News Of And For The Women PAGE SIX DEADLINE, MONDAY 5:00 P. M. TIm Transylvania Time* DIAL Thursday, May 20, 1971 HmHHMIiminiHNHIUHHMHHninill ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT — Mr. and Mrs. A. Bryan Combs, Jr.,ofJ>70_East^Main_ ‘street, announce the engagement of their daugh ter, Betty Catherine, to Fredreck William Sader, of Palo Alto, California, son of Mrs. Julius Sader and the late Dr. Julius Sader, of Lake Sega. The bride-elect is a graduate of Brevard Senior High school and Brevard College. She is presently em ployed by Jerome and Summey Insurance. The groom-elect graduated from Brevard Senior High school and attended Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, and Foot Hill Junior College, San Francisco, California. A late summer wedding is planned. 'LAniuerAity *UUomen 'JLar J&, £J Kou A most interesting talk on the Middle East situation was heard by members of the American Association of Uni versity Women on May 11th. The Rev. E. Edward Roy, who has made three trips to the Holy Land since 1955, explained that the present day problems, stemming from World War I and confront ing the Arabs and Israelis, are, in his opinion, not soluble in the near future. The Arabs, who like indi vidual Americans and not the Russians, do not approve of American Foreign Policy, but will have to learn to live with the Israelis. Mr. Roy stated, also, that in his opinion the Israelis were justified in keeping all the land they now possess, but might use the Gaza Strip for bargaining purposes, and that there was a strong possi bility that the Suez Canal would be opened. He also When yon think of prescrip Hons, think of VARNER’S, ad* showed many slides taken on his trips and pointed out scenes of interest in the Holy Land. The president, Mrs. Frank Sutherland, presided over a brief meeting before turning over the gavel to the in coming president, Mrs. Wal ter Holland. Mrs. John Eastes was appointed treasurer to fill the unexpired term due to the resignation of Miss Nancy Ting. Mrs. Sutherland read .the annual reports of the standing committees. The public and members are reminded of the book sale to be held in front of Morris Pharmacy on Friday, June 11, from 10 until 6:00 o’clock, and that books for sale can be left at the homes of Mrs. Walter Holland, Mrs. John Eastes, and Mrs. Vasant Chapnerker. Following the meeting a social hour was enjoyed. Hostesses were Mrs. E. K McLarty, Mrs. W. M. Beard, Mrs. O. L. Railsback and Mrs. Edwin Wike. JULY WEDDING — Mrs. Evelyn Gibson, of 325 Whitmire street, announces the engagement of her daughter, Sandra Juanita, to Jackie Dennis McCall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vardirey McCall, of Route one, Brevard. The bride-elect is a rising senior at Brevard Senior high school. The groom elect is a graduate of Brevard Senior high school, 1969, and is now self-employed as a carpenter. The wedding is planned for Saturday, July 24th, at 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon. The Mathatasian Club met on May 12th at the home of Mrs. Ed Matheson. Following a pleasant re freshment time, the Presi dent, Mrs. Matheson, conduct ed a brief business se'ssion. She welcomed three guests, Mrs. Gordon Tooley, Mrs. Howard Boyd and Mrs. James Sanders. Mrs. A1 Watson introduced Mrs. Sanders, who presented a most interesting program on the Sanders’ trip to Swed en. Mrs. Sanders said the reason for their trip was due to their interest in ob serving the system of social ized medicine in Sweden, a country that has had more success and less strife in this field than other Euro pean countries. They made their extended visit after having kept a Swedish girl in their Brevard home for several months. Mrs. Sanders told about many interesting sights in cluding a profusion of beau tiful flowers, lilac trees ev erywhere, fields so yellow raps from which they make their margarine, and the home of Daag Hammerschlag, filled with momentos given ’i 1’Jhanb If, ou Do Our lflf}any DriencL Dlnd Daitliful C^udtomerA Our Sincerest Appreciation, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Waters Waters' Floi We wish to take this opportunity to thank you for your faithful patronage to Waters’ Florist during the past five years. Due to Mrs. Waters illness we have regretfully had to sell the florist. Again we say ‘thank you’ to the many friends and customers we have made, and ask that you continue to patronize the new owners as you have us in the past. to him when he was in the U. N. She described very vivid ly a big festival which'' the' Swedes celebrate on June 21st and 22nd commemorat ing the beginning of three months of daylight and their visit to the northern part of Sweden, truly “The land of midnight sun”. Mrs. Sanders concluded her talk by talking about their farewell departure from Stockholm. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Gayle Ramsey on May 26th. Beta Rho Hold Meet The regular monthly meet ing of the Beta Rho Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha So rority was held May 4th at the home of Mrs. Keitha Reddick who served as hos. teas of the meeting. Mrs. Nancy Glazener presided. All members welcomed Mrs. Sushla Chapnerkar who was a guest for the meeting. The Educational program was a panel discussion led by Mrs. Sandy Brinkley which was a self-evaluation of hdw and why the sisters were involved with Epsilon Sigma Alpha. The sorority enjoyed this group participation pro gram. Following the meeting, Mrs. Donna Aarons was sur prised by her sisters with a shower of gifts for her new baby. The members then open ed their secret pal gifts and were served delicious re freshments by Mrs. Reddick. When in need of Job printing tall The Transylvania Times. To The Greet Hell in Win chester, the site of Ancient Camelot. through the bleak and barren country aide de scribed in the Hounds of Ba.-kerville, to the home of the Bronte sisters, and through the beautiful lake, and mountain area of writ ers and poets — traveled the Book and Plate Club via the pictures and capable guidance of Mrs. Frank Southerland. A pleasing, comfortable arm - chair trip of “England in Song and Story”. The itinerary, well plan ned to give interesting glimpses into the background of famous literary giants, was most appropriate for the members of a book club. The real history of Stone henge is unknown, but the strange forms of rocks ap peared in “Tess of the D’Urbervilles, probably the origin of the name Tuvby fill. Dorchester, which be gan as Casterbridge in the Thomas Hardy novels was a Roman city and the seat of the Mayor is visible in the big bow window of the old hotel which is still operating. Hardy’s heart is buried at Stinsford Church — his ashes in Westminister Abbey. A setting of one scene from the well known “Far From the Madding Crowd” is that of Maiden Castle, really more the site of an ancient hill town than a castle. On to Corfe Castle, scene of Edward 2nd murder de picted in Anya Seton’s Ava lom, and Salisbury, the orig inal Barchester in Anthony Trollope’s novels, “Barches ter Towers” and “The War den”. Thence to Canterbury, probably the best known of all English cathedrals as the mother church of the Angli can Communion. There Thom as A. Beckett Was murdered, the Pilgrims in Chaucer’s Tales on their way to visit the shrine, and T. S. Eliot laid the plot for “Murder in the Cathedral”. (The Sutherlands saw and heard it as an ■ opera' on their visit to London.) In London it was a “must” to visit the house Of Dr. Sam uel Johnson, where he and some helpers wrote the fam ous dictionary in two vol umes, published in 1755. Thomas Carlyle’s home in Chelsea, a section of London where many great writers have lived, to Burford Church in Oxfordshire a 12th cen tury restoration where one of Cromwell’s imprisoned mu tineers left his name scratch ed on the Baptismal Font and so inspired “A Cry of Pris oners” by Christopher Fry. Stratford — the birthplace of Shakespeare with it’s Pen ny Ferry still ferrying the Avon at a penny per cross ing, and of course, the mon ument with the familiar bust Of Shakespeare. The bleak and barren coun tryside of Yorkshire from which Emily and Charlotte Bronte drew their “Jane Bridge Winners Are Announced - \ Winners at the regular Tuesday evening duplicate bridge game of The Ace of Clubs were the following pairs: 1 - Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beddoe 2 - Mrs. Miguel and Mrs. Eck Sims £ - Jack Hudson and Rob ert N. Hill 4 • Mrs. Joyce Michner and Dr. George B. Dysart of Hendersonville - 5 - Mr. and Mrs. Patrick CHAIRS FINISHED and UNFINISHED Straight Chain and Rockers ALSO Mountain Handicraft Gilts P1SGAH FOREST Eyre" and “Wuthering heights”. The quiet beauty of the lake and mountain areas in Cumberland and Westmor land which inspired the Lake Poets, and novelist Hugh Walpole, was a pleasant and gratifying close to a memor able journey through a land rich with history, legend and artistry. Mrs. Sutherland was in troduced by her daughter, Mrs. David Kirk, program chairman for May. The meeting, the 23rd an nual May dinner of the club, was held in the Bre vard College dining hall. Sixteen members were pres ent and the following guests: Mrs. J. P. Price, District 11 Chairman, Mrs. Lee Hines, neice of Mrs. Dana Harris, Mrs. Charles W. Glazener, honorary member, and Mrs. Southerland, guest speaker. Mrs. Dana H. Harris, pres, ident, presented Mrs. Price who reported on the State Convention in Wilmington, and the Summer Institute which will be held at Oteen Veteran’s Hospital to the benefit of the hospital. Mrs. Julius Sader will be hostess for the September meeting. Glen Cannon Luau Slated On May 29th Plans are being completed at Glen Cannon Country Club for the Luau on May 29th. Accommodations will be made for only 60 couples, so be sure to make reserva tions before the 23rd. Twelve dollars a couple will be collected at the door to cover the affair, which be gins at 6:30 in the evening. Plan to come in cos tume, say the promoters. The dining room will not be open to other members on this night WILL WED—Mr. and Mrs. V. W. McCall, of ; Route one, Brevard, announce the engagement of their daughter, Carolyn Elaine, to Sp/4 Gary Lynn Hamlin, of Ft. Leonardwood, Missouri. The groom elect is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter (Mack) i Hamlin, of Route one, Brevard. The bride-elect is j a graduate of Rosman High School and is employ- j ed at Olin Corporation. Mr. Hamlin is a graduate: of Brevard Senior High School, attended Asheville-; Buncombe Tech and formerly was employed at; Olin Corporation. He has served a year in Viet-J nam and is presently stationed at Ft. Leonard, Missouri. Wedding plans are incomplete. Town, Country Homemakers Meet On May 2th the Town and Country Extension Homemak ers club met at the home of Mrs. Lillian King with 13 members and one visitor present. The meeting opened with devotions by Mrs. William Morris. She read a poem based on Thessalonians 5:25 and the group repeated the Lord’s Prayer. A very helpful program on the signs of, causes of, and relief for ‘Tensions” was presented by t Miss Jean Childers. She played a tape, recorded by a Family Rela tions leader. Dr. Roberta Fraser, as the basis for a group discussion on the top ic. Mrs. Randall Lankford and Mrs. King reported on the Craft at Montreal* which they attended in ApriL The group is planning a work-, shop on chair Caning, which will be taught by Mrs. Lank ford. Mrs. Edwin Rice gave a re-, port on the District meeting 4 held at Montreat, which she , and Mrs. Morris attended:^ Our group expressed Hbe de*', sire for a class- in - lingerie' making and many would ai’:; tend if such a class is taugtn'1 in the area. ' - iy The meeting, closed witte'. the club collect. % -"fe" DRESSES! DRESSES! DRESSES! • REG. 5.99 • REG. 6.99 • REG. 7.99 to 8.99 — • REG. 9.99 to 10.99 - • REG. 11.99 to 13.99 • REG. 14.99 to 16.99 . • REG. 17.99 to 19.99 . • REG. 21.99 to24.99v.