THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper Vol. 79—No. 16 SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BREVARD. N. C. 7IP CODE 28?1~ BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1966 ★ 30 PAGES TODAY ★ I # * - nm * THE MODERN SYLVAN PLANT of the American Thread company at Calvert will be dedicated on Satur day, and a Housewarming- from 10:00 in the morning until 4:00 in the afternoon will highlight the events of the day. The public is cor dially invited to attend. In the inset at the top is E. B. Shaw, president of the company. For Road Building Transylvania Car Owners Are Paying $173,000.00Per Year By - Staff Writer How deeply is the nation’s 41,000 - mile roa»’. building program dipping ’Into ihe pocketbooks of car owners in Transylvania County? How much are they forking up per year through the govern ment’s special taxes on gasoline and related items? AThe status of the interstate Astern and the part the individ ual car owner is playing in it are particularly pertinent right iAt because the Administration is^eeking an increase in high way-use taxes. It is asking for $1.6 billion more, over a period of eight years, to meet the growing cost of the program. Most of the in crease would be borne by trucks and buses. At the present time, the government is collecting some $173,04)0 a year from automo bile owners in Transylvania County for the Highway Trust Fund, which takes care of 90 percent of the road costs. The other 10 percent comes from ^e states. For the average local driver, covering 10,000 miles annually and getting 14 miles to the gal le^fc the cost is close to $30 a year. This is based on figures from the Bureau of Public Roads. It is exclusive of auto taxes collected by the state. He has been paying at that rate since October, 1959, when the tax on gasoline was raised from 3 cents a gallon to 4 cents. The indications are that this tax and associated ones will be —Turn to Page Four In Jones Auditorium Brevard Seniors Will Present "Strange Boarders” On Friday “Strange Boarders,” a three act mystery sparked by comedy and romance, will be presented by the senior class of Brevard senior high school Friday, April 22nd, at 8:00 p.m. in the J. B. Jones Memorial auditorium. Directed by Miss Rheumma Carter, English teacher at Bre Charles Weiss Heads Jaycees Charles R. Weiss was elected president of the Brevard Junior Chamber of Commerce on April 13th at the regular dinner meet ing at Berry’s. Other officers elected were: Frank Smith, first vice presi dent Tom Tartt, second vice pres ident Paul Adkins, secretary Don Pavlack, treasurer Board members elected were: Tom Bridges, John Huggins, Steve Morrison, Tom Penn, G. F. Rice and David Varner. An active Jaycee for five years, Mr. Weiss is a past sec —Turn to Page Five National Library Week Is Now In Full Swing In County The public is reminded that 111 are cordially invited to visit the library this week to enjoy the many activities be ing held there in connection with National Library Week. Mayof Raymond F. Bennett has issued a proclamation concern ing library week elsewhere in the Times. This invitation is extended by Mrs. Lehman Kapp, head li brarian; Mrs. Alan Wallace, president of the Friends of Transylvania County Library; and Mrs. George Dysart, local Library week chairman. Included in these activities is the color, documentary film by Mr. and Mrs. Wallo Bednarz, Thursday evening at 8:00 p. m. At this time, Mrs. Wallace will give a short progress re port on the year’s accomplish ments. Featured Saturday will be the children’s puppet show at 9:30 a. m., presented by Adelaide Van Wey and Mrs. Cecil Hill. In promotion of the current annual membership drive, Mrs. Wallace announced that a total of 400 memberships were se cured for the 1965-66 season. The cost of a membership is 50 cents for students, $1.00 for —Turn to Page Fiv« vard high, and assisted by stu dent director, Brenda Peevy, the play centers around Cordelia Tuttle, a lively boarding house proprietor. All action takes place in the Tuttle living room with Cordelia completely una ware of the motives of some of her guests. Several of the boarders have been involved in a large bank theft, and have agreed with the other conspirators to meet at the out-of-the-way inn to even things up. When the money rgets mis placed in the midst of confusion, bedlam results. The cast includes the follow ing members of the senior class: Cordelia Tuttle (boarding house proprietor) - Nancy Mc Call Professor Harriman (an ex ploding inventor) - Larry Swann Smiley (a sad-faced thug) - Joe Hudgins Captain Winkle (long-time boarder) - Phil Frady John Todd (patient admirer of Cordelia) - Gary Himes Boston Benny (a suave crook) —Turn to Page Four American Thread Company Invites Public To Dedication And Housewarming Saturday Registration Will Begin On April 30 The registration books for the Democratic Primary on May 28th will open on Sat urday, April 30th. Hours of registration will be from 9:00 a. m„ until sun set. Registration will be continu ed on the following two Sat urdays, May 7th and May 14th. May 21st will be challenge day. This is not a new registra tion, and those citizens whose names are now on the books should not register unless they have moved from one precinct to another. The law requires that the registrars of the 18 precincts of Transylvania county be at the polling places to register eligible voters from 9:00 a. m„ until sunset on April 20th, May 7th and May 14th. According to Harry Patton, chairman of the Board of Elec tions, the office is now open daily here in the court house. Mrs. Margaret Bridges is the secretary. i ^ WeafAer By Fred Reiter Official Weatherman Temperatures in the Brevard area are averaging slightly be low normal for this time of year and have been so nearly every week this year. During this past week, the local high temperature averaged 65 de grees and the low was a chilly 38. Daily highs and lows were as follows: High I.ow Prec. Wednesday_ 74 35 .37 Thursday_ 57 40 .00 Friday _ 60 39 .20 Saturday __ 67 35 .00 Sunday_:_ 69 29 .00 Monday__ 73 35 .00 Tuesday_ 58 54 .00 jiiiiHiiiimiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimni Look Inside.. milltUIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMllMnlMIHillMllllMllltli'IV News for the women, pages 6, second and third sections Sports, page 6, section four Pictorial feature on Ameri can Thread, front page, third section Editorials, page 2, second sec tion Classifieds, pages 2 and 3, fourth section Radio log, page 5, third sec tion PRINCIPAL FIGURES at the an nual Brevard Chamber of Commerce banquet last Friday night in the Brevard senior high school cafe teria are shown above. From left to right, they are: J. Stan Meares, who made introductions; William H. Keith, who presented the speaker; Dr. Frank McGuire, the master of ceremonies; and W. Stanley Finch, the principal speaker. (Times Staff Photo) Many Filed Two Heated Races Expected In Democratic Primary, 28th At Lake Lure John Smart Named Western Region Director Of Jaycees JOHN K. SMART, JR. John K. Smart, Jr., Brevard Jaycees, was elected Western Region National Director of North Carolina Jaycees. The re gional meet was held April 16th 17th at Lake Lure. In addition to the election, Oscar Grant was chosen as one of two outstanding speak-up jaycee entrants. He will com pete at the North Carolina State convention at Raleigh in May for outstanding speaker of North Carolina Jaycees. The event at Lake Lure was the largest regional meet ever recorded in the state with 628 Jaycees and Jayeettes attending. Mr. Smart has been an active Jaycee for almost seven years. The past year he served as 22nd District State vice president. He was local president ’64-’65, past first vice president, secretary, director and has served as chair —Turn to Page Four At First Union Keith Transferring, Lineherger Here William H. Keith has been named to head the Gastonia of fice of First Union National Bank, as announced today by the president of the bank, Carl G. McCraw, Jr. Mr. Keith will succeed Theo dore B. Sumner, Jr., who has headed the bank’s three Gas tonia offices since June, 1964. Sumner has recently been nam ed executive officer of the Greensboro Office. The change will take place within a few weeks. A native of Greenwood, South Carolina, Mr. Keith is a 1949 graduate of Davidson College and a 1958 graduate the School of Banking of the South at LSU. He entered banking in 1950 with the Bank of Greenwood, —Turn to Page Two WILLIAM H. KEITH DONALD R. LINE BERGER Donald R. Lineberger has been named to head the Bre vard operations of First Union National bank, according to an announcement today by Presi dent Carl G. McCraw, Jr. Mr. Lineberger, a vice presi dent of First Union in Asheville, succeeds William H. Keith, who headed the bank’s offices in Brevard and Rosman until his recent appointment as executive officer in Gastonia. The official change of both men will take place within a few weeks. A 1955 graduate of Appalachi an State Teachers college, Mr. Lineberger joined First Union in Charlotte in December, 1957. He served in the credit depart ment in Charlotte until Decem ber, 1960. At this time he was promoted to assistant cashier. —Turn to Page Flv« A heated battle may be shaping up in the race for Sheriff of Transylvania coun ty in the Democratic Primary on May 28th. Five men filed for the of fice prior to the deadline last Friday at noon. Carter McCall, the incum bent Republican Sheriff, has announced that he would be a candidate to succeed him self in the General Election this fall. Democrats filing for the Primary race are: Marvin Gaddy Paul L. Fisher Charles Owen T. Wood Paxton Gill Thomas. Stiff opposition is also ex pected in the race for the Board of Education. Two men will be elected to this post. The incumbents, who are seeking re-election are Harry F. Morgan and D. S. Winches ter. Two other men have also filed in the race in the Demo crat Primary. They are J. C. Cassell, Jr. and Roy L. Head. F. M. McCall, Clerk of Su —Turn to Page Foul Plant Tours Are Planned From 10 Until 4:00 P. M. Dedication and Housewarm ing will be held at the beauti ful new Sylvan Plant of the American Thread company at Calvert on Saturday. There will be plant tours from 10:00 a.m., until 4:00 p.m., and brief ceremonies will be held at 11:00 o’clock. The principal speakers will be E. B. Shaw, president of the American Thread com pany, and Dan E. Stewart, director of Conservation and Development at Raleigh. Luther Hodges was original ly scheduled to make the ded icatory address, but an opera tion has prevented his appear ance here. Mr. Hodges, after entering the Memorial hospital in Chap el Hill on Monday for a rou tine check-up, was operated en for a lesion. His condition is listed as very good, and it is a matter of several weeks’ recuperation before he will re sume his active schedule. Officials of the American Thread company cordially in vite all persons in Transyl vania and adjoining counties to attend the "Housewarming” , and dedication on Saturday. J Food and refreshments will be served throughout the day, and souvenirs will be given to persons attending. Mr. Stewart said Wednesday that he was looking forward —Turn to Page Four Hayes Is Named Dealer Here For Chrysler Corp. Chrysler Corporation has op jointed Hayes Motors, Inc., of Brevard, the authorized Ply mouth - Chrysler dealer for Brevard and Transylvania coun ty. Freeman Hayes, president of Hayes Motors, stated that he was most happy to be associat ed with Chrysler Corporation. “We are pleased to be ahje to make the fine Chrysler and Plymouth lines available right here in Transylvania,” he stat ed. Mr. Hayes has been a well known automobile dealer here in Transylvania since 1932. He has formerly served as a county commissioner for 12 years, and as sheriff for one term. He Is past president of the Brevard Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary club. Bill Hayes will be associated with his father in the operation —Turn to Page Six Program Highlights WPNF Will Broadcast Address Recorded At Commerce Banquet Officials of radio station WPNF announced this week that the highlights of last Fri day night’s annual banquet of the Brevard Chamber of Com merce will be broadcast by the local station. The program will be heard Thursday evening at 7:05 p.m. Featured speaker at the ban quet was W. Stanley Finch, di rector of public relations and sales training for the Texize Chemicals corporation, of Green ville, S. C. Mr. Finch proved to be an exceptional speaker, and those who were not able to at tend the banquet will be afford ed an opportunity to hear his remarks on WPNF Thursday evening. Mr. Finch was introduced by W. H. Keith. Program director Fred Reiter announces that WPNF will broadcast the dedication cere monies at the American Thread plant which will take place urday, April 23rd. This program will be Sunday, April 24th at 3:05 Other Programs The schedule for the —Tara to