1 THE “TIMES" PRIZE-WINNING COLUMN From ALMAR FARM In Transylvania BY CAL CARPENTER It’s raining as I write this column. There’s a steady drum of water falling on :ur low roof; there’s the intermit tant heavier drops as accum i luted water falls from the limbs of the tall poplars and maples around the house; there’s a peculiar tinny drip as water falls down the gut ter down.-pouts and splashes into the elbow at the bottom where the downspouts go into the gutter drains. As I’ve written before, I like to hear it rain. I thoroughly en joy the sound of rain on the roof and the feeling of com fort and dryness it encourages. I like to know that not only the people but also the animals at When you thinh of prescrip, tions, think of TARNER'S. adv. Pastor R. A. WHITE And the Members of Midway Baptist Church rr T Invite You to Attend Any or All of Our Services SUNDAY SERVICES Bible School 10 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m. Evening Worship 7:00 p.m. Thursday Evening Prayer Service 7:00 p.m. Hear Our “Good Tidings” Broadcast over WPNF Radio Each Saturday Morning 10:30 ■ 11:00 O’clock ALMAR Farm have a dry rooi to get under if and when they find it necessary. I also like to know the hay is dry, for baled hay under a leaky roof is not only likely to sour and rot in places but damp hay can result in spon taneous combustion and start a fire to destroy barn, hay and all. All this is to lead up to the fact that I had to put a new roof on the barn a couple of months back. I'll tell you about it. I say “I” had to do it, and I immediately stand correct ed. For even if it was my re sponsibility, I’m agfraid I didn’t do it. I just plain flunked out when it came to climbing up on that steep barn roof. The man who did most of it, you might have already guess ed, was my long - suffering good neighbor Spud Warren. What Spud didn’t do, Lester Gillespie did, for he was the only other one of four of us who had the nerve to climb on to that steep, high barn roof. The story goes like this. The barn roof had been leak ing for some time. It was an old asphalt shingle roof that had never been replaced since the barn was built — originally as a 4-room boxed house — some 20 years ago. Lester kept telling me it needed fixing, but I just couldn’t ese how I was ever going to get up there and stay long enough to fix it. You see, the old house had been jacked up and a lower floor of concrete block built under it. This made the roof not only steep, but some 16 or 18 feet high at the eaves. A slip on that roof and a fall from that height would almost certainly be fataL Lester promised to help and so did Carter Hardin. I consult ed Spud, and as usual, he prom ised to help too. I bought the roofing and nails and Spud brought up some used lumber and he and I built a scaffold me Friday evening. The next morning, before Carter and Lester arrived, Spud and I went up to the job. Spud climbed the scaf fold and went up on the roof like a 10-year old. I climbed the scaffold, took one look, and realized I’d never climb up on that steep roof unless my life depended on it. I was so shaky I could hardly OSCAR S. GALLOWAY OWNER PHONE 883-9850 AREA CODE 704 AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR E.G.A. CERTIFIED MEMORIALS Brevard Monument Company 104 WEST MAIN STREET BREVARD. NORTH CAROLINA 28712 Dear Property Owner, As I am sure many of you know, Pisgah Gardens, is now involved in litigation. Exactly what is involved and why this legal struggle has come about is very complex so I will not attempt to explain it here. My only purpose in writing you this letter is to reassure you that your invest ment is perfectly safe. Many of your purchased your property from me and I feel that I owe you some explanation and re-assurance. The litigation does not directly involve you since your investment is protected under state laws. What is involved is the ownership of the Gardens and regardless of the out come your position will remain essentially unchanged. I re gret very much that this problem has arisen but feel sure that the matter will soon be resolved. At the present time I have no control over Pisgah Gardens but I still feel that I have a personal obligation to you. Many of you, by purchasing property, placed your faith in me and I intend to fulfill my obligation to you to the vest best of my ability. I invite your questions and your concern. I will be happy to discuss in further detail this situation with you if you so desire. You may reach me at the Brevard Monu ment Co. by visiting our office at 104 West Main St., or by calling 883-9850. Thank you for your time. Sincerely yours, \ WEEKLY CROSSWORD I r ACROSS ! 3. Monkey 6. Abrupt & 9. Bathe ! ’ (Ger.) •, 30. Mytho- ! logical | hunter ,1 12. Catkin j 13. Custom 14. Rush of words 15. Sodium (sym.) 16. Southern state (abbr.) 27. Exclama tion 18. Negative 20. Weight (Ind.) 21. Opposite of hit 23. Fatigue 24. Exchange 26. Sylvan deity 27. In this place 28. -poem 29. Fetish (var.) 3C. Legendary bird 31. Compass point (abbr.) 33. Japanese drama 34. -be it 35. Angry 38. Swallows quickly 40. Artist’s stand 41. Sleep sound 42. Sources of shade 43.24-hour ^ periods