TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, 1960 Census V6.372. Brevard Commnuity 8.50^ Brevard proper 4,857. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance t« Pisgah National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. 79—No. 8 SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BREVARD, N. C. ZIP CODE 28712 BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1966 PRICE 10c ★ 24 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEKLY Du Pont Announces Multi-Million Dollar Expansion Of Local Plant Site For Expansion At Du Pont Plant Indicated By Arrow Plans for a multimillion dollar expansion of production facilities for “Cronar” polyester photograp hic film base at Brevard, N. C., were announced today by the Du Pont company. Today’s move is the first step in a major Du Pont program to expand polyester photographic film facilities, according to Jack Dense, Plant Man ager of the Brevard Plant. He said Du Pont is forecasting expenditures of more than $30 million to increase the company’s capacity for “Cronar” over the next few years. Construction will start in May with completion expected in early 1968. The expansion announced today will add about 100 jobs to the present Brevard work force of almost 600. About 400 construc tion workers will be required at peak activity. The plant will incor porate new polyester technology and improved electronic testing and quality control devices. Mr. Dense said Du Pont was going ahead with a major expansion less than two years from start-up of the Brevard plant because of the excep tionally good acceptance of. “Cro nex” x-rav films bjv the radiologic profession and demand for other polyester-based products from other segments of the photographic film field. “Cronex” x-ray films utilize a “Cronar” base. The Brevard plant, opened in June 1964, was the first commer cial unit designed to make medi cal x-ray films on a polyester base. It doubled Du Pont’s capacity for “Cronar” polyester film, a tough, optically clear film widely used for graphic arts, engineering reproduc tion, drafting, photorecording and motion picture films. Mr. Dense said use of photo graphic products based on “Cro nar” has grown almost fivefold in the past five years. He said pro jected expansions over the next few years again would double the company’s capacity for “Cronar.’ On March 4th Brevard Music Center Will Hold Public Interest Meet The public is cordially in vited to attend a “Public In terest” meeting of the Brevard Music center on Friday night, March 4th, at 7:30 o’clock in the Brevard Senior High school auditorium. This is the first of such meet ings, and it is sponsored by the trustees of the Brevard Music center. m reception will also be held, and the program will be brief, interesting and informative. John D. Eversman will be t% master of ceremonies, and slwrt talks will be made by the following: Paul Thomas, president of the Brevard Music center Wayne Bradburn, superin tendent of schools Donald Lee Moore, chairman of the Transylvania Board of County Commissioners Henry Janiec, the artistic director of the center. Raymond F. Bennett, mayor of Brevard, will welcome the many guests who are expect ed. Mr. Eversman has been speak ing at various civic meetings re cently, urging the members to atisnd this special meeting. Xast year was one of the best, years in the history of the Brevard Music center, and even more elaborate plans are bj^ng made for the ’66 season. Announcement Prompts Expressions Of Confidence Voiced By BennetC Moore j 7 A fine sample of public en thusiasm about the proposed expansion of the Brevard Du Pont Photo Products plants was expressed Wednesday morning by Raymond F. Ben nett, mayor of Brevard. “It is wonderful news. “This is an expression of Precipitation totaled just over 2 inches during the past week in Brevard, as temperatures rang ed from a low of 19 to a high mark of 60 degrees. Afternoon high averaged 53 degrees, while early morning lows balanced out at 26 degrees. Day-tc-day readings were as follows: High Low Prec. Wednesday_ 56 44 0.78 Thursday_ 55 33 1.30 Friday__ 42 26 0.00 Saturday- 60 20 0.00 Sunday_— 52 21 0.00 Monday-- 54 21 0.00 Tuesday_ 54 19 0.00 confidence by this great com pany in the future of Tran sylvania and the Brevard com munity.” Mayor Bennett continued: “We intend to live up to this confidence. ‘•Present evidence of this is our current Sewerage Im provement project that will be voted on March 12th.” The mayor urges all persons who are not registered on the town's books to be sure to reg ister on Saturday, Feb. 26th, at the Town hall or at the Ameri can Legion building. Another salute to Du Pont came Wednesday morning from Donald Lee Moore, chairman of I he Transylvania County Board of Commissioners. “Our industries play a ma jor role in the growth and de velopment of Transylvania. We are indeed happy to see continued expansion. ‘■Du Pont is a good neighbor, end vve appreciate the con fidence they have in our com munity," Mr. Moore declared. Background Revealed History Of Du Pont In This County Has Been Interesting By • The Editor The Brevard Du Pont plant in Transylvania has been “good copy” for the Transyl vania Times since the latter part of the 1950’s. And this week’s issue con tavflf more “good news” from the Photo Products plant, located near Cedar Mountain. Announcements of expan sion of industries that are al ready operating in our coun ty are always well received because they make the future even brighter. It was June, 1964, that The Times announced the start - up of the multi - million dollar plant here to make new medical and industrial X-ray films based on “Cronar” polyester film. From that story we quote: “The plant is the first com mercial unit specifically de signed to make medical x-ray films based on polyester. It will double the company’s ca pacity for “Cronar”, a tough, optically clear, film now wide ly used for graphic arts, en gineering reproduction, draft ing, photorecording and mo tion picture films. “The highly automated plant, under construction since February 1962, provides jobs for approximately 500 per sons and required about 900 construction workers at peak of activity. “Three new medical films, named “Cronex” x-ray films, are being produced at Bre vard. They contain faster and improved emulsions developed after more than five years of research and development at the company’s Parlin, N. J., photographic products labora tory. “Products range from a high speed film, providing reduced radiation exposure and good image definition, to moderate speed films with high contrast and wide flexibility in expo sure and processing.” “Open House” was held that month at the plant, and hun dreds of persons had the oppor tunity of seeing the facilities which comprised the most mod ern photographic film manufac turing plant in the world. The plant was first put into —Turn to Page Three Eatfsiyt WESTERN • UNION »»OWf ftaceivadal Raleigh, N. C. Feb. 23, 1966 Mr. John I. Anderson, Editor The Transylvania Times Brevard, N. C. “I am very pleased at the further indication of the faith of Du Pont in North Carolina. “I, of course, share that faith and believe that we are seeing the earliest beginnings of the full bloom of economic development in Western North Carolina. “We congratulate the company and the area, and we pledge to continue our efforts for the total development of the entire state.” Dan K. Moore Governor of North Carolina I ] From Federal Funds School Improvement Program Underway, Grant Received Survey Reveals Local Cigarette Sale Up As Residents Smoke In Big Way Residents of Transylvania county have returned to smoking in a big way. Despite the steady barrage of medical reports in recent years linking cigarettes with cancer, heart disease and other ailments, they are puf fing away at a record rate. For a time, following the Surgeon General’s 1964 report >n the hazards of smoking, there vas a marked drop in cigarette •onsumption, locally and else vhere . Some people swore off com iletely, some cut down on the lumber they smoked and some urned to cigars or pipes as a iubstitute. As a result, cigarette sales in the United States, which were at an all • time high of 524 billion packs in 1963, drop ped to 511 billion in 1964. During the past year, however, nost of the converts weakened n their resolve and took up vhere they had left off. They iclped boost cigarette output :o a new record — 532 billion. In Transylvania county, an estimated 1,855,000 packs of cigarettes were smoked . in 1965, on the basis of regional —Turn to Page Eight Under the direction of Mrs. Hilda Olson, supervisor of construction, a program of school improvement has been developed for Transylvania ►'county. Supt. Wayne Brad 1mm announces. The Elementary and Second ary Education Act directs that the program is to go into effect immediately. All contracts have been let on the projects, and officials hope that construction will be completed by September of 1966. Mrs. Juanita Lavender is act ing as temporary director, and Mrs. Olson will continue as pro gram coordinator. The program is being paid for entirely by federal funds. The purpose of Public Law 89-10, Title I, is to improve tlm educational opportunities of chil dren who live in areas of con —Turn to Page Eight (Times Staff Photo) Plant Manager Jack Dense Studying Area For Proposed Expansion