TRANSYLVANIA— An Industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, 1960 Census 16,372. Brevard Community 8,500. Brevard proper 4,857. THE A TRANSYLVANIA TIMES State And National Prize - Winning A.B.C. Newspaper TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. Vol. 79 — No. 52 SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BREVARD. N. C. ZIP CODE 28712 BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1966 PRICE 10c ★ 24 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEKLY Christmas Was Quiet And Cold, Round-Up Made Christmas 1966 in Brevard Siblished no records weath ise or otherwise. The weather was much in the news across the nation during the holidays, but only a trace of snow fell in Brevard Christmas Eve. Christinas Day, like Christ mas Eve, was cold throughout the daylight hours, however past Christmases have been much colder. There were many accidents in the state and nation over the long weekend, however the weather kept the fatality toll down. In Brevard several minor accidents were reported, how ever none was serious. The Brevard volunteer fire department answered several alarms, but there were no major damages. 'M » By • Fred Reiier IVej/Aer ^Temperatures were quite sea sroal during the past week in Brevard. The mercury fell to a reading of only nine degrees Sunday morning, and this reading help ed to lower the week’s average daily low temperature to 21 de grees. The daily high was a mild 48 degrees. Saturday night’s light snow fall amounted to about one-half inch at Brevard. The weather bureau’s extend ed forecast: temperatures will average eight or more degrees below normal for the next few days. Normal high and low is 47 and 27. Precipitation will total one-half to three-quarters of an inch. IRrhe week’s high and low temperatures and precipitation follows: ft High Low Prec. Wednesday_ 60 22 0.00 Thursday_61 Friday___ 39 36 Saturday_39 Sunday-38 Monday_ 47 27 0.10 , 0.50 20 0.00 9 0.00 16 0.00 Tuesday 53 16 0.00 Look Inside... Classified - page 2, first sec tion First Baby page - page 8, 1 third section ‘ Woman’s page - page 6, sec- 3 ond and third sections J Editor’s Corner - page 5, ? first section Sports - page 5, third section 1 BURGLARS STRUCK AGAIN at Brevard Lumber company for the second time in a year when they (or *ife) broke i:.lo and'burglarized the local business establishment on King street here last Thursday night. The Times carried an almost identical picture to the one shown here al most exactly a year ago. A differ ent means of gaining entry into the building was used this time, but the method used to break into the safe room, indicated by the arrow, was almost identical to the one used pre viously. Brevard Police Chief J. C. Row e Indicated that a rash of break ins involving lumber companies and fuel oil companies had been taking place throughout this section of the Carolinas, and that everything possi ble is being done to apprehend the culprits. The investigation into the robbery is continuing, Chief Rowe stated. tTimes Staff Photo) Elaborate Plans DuPont Will Encourage ' 1 Safety A ttitude9 9 Du ring 96 7 Du Pont’s Photo Product plant at Brevard will high light Safety “Attitude” on and off the job as their 1967 theme. In their continuing efforts o emphasize employee safety, )u Pont will stress the impor nce of a positive attitude to ward safety on the job as well s at home on the highway. Elaborate plans are being made to introduce the “At titude” safety theme with a final goal of helping each employee avoid hazardous sit uations that might result in injury to himself or others. Statistics compiled by the lational Safety council on in ustrial injuries show a Du ’ont employee is 10 to 20 imes safer on his job than the verage worker in all other adustries. To help bring this bout, Du Pont Company’s —Turr to Page Thret Program Highlights "Music From Brevard" Series Begins On Sunday Over WPNF WPNF will begin broadcast ing a new musical series dur ing the coming weekend. “Music From Brevard” will be heard each Sunday after noon at 3:05 p.m. The broadcast will present outstanding orchestras and musical groups from the Bre vard Music Center, recorded this past summer. It is being broadcast over a national radio network and is made available to WPNF through the cooperation of John Eversman, music con sultant director at Brevard High School. WPNF’s annual “Baby Derby" will be heard beginning Mon —'turn to Page Thre* Annual Event First Baby In 67 To Receive Many Fine Prizes In Contest The first baby born in Tran sylvania county in 1967 will receive many fine prizes with the compliments of several Brevard merchants. The contest is conducted an nually by The Transylvania Times and Radio Station WPNF in cooperation with several lo cal firms. The rules of the contest this year are carried in a page mes sage in the third section on page eight. There will be a special pro gram on WPNF on January 2nd when it is hoped the announce ment of the first baby can be made. Prizes offered and their don ors are: S5.00 in dry cleaning - Car dinal Cleaners Portrait of the baby at 6 months - Austin’s Studio Quart of milk for two weeks . Sealtest Dairy products “Step Master” baby shoes - —Turn to Page Six New Year's Holiday F0r Stores, Offices Close Monday, Schools Reopen Many Transylvanians will have another “long weekend” vacation in observance of New Year’s. Since the day fall son Sun day, the following day will be also observed as a holi day in Brevard and Transyl vania county. Most of the stores in Bre vard will be closed on Mon day as will Town hall and the offices in the court house. The banks and the post of fice will also have a holi day on Monday. Schools, however .will re open on Monday, and stud ents at Brevard College will begin classes on Tuesday. According to Postmaster C. Y. Patton, Jr., there will be no window serive at the post office on Monday. The delivery of rural and city mail will also be suspend ed for the day, however spec ial delivery of letters and packages will be made. There are many New Year’s greetings throughout the pa per which will be of interest to readers. While The Times office will be closed on Monday, the staff will cover regular news —Turn to Page Six Have Leaves For Pickup? Just Call Town Hall If any resident of Brveard desires that Town personnel pickup leaves at their resi dence, they are requested to call Town Hall as soon as possible. Town officials report that the fall leaf pickup program will be terminated on Decem ber 31st. The cost of this program and the associated tie-up of equipment makes it imprac tical to continue beyond this ^ date. Town officials are anxious to complete this service for all residents and urge their full cooperation so that pick up of leaves may be com pleted by December 31st. THE NEW SAPPHIRE VALLEY SKI LODGE opened last weekend, and several skiers were on hand to try out the ski run that was in ex cellent condition w7ith man - made snow. Gene Howerdd, Jr., the op erator of this newest ski resort in the south, says he is looking for ward to a good season. The ski club is operated in conjunction with Sapphire Valley Inn and beautiful Sapphire Valley Golf course. Next week The Times will carry more pictures of the ski run and the ski ers. (Times Staff Photo) Officers Named Masons To Observe 100th Anniversary Next Year The Dunn’s Rock Masonic lodge of Brevard will observe its Centennial during 1967. Many outstanding events are being planned by local Masons during the observance, The date of the charter of the lodge is December 4th, 1967. Centennial officers, who were elected recently, will be installed at an Emergent Communication on Thursday evening of this week. The installation meeting will be held at the Masonic temple on East Main street, beginning promptly at 8:00 o’clock. This announcement comes from the outgoing Worshipful Master Fred M. McCall, Jr. The new officers are as fol lows: Thomas Earl Payne, Jr., Survey Reveals Food Costs Up $84 Per Family In County By • Staff Writer How much is spent in Transylvania county per month for food? For the average local family, to what extent have food bills gone up in the last two years? Rising food prices, locally and in other part sof the coun try, have captured the head lines. They have led to con sumer revolts and, in many areas, to boycotts. In Transylvania county, ac cording to the latest figures, the annual food bill has climbed an estimated $84 per family in a period of two years. Elsewhere in the South At lantic States, there has been an average rise of $91 per fam ily and, in the State of North Carolina, $87. The findings are based on the average price changes, as reported by tbe Department of Agriculture and others, for the nation as a whole. The two-year rise in the cost of food was approximately 8.5 per cent. Transylvania county’s total food bill last year, according to the annual survey by the Stand ard Rate and Data Service, came to $4,930,000. Apportioned equally among the local population, this was equivalent to $87 per month per family. The same amount of food, of like quality, would have cost only $80 per month two years previously. As examples of the average price changes that have taken place in the last two years, the Department of Labor lists bread at 23 cents for a one pound loaf, as compared with —Turn to Page Sevea Worshipful Master W. Holland Corn, warden senior Charles B. Peevy, junior warden W. Ansel Hart, Treasurer Henry R. Henderson, sec retary The following officers were ippointed by the incoming mas er and will also be installed: Earl G. Norton, senior dea con Clifford W. Erady, junior deacon Jack M. Frady, senior stew ard Edward A. Nicholson, jun ior steward Marshal M. Feaster, Jr., chaplain and Jerry Hart Jerome, tyler W. A. Hart, past master, will 3c the installing officer, and he ivill be assisted by C. Allison 3rr, past master. Mr. Payne, the new master —Turn to Page Four Tabulation On 10th Ballots For Directors Of Commerce Body In Mail Ballots for electing a Board of Directors for the Brevard Chamber of Commerce to serve during 1967 are now in the mails. The 40 persons receiving the highest number of votes will serve, and officers will be chos en from this group. Ballots mutt be returned by Tuesday, January 10th, when they will be tabulated. According to Stan Meant the president, only names o paid up members are include) on the ballot. Persons voting an return their ballots in i velope