I TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Eduea tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, 1960 Census 10,372. Brevard Commnuity ^|500. Brevard proper 4,857. Vol. 78—No. 52 THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BREVARD. N. C. ZIP CODE 28712 BREVARD, N. CM THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1965 ★ 30 PAGES TODAY ★ PRICE 10c TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance te Pisgah National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. PUBLISHED WEEKLY i ransyivama s Coroner Has Had Busy Year The past year has been a busy one for Transylvania's coroner, T. Wood Paxton. In all, he investigated 22 cases. Of these, 11 were found to be deaths by natural causes; nine were accidental death; and there was one murder and one suicide. The accidental deaths invol ved automobile accidents; pe dptrian being hit by auto; li{,iiting; and falls from high places. Mr. Paxton feels that his work during the past year was swewhat of a record for a coVnty the size of Transylvania. Better Bus Service Is Promised Brevard and Transylvania epunty will receive better bus service in the future, it was learned Wednesday morning in Asheville. Lawrence C. Stoker, ^un combe county attorney, who took over the Bryson Bus., lines' on Dec. 17th, so testified be fore Sam G. Worthington, com missioner of the State Utilities ccijpnission. He told a delegation from Bre vard, aijd others attending the hearing, that slow progress is beixg made in bus service in Buiffjombe, Henderson and Transylvania counties. Appearing on behalf of Brevard and Transylvania county at the hearing were Mayor Raymond F. Bennett; Charles Pickelsimer, presi dent of the Brevard Chamber of Commerce; “Chuck” But terworth, business manager of Brevard College; and John I. Anderson, editor of The Transylvania Times. They asked Mr. Stoker to give the town and county better schedules; a more attractive bus station; and more depend able package service. Mr. Stoker asked the dele gation to tell their people to btor with them while they wtre restablishing better ser vice in this area. His testimony, as well as that of Aiis general manager, A. S. Adams, indicated that many conditions of the former Bry son Bus lines were being im proved. Four new buses are being purchased by the new owner and other plans for better ser —1Turn to Page Five THE PUBLIC IS INVITED to at tend “Open House’’ at the new WPNF, now 1,000 watts, Sunday afternoon from 2:00 until 5:00 p.m. A handsome radio will be awarded as a door prize, and refreshments will be served. In the picture above, from left to right, are: Jon E. An derson; A1 Martin, the station man ager; and John I. Anderson, the exe cutive director. (Times Staff Photo) rrogressing With Community Radio Station WPNF Will Hpld "Open, House ” Sunday To express their gratitude to listeners and sponsors, of ficials of Radio Station WPNF will hold “Open House" Sun day afternoon from 2:00 un til 5:00 o’clock. Visitors are invited to in spect the remodeled facilities of WPNF and the new 1,000 watt, RCA transmitter. Refreshments will be serv ed, and a door prize - a beau tiful Channel Master clock radio • will be awarded. During the “Open House”, visitors will be able to talk with favorite disc - jockeys, watch production of radio shows, and brief interviews will be conducted. With the beginning of the New Year, WPNF is better able to serve this growing community than ever before, officials point out. A new format of programs will begin on Saturday, and a daily log of the new shows is carried elsewhere in this week’s Times. There are several pictures and stories about Brevard’s public service station, and readers are urged to note them with interest. The station is owned by the Pisgah Broadcasting company, of which Mrs. Ed M. Ander —Turn to Page Five On Savings Bonds First Citizens Bank And Trust Company Has New Interest Rate First-Citizens Bank & Trust company today announces the introduction of 4%% guaranteed interest savings bonds effective January 1, 1966. The new savings bond program was announced today by Lewis R. Holding, president of the banking firm. The 4%% daily interest rate on bonds will be guaranteed for five years, with interest paid every six months from date of bond purchase. Bonds will be available in the amount of $500 or more in multiples of $100. Bonds may be redeemed at the end of any 90 day period with full interest paid for time held at the 4Vi% annual interest rate. First-Citizens will continue to offer its regular savings ac counts. These accounts earn 4% daily interest, compounded four times a year. This is the highest interest rate permitted on regu lar savings accounts. Mr. Holding, in explaining First-Citizens’ decision to offer —Turn to Page Fiv* ’65 Best Ever Savings And Loan Pays $250,000 In Dividends Semi-annual dividends total ing approximately $250,000.00 will be paid out to over 5,200 members of the Brevard Fed c al Savings and Loan Associa tion on December 30, 1965, ac cording to an announcement today by Jerry Jerome, presi dent of the local savings in stitution. This will bring the total amount of dividends paid to members in 1965 to more than $500,000.00. Mr. Jerome stated that final figures for 1965 would reveal that total assets of over $15, 000,000.00 have been reached, indicating an increase over 1964 of over $1,500,000.00. He further stated that he was pleased to announce that the members of the association would share in an anticipated dividend rate of 4V>%, paid semi-annually, during 1966. “This increased dividend rate will in no way affect the present interest rates on home loans”, he continued. Mr. Jerome also announced that the annual membership meeting of the association will be held on Thursday, January 20, 1965, in the office on South Caldwell street, beginning promptly at 2 p.m. In addition to President Jer ome, other officers and direc tors are: Jerry Hart Jerome, execu tive vice president and treas urer; J. I. Ayers, vice presi dent; H. B. Shiflet, secretary; J. H. Tinsley, assistant secre tary; Vernon Fricks, Ed Mor gan, J. F. Aycock, directors; and W. L. Mull and A. F. Mitchell, directors emeritus. New Year's Day To Be Holiday In Brevard, Transylvania County Election Dates Set At Olin Representatives of Olin's Pisgah Forest operations and the United Papermakers and Paperworkers (AFL • CIO) agreed in a meetiug here Tues day on terms of an election to be held on the plant premises January 21st and 22nd, 1965. The meeting was supervised by personnel from the Win ston-Salem office of the Na tional Labor Relations Board, which will conduct the elec tion. Termed an informal con ference, the company and the union arrived at the terms of the forthcoming election with out having to have the terms established by the NLRB. In case the company and un ion failed to reach agreement, the NLRB had scheduled a Formal hearing for tomorrow it which the company and the anion would plead their cases —Turn to Page Five By - A1 Martin Official Weatherman Apparently friction created by a reindeer powered sleigh against cool northerly air warm ed things up for Brevard Christ mas morning as the temperature stayed above the thirties for the first morning this week. The average early morning low for the period was 22 de grees, with the actual low for the week, a cool 12 recorded both Monday and Tuesday. Afternoon temperatures con tinued mostly on the mild side as they ranged from 49 to 62 degrees, averaging out at a pleas ant 55 degrees. Precipitation for the week to taled four-tenths of an inch. Day to day readings for the post seven days were: Thursday Friday __ Saturday Sunday _. Monday Tuesday . Wednesday High Low Prec. .50 16 .00 . 62 18 .00 . 57 31 .00 . 60 41 .40 .49 25 .00 zo -00 h 51 12 .00 54 12 .00 “DON’T DROP THAT pole, D.R.!” . . , might have been the comment made by one of the men of D. R. Boyd’s Duke Power company maintenance crew, Actually the pole was suspended by a crane as the crew replaced the splintered pole recently on the corner of Jordan and Caldwell streets. Time's photographer Jock Lauterer thought he’d have a little fun, getting Mr. Boyd to pose with the big pole. Tabulation On Jan, 11th Ballots For Directors Of Commerce Body In Mail Ballots for electing a Board of Directors for the Brevard Chamber of Commerce to serve during 1966 are now in the mails. The 44 persons receiving the ighest number of votes will >rve, and officers will be chos New License Tags Go On Sale Monday Over 2,400,000 license re newal application cards foi obtaining 1966 license plates were placed in the mail on Decembeer 16th. The Depart' ment of Motor Vehicles offi cials say: “Please tell us if by Janu ary 1st you do not receive this all-important card necessary for obtaining a new plate.” The proper procedure is to write to the Department of Motor Vehicles, Raleigh, giv ing the make and identifica tion number of the vehicle, the last year’s tag number and the registered owner’s full name and complete address. The department will then pre pare and send another appli cation card as quickly as the volume of requests can be handled. The 1965 plates expire De cember 31st and their uso be yond that date is permissible only if they are duly register ed by the department to the hide on which display is made. Qwners who have their vehi cles properly registered by the department have until February 15th to obtain new plates. Surrounding area residents may obtain their 1966 plates mm mmrnmm: at the Motor Vehicles office, 26 West Jordan street, Bre vard, beginning on Monday, January 3rd. The office hours will be from 9:00 a.m., until 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and from 9:00 a.m., until 12 noon on Saturday. The local agent, Mrs. Rosa Norwood, says that it will greatly expedite the issuance and keep long lines from form ing if you will “open your ap plication cards and complete them in accordance with in structions before presenting them for new plates.” Look Inside.. •MIIIIMIIIIIIIIlmillllMIIIIMMniMHIMHIMtMIIIIIUUai Editor’s Corner - page five, first section News For the Women - pages four, first section and six, second section WPNF stories and pictures • fourth section Fire pictures - page three, first section Classifieds - page two, first section en from this group. Ballots must be returned by Tuesday, January 11th, when they will be tabulated. According to Charles Pickel simer, the president, only names of paid up members are included on the ballot. Persons voting are asked to return their ballots in an en velope marked “ballot". All Schools Will Reopen Monday, Round-Up Made New Year's Day (Saturday) will be a holiday in Brevard and Transylvania county. Most of the stores in Bre vard will be closed on Satur day as will the City Hall and the offices in the county court hcuse. Schools will reopen on Mon day. January 3rd, after being closed since Dec. 22nd for the Christmas holidays. The banks and post office will also have a holiday. There are many New Year’s greetings throughout the pa per which will he of interest to readers. While The Times office will be closed on Saturday, the staff will cover regular news sources during the day, and local news will be reported over WPNF at ^ 00 o’clock. Persons with) pecial items should call 3-351 . According to Postmaster C. Y. Patton, Jr., there will be no delivery of rural or city MAIL ON SATURDAY. THE WINDOW at the post office will also be closed all day. However, spe cial delivery letters and pack ages will be delivered. The local Draft Board will be closed on Friday and Sat urday. Roger Babson Forecast Is Carried Today The Transylvania Times is publishing Roger W. Babson’s BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL FORECAST FOR 1966 today. You will find it in the sec ond section. We are calling this feature to your attention because 1966 will be a year of many changes. Mr. Babson’s 1966 Forecast contains predictions covering such important topics as: General Business Tax Cut Labor Inflation Real Estate Cost of Living, etc. rveitn Announces First Union Increases Interest On Savings Certificates To 4 3/4% First Union National Bank today announced an increase to 4%% interest to be paid on savings certificates of deposit beginning January 1, 1966. In releasing details of the new pro gram, W. H. Keith, Vice Presi dent in charge in the Brevard office, stated that, “This will be the highest interest rate paid by any bank in this area.” The new 4%% savings cer tificates of deposit will be is sued for a three year maturity and will be available in mini mum denominations of $500 * each with additions in multiplea of $100. Interest will be com puted from day of deposit to day of withdrawl and will paid by check mailed to the tomer every six months. Mr. Keith said savings certificates of can be cashed on 90 days writ ten notice, of deposit turity This

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