News Of And For The Women PAGE SIX DEADLINE, NOON TUESDAY The Transylvania Times DIAL December 28, 1967 fths Wlonloill, A J m. nu,, nuA Miss Linda Lee Monteith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Monteith of Pisgah Forest, and P£c. Charles Ray Moody, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alton Moody of Bre vard, were married on De cenuber 21st in an evening ceremony at Temple Baptist church. The Reverend James Moody, 'brother of the groom, and the Reverend Wayne Sorrells were officiating min isters. Music was provided by Mrs. Marcus Laws, organist and Mrs. Joe Smith, soloist. The bride was escorted by her father and wore a street length gown of satin with scooped neckline and bouf fant skirt with a jacket of alencon l'ace with a bateau neckline and scalloped sleeves and hem. Her shoulder length veil of illusion was attached to a rose bud tiara with seed pearls. She carried a white Bible topped with an orchid. Mrs. John T. Monteith of Sylva, sister-in-law of the bride, was her only attendant. She wore a sreeet length gold brocade gown with scooped neckline and A-line skirt with a gold velvet hair bow. She carried long stemmed yellow carnations. Mr. Moody was his son’s . best man and ushers were Gary Monteith, brother of the bride and Paul Adkins, broth er-in-law of the groom. Both are graduates of Bre vard high school and the bride attended South Eastern Beau ty college in Charlotte. The groom is stationed at Fort Bevens, Mass, and the couple plan to live in Ager, Mass. — ★ — A miscellaneous shower honoring Miss Linda Lee Monteith, bride - elect of Pri vate Charles Ray Moody, was held on December 1st at the Pisgah Forest community center. Mrs. C. L. Corn, Mrs. John T. Monteith, Mrs. Ada Mor gan and Mrs. Frances Henson were hostesses. A color scheme of green and white was used and cor sages of carnations were giv en to the bride and her mother. Some 35 people attended. — ★ — A cake - cutting was held on December 20th in the fel lowship hall of the Temple Baptist church after the re hearsal of the wedding of Mss Monteith and Private Moody. Mrs. C. L. Corn, aunt of the bride, Mrs. Edna Rackley and Mrs. Ada Morgan as sisted. Burgin’s Store 1004 Hendersonville Highway Open For Your Shopping Convenience 7 Days A Week 7:00 a. m. to 11 p. m. At Burgin’s You Will Find ★ Dairy Products Ar Lunch Meat ★ Groceries ★ Produce CUBED ICE WINTER OR SUMMER , ' ; W shop.. iua 9 ,■ fls _ 8 See Vhe. "_'ft. ... 8m.. r • f-V.- .. ' - * TO WED — Mr. and Mrs. C. E. King of 485 Whitmire street, announce the engagement of their daughter, Sue Ann, to David Lee Lance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Lance of 354 South Broad street. Miss King is a 1965 graduate of Brevard high school and is employed by Kalmia Dairies. Mr. Lance is a 1966 graduate of Brevard high school and is with Olin Mathieson Chemical Cor poration. Their wedding is planned for January 6 th. Jiitt ^U 3U CU J^ad C^hridtmad f^artu The annual Christmas par ty of the Hill and Dale Home makers club was held last Tuesday in the home of Mrs. Edna Rackley. Some 12 mem bers attended. The group gathered at the noon hour when a covered dish luncheon, featuring tur key and all the trimmings, was enjoyed. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Dixon Lyday and Mrs. Buford Watson. Mrs. C. F. Allison read the legend of the Christmas candle, followed by a Christ mas prayer as the devotion and table grace. After the delicious meal the group gathered around 'the Christmas tree where games were played under the direction of Mrs. James Cabe. This was followed by an exchange of gilts and the revealing of "Pollyannas.” Miss Jean Childers, Home Economics Extension agent, was presented a gift certifi cate with best wishes for the holidays. The retiring president, Mrs. Howard Schmidt, presid ed and expressed appreciation for the cooperation extended to her during her two yean as president Mrs. Watson, the incoming president re quested the members to con sider a project for the new year. She consulted with mem bers on naming new project leaders and committee chair men. Following toe drawing of new “Pollyannas” toe meet ing adjourned to meet In January with Mrs. Watson. Ballard Circle Has Yule Party The Ballard Circle of the Pisgah Forest church had its annual Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Doug Bradfoum on Saturday, December 9th. Mrs. Parker Pace had the program, which was “Chris tianity in Yugoslavia.” Gifts were exchanged and secret sisters were revealed. New secret sisters for 1968 were drawn. Mrs. Steve Cochran present ed the gift for Ballards that the circle gave as a Christmas present Co-hostesses with Mrs. Bradburn was Mrs. Charles Oreasman, and assisting were Mrs. (Roger (Lawrence and Mrs. Claude Collins. The monthly meetings for the next quarter will be held as follows: In January, Mrs. J. P. Jones, Jr.; February, (Mrs. BiU Penley; March, Mirs. Gene Beshears. Du Pont Bridge Luncheon Set Next Wednesday The Du Pont bridge lunch eon will meet on Wednesday, January fed, at Colonial Inn. Bridge will begin at 10:00 «. at and tench will be serv ed at 12:30. Miss Wilson Is Home For The Yule Holidays Miss Mary Wilson, of route 1, Brevard, is on Christmas vacation from the Fashion Institute of America at Atlan ta, Ga. The Fashion Institute of America is the largest de gree - granting Fashion In stitute in the South and one of the largest in the nation. Located in the heart of At lanta’s fashion and merchan dising district, the Fashion Institute trains students in specialized fields of fashion, as well as exposing them to the whole spectrum of the industry through practical training in the Institute’s own retail store, a week - long study trip to the New York market and a three - week study trip to the fashion houses and cultural centers of Europe. Women Of St. Philip's To Meet Jan. 4th IfflidS Jf^atlerSon Wr. t&jU UU Miss Lynda Frances Patter son, daughter of Mir. and Mrs. Grady P. Patterson, and Charles William Rinehart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gaston A. Rinehart, were married on December 21st at 7:30 p. m. at St. Philip’s Episcopal church by the Remend Mil lard Brock. Mr. Patterson gave his daughter in marriage and she wore a full length gown of peau satin, empire style with Alencon lace bodice and sleeves. Her train was of the same material as the dress with appliqued lace flowers. Her veil of illusion was at tached to a circlet of cluster ed pearls. She carried a white Bible topped with a large white orchid and stream ers. , Miss Gail Patterson, sis ter of the bride, was her on ly attendant She wore a full Bridge Winners Are Announced Winners at the regular Tuesday evening duplicate bridge game of The Ace of Clubs were the following pairs: 1 - 2 (tie) - Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Merrill, of Radford, Va. and Mrs. M. F. Johnson and Robert N. mil 3 - Edmund Riccbezza and Dr. George Dysart This game concluded the current eight • game series with the following winners: 1 - Mr. mil 2 - Mrs. mil 3 • Mrs. Dysart 4 • Dr. Dysart 5 - Robert Colwell A new series will begin on Tuesday, January 2nd. Three facts to remember bout stroke: (1) Strokes are ot hopeless — even severely •ralyxed patients may make •Markable progress; (2) The ooner the better — simple Manures taken promptly help ready in restoring the use of eralyzed muscles. Help with peach problems should begin srly; 3 Better later than nev r — if the patient has the de Ire to be Independent, even a Me start on rehabilitation ex rcises may help him, say the forth Carolina Heart Associa length red peau satin dress the same style as that of the bride. She carried a single white carnation with green ery and a white velvet bow. Philip Rinehart of Canton, brother of the groom, was best man. Ushers were friends of the groom, Charles De lanie Coffer of Greenville, S. C. and Ronald Young of Charlotte. Mrs. Patterson, mother of the bride, wore a gold lace ensemble with matching ac cessories and an orchid cor sage tinted to match. Mrs. Rinehart, mother of the groom, wore a beige lace dress with matching accessor ies and a white orchid cor sage. A reception following the ceremony was held at the home of the bride. Assisting were Mrs. Vivian Gillespie, aunt of the bride, Miss Mar tha McWorter and Miss Cheri Harrison* both of Atlanta, Georgia. The couple will reside in Atlanta where the groom is a teacher at Gordon High school and the bride will be doing practice teaching. m, _Ad w». SuL Jdave Gofden dnniuerdaru Mr. and Mrs. Claud Stiles, of route 2, Brevard, will cele brate their Golden Wedding anniversary on Sunday, Jan uary 7th with open house for friends and relatives from 2:00 until S:00 p. m. They were married January 9th, 1918 in Clayton, Georgia. Mrs. Stiles is the former Miss i»«« >*** '1 "Br Rhoda StocktMi.te . v.' - /1' >'*21 Theyh'ave Mrs. Bert Casseffi 'ij Ray Grogan,; both of>. and five sons, Harry, and Gene of Brevard, John: of Stanley and Bill of 'Arden. They also have 20 grandchil dren and 3 great-grandchil dren. ^lAJifhinAon- (Runningliam ddn^a^ement ^dnnounced Mr. and Mrs. John G. Wil kinson of Fairfax, S. C., an nounce the engagement of itheir daughter, Mary Ann, to Second Lt. Thomas Greeley Cunningham, of Monroe. Miss Wilkinson is a senior at the University of South Carolina where she is a mem ber of Delta Zeta sorority, Theta Sigma Phi profession al journalism fraternity, and Academic Responsibility Com mittee for the School of Journalism. She has also serv ed as secretary of the Stud ent Union and president of Hypatian Literary Society. Lt. Cunningham1 attended North Carolina State Universi ty, where he was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha fratern ity and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. He is presently serving in the United States,Army Corps of Engineers as battalion execu tive officer at Fork Jackson, S. C. He is the nephew of Mrs. Roy H. McCall and Mrs. Roy E. Smith of Brevard. The wedding is planned for January 27th. Book And Plate Club To Meet Next Tueiday _* The Book & Plate Club will meet Tuesday evening January 2nd, at 8:00 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Paul Schlunz. When yon think of prescrip tions, think of VARNER'S. adv. Our very t best Wishes V ^ for a Peaceful« and Happy ^ New n Year