HE TRANSYLVANIA T —~ l A State And National Prize-Winning Home Town Newspapn XCOMD CLASS posthsi IV AT SRIVfSD. N. C. ZIP COD* 1*711 BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1970 q® C4 ★ fi|'| IES TODAY * REPRODUCTION OP All Matter Herein la Prohibit ed Without The Expressed Con sent Of The Owner. PUBLISHED WEEKLY TRACKING FROGS IN SPACE — This is a nighttime photo of the large 85-foot tracking an tenna at the Rosman STADAN station. The inset, lower right, is a picture of Ted Gohrs inside the station, operating the antenna. The present opera tion is tracking NASA’s OFO spacecraft, an ex periment orbiting two live bullfrogs in a study of how man’s inner ear helps him keep his balance. Rosman is one of the prime stations receiving data from the satellite as it passes over this area. The antenna, which is 85 feet across the dish and weighs some 300 tons, can track satellites far out in sipace. The Rosman station is linked with the Goddard Space Fright Center at Greenbelt, Maryland, which has the responsibility for scientific exploration of space in the cis-lunar region. ? Thanksgiving Union Service Planned- Schools Will Close The annual Community Thanksgiving Worship Serv ice Will be held this year at the Brevard-Davidson Biver Presbyterian church on Main street. Reverend F. H. Goldsmith, Pastor of Bethel “A” Baptist church, will deliver the Thanks giving sermon and the Rever end Thomas B. McPhail, Assist ant Minister of the Presbyterian church, will assist in the lead ership of the worship. There is no more fitting way for American Christians to observe Thanksgiving than to Join in the honorable tradi tion of their forebears for corporate worship and public thanksgiving to their Creator. The service will begin at 11:00 o’clock Reverend Gold smith’s sermon topic is "For giveness Before Thanksgiving.” The Transylvania Minis terial association is sponsor teg the service, and the pub lic. and the public is most cordially invited to attend. Other ministers participating in the service will be Rev. Don ald C. Hicks, Rev. Nolan Ford and Rev. Edsel L. Keith. Police Chief Warns Against Holiday Thieves Holiday time is open season for petty thievery, warns Bre vard Police Chief, J. C. Rowe. “People are busy shopping. They go to and from their cars, leaving packages and pur chases in tempting sight in their unlocked vehicles. Worse still, they oftimes leave the car keys in the ignition lock. “This is a made to order op portunity for professional thieves and a strong temptation for amateurs. ^ “Ladies are particularly bad about leaving their pocketbooks in cars,” says Chief Rowe. I once walked four blocks on Main Street and counted 9 handbags left in plain sight in cars. “We strongly urge everyone to follow a few simple precau tions to avoid having their holi day season ruined by thieves: “One, never leave handbags in sight in a vehicle—locked or unlocked. A handbag, with its promise of cash, is good reason for a break-in. “Two, put all packages, or any other attractive items such as cameras, radio* and such, in —Turn to Page Six ristmas Contest Is lanned Over W P NF set forth in this column soon. v Other Programs Father Edward Sherida Pastor of Sacred Heart Ronu The Transylvania Times is out early this week in order that the staff may )oin thou sands of other Transylvania families in f- quiet Tranksgiv Ing at home. Readers, too, will have their copy of the paper, both those who have it delivered and those who receive it by mail, in time to catch up on the Thanksgiving Week news before the big day. Schools Closed County schools will he re cessed Wednesday afternoon until Monday, Nov. 30th. Bre vard College students will en joy the same recess from their studies. Banks and most Brevard businesses will be closed also in observance of this national day of thanksgiving for the count less good things so many of Americans jneoy. The Post Office will be closed for window service and both local and rural delivery* but special d< Jtry and per ishable mail which comes in will be delivered. Police, Fire and Emergency —Turn to Page Six By FEED REITER ~ Strong, gusty winds Mpnday along with a epld wave through the area made temperatures seem much colder than they really were. Readings for the past Six days averaged 54 and 31 de grees at Brevard, with' a high reading of 64 on Saturday and a low of 21 on Sunday morning. Extended forecast fbr North Carolina for Wednesday through Friday: Clear Wednesday, chance of showers Thursday through Friday. Very cold tem peratures Wednesday and Thursday with warmer tempera tures on Friday. Daytime highs Wednesday and Thursday around 40 degrees. Friday highs should be in the mid-SOs. Low Wednesday and Thursday will average near £0 degrees, while Friday’s low will be near the freezing mark of 32 degrees. Readings for the past six days as follows: Wednesday_ 42 26 0.05 Thursday —— 56 34 0.05 High Low Free. Friday _ Saturday Sunday . Monday 63 46 0.69 64 27 0.00 60 21 0.00 38 34 0.00 Rosman Tracking Station Now Receiving Data From Space Frogs Experiment Is Studying Human Ear And Balance Two live bullfrogs have been orbiting the Earth ev ery 1 and Vi hours since launch on November 9th in an experiment aimed at pro viding new information on how man’s inner ear helps him keep his balance. The NASA Tracking Station at Rosman has been one of the prime stations receiving data from the satellite as it passes over this area. Bob Allison, Operations Manager, has indi cated that no problems have been encountered in the sup port of O F O satellite passes at the station. After several hours in orbit, the frogs were reported in good condition and the space craft was transmitting scien tific data on the functioning of their othollth sensor cells. A frog’s otolith functions much like that in man’s in ner ear. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Orbit ing , Frog Otolith (O F O) satellite was launched at 1 a. m. EST on the 9th from NASA’s Wallops Station, Wal lops Island, Va. Riding piggy back on the Scout launch ve hicle was another spacecraft with radiation and meteoroid experiments. The two satellites separated about nine minutes after Ukunch. The frogs have beep moni tored ddring the past week alterhktely IP weightless con ditions and periods of par tial gravity created by spin ning them in the centrifuge that houses them. Fifty revo lutions per minute provides a one-half “G” acceleration condition. One “G" is the force of normal gravity on Ehrth. Electrodes implanted in the vestibular (inner ear) nerves —-Turn to Page Six Look Inside... isMaaaMMMititMiaimitiiMiiiiiiMmiMMM'MitMiiiiiiiN Christmas mailing list of servicemen overseas, page five, section four Classifieds, page two and three, fourth section News of and for the women, page six. section two, and pages six and seven, third section Editorials, page two, second section Sports, page -, first sec tion, page three, second section, and page three, third section Mental Health column, page four, third section. BREVARD’S BETSY ROSS, Mrs. Mabel Alderman, is pictured above right, presenting the beautiful Bre vard College flag that she made to Dean Grady H. Whicker, left, of the college’s administrative staff. Mrs. Alderman hand-cut, pieced and sewed the flag herself, working into the wee hours of last Thursday morning to have it ready for the color presentation at the big Tip-Off Basketball Tournament at the Col lege Thursday night. Her efforts were not in vain, as her hard work was rewarded with a resounding Brevard victory over Hudson Valley, New York in the opening round of the tournament. (Times Staff Photo) She’s Mabel Alderman itCollege *s Modern Betsy Ross Makes Flag For Big Ceremony Whitmire Announces Burley Tobacco Growers Issued Marketing Cards The plastic marketing cards now being issued to burley to bacco growers will be used to identify the crop from each farm, and constitute a vital record for each grower, Glenn Whitmire, Chairman of the Trhnsylvania County Agrieul tural Stabilization and Conser vation Committee, said today. He explained that marketing cards must be presented at the warehouse when tobacco is weighed in. Thev will remain —Turn to Page Five Injuries Of Brevard College Students In Wreck Said Minor President Robert A. Davis reported today that the in juries suffered in an auto mobile accident returning from a game last week to Ray F. Hiler and Dennis A. Brown, members of the Bre Latest Survey Reveals More Local Families In Upper Brackets How well are Transylvania County residents making ont financially? What proportion of local families are now to be found in the upper income brackets? According to a nationwide survey, rising wages and sal aries lave carried most families in the area to higher positions on tyg income ladder. income in a locality repre sents earnings that are well distributed among the bulk of the population or whether it stands for a small proportion of families with very large incomes compensating for a much larger number with low incomes. T; In Transylvania County, it finds, the level of earnings and the distribution are relatively good. Some 63.5 per cent of the households in the local area had disposable cash incomes, after taxes, of $6,000 or more in the past year. The proportion of families with net incomes over $8,000 account only cash income, farm families do not appear to their best advantage, as no allowances were made for the lower living costs on the farm. The Transylvania County breakdown gives the position of each group of local families on the income ladder. It lists 22.4 per cent of them on the $9,000 to $8,000 rung, 15.0 per cent at the $8,000 to $10,000 level and 26.1 per cent above $10,000. The remainder are below $5,000. Nationally, according to Commerce Department fig ures, the median Income of families rose M per coat dur ing the past year. However, since romUraw prices rose 5.4 per cent, the real gain |n family purchasing power was about 3.9 per cent. vard College Soccer team, were minor. Hiler and Brown were riding in a car which wrecked near Jasper, Florida, as the team re turned from winning the Region 10 soccer championship title. Soccer Coach Larry Burch was at the scene of the acci —Turn to Page Two By • Cal Carpenter There was a Colors Pre sentation ceremony at the Tip • Off Basketball Tourna ment in Brevard College’s Boshamer Gymnasium last Thursday evening. It was very impressive — a new ceremony for the college If not necessarily a new idea for such occasions. In the ceremony, a Brevard College Flag joined the North Carolina State and the Nation al emblems ip patriotic pre sentation to school, state and country before the beginning of the tournament. There was nothing particularly unusual about this. The noteworthy th'ng is the story behind that neat, professionally - manufac tured looking B .C. flag and the “do it” philosophy of the lady who made it. Flag Story The story begins with Bre vard Coach “Chick” Martin asking Jimmie Alderman, Manager of the College Book store and Reserve Air Force —Turn To Page Three Background Noted Dr. Matheny Now Practicing Optometry With Dr. McGuire Dr. Glenn S. Matheny has be gun the practice of optometry here in Brevard. He will be as sociated with Dr. Frank B. Mc Guire, Jr., in Dr. McGuire’s new office located at 290 North Broad street. Dr. Matheny is a native of Highland Park, Michigan, and received his early education in the schools of Byron, Michigan. He received the Bachelor of Science degree from Miehigan State University in 1984 major ing in chemistry and biology. At Michigan State he was a member of Farm House Social Fraternity. He received the Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Optome —Turn to Page Two

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