The Transylvania Times A State And National Prize-Winning Borne Town Newspaper ncoND tun nrm mo n n«v*va, » t n codi tS7i. ★ Vol. 84—No. 20 BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1971 * SECTION THREE * JOHN D. EVERSMAN From The Broadcaster Chief: The Builder Of Dreams In years past, groups of children have approach ed the door of the band room to join the band, frightened about what lay ahead.' But when the door was opened, a friend was found. Chief, the friend who led you far, opened new doors, created hopes and dreams that were never to be forgotten. Discouragement came and went, and there were times you knew you wouldn’t make it. But there was never any doubt in Chief’s mind that you wouldn’t pull through. He made sure you had the intestinal fortitude” you would need. You grew stronger in character with a great respect for him, yourself, and fellow band members growing around a lot of hard work. Pride grew when you finally saw the results that came from all the hours of practice, sweat, and tears. You really felt it when your fellow students cheered because you came out on top. You learned to try a little harder and not settle for second best. Hope was there when you realized that your ears had dried and that your “little hot hand” wasn’t hot anymore. Chief taught you to believe in your self, your hopes, and to have faith in God and your country. Reality came when you learned you could stand on your own two teet. For it wasn’t just your music Chief taught you to play; he taught you how to play your life: to dream, to reach a little higher zuid to push a little harder. So with his retirement, Chief isn’t leaving alone, there goes with him the great love and respect 'from hi&Aludeni# that will surpassed. 4 Marian Miller SOCIAL SECURITY Questions And Answers By NORRIS G. GRUBBS Field Representative Q. I am nearly 65. The com pany for which I have worked as a secretary for over 40 years has a oompul ory retirement at 65. Will my monthly social security retirement benefits start automatically when the company retires me? \ A. No. Yon mwst apply f«r vn»r social security bene fit*. Get in touch with any social security office about three months before yon re tire. Q. My married sister and I hire the same woman to help us with the cleaning in our separate homes. During a typical calendar quarter, I pay her $40 in cash wages and my sister also pays her $40. We’d like to help her get so cial security protection. Can we combine these wages and pay social security contribu tions for her? A. No. The social security law requires EACH employ er to pay a household work er at least $50 in cash wages Masons To Meet Thursday Night An emergent communication of Dunn’s Rock Masonic lodge will be held in the Temple on East Main street Thursday, May 20th, at 7:30 p.m. This announcement comes from Clifford W. Frady, the Worshipful Master. The purpose of the meeting will be conferring the Fellow Craft degree by Jerry Hart Jerome, Junior Warden. William C. Morris will fill senior deacon place. The Master urges the mem bers to attend and a cordial in vitation is extended to all visit tng Masons. before the worker can get no dal security credit for his earnings. The cash wages of two or more employers can not be added together to reach the $50 figure. Q. I have been getting monthly social security dis ability benefits for a little ov er a vear. Next year I will be 65. Will my disability benefits increase then? A. No. When you reach 65, your disability benefits are changed over to retirement benefits. But the amount you receive each month will re main the same. Q. I plan to retire next year at 65. The only proof of age I have is a baptismal certificate in Norwiegan. Can I use it as proof of age when I apply for social security retirement bene fits? A. Yes. Translators at the Social Security office will translate the certificate, make a certified copy of it, and then return the original cer tificate to you. Q. I am 65 and drawing so cial security benefits. Some one told me that my employer no longer had to take social security tax out of my earn ings. Is this true? A. No. Neither your age nor the fact that you draw social security benefits has anything to do with the tax ing of wages. Your employer must report your earnings and FICA tax must be paid on your earnings regardless of your age or status with social security. Keep aspirins and sleeping pills well out of the reach of children, say Libert Mutual In surance Companies. Young sters are attracted to anything that looks like candy and as pirins, especially, have become a leading poisoner of children in recent years. On Bond Referendum Transylvania Board Of Education Adopts Resolution, Joins Others At a recent meeting, the Transylvania County Board of Education adopted a reso lution concerning school fa cilities bond referendum. The Board joins many others in North Carolina who are con cerned about the capital im provement needs of North Carolina’s public schools. The resolution reads: WHEREAS, Transylvania County is in critical need of additional funds to erect addi tional school buildings and other school plant facilities, re model, enlarge and reconstruct school buildings and other school plant facilities to relieve the present over - crowded and inadequate school facilities: WHEREAS, the Transyl vania County Board of Educa tion believes that state assis tance is necessary if such addi tional funds are to be provided for such purposes: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Transyl vania County Board of Educa tion in regular monthly session assembled, that it does hereby join with other school admin istrative units and the North Carolina School Boards Asso ciation in petitioning and urg ing the North Carolina Gen eral Assembly now in session to consider a state - wide cap ital school facilities bond ref erendum for the public schools of North Carolina. It is recommended that the funds from such bond refer endum be distributed on the basis of membership in the Here On May 22 President Of Young Democrats In State Will Speak At Rally Mrs. Sarah Hawes, Presi dent of the Sylvan Valley Democratic Woman’s C'lub, announces today that. Char les Winberry, President of Ihe Young Democrats Club of North Carolina, has ac various school administrative units. BE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED that copies of this resolu tion be sent to the Honorable Carl D. Killian, Senator from the 33rd Senatorial District and to the Honorable Charles H. Taylor, Representative from the 48th Representative Dis trict and to North Carolina School Boards Association, In corporated, and a copy be de livered to the TRANSYLVAN IA TIMES for publication, and a copy spread upon the min utes of this meeting. I, HARRY C. CORBIN, Sec retary to the Transylvania County Board of Education do hereby certify that the fore going is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the said Board in regular session assembled on May 3, 1971, as the same appears in the minutes of said meeting, and that the same has not been amended, altered or rescinded, and is still in full force and effeet. cepted an invitation to speak to the Democrats of Tran sylvania County on Saturday, May 22nd, at 8:00 p. m. The meeting will be held at the court house in Bre vard and the public is invit ed. A special invitation is ex tended to those persons who will be voting for the first time. “We urge the young peo ple who are between 18 ar.d 21 years of age to make a special effort to attend. Mr. Winberry is a young man and expresses the viewpoint of young people in our party,” Mrs. Hawes stated. All Democrats are encourg ed to attend the rally and to meet and to talk with Mr. Winberry. Spring cleanup-fixup time is with us again. It is a busy time and an enjoyable time. But un less we are careful it can be a time of tragedy. Too many peo ple are injured and killed each Spring because of carelessness. Liberty Mutual Insurance Com panies suggest we make safety a way of life this Spring, be cause that is what safety is—a way of saving lives. PVT. ROGER M. POWELL, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Powell, of Rosman, has just completed eight weeks o^basic training at Fort Jack son, South Carolina. He is now stationed at Fort, Sill, Oklahoma, for Advanced In fantry Training in Artil lary. EXECUTORS NOTICE State of North Carolina County of Transylvania Having qualified as the Ex ecutor of the estate of Edward L. Batson, deceased, late of the county of Transylvania, North Carolina, this is to give notice that all persons having claims against the estate of the de ceased to present them to the undersigned Executor at Rt. 1, Box 2, Brevard, N. C. on or be fore the 29th day of October, 1971 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 20th day of April, 1971. HUBERT E. BATSON Executor Estate of Ed ward L. Batson deceased. 4/29/4tp When you think of prescrip tions. think of VARNER'S, adv. Cato's CLOTH CORNER g NOW OPEN! \ In Brevard REGISTER FOR: 17 West Main Street $ 25 00 IN FABRICS AND NOTIONS FREE!! To Be Given Away Saturday at 4:30 p.m. You Need Not Be Present To Win! DOUBLE KNIT POLYESTER REGULAR $4.88 Full' 60-inch width in fashion's newest colors. What a buy! $377 YARD SPORTSWEAR DENIM REGULAR $1.29 45-inch width in popu lar Americana colors. At Catol Li? ' ' '' r > "'f ■.7.j,*. ■■ -N - jBS« YOUR CATO CHARGE! Ju«t Say Charge It When You Shop! Cloth Comer Now Open! See Our Complete Selection Of Fabrics, Patterns and Sewing Needs ... at Unbelievable Low Prices! Come live. in the electric climate. There’s so little housecleaning there. Flameless electric heating. That's the heart of the most work-free and comfort able home environment there la...the electric climate. With electric heating, there’s no com bustion. That helps keep your house really dean! Result? You have more time for pleasant and constructive things, like teaching your „ children a new skill. Flameless electric heating also gives you more comfort. Like even temperatures from floor to ceiling. Very quiet, too. People in over half of the new homes and apartments served by Duke Power are now en joying the unbeatable comfort of the electric climate. Join them! Call Duke Power for more information. Duke Power