THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - Winning, Home Town spaper Vol. 82 — No. 27 BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1969 J PAGES TODAY * ZIP CODE 2S712 Week And ' " ' e Advantage Of “Sidewalk Sale’’ Values SIDEWALK SALE DAYS here in Brevard this Thursday and Sat urday are expected to bring many {oiks to town looking for numerous bargains that Brevard merchants will have on sale during the big cele bration. Sponsored by the Mer chants Division, Brevard Chamber of Commerce, the annual event is one of the biggest promotions of the year, and is eagerly awaited by all Transylvanians. In the photo above, Carol Coleman Marsh, a former “Miss Brevard” who is currently modeling, making promotional films and TV commercials up north, just happened to be home for a few days and kindly consented to help the local merchants promote the Side walk Sale here. She is pictured with Ben Patterson, left, president of the Chamber of Commerce, and Larry Prince, chairman of the Merchants Division, putting up Sidewalk Sale Signs in preparation for the 2-day sales event here. (Times Staff Photo) Thursday & Saturday Brevard Merchants Offering Bargains For Sidewalk Sale Plans have been completed ever” Fourth of Inly Side walk Sale (Hi Thursday and Many merchants have made speeial purchases for the bid event, and all that are partic ipating are offering values galore and outstanding bar gains guaranteed to excite even the most discriminating shoppers. Some of the bargains be ing offered in the “Sidewalk Sale” appear throughout this edition of The Times. Shoppers are encouraged to look over the ads in this issue, which can be a helpful guide during the big two day event. Larry Prince, chairman of the merchants division of the Chamber of Commerce, ex tends a cordial invitation to everyone on behalf of the merchants to shop in Brevard during this big Fourth of July sales event. Legion Post Meets Monday . The Monroe Wilson post, No. 88, of the American Legion will hold the July meeting on Mon fkv .Tiilv 7th. the TjMrmn membership at 6:30 o’clock, fol lowed by the regular meeting at 7:90 p.m. . Commander Don Culin urges all legomaires to attend. r 7th, at the Legion building. will be served for the Beating Price Hike Transylvanians Stocked Up On Gas And Liquor Monday Many Transylvanians, like many other North Carolin ians, stocked up on gas and boose on Monday. The new price hike, which was authorized by the current legislature, went into effect on Tuesday. Service station operators here report above average sale of gasoline on Monday, and the sale of whiskey at the Brevard ABC store was twice as good as an average Mon day. The increase on gasoline is a straight two cents tax in crease passed from the dis tributor to the stations to the customers. The increase on liquor is five cents for each five ounces or fraction thereof, making prices $.65 more a gallon and $.30 more a fifth. President Jerome Says Brevard Federal Savings And Loan Pays Dividends Quarterly Jerry Jerome, President of Brevard Federal Savings and Loan association, announces to day that, effective July 1, 1968, Brevard Federal will be paying dividends each quarter of the year on regular passbook sav ings accounts. These accounts earn 4.78%, the highest rate allowed by law. In addition, Brevard Federal now offers thrifty savers a div idend rate of 5% on savings certificates with a minimum of only *6,000. Dividends will bb paid on j Renovated At i the same are paid on Ivania these certificates cm date that Dividends regular pass book = Brevard Federal will wumw to offer certificates in minimum amounts of $10,000 on which they will earn 5.25%. Earnings on these certificates are dis ' “ *" ’semi-annually. wtiuci uiu new program, regular passbook savings ac counts at Brevard Federal will be credited with dividend pay ments on each of the four quarters of the year, September 30, December 31, March 31 and June 30 of each year. Look Inside... Assets of Transylvania, front page of the third section Mitchell Biased feature, page of the second see the women, three, and (five, section a Olin's Picnic And Opening Of Mus ^Center Will Highlight Fourth Of July Observance Concerts, Opera Are Scheduled This Weekend All indications point to the greatest season ever for the Brevard Music Center, be ginning its 33rd year Friday, July 4 as the “Summer Music Capital of the South.” Musical fireworks are in store for Brevard audiences with three stellar concerts over the Fourth of July weekend. Friday night’s gala opening concert at 8:18 p.m. will feature brilliant young American pianist Lee ’Luvisi in a concert recital with the Brevard Music Center orch estra, conducted by the Center’s director, Henry Janiec. Luvisi, a long-time favorite at Brevard who has reaped world-wide bravos from crit ics and audiences during ex tensive concert tours, will in terpret Tchaikowsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1. The orches tra, a full-sized virtuoso group composed of instru mentalists from the nation’s leading symphonies will open the program with “The Secret Martiage Overture” by Cima rbsa and include with monumental Sym phony No. 1. On Saturday evening at 8:15 the first opera of the Brevard season will be performed, Doni zetti’s comic masterpiece The Elixir of Love. William Mc —Tun to Page Poor Wezf/ter By FRED REITER The past week was one of the hottest weeks On record for the past several years at Bre vard, with average temperatur es of 90 and 63. Highest read ings came on Saturday and Sun day, when the mercury register ed 93 for a high on both days. Low reading for the week was 62 on Sunday and Tuesday. Less than a half inch of rain fell dur ing the period. Lcng - range forecast for the area calls for temperatures to average about normal for the next week. Highs should be in the middle to high 80s, with morning lows around the 60 degree mark. The week’s temperatures and precipitation as follows: High Low Prec. Wednesday_93 63 0.08 Thursday_ 90 64 . 0.00 Friday- 90 65 0.00 Saturday_ 98 63 0.00 Sunday- 93 68 0.00 Monday- 89 65 0.22 Tuesday - 86 62 0.20 fund for your li fe ‘60000: A LARGE CHECK in the amount of $60,000 is being held above by i Jack C- Dense, right, the general chairman of the “Fund For Your Life” campaign of the Transylvania Community hospital, and Ralph Breedlove, who is in charge of in plant solicitation at the Brevard Du Pont plant. The check represents the corporate grift of the local Du pont plant, and it was presented to the campaign just prior to the in plant solicitation of the employees. (Times Staff Photo) Reporting Tuesday “Fund For Your Life ” Now $475,000 Of $600,000 Goal Program Highlights Radio Station WPNF Is Celebrating 19th Birthday Radio Station WPNF is cele brating its 19th birthday this week. During the past 19 years WPNF has meant a great deal to the educational, civic, relig ious, cultural, social, agricultu ral, and economical life of Tran sylvania county. It has become an indispen sable institution of public ser vice. In addition to this valuable public service, WFNF’s out standing programming provides our people with good music of all klndsi,, entertainment and in formation. Tax Rate Same Record Budget Is Approved For 1969-70 For Transylvania A record budget of $1,510, 957 bat been approved for Transylvania for 1909 • 70. According to Donald Lee Moore, tbe chairman of the Board of County Commission er*, the tax rate will remain the same at 96c. Tbe new budget ia baaed on an estimated valuation of which an broken down at follows: School current expense < $512,930 School capital outlay - $112,' 500 School debt service • $62, Area residents and visitors are reminded about local news of Brevard and Transylvania County, heard three times each weekday on WPNF. Lyda - McCrary Motors spon sors local news each morning on WPNF at 7:30 a.m. Other edi tions of local news are broad cast at 12 noon and 6:00 p-m. The news staff of The Tran sylvania Times prepares the lo cal news. Senator Sam J. Ervin, Jr., is heard each Sunday on WPNF in his weekly report from Wash ington. Sen. Ervin occasionally pre sents distinguished guests on the program, and discusses the current Washington political scene. Other Programs The schedule for the Farm and Home hour for the coming week is as follows: Thursday, soil conservation service, Mer rimon Shuford; Friday, station program; Monday, county ex tension chairman; Tuesday, sta tion program; Wednesday, home agent. Speaking this week on Morn ing Devotions is Rev. Otis Wheelhouse, Minister of Educa tion at the First Baptist church. Next week Rev. Dan McCall, pastor of Brevard-Davidson Riv er Presbyterian church, will be heard. The Sunday morning church service will be broadcast through the remote facilities of WPNF during the month Of July, from the Wesleyan Metho dist church. Rev. Watson Black is pastor. A total of $47".‘'00 of the $600,000 goal in the “Fund For Your Life” campaign of the Transylvarn C~">munity hospital has 1 :en pledged to date. This announcement was made by Jack C. Dense, the General Chairman, at the weekly luncheon on Tuesday in Gaither’s Rhododendron room. Du Pont, whose corporate gift of $60,000 was also an nounced at the luncheon, was the host to the well attended progress reports meeting. “We have a wonderful cam paign going, and if we con tact all of the 5,800 prospects that we have, we’ll reach our goal,” the chairman declared. He pointed out that indus try has already oversubscrib ed its goal, which was $300, 000 — half of the campaign. Corporate gifts are as fol —1Turn to Page Foot Friday To Be A Holiday In Town, County Friday, July 4th, will be 4 holiday in Brevard and Tran sylvania county with most of the stores being Closed. The day will be highlighted in the county by the annual picnic of Olin Mathieson at Camp Straus. Held annually for Olin em ployees and their families, the event is usually attended by more than 10,000 persons. The gala picnic at Camp Straus will get underway with games and races at 10:00 a.m. At 11:00 o’clock the annual Baby Parade will be held, followed by a luncheon at noon. At 12:30 p.m., Rev. Russell Willis will lead the invocation and prayer. At 12:45, Freddie Roberts * and Orchestra, “The Ravens” will present a concert, featur ing Brenda Roberts, outstand ing girl singer of pop and country music. There will also be a pro gram of comedy, featuring the comedy team of Lewis and Kip. During the afternoon there will be two softball games (slow pitch). The lineup is as follows: 1st Game — Olin League’s Top Two Teams 2nd Game — Old Timers vs. Winner (1st Game) Supervisors: W. H. Hale, Joe Ragsdale and Tom Craw —Turn to Page Flw I I The Times Is Out Earlier This Week The Transylvania Times is being published earlier this week because of the Fourth of July falling on Friday. This week’s issue is being mailed out Tuesday evening to all subscribers in order that they might have tbeir paper before the holiday ob servance. The issue contains many, money • saving messages, and the public is urged to shop in Brevard during the “Sidewalk Sale” days. For The Church - Related Brevard College Receives $22,232 From NC Foundation Brevard College announced today receipt of $22,232.25 as her share of the distribution of funds by the North Caro lina Foundation of Church Related Colleges. The Foun dation received $666,291.00 from 46* business firms op erating in North Carolina. In announcing the receipt of the foundation’s check, Presi dent Robert A. Davis said that the business firms make cor porate gifts through the North Carolina Foundation at Church Related Colleges to the operat ing budgets at the twenty - five associated institutions because they recognize the importance at the private college ki North Carolina’s system of higher ed ucation. Nearly 25,000 students were enrolled in the participating colleges during the 1068 • 69 academic year. Every county in the state was represented in the composite student body, the majority of whom lived less than 50 miles from the institution they attended. President Davis indicated that the funds Brevard College re —Turn to Pago Ftvo