THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize - WittftTng, Home Town Newspaper » Vol. 82 — No. 46 BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1969 ★ 32 PAGES TODAY * Care Enough To Finish The Job--Give0 To United Fund JERRY T. WILLIS, vice presi dent of the First Citizens Bank and Trust company here in Brevard, is pictured at the left presenting a Check for $6,000 to Rev. Robert A. Davis, president of Brevard College. This donation is to be used for the construction of the new Simms Stu dent Center building. In making the presentation, Mr. Willis stated: “First-Citizens Bank is happy to be a part of the relationship which exists between the College and the Town of Brevard, and we recognize that a prime motivating factor in this relationship is the interest and sup port of Brevard College in our com munity.” (Times Staff Photo) New Site Acquired Brevard Little Theatre Is \ Busy With Next Production i In two weeks Brevard Little Theatre will present its first production of the 1969-197# season. The dates for the comedy, “Mary, Mary,” are November 2#>23, with curtain times being 8:15 p.m. Thurs day through Saturday, and 5:15 matinee on Sunday after noon. Due to BLTs being in ne\ quarters this year, it will b necessary for all theatre goer to reserve seats for each pei formance. Mrs. Richard H Haney is the reservation^ am may be contacted between 7:(X a.m. and noon any day betweei now and show time. Her phom number is 883-5548. The new theatre • in - the alley is located behind the Times Building and may be better known to some as the old telephone exchange build ing. The entrance to the theatre is on the upper floor, with ample puking facilities in the vicinity. Due to the capacity of 120 persons per performance, it is suggested that theatre-goers call and re serve seats well in advance in order to be able to Insure a seat. Persons holding season membership tickets have first priority; they' may reserve seats anytime up to November 16th, after which time seats may be reserved by the pub lie at large. . Season memberships are stil available and may be obtainec from numerous members oi Brevard’s Little Theatre or the; may be purchased at the theatre the evenings of performances The five dollars for adult oi —Turn to Bond I»»ue Proposed School Needs Stressed In Talk Bv Corbin At Rotary Meeting Harry Corbin, Superintend ent of Schools in Transyl vania county, spoke on press ' Ing school needs in the coun * ty’s system at the last meet 3 ing of the Brevard Rotary club. I He said that these could be ) solved only with the success i ful passage of a school bond ! issue, which would be held during 1970. He also stressed the need for kindergartens, specialized teachers and guidance in nil grades. More teacher aids would be of great benefit to the system, Mr. Corbin declared. He said that the Brevard Junior high needed replacing and a new consolidated high school was a must. Portions of the Rpsman sys tem must also be replaced. High school enrollment is now 1,300, and projected en rollment is 1,500. He also talked on the need of more local support in the system. A question and answer period followed the informa tive talk. Supl Corbin was intro duced by John K. Smart, and President Walter Holland presided over the meeting. 50th Anniversary Puppet Show To Highlight Children's Book Week Here Saturday morning, Novem ber 15th, at 9:30 a.m., Tom and Donna King, the SMCADA art consultants for Transyl vania county, will present a puppet show at the Transyl vania County Library. The show will be given in honor of the 50th anniversary of Children’s Book Week, No Outstanding Student Ricky Daniels Is Transylvania's Nominee ForMorehead Scholarship Richard S. Daniels, son Mr. and Mrs. Robert hat been chosen represent Transylvania county In competition In Western North Carolina for a More hand award. Hie announcement comes from Dr. Carol Qrahl, the local chairman. £ ■%' sra vember 16-22nd. Mr. and Mrs. King will em ploy combination hand and rod poppets of their own mak ing to present a different type of show than their past per formances. The large puppets will perform without a back —Turn to Page Eight Three Million To Be Spent On Improving US Highway 64 From Brevard To Rosman WeafAer By FRED REITER Local temperatures during the past seven days averaged 63 and 27, with only a trace of rain, heralding the oncoming of winter a few weeks away. The long - range forecast for the area calls for temperatures through Saturday to average near normal over most of the state. Highs should average in the fifties in the mountains, ranging to the mid and upper 60s on the coast. Turning cool Thursday and warming again about Saturday. Precipitation will total a quarter to a half inch and will occur as scattered light show ers Thursday and again about Saturday. Weather data for the past week was as follows: High Low Prec. Wednesday_ 48 30 Trace Thursday_ 65 25 0.00 Friday . 66 26 0.00 Saturday _ 70 25 0.00 Sunday_ 68 33 0.00 M6nday_ 50 27 0.00 Tuesday _ 72 26 0.00 HEMC Will Hold "Open House" Lake Toxaway Sat A big “Open House” is planned Saturday at Lake Toxa way. The occasion is the opening of the new office and ware house of the Haywood Electric Membership corporation. The hours will be from 10:00 a.m., until 4:00 p.m. R. C. Sheffield, the general manager, cordially invites the public to attend the auspicious event Refreshments will be served all during the day. “We are proud of our new fa cility at Lake Toxaway just as we are proud of the growth of Haywood Electric Membership corporation,” he declared. Throughout this issue of The Times are several stories and special mes-»ees on the “Open —Turn to Page Eight MRS. BEA HEMPHILL, right, of the Brevard Office, is the happy re cipient of a $500 regional cash prize for her efforts in the statewide Golden Savings Program just con eluded by employees of First Union National Bank. Making the presen tation is Ray N. Simmons, left, Ex ecutive Vice President of the Bre vard Office. (Times Staff Photo) State Of An Emergency Knocked Down Power Pole Knocks Out Alert Systems Accidents do have reper cussions. Take Monday night for in stance. About 11:10 Eddie Lee Mc Mahan clipped a power pole down behind the Co-Ed theatre here in Brevard on Caldwell street. That put the entire area in the dark. This also included the City Hall, and when the power went off, all police, rescue, fire and other alarm systems went out. The policemen, the Rescue squad, the firemen were all called out to help with the emergency. Duke Power crews went to work immediately and re stored the power in record time. Many people had many ap prehensive moments, but in about an hour everything was restored to norm?.!. Thank goodness! However, the night’s prob —Turn To Page Eight In Trarnylvania Schools Annual Flu Immunization Program Set For Next Week The annual flu immuniza tion program for Transylvania County Schools will be con ducted on November 18, 19, and 20th, according to an an nouncement coming from Dr. John R. Folger, Transylvania County Health Director. This year the Local Health Department personnel will be using two pressurized jet guns, and assisted by immuni zation consultants from the State Board of Health. For the past three years, the absentee rate for Transyl vania Countv Schools during December, January, and Feb Urgwt Plea Made UF Campaign Is Now 87.2% Of ’70 Goal At press time Wednesday, the Transylvania County United Fund had received 848,188*9 or 87.2% of its 849,554.26 goal for 1970. An analysis of these results indi cated that virtually all contri bution sources in Transyl vania County had been con tacted, and that there were very few final calls yet to be The following statement was issued from United Fund Head quarters by Dr. Milton Massey, President, and Mike Kirby, Campaign Chairman: “Wo would like to extend admiration that we have for our fellow citizens in this ef fort. “Please allow us to make one final, desperate plea on behalf of the worthy agencies of United Fund. It would be useless to at tempt “why not” explanations to a sheltered workshop em ployee, accident or tragedy vic tim, the parents of a lost child, a poverty stricken person, or a lonely serviceman, etc. at the time their needs are greatest. They would understand only that the service is not available. Comments like: "I just don't have the money,” — “Too many other people are asking for money also,” — “Pm not inter ested,” — or “Maybe I’ll drop It in the mall sometime,” would be utterly meaningless to them. “So many services of United Fund Agencies are designed for those who cannot help themselves, and sue manner in which we give to United Fund is a direct measure of the responsibility we feel for those who are less fortunate. This is a difficult year for United Fund. But, we can be within shouting distance of our goal if each reader who has not given will respond to this ap peal for support. "Please search your con science deeply and mail your check or pledge today to: Transylvania County United Fund, P. 0. Box 53, Brevard, N. C. 33718. If you have not been contacted and would like to talk with someone about United Fund, please call Dr. Massey's office or Mr. Kirby at OUn ” ruary, because of flu-Pke ill nesses, has been considerably less than that of surrounding areas. The prevention or modifica tion of influenza in the school age population is a worth while Public Health goal as well as of direct benefit to the —Turn to Page Eight Allocation Of $300,000 Made For NC 281 The full State Highway Commission, in meeting last weekend at Nags Head, ap propriated three million dol lars for improvement work on US Highway G4 from Brevard to Rosman. E. J. Whitmire, commissioner for Transylvania and four other Western North Carolina coun ties, said that work could begin immediately on the project. In fact, as soon as the leaves on the trees have fallen, a flight study will be made of the existing highway. At the present time, work is being completed on the four lane section of this highway from the Brevard city limits t« the new Lake Sega bridge. Completion date is December 1st of this year. It is hoped that the entire project can be completed dur ing the next three years. Mr. Whitmire emphasizes that there is much paper work to be done on the improve ment work of the rest of the highway to Rosman. He said the Nags Head meet ing was a successful one. The full commission meets three times each year: Once in the East . . . then in the West . . . then at Raleigh. The commission at the Nags Head meeting also allo cated $300,000 for improve ment work to NC Highway 281 from Lake Toxaway for a distance of five and one —Turn To Page Eight Look Inside,.. Art Loeb marker is unveiled, front page of section four Editorials, page two, second section Sports, page five, section three, and page six, section four News of and for the women, page six, second section and page six, third section Editor’s Corner, page five, first section History of Transylvania, front page of the second section where you will also find Almar Farm column School lunchroom menus, page five, first section. Bookmobile feature, page three, section four. Program Highlights WPNF Is Presenting News Features, Football Saturday This week WPNF is present ing a series of recorded news feature interviews with mem bers of, and personnel connect ed with, the country’s second manned moon - landing mis sion. Astronauts Charles Conrad, Richard F. Gordon and Alan L. Beam are the crewmembers who are heard. Other backup personnel on the programs include: Gerald D. Griffin — Prime Apollo-12 Flight Director at the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houson and Capt. Chester M. Lee, Apol lo-12 Mission Director at NASA Headquarters in Washington. Football is featured again this weekend on VVPNF as the North Carolina Tar Heels en tertain the Clem^on Tigers at Chapel Hill Gametime will be 1:30 p. m. with broadcast time 1:05 p. m. Currie will call the play-by-play in what should be an interesting game. What started out as a dis sapointing year for the Tarheels has become much more inter esting lately, and could turn into a winning year for the Heels. Other Programs The schedule for the Farm and Home hour is as follows: Thursday, Brevard vo-ag dept., Randal Lvdav; Friday, U. S. —Turn to Page Eight