THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize-Winning Home Town Newspaper ★ V_i a A_1 - ikcond cuu« romat VOI. M—no. 15 »AID AT SA1VAND. N. C. Zir COM MTI* T BREVARD, N. C., THURSDJ “ iPRIL 15, 1971 ★ 28 PAGES TODAY * sa DEATH CAR —/ The convert ible above was the car in which Miss Sandra Leigh Dawson, a Brevard College co-ed from Rocky Mount, was killed Sunday afternoon when it crashed down the mountainside near Connestee on US Highway 276. The driver, Terry Lorene Kirkland, also a student at Brevard College from Tarboro, was injured but he has been released from the Transylvania Community hospital. Patrolman Zeb Hawes investigated the accident. (Photo by Tom Osteen) Busy Meeting Tuesday Directors Of Civic Group Adopt Sales Tax Resolution \ ——— ■\ Reports were heard and action was taken at the busy meeting of the Directors of the Brevard Chamber of Com merce Tuesday night in the Library. Dr. Milton Massey, the presi dent, presided, and he opened the meeting by reviewing the recommendations made at the recent “Brainstorming” session of the Chamber of Commerce at Brevard College. These recommendations will be channeled to the County Commissioners, the Town Board of Aldermen dM other organisations for investigation and possible ac tion. 1 Witty the help of many groups* the Brevard Chamber of Commerce will conduct a countywide Clean-Up campaign on Saturday, April 2$th. Charles Himes is the over all chairman, and extensive plans are being made for this event. The Brevard Chamber of Commerce will also join with officials of Brevard College in honoring Allen H. Sims on April 26th, when the Sims Stu dent Center Building will be dedicated on the local College campus. Two new directors, Jerry Hart Jerome and Bob Mer rill, were welcomed to the meeting. Ralph H. Ramsey, chairman of the Highway committee, urges the directors and the pub lic to write Highway officials and to ask for the completion of the Brevard-Rosman high way, re-location of -US 276 and a connector with 1-26. Dr. Carol Grahl, chairman —Turn to Page Three {■QlMIMIMIl'miMMMMIIIMIIIIIIIlirilftM.| | Summer-like temperatures ar rived on the scene in Brevard duririg the past few days. Aver age readings for the week just concluded were 73 and 32, with a high for the week of 83 on Tuesday afternoon. The week’s low was 2$ on Sunday morliing. There was no rain. Weather service extended forecast for Western North Carolina Thursday through Sat urday—generally fair with cool days and cold nights. Baytime highs will average in the 60s: Overnight lows Thursday ip the 30s, with the low 30s on Friday and Saturday mornings. High Low Prec. Wednesday — 57 33 Trace Thursday —67 Friday_... 73 26 Saturday-74 Sunday -.. 77 Monday 80 Tuesday-83 28 0.00 0,00 47 0.00 25 0.00 30 0.00 38 0.00 The Directors of the Bre vard Chamber of Commerce have adopted a resolution asking the County Commis sioners to impose a one per cent sales tax for the con struction of needed schools and other county buildings And for debt retirement The action was taken at Tuesday night’s meeting of the Board in the Library. The resolution is as follows: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the General As sembly of North Carolina has the Boards of County Commis sioners of the various counties may levy a one per cent sales and" utte tax for the use of the county and the mutiicipoliUes Ideated therein; and WHEREAS, Transylvania County needs immediate addi tional funds for the construc tion of school buildings and other necessary county struc tures; and WHEREAS, we believe that the levy of a one per cent sales _—Tnrp To Pago Threa Attention Fathers Committee For The Prevention Of Drug Abuse Formed Locally A Transylvania Committee For The Prevention of Drug Abuse was recently formed by interested members of various churches in our com munity. The Committee is seeking the Sfd stance of con cerned fathers of children of pre - school through high This Sunday, April • 18th, has been designated as Cancer Sun day by the officers of the Tran sylvania ACS. ■J , On Cancer Sunday, prayers will be made for those who are suffering from cancer and for help and guidance to those who are working for a cancer cure. Many churches will halve a spe cial insert, "Prayer For the Conquest of Cancer”, in ■ their Sunday Bulletin. So, please go to church of your choice and rayer that this dread : may be conquered: on Restaurant, The Ohef House, Gaither’s Restaurant, Pisgah Fish Camp, Porky Pig Drive Inn (Tuesday instead of Mon day), Triangle Drive In, Mofris Pharmacy, Partners Restaurant and Varner’s Drug Store. “So remember to buy a cup of coffee in town on Monday. The officers at the Transyl vania ACS would like to. thank these businesses, and Mrs. Lesa Wise and Mrs. Siva Jones, for their generous help and coope ration in setting up this special activity for the Crusade,”' the school age to cooperate tn the fight against drag abuse in our area. Meetings are being held by members of the organisational committee, and a general meet ing will be called in the im mediate future. A spokesmen for are organiza tion told The Times this week: “A fact we must all face is that, dings -are here in « big way and are here to stay unless we, the fathers, offer kidding themselves in believ ing that, their., child will never becpme involved. Some of un fortunately, have been shocked put of .this belief. Pont be naive, get your head out of the sand and Jttin ns at toast for the first mooting, and be npipn aware of the shocking information of what Forest Fire Situation In ‘ransylvania Is Reported Extremely Critical At This Time College Co-Ed Is County's Third Highway Fatality, '71 Transylvania county suffer ed its third highway fatality of 1971 Sunday afternoon when a Brevard College co-ed was killed in a one-car acci dent on US 276 about five miles south of Brevard. The 19-year old co-ed was Miss Sandra Leigh Dawson, of Rocky Mount, who had just returned to the campus after spending the Easter va cation at home. The car in which she was riding ran off the right, side of the road, went out of con trol down an embankment, with the left side smashing into a tree, Patrolman Zeb Hawes reported. The driver, identified as Terry I.orene Kirkland, also 19 years of age and a Bre vard College student from Tarboro, was admitted to the Transylvania Community hos pitaL He has been released. Paul C. Thomas Is Given Honor Paul C. Thomas, of Bre vard and Spartanburg, was recently honored for his cul tural contributions over a 60 year period. He is a former president of the Brevard Music Center, and he spends much time now in the operation of the Center and the Festival throughout the year. Spartanburg’s -WSPA-TV edi torial of the air had this to say about Mr. Thomas: Over the years there have been many people who have made excellent contributions to the cultural life of Spartan burg and the surrounding area. Some have done this through financial means, others have contributed their time to retain our heritage of the finer things of life, and still others have made great contributions through par ticipation. Last night one such person was honored by his peers. You will ask through which means did he receive this acclaim? WSPA can answer quickly, through all three: financially, giving —Tun to Page Two He’s John D. Eversman Founder, Director Of The Brevard High Band Retiring Aldermen Also Announce RosmarTs "Lady Mayor" Will Seek Third Term On May 4th Mrs. Edith C. Osborne, Mayor of Rosnian, is seeking re-elec tion. She announces this week, •that she will seek a third term at the insistance of many friends. She is one of the few “Lady Mayors” in North Carolina. Running with her for the Board of Aldermen will be A. P. Bell, Jr., Charles Moore and Verlon Woods. Mr. Bell and Mr. Moore will be seeking a second term. The election will be held on Tuesday, May 4th, in the City Hall in the Town of ftosman. The Registrar is Bessie Pangle, and the judges are Ernest Moore and Hubbard Callahan. Registration of new voters will begin on April 16th for seven days, excluding Sunday. Saturday, April 24th, is Chal lenge Day. Siniard Files Registration For New Voters Beqins 16th In Town Election Registration of new voters for the election in the Town of Brevard on Tuesday, May 4th, begins on Friday, April 16th. Mrs. M. Marian Schlunz will This Weekend Camelot To Be Presented On Brevard College Campus The Fine Arts Division of Brevard College is in the final preparations for the Production of CAMELOT, which will be presented this week at the Dunham Music Center. It -will bo presented on April 15,16 and 17 at 1:00 pan. CAME LOT. Lerner and Loewe’s musical fantasy, will be directed by Sam Cope of the college’s music department. His wife*, Claire, has made the 138 costumes for the presentation, and it promises to he one of the most' elaborately costumed plays ever presented at Brevard College. I. .* ; Burton as King Arthur, Julie Andrews as Guenevere and Robert Goulet as Lancelot. Starring in the Brevard pro duction will be Harvey H. Miller of the Brevard music facOity as King Arthur, Jane Hodge, a freshman voice major from Charlotte, N. C. as Guenevere, and Hemming Smith, a Liberal Arts major from Goldsboro, N. C. as Lancelot. The cast has been rehearsing in costume for more than a month, “the girls,” said Mrs. Cope, “have to get used to dancing in big hats and flowing gowns, so the more they re hearse in them the better they’ll be able to do their roles.” be the registrar for Precinct No. 1, and Mrs. Reba Russell is the Registrar for Precinct No. 2. The books will be open at the registrar’s home from 9:00 to 5:00, excluding Sunday, April 18th. On Saturday, April 17th, they will be open in the polling places from 9:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. Challenge day will be Satur day, April 24th. Judges for Precinct No. 1 are Ernest Smith and Ruth John stone. For Precinct No. 2, they are Winnefred Ream and Marie Brewer. Mayor Raymond F. Bennett announced last week that he would be seeking re-election, and Aldermen W. David Sams, W. M. Melton and Charles L. Russell have also announced for re-election. Gaston Simard, of Park View Drive. Brevard, an Olin em ployee. filed Tuesday afternoon in the Board of Alderman race. A native Transylvanian, he is a retired naval veteran, and he plans to retire later this year at Olin. the final filing date is April 23rd. By The Editor John D. Eversman, organ izer and director of the fine Brevard high school band, is retiring at the end of this school year. To watch this outstanding musician perform and work, no one would ever guess that he has reached retirement ago. Mr. Eversman says lie is retiring in accordanee with the policy of the Transyl vania County School Board. It was a sad occasion when he told his band members Wednes day that he is retiring. They couldn’t believe that “Chief” was stepping down. “But life must change,” he said. That’s the way we prog ress.” “Some 27 years of my life have been wrapped up in the Brevard high school band. My thousands of members have been everything to me,” he reminisced. And over the years, the bands of John D. Eversman have been rated “tops” in this section of the country. Many times his “Superior” bands had an average age of the eighth grade. Upon his retirement, he ex pressed sincere appreciation —Turn to Page Four Many Acres Are Burned Over Monday, Tuesday The forests and woodlands in Transylvania county are “powder” dry, and the threat of forest fires is critical, Ran ger Dan Ilile reports. There have been several fires this week, but early Wednesday they were all under control. All burning permits have been cancelled by the State Forester until further notice. The Forest Service recom mends, that residents do not do any burning until after a good rain and the grass and woodlands turn green. At 3:00 o’clock Wednesday morning a fire broke out in the Silversteen section, but fortunately it was brought under control in rapid order. Some 20 acres were burned over. Over 50 fire-fighters fought a forest fire in the Quebec section Tuesday before bring ing it under control. A bomber from Knoxville, Tennessee, made three drops of chemicals on the head of the fire, which aided the fighters considerably. A Scout plane above the fire also gave vital aid to the firemen below. The blaze burned over 155 acres, Ran ger Hile reports. It has not. been learned —Turn to Page Two Look Inside... Editorials and Letters to the Editor, page two. second sec tion Mental Health column on Drugs, page five, second section Almar Frrm column, page four, second section News of and for the women, page six, second section, and pose six, third section Pictorial feature on “Enthusi astic Mo'or Home Traveler”, frost page of third section Turners snvs goodbve to ex change student from Chile, pase three, third section Sports, page four, third sec tion Classified'*, pages two and three, fourth section 4-H and Farm news, page four, fourth section Ros-man news, page six, fourth section Editor’s Corner, page five, first section. Log Reviewed Bulletin Board, Pet Department Popular Programs Over WPNF Two relatively new miniature programs on WPNF have found favor with many of the station’s listeners. These are “Bulletin Board” and “Pet” Department. Leon Southerland broadcasts the “Bulletin Board” each afternoon at 1:15 p.m. during his country music show, and he includes all sorts of community news about meetings, events, etc., which listeners ask to have broadcast. Listeners are asked to contact the station by mail to send in their items to be broad cast. “Pet Department” is heard each weekday morning at 11:15 and again in the afternoons at 3:15. WPNF broadcasts for lost and found pets and other live stock, etc. This is also another public service broadcast, and anyone having an item to be broadcast free of charge on this program should call the sta tion. Other Programs The schedule for the Farm'S, and Home hour is as follows: '"v, Thursday, Carolina news; Fri day, U. S. Forest Service. Dan Hile; Monday, Assistant Coun ty Agent Dennis Winters; Tues day, N. C. Forest Service, Clark Grissom: Wednesday, Home Agent Miss Jean Childers._ Speaking this week on Morn ing Devotions is Rev. M. L. Ross, pastor of Rocky Hill Bap tist church. Next week Rev. James Davis, pastor of Brevard Church of Christ, will be heard. The Sunday morning church service is being broadcast through the remote facilities of WPNF from the Wesleyan church. Rev. Eugene H. Gentry is pastor.