AWARDED PLAQUE — 'The Brevard high school band was awarded a handsome plaque; for winning a “Superior” rating in the State contest at Marion last Satur day. Proudly displaying it are Direc tor John D. Eversman, left, and Principal William Stanley, right. (Times Staff Photo) Slate Contest Brevard’s Fine Band Wins “Superior Rating”, Marion The fine Brevard high school concert band was awarded a “Superior" rating in the annual State Band contest last Saturday at Marion. Brevard competed in Group six, the highest rating in the competition, and the local youthful musicians were one of /only three bands in Western ' North Carolina obtaining the “Superior” rating. Band Director John D. Eversman said he was truly proud of the members of the band, and that they perform ed like true veterans. “I feel that we have one of the best bands in the history of Brevard high school, and they deserved the superior rating they were given,” he declared. The judges were also quite complimentary about the per formance of the Brevard —Turn to Page Two An Olin Manager Ken Nissen Tells Why He Wants To Be Member Of Education Board Ken Nissen, has announced that he will be a candidate for the Transylvania County Board of Education, subject to the Republican Primary in May. Mr. Nissen is Manager of Specialty Products Sales for Olin’8 Ecusta Paper Division at Pisgah Forest. 4 graduate of Wheaton College, Wheaton. Illinois, he has lived in Bre vard since 1962. He is active in Scouting as Cubmaster of Pack 7.11 Of the First United Metho dist Church. He also serves as a Team Manager of the Little League Baseball program in Transylvania County, is a mem ber of the BPOE #1768 and is an active member of the First Baptist Church where he teach MarianM. McMahon public ly announces that she is a. can didate for re-election for Cleric of Superior Court . for Tran sylvania County. ;;*, r , , , Mrs. McMahon Hied for the office bn March 2, after receiv Sf&S&'WK tion gave Mrs. McMahon a two year term, filling a vacancy caused by the death of the late It H. Caldwell. She is now sed* inf a four . year term In the November elecflon. The translation to the new District Court system has been made smoothly and efficiently McMahon’s adminis ts hi Lists Are Given Jurors Called For March-April Term Of Court, Begins Monday Jurors are announced for the March - April term of Su perior court by Mrs. Marian McMahon, the Clerk of Court. The criminal term of the court opens on Tuesday, March 31st. The Civil docket will be heard the following week. Members of the various Juries are. as follows: Grand Jury To serve through Jane 30, 1970 Linville H. Owen-Replacing Roy Mathis John T. Smith Vernon C. Tilson Clifford W. Frady, Forema Eugene L. Lanning C. B. Carter Freida Hunnicutt Royce Baker James David Smith To Serve through Dec. 3! 1970 Taj F. Hanna Mrs. Lewis P. Hamlin L. C. Anders John C. Hensley Mrs. Sid Barnette, Jr. Eston Phillips J. P. Beddingfield Jack L. Whitmire Raymond Hipp First Week E. L. Batson Bud Bishop Gus Joe Bostic Tom Carson —Turn to Page Three Lentz To Head Brevard Elks Robert Lentz has been eleci ed to serve as Exalted Ruler o Brevard Elks Lodge No. 178 during the 1970-71 year. Mr. Lentz was elected at th regular Elks meeting at the It cal lodge Tuesday night. H succeeds Herbert J. Schain a Exalted Ruler. Others elected to serve ir eluded; Joseph Bowden, leadin knight; Max McCracken, loy* knight; Henry Edward Garret lecturing knight; Ray M. Wit Chester, secretary; W. W. Duel worth, treasurer; Vance Jacl son, three-year trustee; an Fred Davidson, tyler. The newly elected officer will be installed at a specif ceremony in the near future. Look Inside... t Ifews of and for the womei page six, second section, an pages six and seven, third set tion , .... . , Sports, page four, second se. tion, and page four, fourth set THE TRANSYLV A State And National Prize-Winning UA TIMES e Town Newspaper 1KOND CUSS POSTASK ★ Vol. 83-NO. 13 "AID AT SREVARD. H. C. T IIP COD* 29712 BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, MAR gC!6 1,970 ★ 28 PAGES TODAY * There was an abundance of rainfall during the past week in the Brevard area, with a total of 3.09 inches rainfall. Tem peratures averaged 55 and 37, with a high of 66 on Wednes day, and a low of 25 Tuesday morning. Long - range forecast for the area: A chance of showers Thursday and again Saturday. Warm Thursday, turning cool er Friday and continued cool Saturday. Daytime highs should average in the 50s in this sec tion of the state, while lows should be in the low to middle 30s. Weather data for the past week was as follows: High Low Prec. Wednesday- 66 36 0.99 Thursday - 50 37 0.35 Friday _ 63 50 0.73 Saturday - 46 40 0.41 Sunday _ 52 39 0.53 Monday _ 53 31 0.00 Tuesday_ 55 25 0.08 School Out For Two Days For Easter Easter will be quietly ob served in Brevard and Transyl vania county. 11 Churches will have special services, and stories about many of them are .parried this week throughout this issue of The . „ Times. - ~ 1 School students in the town ’ and county will get a two-day holiday. They will have a vacation on Friday, which is Good Friday, and then again on Monday. Brevard College students be gan the Easter observance on Wednesday, and the holidays run through April 1st. 20 File For Offices Prior To Deadline, Primaries Set May 2 McCall Brothers Found Dead At Site Of Still The bodies of two brothers were discovered early Mon day morning at an illegal whisky still in the Balsam Grove section, the Transyl vania County Sheriffs De part-ment reported. Chief Deputy Ed Owen iden tified the two men as Doyle Mc Call, in his 40’s, and Artelleus McCall, 44, both of the Balsam Grove Community. Deputy Owen said the body of one of the brothers was found at the still site and the other 100 yards away on a path. A gallon of white whisky was found with each of the bodies, he said. The still was located on Bruce Ridge about 10 miles northeast of Rosman. There was no evidence of foul play, Owen said. Dr. Marius Wells, medical exami ner, has ordered autopsies on the bodies and a chemical analysis of the whisky. Deputy Owen said the men’s father, Cannon McCall, told him —Turn to Page Two April 6th - April 17th City Crews To Give Free Cleanup Service City spring cleanup time will soon be here again. Following the successful spring cleanup cam paigns of the last two years, the Town of Brevard Street and Sanitation Department will repeat the campaign again this year from April 6th through the 17th. Brevard residents will again be offered the opportunity to get rid of unsightly debris, trash and brush without hauling charge. According to Mrs. Opal C. Armentrout, Town Clerk, residents of Brevard are encouraged to call Town Hall for FREE pickup of trash and other debris, including tree shrubs cuttings, during the cleanup period. Abandoned car bodies will also be picked up without charge. Except for old car bodies, all material to be picked up must be placed as near the pickup points as possible to help with the expected heavy work load. All material should also be boxed or put to gether in amounts of a size or nature that can be loaded by hand. “The Town administration,” says Mrs. Armen trout, “is issuing an invitation to all residents to participate in making Brevard a more beautfiul community.” Results Certified , . Controversaryr Over Election At Olin Is Now Said Settled Democrats, Republicans Make Races A total of 20 persons filed for offices in Transylvania county prior to the filing deadline at noon last Friday, Ligon B. Ard, chairman of the Board of Elections, an nounces. There will be both Demo cratic and Republican primaries in the Primary election on May 2nd. The first day for register ing for the election will be on April 4th, and April 18th is the last day of registration. April 25th will be Challenge day. Should there be a second primary, it will be held on. May 30th. The General Election is set for November 3rd. Incumbent Robert Hunter will be opposed by Robert Merrill in the Democratic primary for Board of Educa tion. Three Republicans are enter ed in the Republican primary for the Education Board. They are: William H. Huters, Margaret Surrette and Ken Nissen. Hubert Bryson is seeking election to the Board of Educa tion in the General Election on the American Party ticket There will also be Democratic and Republican primaries for —Turn to Page Five After some 10 months of legal proceedings, the con troversy concerning the last union election held at Olin Corporation’s plants at Pis Three-County District Charles Taylor Seeks Re-Election To The House Of Representatives State Representative Charles H. Taylor announces officially today his candidacy for the State House of Representatives. Mr. Taylor made his announce ment public by touring his dis - trict with stops in Little River, E Brevard, Rosman, Cashiers, 1 Glenville, Tuckasegee, Cullo whee, Sylva, Cherokee, Bryson City and Alarka. ■ Mr. Taylor, who is seeking 5 his third term in the General 5 Assembly, is Minority Leader of the General Assembly. He is one of the two House mem ' bers for Western North Caro ! lina selected to sit on the pow 1 erful Appropriations Sub-com '■ —Tarn to Page Two CHARLES TAYLOR In November Election , Reese Enters Sheriff's Race 1 ; On The American Party Ticket A. B. Reese, of Brevard, has entered the race for Sheriff of Transylvania county on the American Party ticket, subject to the November General Elec I tion. Owner of Reese Furniture » company, of Brevard, Mr. v Reese was bom in Georgia, and has lived in Transylvania since f 1953. | He graduated from high school in Georgia and attended I the University of Georgia. He has had eight years of B experience in law enforcement 6 here and in Georgia. f He is married to the former e Mary Lou Galloway, native i, Transylvanian, and they have —Tun to Pag* Two A. B. REESE gah Forest has been settled, and the results of the elec tion certified by the National Labor Relations Board. On May 14 and 15, 1969, the National Labor Relations Board conducted a consent election at Olin’s Pisgah Forest plants to determine whether the Unit ed Papermakers and Paper workers Union, AFL - CIO, would become the exclusive representative of Production, Maintenance, and supporting activity employees at that lo cation. The results of the elec tion showed that of 1,965 eligi ble voters, 1850 cast ballots— 909 for the union, and 910 against the union. Twenty three votes were challenged and eight were void. Shortly after the election, on May 20, the union filed with the office of the Acting Regional Director of Region 11, NLRB, a petition object ing to the conduct of the company during the election period. In accordance with the Board’s Rules and Regu lations, a thorough investiga tion of the union’s challenges and objections were conduct ed by a Board agent, and both the union and the com pany were given full oppor tunity to present evidence bearing on the issues involv ed. The challenges were re solved in such a way that the results of the election were —Turn to Page Three Special Holiday Programs Slated On Radio WPNF A special program of Easter anthems will be heard over WPNF Sunday morning. The program will include ; “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today”, and “Christians, To The Pas chael Victim”. This special Easter pro gram will be heard at 10:06 & m. on Easter morning. The program is supplied to WPNF by the Executive Council ol —Turn to Page Tire Background Given Tom Bryson Is A Candidate In General Election For Clerk Tom Bryson, operator of Tom’s Texaco in North Bre vard, announces his candidacy for the office of Transylvania County Clerk of Courts, subject to the Democratic Primary. Mr. Bryson was born in Jackson County and attended the Public Schools there. He graduated from Glenville High School in 1947. He has been a resident of Transylvania Coun ty for 17 years. He is a member of the Cal vary Baptist Church, where he is presently serving as a Dea con and Department Superin tendent in the Sunday School. He has been an active member of Dunn’s Rock Masonic Lodge, the Pisgah Forest Lions Club and other community organiza tions. He served in the United States Army in 1951 - 1952. TOM BRYSON On Republican Ticket Mrs. Margaret Surrette Files For Board Of Education Office Mrs. Margaret Surrette has filed for the Board of Educa tion on the Republican ticket, subject to the May 2nd primary. She is a local business wo man and cosmetoligist, having operated a business for the last seven years in Brevard. Also she is vitality interested in the youth here in Transylvania, be lieving they should receive the very best in education locally to help them in later life in work or further education so they can stand up in any col lege and rate with the very best anywhere. “Because I think our youth are among the best, 1 certainly believe in higher education and the basis lies in our local schools and believes our chil dren should be provided the —Turn to Page Two MARGARET SURRETTE