| REPRODUCTION OF Ail Matter Herein Is Prohibit ed Without The Expressed Con sent Of The Owner. THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize-Winning Home Town Newspaper ★ TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah National Forest and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. ★ 30 PAGES TODAY * Vol. 82 — No. 35 KCOND CLAS«. POSTAGE PAID AT DRIVAKO. N. C. ZIP CODE 28712 BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1969 PUBLISHED WEEKLY SCENES OF THE FIRE in which two persons lost their lives last Saturday night are shown above. At the left is the front of the one - story frame house and officers can be seen probing the ruins. In the other photograph the deputies can be seen at the left in the room where Mrs. Ethel Wilbanks was burned to death. At the right, officers and firemen are in the room of the son. His body was IT "'If found near the front door in the burning dwelling. (Photos by Tom Osteen) To Be Holiday Labor Day Activities Here To Climax Fine Tourist Season Labor Pay activities in Bre vard and Transylvania Best Monday will climax a highly successful '69 vacation season here. Most of the stores, town and county offices will be closed on Monday for the holiday. Schools will also close. The Brevard high school band will travel to Hendersonville that afternoon to participate in the big Apple Festival. The first Monday meeting of the Town Board of Alder* men has been postponed un til neat Tuesday night. The First Union National hank, the First Citizens Bank and Trust company, Pisgah In dustrial Loans and Brevard Federal Savings and Loan asso ciation- will observe Monday as a holiday. The Monday luncheon meet ing of the Brevard Rotary club has also been cancelled. Geprge Wilson, license exam iner, ; announces that his office will have a holiday on Mon day. . Many picnickers and camp ers are expected in the Pisgah National forest, and Ranger Jim Wells predicted that rec reation facilities will be fill ed to capacity. •> i The highway patrolmen in Transylvania urge all motorists to drive with extreme caution over the holidays, which is one of the most dangerous periods —Tarn to Page Flys BREVARD’S ED GASH is pictured above as he prepared to leave to attend the 54th Annual Convention of the Order of the Arrow, which was held August 23rd to the 26th at the University of Indiana at Bloomington, Indiana. The Order is a national fraternity of honor Scout campers, spon sored by the Boy Scouts of America. Ed is Vice Chief of Tsali Lodge and as such led a delegation of 14 boys from Western North Carolina. He also served as a discussion leader on camp promotion. Ed, an 'Eagle Scout and senior at. Rrevard High School, is son of Judge and Mrs. .Robert T. Gash of Brevard. Some 4500 Scouts attended the con ference. ' (Times Staff Photo) Kirby Say Selection Of United Fund Workers Almost Completed Selection of workers for the 1M» * 7# Tranaylvania County United Fund cam paign. to rirtnally complete according to Campaign Han Going Away To School? Let Times Go Too m Temperatures in Brevard for the past week averaged 80 -and 56, with rainfall over four inches, most of that falling on one day. High temp for the wpek was {(8 on Tuesday after noon, whil*i"--the 'tfeek’g lew was 48 on Saturday and Monday morning. The Weather Bureau’s five day forecast for the area calls for temperatures and rainfall to average about normal for this time of late summer, which means lows in the mid-50’s and high temperatures in the low 80’s each day. Temperatures and precipita tion for the week as follows: High Low Free. Wednesday ... 84 66 0.60 Thursday . 83 57 0.00 Friday _ 64 56 3.65 Saturday _ 77 48 0.00 Sunday _ 81 52 0.00 Monday _ 84 48 0.00 Tuesday _ 88 56 0.00 Look Inside... News for the women, page six, second section; pages six and seven, third section; and page six, fourth section DAR pictorial feature, front page of section three Science for you, front page, second section Almar Farm column, page eight of the second section Editorials on page two in the second section Editor’s Corner, page five, first section. Classifieds, pages two and three in the first section School lunchroom menus for coming week, front page of the second section Two Persons Perish In Fire Saturday Night Pisgah Forest Schedule* Announced, .__ Brevard College Beginning New Year, Large Enrollment An Open Letter To Citizens of Brevard, Transylvania From President Robert A. Davis Brevard College Dear Friends: First of all, I would like to express appre ciation on behalf of myself and my family for the fine way which we have been received by the community since we moved to Brevard in June. We look forward to serving the entire area through the work of Brevard Col lege, for we want the college to be a maximum education al asset to Brevard and Transylvania County. This week marks the beginning of our 35th year of opera tion. Our enrollment will be at near capa city, as we expect approximately 6 2 5 students. We have employed the largest number of faculty members in the col lege’s history, and Robert A. Davis we believe that they are better prepared than ever before to H participate in the meaningful experience of Christian higher education. Beginning with the fall term, we will pro —Turn to Page Fiv# It Happened Tuesday Youths Steal School Bus, Wreck It Over Mountainside US Highway 876 about five miles from Cesser's Head at Bald rock. Although the bos stayed upright down the long drop, it was badly damaged. Held in connection with the stealing are Ted Eubanks, —Turn to Page Plea Bodies Of Lost Couple Found At Rainbow Falls #•.' . _ The bodies of two Bun combe county teenagers were found Tuesday in a deep pool under Rainbow Falls near Sapphire after an extensive search since Sunday after noon by Rescue Squads from —Turn to Page Six Brevard College will begin the 1969-70 academic year with a formal convocation Sunday, August 31st, in Bos hamer Gymnasium at 8:00 p. m. . Speaker for the occasion will be the Rev. Robert A. Davis, newlv - elected pr 'd -nt of the college. Mr. Davi; began his duties as the si' Ml prp ident of Brevard on Jur^ 1 t. College e'clr!' expect 627 students to -gister for courses on Monday, Septem ber fst, with classes schedul ed to begin the following day. Freshmen will report to the campus for orientation on Thursday, August 28th. The 382 incoming students will re ceive two davs of testing and academic counseling prior to the beginning of the fall term. Grady H. Whicker, dean of the college, announced the rohedule for the 1969 - 70 col lege year which is as follows: Sunday, August 31 — Con vocation i Monday, September 1—Reg —Turn to Page Six Circumstances Bring About Investigation Two Pisgah Forest resi dents lost their lives in a fire of an undetermined or gin just after midnight last Saturday. The victims were identified as Mrs. Ethel Wilbanks, age 87, and her son, Lee Wil banks, age 68. The fire gutted their one story frame house, and it was completelv engulfed in flames when the firemen ar rived. According to Fire Chief Dan Merrill, both victims were dead when the firemen arrived at the scene on the EcuUa road. He said that Mrs. Wilbanks was found in her bed and her son was found near the front door. An autopsy is being con ducted to determine the exact cause of death, Chief Merrill said. Both bodies were burn ed extensively. Two trucks answered the call at 12:15 a. m. Sunday. The fire was under control in about 28 minutes, Merrill said. No other houses were —Turn to Page Six Brevard Native Gayle Ramsey Joins Law Firm Of Ramsey, Hill And Smart Gayle E. Ramsey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph 'H. Ramsey, Jr., -has joined the law firm of Ram sey, Hill and Smart here in Brevard. / - A native" of Brevard, young Ramsey was educated in the lo cal city schools, and in 1960, he received his BA degree at Wake Forest College. He served in the United States Army with the rank of lieutenant. In 1966, he was awarded his M A degree in Political Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. During the year 1966 - ’67, he taught in Brandon Hall school. —Tun to Page Five