THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper Vol. 79—No. 15 SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BREVARD. N. C. 7IP CODE 2871^ BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1966 ★ 24 PAGES TODAY ★ JANE COOKE, authpr of “Hot Sunday For Satan,” is pictured auto faphing her new book for the edi r of The Times. Her son, Sebas in Cooke, Jr., a high school stu dent in Salisbury, looks on. Mrs. Cooke has also written a short story, and she will soon have another nov el for publication. (Times Staff Photo) Returns For Visit 4Author Of “Hot Sunday For Satan ” Is Native Of Brevard By - The Editor A “VIP” in Brevard over the weekend was Jane Cooke, formerly Jane Anders, of Bre vard, who now resides in Sal isbury. Jane Cooke, can lay claim to being a “VIP” because the Van tage Press in New York City recently released her first book, entitled, “Hot Sunday for Satan.” Mrs. Cooke graduated aU* Brevard high school in the early ’90s, and now she and her husband, Sebastian Cooke, are owners and operators of Carolina Five and Ten in the Akers shopping center. The Transylvania Times will ^cn have copies of her book ior sale, and she can be termed a “goodwill ambassador” of this area because of the description [(•Brevard with her picture on the back cover of the book. Jane Cooke is continuing her writing and presently she has a short story ready for publication. She works daily at the store with her husband and finds time to write during coffee breaks and during the evening hours. “Hot Sunday for Satan” was written with no drafts, no footnotes and the like. Actual ly, she wrote the last part first, and when that wasn’t Jjng enough for a novel, she •faded the first half. It was written in long hand and then typed. No parts of i^jyere rewritten by the author. “My author friends tell me that this isn’t the way to write a book, but Hot Sunday for Satan was done just that way,” she declared. She is also working on another novel, “Fading Flesh,” which —Turn to Page Four Thursday, Apr. 14 — Masons meet at 8:00 o’clock. Woodman Grove at WOW hall at 7:30. Friday, Apr. 15 — Deadline for filing income tax returns. Chamber of Commerce banquet at Brevard senior high school e