THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES State And National Prize-Winning A.B.C. Newspaper Vol. 79—No. 33 SECOND CLASS POSTAGE "AID AT BREVARD. N. C. ZIP CODE 28712 BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1966 ★ 32 PAGES TODAY ★ SIGN OF THE TIMES — A new sparkling green and white sign went «p this week in front of the Transyl ania Times building. Time and tem perature are both shown on the sign. The new Times building is getting set for “Open House” on Sunday, August 28th, from 2:00 until 5:00 p.m. (Times Staff Photo) Tribute Reprinted Officer Robert Rogers Is Honored, National Magazine A Brevard police officer has been saluted by a nation al magazine for his courage ous action in grappling with an armed desperado — while he himself was unarmc' and off duty — and success, uilv preventing the gunman from shooting a sheriff’s deputy who was attempting to arrest the suspect. r ■*,■* Detective Magazine, in ts i.^ue which went on sale at c<al newsstands today, has Event On 27th Brevard Jaycees Set The 1 Deadline In Beauty Pageant PI The Brevard Jaycees an nounce today that the dead line for entry in the 1967 “Miss Brevard Beauty Pag eant” is at 7:00 p. m., on Thursday, August 18th. Persons desiring to enter can contact any Jaycee or Frank Smith, pageant chairman. He can be reached by calling the Rosman exchange. Mr. Smith announces the seventh entry in this year’s contest. She is Miss Mary Louise Ellicock, daughter of Mrs. ^Margaret Ellicock, of Penrose. Miss Ellicock is a graduate of Sarasota high school, Sarasota, »rida, and last year she at ded Roanoke College, Salem, ■Virginia. Mr. Smith also announces that the gala pageant will be held on August 27th at the Brevard high school, begin ning at 8:00 p. m. In addition to the bathing suit, evening gown and talent competition of the contestants lhere will be guest preformers. The event high light will be the crowning of the new Miss Brevard by Connie Gilstrap, Miss Brevard this year. Stover Dungan, of Forest City, will be MC. This is Mr. Dungan’s fourth year to be associated with the Miss Bre vard Pageant. Two years he was a judge and last year was MC. Two Judges have been an nounced: Louise G. Green and Tomi M. Goosman. Mr. Green is from Greenville, South Carolina. This year he is the state chair man of the Miss South Carolina Pageant and also Associate Pro —Turn to Page Five Community Leader Last Rites Held Monday For F. S. Best, Olin Executive F. S. BEST Last rites for Farquhard S. “Buck” Best were held Monday rooming in the chapel of the Brevard Methodist church with the Rev. Brunson Wallace offi ciating. Burial was in the Gillespie Evergreen cemetery. Mr. Best, a sales department executive, Ecusta division, Olin Mathieson Chemical corporation, Pisgah Forest, died unexpect edly last Saturday at his home. He was a civic, church and educational leader of the com munity since coming here in 1942. He was a native of Dunn and a graduate of Duke university. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Martha G. Best; three sons, Rich ard and Peter, both of the home, and Page West of Norfolk, Va.; —Turn to Page Eight given its Public Service Award [o Robert C. .Rogers, a Brevard lity policeman. The story tells how Officer Rogers, 42-year-old father of five young ch ’ Ire’’, £ int to the aid of a Transylvania County sheriff’s deputy who, alene on duty at the time, was called upon to arrest an armed fugitive who was fir ing at residents of the Burrell Mountain area. When the gunman’s young wife suddenly handed him a pistol, he fired point-blank at the deputy, but missed. That’s when Rogers, still unarmed, grappled with the fugitive. In the process he was wounded Ihree times, but the scuffle gave the deputy time enough to get off one shot which killed the gunman. Rogers recovered from his wounds. Officer Rogers received high praise for his courage ous off-duty performance, not the least of which came from his superior, Brevard Police Chief .1. C. Rowe, who termed it an “heroic act.” The True Detective Public Service Ovvard consists of a framed scroll and a check for —Turn to Page Seven Three Suspects Are Nabbed In Third Bank Robbery At Rosman, All Money Recovered Chief Rowe And Officer Goodson Capture Trio Two teenage youths and a 24-year-cId man, a!I from Kan \ liapolis, are being charged in connection with the 813,271 bank robbery from the P.os man branch of the First Union National Bank last Friday af ternoon. The trio were stopped at a roadblock by the Brevard po lice on U.S. 276, seven miles southeast of Brevard in Tran sylvania county, near the in tersection of the F,ast Fork Road. Chief J. C. Rowe of the Bre police. and police officer, Steve Goodson, set up the block that caught the suspects. The suspects were identified as Carl Sisk: 24, his brother, Allen F. Sisk, 16, and Billy James Turner, also 16, a broth er-in-law of the Sisks. Officers reported that the two 16-year-old youths entered the bank at 4:30 p.m. Turner was reported to have carried a .22 caliber pistol and the young Sisk carried a heavy Crescent wrench. The older Sisk remained in the car, a 1962 white Chevro let, that was reported to have been stolen at 3:30 p.m. in Hendersonville. The car had been parked at Eighth Avenue and Church Street and was the property —Turn to Page Seven WPNF To Air Southern 500 Racing fans will be glad to learn that the Southern 500 Stock Car race on Labor Day will again be carried by WPNF. For those who are unable to attend the race, the next best thing is a radio version present ed by various Brevard mer chants. The broadcast starts at 10:30 a. m.. on Monday, Sep tember 5th. The race will con clude at about 3 p. m. This outstanding race has be come a standard Labor Day feature on WPNF, and station officials are happy to have the cooperation of local merchants —Turn to Page Eight IT WAS A PLEASANT TASK counting the money that was recovered from the car in which three suspects were nabbed last Friday following the Rosman bank robbery. However, capturing the trio was a more exciting experience for Police Chief Jimmie Rowe, center, and Officer Steve Good son, right. Deputy Sheriff Ray Rigclon. left, assisted in bringing the suspected robbers and the money to the local jail. Local officers have received praise from far and wide for their fast and efficient action following the Rosman robbery. (Times Staff Photo) By - Fred. Reiter Temperatures during the past week at the Brevard weather station averaged 84-degrces as a high, and low reading of 63. Some rain was registered in the guage each day except Sun day. The week’s total was 2.78 inches. The extended forecast of the weather bureau calls for tem peratures to average about nor mal, 84, and 62 each day, with about one-inch of rain likely to fall as afternoon and evening showers and thundershowers. The week’s temperatures and precipitation follows: Wednesday_ 82 61 0.26 High Low Prec. Thursday 77 65 1.20 Friday _ Saturday 80 63 0.24 83 64 0.73 Sunday . Monday Tuesday 86 65 0.00 89 63 0.32 89 63 0.03 Grand Finale “My Fair Lady ” Highlights Finctl' WeekendS*Music Center Survey Reveals Transylvanians Drinking A Lot — Soda Pop, That Is... By - Staff Writer Transylvania county resi dents are going for bubbly beverages — the non-alcohol ic kind — in a big way, a survey shows. They are also spending more than ever be fore for these thirst quench ers. According to the latest fig ures. soft drinks are being down ed in the local area at the an nual rate of 471 eight-ounce bottles for every man, woman OFFICER ROBERT C. ROGERS received the “Public Service Award” from True Detective maga zine this week, and it included a handsome certifi cate and a check for $100. The presentation was made by Mayor Raymond F. Bennett on behalf of the national magazine in the conference room of The Transylvania Times. In the photo, from left to right, are: Mayor Bennett, Deputy Sheriff Ed Owen, Officer Rogers, Police Chief Jimmie Rowe and Don Fontana, of Charlotte, who brought the certificate and check from True Detective to Bre vard for Officer Rogers. (Times Staff Photo) and child. That is a lot of soda pop. For the local population as a whole, soft drink consump tion amounted to 8,290,000 equivalent eight - ounce bot tles in the past year. This compares with a total of 5, 714,000 bottles in 1960, when a similar survey was made. The rise in the five - year period was 45 percent. The findings are based upon reports issued by the Depart ment of Commerce and by the soft drink industry. They show the relative rate of consumption throughout the country, state by state. As would be expected, the warm weather months -— June, July and August — are the big gest ones for soda pop. In those —Turn to Page Seven The seventh and final week of concerts in the Brevard Mu sic Festival’s 30th anniversary season heralds the weekend appearances of Met soprano Brenda Lewis, violinist Sergiu Luca, and a sparkling produc tion of the Broadway musical "My Fair Lady.” The weekend’s climax of a season, which has surpassed all attendance records, opens Fri day evening with a final perfor mance of the Transylvania Symphony under the direction of .James Yestadt. Young Ro manian - born violinist Sergiu Luca, a protege of Isaac Stem, will play Wieniawski’s “Violin Concerto in D.” The orchestra will play Beethoven’s “Egmont Overture” and the Fourth Sym phony of Tschaikovsky. On Saturday evening, Aug ust 20th, the Brevard Music Center will present a produc tion of "My Fair Lady” star ring Janice Janiec, wife of the Brevard Mpsic Center’s Ar tistic Directcr. James Parker, from the faculty of Converse College, will play the role of Henry Higgins. Doolittle will be played by Ed McGrath, —Turn to Page Four On August 25th Masons To Honor Members With Long Service Records j Members of the Dunn’s Rock will pay special tribute to four members wi-th 25 years or more year of service as Masons Thurs day night, August 25th. According to Fred M. McCall, the Worshipful Master, the tri butes will br p lid at the regular communicaticn at ihe temple, beginning at G.CJ c’ciork. Julian A. Clazencr, vita has been a Masons for over 50-years, will receive a gold plate ! but on and certificate. Mr. Cirz-aer was made a Master Mason in Dunn's Rock lodge on July 14th, 1916. Henry R. Henderson, past mas ter and secretary, states that Mr. Glazener will be the 14 mem ber of the local lodge to receive —Tub to Page Eight JULIAN A. ... 50 T«ur

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