FOR SALE FOR SALE — 1954 V» ton Chevrolet pick-up truck* Fair tires. For a real buy, call Joe Smith at 883 4793. 4-23-tfdh FOR SALE — Gi.u mother a modern bundle of joy - Syl vania T.V. radio, stereo. Bax ter Radio & T.V., 94 Rosman highway, telephone 883-9751. 5-7-ltp FOR SALE—At Brevard Coun try club, 2 lots together, lights and water already on lot, also, lots are covered with Bent grass. See E. E. Frasei at Brevard Country Club 883-5141.8-22-tfr FOR SALE — 1970 Sears motorcycle, 90 cc, low mile age. Price $125.00. Call 883 2948. 5-7-ltp STONE For Driveway*— Hauled, Scattered and Raked FREE ESTIMATE 883-4879 FOR SALS “Garlands for Mother”, a col lection of poetry and prose, and “Grandma’s Brag Book” for snapshots make the per fect little Mother’s Day gifts from AUSTINS, across from the Court House. 5-7-ltc FOR SALE — Used Stauf fer reducing machine, excellent for getting off those extra inches. Price $35.00. For more infor mation cadi 883-8169 after 3:00 p.m. 4-23-tfdh FOR SALE — Home grown azaleas now blooming, shrubs of all kinds, also primrose, pansies, geraniums, coleus, begonias, petunias, scarlet sage, sultanas and vegetable plants. Hoots Nursery & Greenhouse, 4% miles West of Hendersonville, Brevard Highway, Dial 682-8695. 4-30-4tc BROOM SALE — When a LION knocks, BUY A BROOM. All brooms made by the blind to help the blind. To be sold May 7th, 8th and 9th by Brevard Lions Club. 5-7-ltdh 1962 OLDS F-85, 4 door, automatic transmission, radio, heater. Runs good. $395.00 1964 FORD XL Convertible 390 V-8. 4-speed transmission. Radio, heater, white tires, buck et seats and new top. $995.00 1963 Galaxie 500 4-door Sedan. V-8. Automatic transmission. Radio, heater, good tires. !t* $695.00 1965 GMC Pickup 3/4 ton. 6 cylinders, 4-speed transmission. New paint, good tires. $1195.00 1963 Ford Galaxie, 4 door, V/8, standard trans mission, radio, heater, white tires, vinyl trim, new paint. $695.00 1964 Galaxie 500 2 Door Fastback, automatic trans., radio, power steering, vinyl trim, white tires, wheel covers. One owner. $1095.00 1966 Chevrolet Impala Sport Coupe, V/8, Pow erglide, power steering. Clean. $1395.00 1964 Galaxie 500, 4-door, radio, heater, V/8, Cruise-O-Matic, power steering, power brakes, vinyl trim. $895.00 1965 Plymouth Belvedere II 6 passenger station wagon, V8, automatic trans., radio, heater. ill*-. $895.00 1962 Pontiac Station Wagon, automatic trans., radio, heater. $395.00 1964 Pontiac Grand Prix. 2-door hardtop. Auto matic transmission. Radio, heater, power steering, power brakes, bucket seats. Nice. $1,095.00 1963 Cadillac 4-door sedan. Full power. Air conditioned. Radio, heater, white tires and clean. $995.00 1966 Ford Country Sedan. V-8 engine, heater, automatic transmission, radio, power steering, good tires. Clean. $13.95.00 1965 Chevrolet Impala, four door, hardtop, V/8, radio, Powerglide, heater, white tires, wheel covers. Nice. $1195.00 1963 Studebaker, four door, V/8, automatic transmission. Bargain $75.00 1965 Chevrolet Bel Air, Fordor, Powerglide, power steering, V/8, Radio, Heater, White tires. $1095.00 1962 Ford Galaxie 500, Hardtop, Power brakes, power steering, V/8, Radio, Heater, White tires, Cl**11- ^BM OO FOR SALE FOR SALE — Reduce excess body fluids with FLU1DEX diuretic tablets, only $1.69 at Varners Drug. 4-16-5tp FOR SALE—The new SKAMP ER CAMPERS are on display at Van’s Body Shop on the Island Ford Road. 4-30-2tp FOR SALE — 1966 Pontiac Catalina, 28,000 miles, power steering and brakes, like new. James F. Furr, 883-9785. 5-7-ttp FOR SALE—One 30 gaL water tank,