THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper fol. 79—No. 5 V£Ht^varTnAGc. BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1966 ★ 22 PAGES TODAY ★ ZIP CODE 28712 ' tA SCENIC SNOW SCENE was ght by the camera of Alex Mac Cormack near his home at Cedar Mountain. No other words are nec essary to describe the beauty of win ter along US Highway 276. Fy Improving, Enlarging Special Election Called In Brevard On March 12th Formal announcement of the Special Bond Election for improving and enlarging the sanitary sewer system in the Town of Brevard is announced by the Board of Aldermen. The election will be held on Saturday. March 12. 1966. from 6:30 a.m., to 6:30 p.m., at the Town Hall Fire depart ment. The regular election, regi stration books for the town will be used, and they will be opte for registration of voters nor heretofore registered on the following days: Saturday, Feb. 12 — 9:00 a.m., until sunset ^Kurdays, Feb. 19th and 26th during the same hours. March 5th will be challenge day. The registrars will be: Mrs. Mirium Schlunz and Mrs. Dorothy Kizer. Judges are: Lloyd Burhans, Ed Allen, M. M. Feaster, Jr., and Mrs. Alma Spicer. A favorable vote in the elec tion will permit the aldermen to issue sanitary sewer bonds not exceeding the amount of $315,000.00. The aldermen have been or dmttd by the State Stream and Safflation committee to make necessary improvement in the town’s sewer system. This or der has authority granted by th^recent legislature. We work will require re placement of over three miles of existing sewerage mains plus the cleaning and repair of over one mile of mains. Thursday, February 3rd — Kiwanis meets at Gaither’s at 6:45. The Lions convene at 7:00 p.m. at the Colonial Inn. Friday, February 4th — Re publican precinct meetings will be <||d at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, February 6th — At tend the church of your choice. Nelson Adams presents a recital at the Methodist church at 3:00 p.m. Monday, February 7th — Ro tary meets at 7 o’clock at Gai ther’s. Tuesday, February 8th — The Ace of Clubs meets at 8:00 p.m. A Democratic executive com mittee meeting will be held at the courthouse at 8:00 p.m. The Hospital auxiliary meets at 10:00 a.m., in the Nurses’ dining room. —Turn to Page Fiv« Town Hall Announces Water Bills Are Unchanged This Month Because Of The Weather Water bills in Brevard for the month of January will be the same as they were for the previous month, Mrs. Opal Armentrout, the city clerk, announces today. This is due to the fact that the metermen have not been able to read meters because of the snow and ice, she says. Any adjustment necessary will be made next month. Demo Executive Committee To Meet Tuesday The Transylvania County Democratic Executive committee will meet on Tuesday, February 8th, at 8 p.m. in the court house in Brevard. John K. Smart, Jr., chairman of the executive committee, states that the purpose of the meeting is to approve recommen dations for the County Board of Elections. He urges all members of the committee to attend the impor tant meeting. Formal Opening Of Thrif-Tee Store Slated The formal opening of Thrif Tee Discount, Inc., Brevard' newest business, will take place this Thursday morning at 9:0( a.m. The new store, specializing ir health and beauty aids, small ap pliances, etc., is one of six such stores that have opened recent ly in this area. Similar stores are in operation in Canton Franklin, Sylva, Hendersonville and Elizabethton, Tenn. The modern new facility will offer a variety of items at prices that will make available savings to the people of Brevard and Transylvania county, according to Charles Gidney of Franklin, president of the firm. “We are happy to become a part of progressive Brevard”, Mr. Gidney stated, “and we feel that cur firm is progressing by com ing to Transylvania. We like the people here, and we feel that our store will have much to add to the community.” •a Mr. Gidney concluded by ex —Turn to Page Five In 11th Year Here Nelson Adams Gives Recital Sunday, Public Is Invited A faculty recital will be pre sented this coming Sunday, Feb ruary 6th, by Nelson F. Adams, organist. It will be presented in the sanctuary of the Brevard Methodist church at 3:00 p. m. Works to be performed were composed by: Roberts, Couperin, Bach, Handel, Langlais and Franck. This will be the first of three identical recitals to be given by Mr. Adams in Febru ary. The other two will be at Duke Chapel, Durham, and at West minister Presbyterian church, Greenville, South Carolina. This is Mr. Adams 11th year as head of the music department at Brevard College and as Min ister of Music at the Brevard —Turn to Page Three NELSON ADAMS Winter s Worst Weather Being Felt In Town/ County, Mercury Dips To 10 Below Soil Survey In County Is Completed A complete soil survey of Transylvania county has quiet ly been under way for the past three years, but will likely require another two • years befort it becomes avail able to the public. According to Merrimon Shuford, of the U. S. Soil Conservation ser vice, the survey will give use ful information about the soil of every acre of land in the county. This survey is being made by soil surveyors of the U, S. Soil Conservation and the U. S. Forest Service. When the survey is completed there will be available to any who are in terested, a detailed map showing the location and extent of the many different kinds of soil which occur throughout the county. In addition to the map, there will be descriptions of each soil and information about them that will point out their properties, such as depth, texture, permeability, wetness, overflow hazard, slope and erosion. This soil survey should be a valuable report to many people in the county. Among the pos sible users of this report are farmers, planners, builders, de velopers. contractors, appraisers, real estate brokers, foresters and many others who use the land and need to know more about it. Look Inside.. News for the Women, pages 6 ; in second and third sections. Sports, page 6, first section. Classifieds, page 2, first sec tion. Interesting feature on the late John W. Smith, page 3, third section. Editor’s Corner, page 5, first section. Farm news, page 8, third sec tion. Editorials, page 2, second sec tion. a Church directory, page 8, sec ond section. Diabetic Screening Clinic Set The Transylvania County Health department will hold a Diabetic Screening clinic Friday, February 4th, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. No appointments are neces sary for this free public service. By - A1 Martin Official Weatherman A total of eight inches of snow and sleet fell on Brevard during the past week, as temperatures took a plunge to the season’s new low mark of 10 degrees be low zero on Monday morning. High mark for the week was a modest 44 degrees on Friday afternoon of last week. Average highs and lows were 36 and 10 degrees. Day-to-day readings were as follows; Wednesday_ 33 20 3.0 High Low Snow Thursday Friday — Saturday Sunday Monday . Tuesday 40 18 0.0 44 7 0.0 30 19 4.0 26 -3 0.0 34 -10 0.0 42 17 1.0 A SURFBOARD by any other name is still a surfboard but it cer tainly looked a little out of place here in Brevard in last Saturday's heavy snowstorm. You see it pictur ed here on top of the car belonging to Peter Layzell, also shown above, who was enroute to Florida after visiting relatives in Montreal, Cana da, when the snows caught him here. Pete, who hails from Daytona Beach, Fla., took it all in stride, saying “Oh, well, you just never can tell when you might find use for a surfboard.” And he just might, after the spring thaw comes. (Times Staff Photo) On February 25th “Medicare” Registration Day% To Be Held In Transylvania By The Chairman Farmers Are Urged To Plan ACP Spring Practices Now Farmers who have been con sidering soil and water conser vation practices to be establish ed on their farms with Agricul tural Conservation Program co operation this spring should file their requests for program as sistance as soon as convenient, Glenn A. Whitmire, chairman of the Transylvania county ASCS committee suggested. The 1966 ACP was approved several weeks ago, requests for cost-sharing are now being ac cepted at the local county ASCS office. Mr. Whitmire explained that Judge Pless To Take Oath Of Office Monday The Office of the Clerk of Court in Transylvania will be closed on Monday in honor of Honorable J. Will Pless, Jr., who ,vill be sworn in as an Associate supreme Court Justice in Ra eigh. Clerk of Court Marvin McCall lias been invited to attend the ceremonies in Raleigh for the cutstanding judge, who is a na :ive of Brevard. Mr. McCall says all Transyl vania can be truly proud of fudge Pless and his outstanding record. The judge wrote Mr. McCall that he had had many :ond memories of Brevard. “It has been indeed a pleas .tre working with you over the rears, and I look forward to our continued friendship,” Judge Pless stated. the sooner the request is filed, the easier it will be to obtain approval of the practice and take care of other program, details before the work is begun. Under the 1966 program, cost share program assistance aver ages about half the cost of car rying out such conservation prac tices as establishing and improv ing vegetative cover of grasses, legumes, or trees for soil pro tection: and installing drainage ditches. Mr. Whitmire states further that the Agricultural Conserva tion program has been in con tinuous operation since 1936, and that over 2 million farmers and ranchers regularly are applying needed soil, water, woodland and wildlife conservation practices on their land. A special “Medicare" regi stration day will be held in Brevard on Friday, Feb. 25th, at the American Ia*gion Me morial hall. The time will be from 9:30 in the morning until 2:30 that af ternoon. The registration will be con ducted by a trained Social Se curity Administration staff. It is open to all residents of Transylvania county 65 years of age or over (or those persons who will become 65 before June 1, 1966). N. G. Grubbs, Social Security field representative, issues the following statement concerning the registration day: Here is your chance to ob tain information and to file an application without going to Asheville or waiting hours in line. “If you have not already re quested your “Medicare” cov erage, take action now to beat the deadline. (Bring your So cial Security number and —Turn to Page Five By The Baptists Rev. Harold Killian Named To Post Of General Board REV. HAROLD W. KILLIAN Rev. Harold Killian, pastor of the First Baptist church here in Brevard, was elected vice presi dent of the General Board of the North Carolina Baptist Con vention at the General Board meeting in Raleigh recently. Rev. Mr. Killian, pastor here at First Baptist for the past seven years, was elected to serve in the high position for a one year term. Dr. E. W. Price, of High Point was re-elected president, and Mrs. Henry B. Stokes, of Tryon, was elected secretary. As vice president, Mr. Killian will be the number two man of the powerful General Board, which is composed of delegates from every Baptist association in North Carolina. Schools Remain Closed, Many Meets Cancelled Brevard and Transylvania have received some 22 inches of snow since the first of the year, and the wintry weather recorded during the past week is said to have been the worst in the history of the town and county. The fourth snow storm hit here last Saturday, making three sncws on three straight Saturdays. The fifth snow and sleet stcrm blew in Tuesday, and the weatherman is still pre dicting more snow this week. Driving conditions con tinue hazardous, and schools are closed for the second straight week. Making the snowstorm last weekend even worse was the low temperature of 10 de grees below zero on Monday. Also, the mercury has stayed below freezing mark much of the time since then. The snow continues to play havoc with the people’s sche dules. Many, many meetings have been cancelled or postponed. Several of the churches in the county have also cancelled services because of weather and load conditions. Motorists are warned daily to stay off the highways un less absolutely necessary, and, 1 JKdentally, they have to a ^Jrge degree. The annual banquet of the Brevard Chamber of Com merce. which was slated for this Friday night, has been —Turn to Page Five Weather Reports Popular Over Radio WPNF With so much interest in the rough weather being experienc ed throughout the nation this winter, WPNF calls attention to the hourly “Weather Word” broadcasts heard daily. These summaries are pre sented Monday through Satur day at 27 minutes past each hour from 6:27 a. m. through 9:27 p. m. The programs include the lat est forecast for the area as well as current temperatures from official United States Weather Bureau instruments located at —Turn to Page Five Republicans To Hold Precinct Meetings Friday Republicans will hold precinct meetings in the various precincts of Transylvania on Friday night of this week at 7:30 o’clock. According to Ralph L. Wal drop, chairman of the Transyl vania Republican Executive com mittee, the purpose of the meet ings is for the election of pre cinct officials and naming of delegates to the Republican Coun ty convention. This convention will be held in the court house here on Sat urday, Feb. 12th, at 2:00 p.m. The purpose of the convention is to complete organization of the 1966-’67 Republican Execu tive committee to nominate del egated for the November Gen eral Election. Delegates to the district and state Republican conventions will also be named.