UH , - -.f ^ REPRODUCTION OP All Mfcttar Herein U Prohibit ed Without The Eaimaaod Con rent or lt>e Owner ★ Vol. 83—No. 18 THE A SECOND CLASS MSTASl PAID AT IDEVAAO. N. C. IIP COD* MTU TRANSYLVANIA TIMES State And National Prize-Winning Home Town Newspaper ★ BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 7,1970 PUBLISHED WE &gY~ TRANSYLVANIA— Home of Brevard College and I Brevard Music Festival. i The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah National Forest and -L. , ★ 32 PAGES TODAY * PRINCIPALS AT INAUGURATION—Princi pals in the inauguration of President Robert A. Davis at Brevard College last Saturday are pic tured prior to robing for the installation cere mony. Pictured left to right, they are: Bishop W. Kenneth Goodson, resident bishop of the Binning ham Area of The United Methodist Church; Allen H. Sims, chairman of the college’s Board of Trus tees; President Davis; and Bishop Earl G. Hunt, Jr., resident bishop of the Charlotte Area of The United Methodist Church. Many In Attendance Successful Inauguration Ceremony Held At College A Ugh moment In the life of any college la the inaugu ration of a new president to serve as chief executive of hy fleer of the college and Its spokesman to the wider com munity. The inauguration of the Rev. Egbert Aldlne Davis oh Saturday, May 2nd, was such an occasion for Brevard College. "" In an installation ceremony witnessed by 187 delegates from colleges, universities and learn ed societies plus a large num ber of local citizens, students and special guests of the col lege, President Davis was in augurated as the sixth Presi dent to serve Brevard College since its beginning in 1934. “I have already dreamed dreams and had bright visions for this college,” the 41-year old educator told the as sembled audience. ‘The one dominating dream is that we might be faithful to the task that called this institu tion into being—a task which sees the coming together of academic excellence and Chris tian development” In this con fused and secular age, I prom ise that I shall not forget either of these noble aims. For I am convinced despite gloomy predictions from some quarters, the church must continue to be involved in higher education, that there must be church-re lated colleges with a Christian commitment which perceive their central purpose as a God given task.” In closing his remarks, President Davis pledged “my greatest efforts to the realiza tion of these alms.” ‘To the Faculty of this col lege, 1 pledge my efforts to as sure a wholesome and sound en —Thni to Page Four Sunday Morning ; First United Methodist Church To Consecrate New Fellowship Hall • The Brevard First United Methodist church will conse crate-a new Fellowship Hall at the 11:00 a.m. Worship Service this coming Sunday, May 10th. Rev. Brunson Wallace, the pastor, cordially invites all members of the congregation to attend the service on Sunday. He also announces that there will be an open house for the public on Sunday, May 24th, from 3:00 to 5:00 o’clock in the new Fellowship hall. A part of the master plan when the congregation of the then Brevard Methodist church moved into the new sanctuary and education building on North Broad Street in January, 1958, the Fellowship Hall is now a reality after more than 10 years in planning. The new hall will seat 350 in congregation and 250 at tables. Ah expansive stage leads itself to dramatic productions, music performances, a Worship Cen ter or a platform for speakers. A high, airy ceiling with lami nated beams adds to spacious ness and beauty. A modern kitchen, adjacent to the hall provides facilities for food service. The downstairs rooms will be used for youth activities. Two of the rooms are large and will lend themselves to multipur pose use. All except the largest room is floored with indoor —Torn to Page Four June Installation Don Cuiin Re-Elected Commander Of Legion Post for Third Term i Don Culln was re-elected Commander of the Monroe Wilson Post, No. 88, of the American Legion for a third tern at the regular May Meeting Monday night at the Legion Manorial halL Commander Culin and the other newly elected officers will be installed at the June meet ing. Other officers elected Mon day night are as follows: . Jerry Pierson—1st Vice Commander Robert E. Lentz—2nd Vice Commander Craige D. Snipes—3rd Vice Commander Marshall Teague—Adju tant 'Clyde Duvall—Finance Of ficer Arthur Smart, 8r., Robert —Turn To Page Eight Weather Bureau three-day forecast for Thursday through Saturday: A chance of showers Saturday, otherwise partly cloudy with slowly rising tem peratures during the period. Daytime highs in the 70s Thurs day and Friday and perhaps in the 80s Saturday. Lows at night mostly in the 40s Thursday and Friday and the 50s on Saturday. Temperatures at Brevard dur ing the past week averaged 75 and 50, with a high mark of 87 last Wednesday and a low of 35 Tuesday morning. Temperatures and precipita tion for the week as follows: High Low Free. Wednesday- 87 57 0.00 Thursday_ 83 55 0.00 Friday __ 76 53 0.00 Saturday _____ 74 53 0.00 Sunday __ 57 52 0.16 Monday_ 68 47 0.30 Tuesday __ 78 35 0.00 Delinquent Taxes Are Advertised Delinquent taxes are adver tised today, Vernon P. Full bright, the Tax Collector, an nounces. They will be advertised for a period of four weeks, and Mon day, June 1st, is the date that has been set for the sale of property on which taxes are still outstanding. The tax lists are carried on pages four and five in the third section of this week’s Times. Sheriff McCall, Hubbard And Mrs. Surrette Win In Primary Voting Light Second Primary A Possibility Voting was light in the Democratic and Republican Primaries last Saturday in Transylvania county. Chief interest centered in the Sheriffs race in bqth Parties, and the incumbent Republican Sheriff, Carter McCall, defeated Jay B. Mc Call by a vote of 672 to 342. Milford C. Hubbard emerg ed from the Primary as the Democratic nominee in the November election. He was opposed by W. D. “Bill” Sawyer, who polled 1,036 votes, and Edward E. Killian, who had 96 votes. Mr. Hubbard received 1,689 votes. There were three Republi cans in the race for Board of Education, and Mrs. Mar garet M. Surrette was the winner with 355 votes. Others In the running and the votes they received were as fol lows: William A. Haters—299 Ken Nissen—296. There was only one state race in Transylvania county. Incumbent R. A. Hedrick, Judge of the Court of Ap peals, was defeated by Harry C. Martin in this county, however, Judge Hedrick was the winner across the state. Their vote was as follows: Harry C. Martin—1,907 R. A. “Fred” Hedrick—775. Precinct officials did an excellent job of counting out, and the final results in all races were reported over Ra dio Station WPNF by 9:00 o’clock Saturday night. Mr. Haters, who can call a —Turn to Page Four Lions Conduct Sale Of Brooms This Weekend Brevard Lions will conduct their annual broom sale this weekend. They will begin their canvass each afternoon at 5:30 o’clock, and they urge all citizens to buy a broom. Proceeds from the sale go to the sight conservation program of the Lions club. All brooms that are sold are made by the blind, and all monies received are used here in Transylvania county. 342 672 DEATH CAR—Ellis Carr Whit son, of route 1, Brevard, was killed instantly when his car ran off US Highway 276 near Sherwood Forest and struck a tree early Tuesday morning. It was the third high way fatality in this county in 1970. (Times Staff Photo) On US Highway 276 Man Is Killed In One-Car Accident Tuesday Morning Successor To Davis Jerry Purser Promoted To County Extension- Chairman Jerry t. Purser has been ap pointed Transylvania County ex tension cnair man to fill a vacancy left by the death in March of Jim Davis. Mr. Purser has been on the county exten sion staff since 1967. The an- —~. nouncement was made jointly by Dr. George Hyatt, Jr., direc tor of extension at North Caro lina State University, and Don old L. Moore, chairman of the Transylvania County Board of Commissioners. Mr. Purser assumed his new duties May 1, according to Denver Robinson, chairman of the Western Extension District. The new county chairman is a native of Andrews in Cheri kee County. He was on the Dur ham County extension staff prior to coming to Transylvania. Earlier, he taught vocational agriculture at Norwood. Mr. Purser is a 1963 graduate of North Carolina State Univer sity and received his master’s degree there last fall. Mr. Hyatt and Mr. Moore ex pressed pleasure in having Mr. Purser elevated to the county chairman position. “We lost an outstanding extension agent and a cherished citizen in the death of Jim Davis,” Mr. Moore said. “We are pleased that Mr. Purs er is the man selected to suc ceed hint. He has our full sup port.” “We feel Mr. Purser can pro vide the type of leadership of the county extension program that the people of Transylvania have became accustomed,” Mr. Hyatt said. “He is a young man of quality and enthusiasm.” Lee's Rides Are In Town Lee’s Rides are in town. They are set up on the vacant lot between the Radio Station and Brevard Lanes. The Transylvania Shrine club is the sponsoring organization, and the Shriners cordially in vite the public to come out for an evening of fun. The Rides begin operating around 6:30 in the evenings. A Transylvania man was killed instantly in a one-car accident on US Highway 276 between Brevard and Cedar Mountain about 7:10 Tuesday morning. According to Trooper Gene Beshears, who investigated, the man was Ellis Carr Whitson, age 76, of route I, Brevard. He was operating a 1959 Buick and was traveling north toward Brevard from Cedar Mountain. Patrolman Be shears said he ran off the road and struck a tree. The car was demolished. The accident occurred near entrance of Sherwood Forest, about eight miles from Brevard. Mr. Whitson apparently fell asleep at the wheel. He was a retired sawmill operator, a native of Mitchell county and had lived here the past 30 years. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Lola Stamey Whitson; a daugh ter, Mrs. Bertha Musick of Er win, Tenn.; two sons, Dave and Jack Whitson of Cedar Moun tain; two sisters, Mrs. Lizzie Hill of Westminster, Md., and Mrs. Darlie Gardner of Bakers ville; three brothers, Taylor of Jonesboro, Tenn., Frank of Bakersville and Cal Whitson of Unicoi, Tenn.; several half sisters; six grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Services will be held at 11:00 a.m. Thursday in Rocky Hill —Turn To Page Eight THE WINNERS — Victorious in th« Primary election in Transyl vania county last Saturday were Sheriff Carter McCall, left, Mrs. Margaret M. Surrette, center, and Milford C. Hubbard, right. Full de tails are carried in the Primary story on this page.