A Salute .To The Girl Scouts In pur youth - oriented world, a 56th birthday might be better left Uncelebrated. Who wants to admit hieing more than 17-year-old these modern days? Well, a 55tfy birthday is being celebrated this week, not only with pride but with an eager anticipation of many more to come — the half century-plus-five anniversary of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. There’s been a long, long trail awinding from the 1912 era of the middy - blouse to that of the 1967 mini - skirt. Girl Scout hemlines aren’t that far up, of course, nor are those of most moderns. But the organization’s mood is on-the-move —as it has been through each chang ing generation. Consider the Girl Scouts’ new triennium theme: “Values to Hold -^-Worlds to Explore.” The values still are the solid values founder Juliette Gordon Low instilled in her original band of 12 girls: to seek and carry forth the highest ideals of character, conduct, patriotism and service. And the worlds to explore? Tangible worlds, of course—of home, community, nation, other cultures, other lands. But perhaps, more im portant, the worlds of Girl Scout values themselves. There’s a lot of questioning and questing going on among all of to day’s youngsters. Girl Scouts are no exception. And being more than three million strong they represent a mighty force among youth. So when they explore yesterday’s val ues in the light of today’s needs, they may come up with some mean ingful answers for all young people. Can girls be Girl Scouts and still be with it? The girls and the two - third mil lion adults, volunteers and profes sionals, who work with them believe they can. The communities which encourage and support them believe they can. So do we. And on this editorial birthday cake, we’re lighting 55 candles for the Girl Scouts — plus one more to grow on. Watch That Sore Throat Does your throat hurt? If so, you may console yourself with the knowledge that you have plenty of company. Sore throat is nature’s warning system that something in your body is out of order. Often p sore throat accompanies a common cold and the soreness passes in a few days. But, says To day’s Health, the family magazine of the American Medical Associa tion, sore throat also can be the symptom of any of a wide range of diseases, from diphtheria to luke mia, that require your physician’s skill, not your guessing, to diagnose. Sometimes tonsils and adenoids are involved in causing a sore throat, and when these organs repeatedly cause trouble they frequently are removed. Tonsil - adenoid removals account for half of all surgery per formed on children, Today’s Health reports. Sometimes the removal helps [prevent sore throat, sometimes it doesn’t. ^ jj| j|| Allergies can cause sore throats. Cold, dry winter air can trigger it. So can extreme thirst, excessive smoking or mouth breathing. Any thing that dries out the throat and cuts off secretions that normally wash dust away. Virus infections of many types al so are a cause of sore throat, and ev eryone who has had “flu” knows that this particular virus disease of ten causes the throat to hurt. “Strep throat” is a serious infec tion that ocaasionally leads to rheu matic fever and possible heart dam age. It can be knocked out with pen icillin, if it is diagnosed in time. The crucial diagnostic test in sore throats is the swab test through which the germs causing the trouble can be identified. There is little or nothing you can do to cure a sore throat at home.. There are medications which bring temporary easing of the discomfort but the cure must be launched by your physician. I * Plan For Spring, Clean-Up Now! Now that Spring is not too far away, why not make some definite plans for clean-trp, paint-up and fix up? And with all those ups, why not include some teardowns and burn downs. If there is unsightly trash or bfush, why not plan to burn that in early Spring? Needless to say care must be taken, but clean ashes look a lot better than some rubbish. Tear dbwn is also a good project for old, unsightly, unused buildings. If a building is usable, why not fix it up? If it is not Used and is unsightly, tear it d, to get acquainted with Him.” We talk about God, sing about Him, preach about Him, pray to Him, but very few take time and trouble to get acquainted with Him. Spiritual healing is the cleansing of spirit or soul, the mind, and the body. By the divine power of God, body, and spirit are unified, interdependent, inter-related. The condition of one affects and is affected by the other two. Every word that you speak requires a harmonious use of more than 72 muscles. Good health is not and can never be purely absence of disease. Good health is the har monious operation of every single organ of the body, every thought of the mind, and every motion of the heart. This is the principle underlying the newest phase of medical science and is as old as Jesus Christ Himself.