leading to the con viction of the person or per sons responsible for the van dalism, and at least $25 more has been offered by persons whose boxes have been blown up. The vandalism started Wed nesday before Christmas and lasted a week. Most of the damage has been done along See-Off and Barclay road, m with some scattered damage ** at Selica. ^ Destruction of mailboxes is a federal offense and when caught the vandals will be turned over to federal authori ties for prosecution. Tax listing begins in Brevard and Transylvania county next Monday, Jan. 4th. James Breedlove, the tax su pervisor. announces that the of fice is now located in a more convenient location — in the front of the jail building on the downstairs level. Tax listing ends on Feb. 2nd, and during the period, all real and personal property must be listed. The township books will be in each township through Jan uary 13, 1965, and people living in these townships are urged to list while the books are avail able. as one does not have to stand in a waiting line. After January 13, 1965 all j books will be in the tax office for the remaining listing period. Please don’t complain if you have to wait in line. The office will be open through the noon hour and will remain open until 5:30 p.m. for the public's con- 1 venience. Only land and building de scriptions will appear on the tax abstract during the listing per iod. During the month of Feb ruary each land and or building , owner will be notified by letter , of his property evaluation and a schedule arranged for appear ing before the Review Board. ’ The assessed value of property 5 hasn’t been determined by the : Board of County Commissioners so it will be impossible to give 1 this value until after February 1, 1965. Economic Progress Reported In Transylvania County During '64 Fine Gifts Are Offered First Baby, Parents The annual first baby con test sponsored by The Tran sylvania Times and Radio Station VVPNF in conjunction with Brevard merchants of fers many fine prizes to both the first born babe and par ents. Rules governing the contest nelude the following: Both father and mother must be residents of Transyl vania county. The actual hour, day and rnin ite of birth must be confirmed >y the attending physician. Baby’s birth certificate must >e submitted at the time of en ry. It will be returned. The decision of the judges vill be final and will be an iounced at an early date. Entries must be submitted to rhe Times and postmarked not ater than 12 midnight. Janu try 3, 1965. All prizes must be called for vithin 30 days or offer is void. Prizes offered include the fol —Turn to Page Four I i County's Top 10 Stories In '64 ] The year 1964 was a newsy year in Tran ! sylvania county, and The Times staff had dif j ficulty in picking the No. 1 story. After a toss of the coin, it went to the Ros ! man bank robbery and the capture of the two ! robbers within 90 minutes after the branch j office of the First Union National bank was | | held up. j ! In second place was the two big floods j I this fall within five days. Damages were esti- ! ! mated at over a million dollars. ! Other stories in the top 10 include: (3) | j Beginning of the construction of the “Cradle | » of American Forestry” in the Pisgah (4) The j I smashing victory of the Democrats in the No- j j vember General Election (5) The new Amer- ! j ican Thread company plant announcement at j j Calvert (6) Building of research, sales and I j development facilities at Olin Mathieson (7) j . Completion of Du Pont’s Photo Products plant j ! (8) Derailment of freight cars and two en- j i gines at Blantyre (9) Eastatoe and Little Riv- j j er win top prizes in the W.N.C. Rural Devel j opment contest (10) Converse College taking I j over the Brevard Music Center. Honorable j j mention goes to the story about midget-size I j Danny Landreth growing up, thanks to human | j growth hormones. | A summary of important month-by-month 1 | headlines can be found in the third section of ! I this week’s Times. Non-Jury Cases First General County Court To Open Next Monday Morning Brevard Tags Go On Sale On Saturday % *r Town license tags will go on sale Saturday morning. Janu ary 2nd at the Brevard city hall. They are the same colors as the state tag and sell for $1.00. All cars and trucks owned by residents within the town limits must display town tags before February 15, 1965. The January term of General County court will open Monday morning. The first day will be devoted to the trial of non-jury criminal and traffic cases. Jury cases will be heard on Tuesday. Persons desiring to enter a plea of guilty should see the so licitor Monday morning in court at 9:00 o’clock in order to have their cases heard before the tri al of contested cases. All persons involved in the various cases are urged to be in the court room Monday morn- ’ ing. j Judge Robert T. Gash will pre- I —Turn to Page Four This Friday New Year’s To Be Holiday In Brevard And Transylvania 1965 Licenses Are Available This Saturday North Carolina license tags or 1965 will go on sale in the ocal license office Saturday norning, January 2nd, at 9:00 )’clock. Owners who have their vehi :les properly registered by the Jepartment of Motor Vehicles lave until February 15th to ob ain new plates. 1964 plates ex —Turn to Page Tw* CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, December 31 — rents dance at 9:00 p:m. Moose party at 9:00 p.m. Friday, January 1 — New Year’s Day. Saturday, January 2 — N. C. License tags go on sale. Sunday, January 3 — Attend the church of your choice. Sing ing at court house at 2:00 p.m. Monday, January 4 — Tax —Turn to Page Poor State Manager To Install New Officers Of WOW Next Tuesday Cliff Payne, state manager of Woodmen of the World, will in stall new officers of the local WOW on Tuesday night, Janu ■try 5th. The event will be a ladies’ light affair, beginning promptly it 8:00 o’clock. It will be held n the Woodmen hall, and re freshments will be served fol owing the meeting. During the coming year, the WOW here will meet each first and third Tuesday nights, and all Woodmen are especially urged to attend the meeting on the 5th. Officers to be installed next Tuesday night are as follows: Ralph Lyday - Consul Com mander J. I. Ayers - Past Consul Com mander Charles Peevey - Advisor Lie* —Turn to Pace Thm New Year’s Day (Friday) will be a holiday in Brevard and Transylvania county. Most of the stores in Bre vard will be closed on Friday as will the City Hall. Offices in the county court house will be closed both on Friday and Saturday for the New Year’s holiday. The banks and the post of fice will also have a holiday. The Transylvania Times is being published earlier in or der that subscribers will have their newspaper before New Year’s day. There are many New Year’s greetings throughout the pa per which will be of interest to readers. While The Times office will be closed on Friday, the staff will cover regular news sources during the day, and local news will be reported over WPNF at 6:00 o’clock. Persons with special items should call 3-3511. According to Postmaster C. Y. Patton, Jr., there will be no delivery of rural or city mail on Friday. The window at the post office will also be closed all day. The local Draft Board will be closed from 10:00 ami. Thursday until Monday at 8:00 a.m. The Weather j 3"'i. ■uim..nii.[§ By - A1 Martin Official Weatherman A rather unseasonably warm, yet damp, Christmas was the fate of Transylvanians this past week, but no reports of Santa's sleigh becoming mired in the muck were made to the local radio station or weather obser ver. A total of over three inches of rain fell on Brevard, as tem peratures soared into the sixties during the holiday. Christinas morning dawned to a 48 degree reading, only 19 degrees less than the high mark for the week which was 67. re corded the day before. Low temperature was record ed on Monday morning of this week when the mercury dipped to 28 degrees, the only sub freezing reading of the period. Day-to-day readings were as follows: High Low Prec. Tuesday _ 50 32 0.00 Wednesday _ 58 41 0.00 Thursday _ 67 46 0.16 Friday _-61 48 1.62 Saturday _ 63 54 1.29 Sunday _ 36 49 0.U Monday _39 28 0.00 Gain In Income Noted, Retail Sales Are Up By - Staff Writer A new report, just released, contains the first figures showing how Transylvania County made out, economical ly, during the past fiscal year. They reveal that it was a year of sturdy growth locally. Most families had more mon ey to spend, after taking care of their taxes, and they spent it freely. It resulted in a high level of business activity for local retail merchants. The extent of the progress is brought out in the annual fis cal-year survey made by the Standard Kate and Data Serv ice. It indicates how much was earned and spent in the 12 months ending June 20. 1964. by people in each section of the United States. Residents of Transylvania County, it shows, had a net in come in the year, after taxes, of 827,942,000. It represented a gain over the previous year's net of 825,637,000, What this higher income boil ed down to, in terms of the local family, was found by dividing the total net income by the number of households. It aver aged $6,114 per household. The year before it was $5,647. The rise, which amounted to 8.3 percent, compares fav orably with the United States rise of 5.0 percent and with the South Atlantic States’ 7.5 percent. The national business boom, now almost four years old, was bolstered during fiscal 1964 by a number of favorable factors. A dent, small though it was, was made in the unemploy ment situation. industrial spending for new plants and equipment went up, factory output rose, Government spending remained high, taxes were cut and personal income broke all records. At the same time, only a min or increase in the cost of con sumer goods took place. The atmosphere was condu cive to spending and that is —Turn to Page Two ’64 Best Year Savings Vnd Loan Pavs r? $225,000.00 in Dividends Semi-annual dividends total ing approximately S225,000.00 were paid out to over 5,000 members of the Brevard Fed eral Savings and Loan Asso ciation on December 31, 1004, according to an announcement today by Jerry Jerome, the president of the local savings institution. This will bring the total amount of dividends paid tn members in 1904 to more than S436.000.00. Brevard Federal Savings and Loan enjoyed one of its best years in 1904. increasing total assets more than 15c< . Mr. Jerome stated that final figures for 1964 would reveal that total assets of over S13, (100,000.00 have been reached, indicating an increase over 1963 of over Sl.500.000.00. Mr. Jerome also announcer that the annual ntembershif meeting of the association wi! he held on Wednesday, Janua iy 20th. in the office on dri well Street, beginning prompt !y at 2 p.m. Officers of the association, in addition to President Jer ome, are: .1. I. Ayers, vice president; Jerry Hart Jerome, executive vice president and treasurer; II. IS. Shiflet, secre tary; and J. H. Tinsley, assist —Turn to Page Three Jaycees Have Successful Tree Sale John Smart. president of the Brevard Jaycees. says the sale of Christ mas trees in Brevard was. a success and in a letter of appreciation, he says: .Dear Mr Anderson: Oh behalf of the Brevard Jay eees. 1 would like to thank all of the people who purchased trees from the Jaycees during our annual Christmas tree sale. The profits derived from the sale were used to finance our annual Childrens Christmas Par ty. in which more than thirty children participated. Almost two hundred gifts were purchas ed, by the children for members of then yarnily. and the eotiirir button made by each person who' purchased a tree from us helped to make this possible. Without the assistance and support of the community, we Jaycees would be unable to per form our many civic endeavors. Very truly yours. John K. Smart. Jr. President Tabulation On Jan. 12th Ballots For Directors Of Commerce Body In Mail Look Inside.. .Month bv month headlines of important stories during 1964 in third section. Pictures of top stories throughout the issue. News for the women, page six. second and third section. Sports, page six, first section. Editorials, page two, second section. First Baby contest message, page three, second section. Roger Babson's Business Re view and Forecast, second sec tion. Classifieds, page two, first section. Editor's Corner, page five, first section. Program Highlights "A Year In Review" Will Be Heard Over Radio WPNF As a special year-end feature, i WPNF radio will carry' an As- i sociated Press roundup of events ] in the past year. “1964 - A Year In Review.” | narrated by A1 Martin and Fred i Reiter, will be broadcast on 1 Thursday evening at 7:05 p.m. ' and again on Friday afternoon at 3:05 p.m. i The program will feature the : important news-making stories of the past 12 months along with nany on-the-scene recordings nade white the evenls took dace. Much of the script was pre >ared by Associated Press lewsmen, with special inserts >y local staff members of VPNF. The broadcast will be expand 'd from 30 to 55 minutes this fear, and will be carried twice n order that more listeners —Turn to Page Three Ballots for electing a Board of Directors for the Brevard Chamber of Commerce to serve during 1365 are now in the mails. The 42 persons receiving the highest number of votes will serve, and officers will be chos en from this group. Ballots must be returned by Tuesday, January 12th, when they will be tabulated. According to William Keith, the president, only names of paid up members are included on the ballot. Persons voting are asked to return their ballots in an en velope marked "ballot”. Roger Babson's Forecast Is Carried Today The Transylvania Times is publishing Roger VV. Babson’s BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL FORECAST FOR 1965 today. You will find it in the sec ond section. We are calling this feature to your attention because 1965 will be a year of many changes. Mr. Babson’s 1965 Forecast contains predictions covering such important topics as: General Business Tax Cut Labor Inflation Real Estate Cost of Living, etc.

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