THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper SECOND CLASS POSTAGE _ Vol. 79—No. 17 PAIDZ*T c BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1966 ★ 28 PAGES TODAY ★ THE SYLVAN PLANT of the American Thread company wa dedicated and toured by more than 4,000 persons last Saturday. Ii the photograph at the left, President E. B. Shaw is addressing the V up 5 large gathering, and seated behind him from left to right, are other rfr,S0™ who were on the Program: Representative Roy Taylor; Rev. 1 ale Mai tin, Dan Stewart \ and Don Lamb. A portion of the crowd attencli. gr the dedication ceremony is shown in the picture at the right. " (Times Staff Photos) AMONG THE PRINCIPAL PAR TICIPANTS at the District III Or ganization of Home Demonstration Clubs meeting held here recently at the Brevard-Davidson River Presby terian church were the above. From left to right, thev are: Mrs., Rob t rc Miller, president of the Transyl vania County Council of Home Dem onstration clubs, who welcomed the group; Donald Lee Moore, chairman of the Transylvania County Board of Commissioners, who brought greet ings; Mrs. C. F. Allison, chairman of District III; and Mayor Raymond F. Bennett. Mrs. Allison presided over the meeting, and Mayor Ben in ^t delivered a welcome to the estimated 400 women attending from Henderson, Havwoo'd, and Transyl vania counties. (Times Staff Photo) At Sylvan Plant */.000 Attend Housewarming Of American Thread Company More than 4,000 interested persons attended the impres sive Dedication ceremony and the Housewarming at the Syl van Plant of the American Thread company last Saturday at Calvert. It was a gala event that wasn’t the slightest bit dampen ed by the early morning rains. Dan Stewart, a top state t^ficial, described the modern “w plant as a shining example of what Gov. Dan K. Moore means by total economic de velopment of \o th Carolina. “This plant,” said Mr. Stewart, director of the State Depart ment of Conservation and Devel opment, “represents blending of imagination, capital, know-how, and the willingness to work and —Turn to Page Four Issues Proclamation Mayor Proclaims "Loyalty Day", Special Ceremony Set At Rosman Mayor Raymond F. Bennett has proclaimed May 1st as “Loy alty Day” in Brevard and Tran sylvania county, and the event will be observed on both Sun day and Monday. “Loyalty Day” is sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and all members of the Lewis Earl Jackson post of the VFW are urged to attend a special flag raising ceremony at Ros man high school at 10:00 a. m„ an Monday. At that time, the local VFW post will present a flag pole and flag to the school. Mayor Bennett will be the principal speaker at the occasion, and other speakers on the program will include Mayor Loonie Sisk of Rosman, and Admiral Ligon B. Ard. Mayor Bennett urges all busi nesses, industries and individu als -to proudly display the Amer ican flag on both Sunday and Monday. His proclamation is carried elsewhere in this week’s Times. Leaves This Week Morton Appointed To Post In Attorney General's Office J. Bruce Morton, Brevard at tory, is moving from Brevard to Italeigh this weekend. Mr. Morton has accepted a position as a trial attorney in the II#iway division of the Attor ney General’s office, and he will begin his new duties on Monday, May 2nd. In addition to his law prac tice here, Mr. Morton has served as solicitor of the General Coun ty court since it was formed in 1961. He has also been active in political affairs of the commu nity, church work and and civic organizations of the town and county. Mr. Morton came to Brevard —Turn to Page Three Mitchell-Bissell Raises Hourly Wages At Plant Mitchell . Bissell Company today announces a 6c hourly pay increase for all of its hourly wage employees. This increase is the second within a year, and will become effective May 1st. In a statement to the em ployees, John Mitchell, presi dent, stated: “Continued and improved ef forts are necessary to maintain and increase the quality of cur product. Quality con sciousness and the minimizing of rejects make the difference between success and failure in ■ a manufacturing operation.’’ New School Zones In Town And County Are Announced By Board Of Education Survey Is Made Many Transylvania Women Work, Motivating Reasons Are Cited By - Staff Writer More women in Transyl vania county than ever before are leading double lives — as home makers and as job hol ders. In growing numbers, they art finding it possible to take cart ol their home responsibilities and still have enough free time to permit them to do outsidt work. Locally, an estimated 25.3 percent of the female popu lation over age 14 are now employed, either part time or full time. This ratio, high as it is, is be low the national figure of 332 percent. The most dramatic changes have been taking place among women in the over-45 age group, according to data com piled by the Bureau of La bor Statistics and the Com merce Department. In the last 15 years there has been a 78 percent increase in the number of working wo men in that category. Among women in the 25 to 44 age brackets, the in crease was 22 percent during that period. They have been taking jobs in factories, in offices, in res taurants, schools, hospitals and in every other line of endeavor that is not, by its nature, pure ly man's work. In Transylvania county, the 25.3 percent now holding down jobs represents a noticeable in crease over the proportion in 1960. At that time, according to the Census Bureau, there were 1,413 local women em ployed, equal to 24.6 percent of the female population over 14. As a result of the steady in flux of women into the labor market, especially married wo men, considerably more than —Turn to Page Six At Junior High Several Courses Will Be Taught Here This Summer Plans are now being made for the operation of a summer school program at Brevard junior high school. Tenative plans call for classes to begin on June 13th and end on July 22nd. Classes will begin at 8:00 a. m. and end at 1:00 p. m. daily. Credit, refresher and interest courses will be offered if suf ficient interest is shown. Classes in English, algebra, history and science (grades 7 12), along with other courses, J will be offered if there is suf- ! fi-cient demand. c Courses offering 150 hours of classroom work will carry cred it. Content of credit courses will be determined by the State Course of Study, while interest courses will largely be determin- f —Turn to Page Sir 1 For Outstanding Service Mrs. Bessie Ward Presented "Woman Of Woodcraft" Award By - The Editor “She’s 82 years young, but she does twice the work of most people half her age.” She is Mrs. Bessie Ward, .aurel Lane, Breve.d, who was list recently awarded the “Wo nan of Woodcraft” award by he Supreme Forest Woodmen ircle here in Brevard. This genial lady was pre sented the outstanding award in recognition of her 23 years of loyal and devoted service to the society. Mrs. Ward accepted the award rom Mrs. Ruby Bonnell, past president of the Woodmen cir cle, and Mrs. Rebecca Clark, who succeeds her as financial secretary. This award is only one of Mrs. Ward’s accomplishments in her busy life. With her daughters, she operates Ward’s News stand, working the evening hours most of the time. She always has a ready smile and a cheerful greeting for her customers. During the day time, she likes to work with flowers In —Turn to Page Three Parents Urged To Study Areas In Districts The Transylvania County Beard of Education has ap proved new attendance zones for all schools in Transylvania county. The new zones will become ef lective with the starting of the 1966-67 school year next fall, according to School Superinten dent C. W. Bradburn. Mr. Bradburn also stated that several changes will be made in the location of vari ous grades in several schools in the county. All elementary schools, except T. C. Hender son and Rosman elementary schools, except T. C. Hender son and Rosman elementary schools, will consist of grades 1 through 6. T. C. Henderson and Rosman elementary schools will consist of grades 1 through 8, and Rosman high school will consist of grades 9 through 12. Brevard junior high will have grades 7 and 8, and Brevard high school will be comprised of grades 9 through 12. A list of the county schools and the new attendance bounda ries follows: Brevard Elementary School All students, grades 1-6, liv ing on the south side of French Broad street from the west side of Park avenue to the east side of the Southern Railway, and south along the east side of Southern Railway to the south side of West Main Street, and west along the south side of Main Street con tinuing along an imaginary line to Brushy Creek, continu ing west on Brushy Creek to the Town of Brevard’s water shed will attend Brevard Ele mentary School. The following elementary —Turn to Page Six To Lankford and Ramsey Olin Scholarships Awarded Two Brevard high school sen iors, Barbara Anne Lankford and Thomas E. Ramsey,. Jr., are the recipients of Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation Merit Scholarships, it is announced to lay by spokesmen of the Na tional Merit Scholarship pro gram. Miss Lankford is the daughter >f Mr. and Mrs. W. Randall Lankford, of route 1, Pisgah forest. Thomas is the son of Mr. and ilrs. Thomas E. Ramsay, of 130 ',’eely rood, Brevard. Anne plans to attend the Uni ■ersity of North Carolina at —Turn to Page Five Program Highlights Radio WPNF Will Broadcast Rebel 400 Race This Saturday Auto racing fans of the area will be able to hear a complete broadcast of the Rebel-400 by listening to WPNF this Satur day. Broadcast time is 1:30 p. m. and the race will be carried in its entirety, until approximately 6 p. m. The Rebel-400 has come to be regarded as one of the outstand ing races of the season, and the station is happy to be able to join with sponsors in pre senting this feature. WPNF will Other Programs Local sponsors of th day race over WPNF include Miller’s Laundry, Pisgah In dustrial Loan, Lyda - McCrary' Motors and G and R Recapping company. The schedule for the Farm Home hour is as follows: day, Farm - Home adi tion, John Collins; Friday, tion program; Monday, —Turn to Page also broadcast the “Derlingt 500” on Labor Day. <4