From ALMAR FARM In Transylvania BY CAL CARPENTER About three years ago, I wrote a column about the Cock-of-the-walk in our hen house, a big, reddish brown rooster with blue-black tail feathers, whom we call “Lucky.” And lucky I still think be is. He’s some more of his remarkable story. But before I go on, let me fill in the background for those readers who haven’t seen the original column or my book, “The Best from ALMAR Farm,” where Lucky’s original story was told. Briefly, in the Fall about, three years ago, we wound up with too many roosters at the farm. There were 8 of them, and we only wanted to keep one. We tried to give them away but. found no tak ers. Not wanting to kiH and dress them to eat ourselves (and because even though young at the time they were probably tough); and certain ly not wanting to keep on feeding them high-priced chicken feed, I decided to kill them and give them to the wild Russian hogs. Those hogs will eat anything. So out of clear necessity, for I dislike killings I took my .22 rifle and went up to the henhouse and had a rooster shoot. I had intended to keep one rooster, a young bird I’d name Reville, Jr., after our old, original boss of the hen house. And, to make a long er story short, I shot roosters until there were only two left—Reville, Jr., and one other who looked very much like him. I took a shot at the other one out in the henyard and missed—or so I thought. Then the intended victim ran into the henhouse and hid behind a* section of separator coomwj'Jj waited, in the gathering twi-" light, and presently a rooster stuck his head up over the coops. I knocked it off with my .22 only to find that I’d shot Reville, Jr., the wrong rooster. He’d been hiding behind the coops too, and somehow or an other—maybe the other rooster had suckered him into it—he’d put his head up first. So I had to keep the other one—he was the only rooster 1 had left. The next evening at feeding, when I got a good look at my surviving rooster, I saw I really hadn’t missed him with that shot in the henyard after alL There was a neat, round hole in his wattles just below his throat. Another quarter of an inch higher and he’d not have NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION In The General Court of Justice Superior Court Division Before The Clerk State of North Carolina County of Transylvania TO LELAND DEAN GRIF FITH: Take notice that an action has been instituted against you before the Clerk of Superior Court of Transylvania County for the adoption of your pur ported minor child; that you are required to appear and answer or demur to the petition on file in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court for Transyl vania County on or before the 12th day of August, 1971. You will further take notice that if you fail to appear on or make your appearance as pro vided by statute the relief de manded in this proceeding will be granted. You will also take notice that a motion has been made in this cause for a hearing on the ques tion of abandonment to the end that your purported child might be declared an abandon ed child and that a hearing on this matter will be held in the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court for Transylvania County in the courthouse in Brevard, Transylvania County, North Carolina, at 9:00 o’clock a.m. on the 12th day of August, This the 29 day of June, 1971. By: John K. Smart, Jr. Post Office Box 426 Brevard, N. C. - 28712 been with u. As I wrote before, I doubt that that other rooster was smart enough to arrange for the change of victims there in the corner behind the coop3, for I’m sure chickens aren’t that smart. It must have been luck. And it must have been luck also that kept that bullet in the henyard a quarter of an inch too low. But the other rooster stay ed with us, living high on the roost and bossing the hen house with only a scare and a healed scar on his wattles to record Ms risky adven ture. That’s why we named him “Lucky.” The next episode in this lucky bird’s existence occurred this Spring. One morning about daybreak, two of a neighbor’s dogs got into the henhouse. They really raised Cain—chewed up some 20 chickens and eight more were killed outright or ran off into the woods and died. The henhouse was a sight to see, almost paved in feath ers; and most of the surviv ing chickens had great bare spots where feathers, skin and all had been ripped out. One of the worst looking was Lucky. He had no tail feath ers, little covering on his back at all, and even his drum sticks were bare. He looked for all the world like a man who’d lost his pants. After commiser ating, Marge jokingly threaten ed to make him a pair of breeches; Well, this traumatic ex perience had quite an effect on Lucky. He lost his strut, he never crowed; he spent his days hiding under a pile of unused feed troughs in ' the corner of the chicken 'house, exactly as if he were ashamed to be seen. ' ' And now he’s lost his posi tion as Cock-of-the-Roost too, for our little game rooster whom we call “P. T. Barnum,” after his circus-like, vivd color ing, has moved up the hill from the hog house and taken over. “P. T.” had been with us over a year at the time the dogs came—he’d just, wan dered into the hoghouse one day and stayed, living fat and sassy on the left-over corn from the hog feedings. But he’d never gone near the hen house—Lucky was twice his size and jealously guarded his flock. So • for a year the well-bullied P. T. had lived a bachelor existence. But with Lucky’s disgrace and his living in hidin? ashamed of his bare end and loss of his trousers, P. T. came up and became Boss of the Hem house. Now when poor Lucky comes out to eat, the cocky P. T., half his size, chases him back into his hole. How long this’ll go on, I don’t know. Lucky’s growing new feathers, but his courage seems to be gone. Maybe one day he’ll stand up to P. T. and send him back to the hog house, but I kind of doubt it Like people, I suppose, once a bully has backed down he’s finished. Lucky’ll probably end his existence as an outcast bully—maybe he’ll move down the hill to the hog house. But I still think he’s lucky —lucky to be alive. This makes three times he’s bare ly escaped with his life; and, f after all,. life is mace inpr« - tant than social position even to a rooster, wouldn’t you say? Keep Tuned To WPNF 1 2 4 0 On Your Dial “WONDERFUL PISGAH j ’" V t . NATIONAL FOREST” Hand And Needle Crafts Shop On West Main Is Doing Well Western Carolina Hand and Needle Crafts is proud to an nounce that its store, located at 90 W. Main St., is just be ginning to hit its stride as a thriving non-profit business. The organization, made up of mostly now-income members from Henderson and Transyl vania counties, had opened its shop last March for the second times in hopes of catching the coming spring and summer trade. Help has been forth coming from Western Carolina Community Action and the newly formed Western Econom ic Development Corporation, (WEDO) of Waynesville. The shops reopening has prompted an improvement in the quality of items on sale, especially fine items. being hand . sewn quilts and various other hand - crafted pieces. New benefits are also being provided for members in the form of fair - priced yard goods, and training and orders for yo-yo skirts; ; *, • f ' The store is still in need of volunteer help, however, and new members are still being solicited. Residents and summer visi tors alike are encouraged to come visit the store between the hours of 9:00 a. m. and 6:00 p. m., Monday through Saturday. Community Clubs Entered In Roadside Contest A total of 59 Organized com munity clubs is entered in the 1971 Roadside Improvement Contest, according to Morris L. McGough, executive vice president of the Asheville Ag ricultural Development Coun cil, area sponsor of the contest. For the past seven years, since the inception of this con test, something special has been going on in way of road side clean-up and beautification in Western North Caroli.-.a, primarily in the rural areas. All the approximately 80 or ganized community clubs enter ed in the Community Develop ment Program are working on various improvement projects to improve their areas. Howev er, those in the roadside con test are undertaking to make an extra special effort to clean up and beautify roadsides and make more attractive com munities in which to live. Communities in Transyl vania county that are participat ing in the roadside effort are: Cathey’s Creek, Cedar Moun tain, Lake Toxaway, Little Riv er, Quebec, Sapphire - White water and Silversteen. A long and impressive list of results have been compiled by the rural communities since the start of the contest. Aban doned and junk cars have been hauled off by the score, sani tary land fills have been creat ed, roadside parks and picnic areas installed, hundreds of loads of trash have been pick ed up and hauled away by vol unteer effort, old buildings have been removed, attractive entrance signs and uniform mail boxes erected, put out roadside “trash barrels.” Purpose of the Roadside Im provement Contest is to en courage all communities to carry out organied clean - up and beautification programs. Special awards are provided in order to recognize those doing the most outstanding work. For the area, firrt prize of $150.00 is sponsored by ADOA Corporation, Bil'more: second prize of $100.00 by Coca - Cola Bottling Company of Ashe ville; third prize of $50.00 by Ivey’s of Asheville and four $25.00 honorable mention awards by Gerber Products Cctnpany and Asheville Feder al Savings & Loan Association. Winners will be selected by a Judging team in each coun ty in August and the'e will be judged in area competition with all other county winners of the western area by Septem ber^ 15 th.____ TRY THE TIMES WANT ADS Open Monday » Wee* h tbit *4 effeetire through July 3rd. * { See ■ Parade, or perhaps ■ Fireworks Display? A backyard barbecue? However- yea celebrate we bope it will be a glorious 4th. We think lots of folks will be picnicking. We've anticipated'tlieir needs. Our shelves are i stacked with everything to make a picnic -perfect. Here's the (rest pert: No matter what you buy, no matter who makes it if AbP sells it, Atf guarantees it. We guarantee everything except the weather. We’re sorry about that — but we'll do this: With you we'll with for a petfcct day. Lots of us’will be picnickingitao! P.S—Don't forget the can opener? , S-_ / J---—*— -TT— LOOK WHAT 10a WILL BUY PUKING A&P 10c SALE Whit* Lily Biscuit Mix Whit* Lily Combread Mix Whit* Lily Corn Muffin Mix Charm Cake Mixes nilL Charm Fudge Brownie'Mae ' Charm Frosting Mix JSSi’*1 Charm Corn Muffin Mix Charm Pancake & Biscuit Mix Jiffy Ce(n Muffin Mix Thompson Cornbreod Mix SAUCES & SAUCE vU < «££. Mushroom Sauce tSZ. Chicken with K5ST" Chicken Gravy «!& Turkey Gravy tSSm Onion Sauce *28- AuJus & Brawn Gravy *23L Steak Sauce \JStm Crystal Worcestershire Sane* Crystal Brand ffot Sauce Sacramento Tomato Sauca Sfoktly Tomato Sauce Pillsbury Sauce Mixes Dawn iuS. Steak Sauce VEGETABLE VALUES King Col* Cut Green Beans King Col* X* Carrots King Cole Green Peas King Cole Peas w/Diced Carrol King Cole Peas w/Slic*d Carrol King Cole White Potatoes King Cole Mixed Vegetables Phillips Perk & Beans in 'nS* lone Brand Green Peas Ann Pag* Baked Beans A&P Cut Green Beans AftP Sliced Beets Marcal Tea Napkins Kleenex Little Travlert «S Keepers Bags Lunch Bags Marcal Bathroom Tissue Marcal Family Napkin* sr — — — ■ — — — H — — - I — - — H — =; t = i S X X Aim Page 'iSf'Pudding My-T-Fine *S£? Pudding' Ann Page Lemon Pudding Ana Page HiS? Gelatin Short® SfeS Drinks* ' Uptons Iced tea Min A V8 Vegetable Cocktail Sacramento Tomato Juice Kobe?* Potato Sticks Filler Brand Bakorn Crisp Filler Brand Cheese Tri* Filler Brand Tor-Tees Rye Ktisp B.B.Q. Snacks G&Vif Frozen Cheese PizzaTC1 Sunnyfteld Frozen Waffles ES Margarine Patties 10c Hershey Chocolate Syrup': . A&P Brand Salt tAS Daily Cat or Dog Food "nSf Ann Page Salad Mustard' • Ann Page Horseradish Muetard Roys Tidbits ot Herring Fly Swatter -4. 5 Tahiti Tumblers 425*8 Jergen's Lotion Mild Soap Ivory Soap Bath Size Bat Dupont Handy Size Sponges ?*Jf>f>tNGS & GELAT'N BUYS ■ NACK TIME FAVORITES Dial Bath Soap :S; MB# \ T 23c Be Off Label On ( , . Tide Laundry Detergent 36c A&P Toothpaste 49c Qmri Vmt Skin From These k|ih) Sun'i Rof«, Buy f : COPPERTONE : gS.3? Sfrfifc Buy Guaranteed Product, from ABF *%■■■ •■ • Plotinum Plu* Injector Blade* gf; $1.29 '•if *• ***& Better Meals Are Made With "Super-Right" Meats! Picnic Favorites “Sup€r-R;*!it” All McsS Franks ~ 59c ASP Sliced Cooked Ham %89c ASP Sliced Cooked Picnic ~ 65c "Super-Right" Foney Bonder* Cooked Halves u. $1l9 "Super-Right" Brand Frozen Chopped Beef 2-tb. Steak PkB' \ "j-' *179 “Super-Bight” Quality 13-Lb to 19-Lb. Average Smoked Hams 4 \Vholr o Shank Half or Buff Portion -b. AAia Shank Portion Lb. 39 Center Portion - 89c ■ Center Slices “■ Greet With Breokfost Allgood Brand Sliced Bacon 1»Lfc. ftl. 55c • ** A&P Brand Delicatessen Delights A&P Pimiento Spread A&P Chicken Salad A&P Potato Salad A&P Brand Cole Slow A&P Dill Pickles 73c 49c 3i°;- 69e »2.V 69« U 25c Frozen Sea Food Buys Cop'n John » Flounder or Haddock Calorie Watchers Dinners At' 59c Cap'll John'* Frown Breaded Fish Slicks At: 69c Ocean Perch Fillers V& 59c I V,. ..-✓ I "Super-Right" Quality Fresh 2 In A BesWhole Limit 2 Baft WWi 55.00 Of Moro "Super-Right" Quality Ground Beef Freihly With 3 or More Lbs. In A Phg. Lb. 59 :amous-For-Quality Groceries! iir totals: & fcMMNtST » 12-0* 35c Campfire Marshmallows 59c Sunshine Sugar Wafers Ann Page Small Stuffed Olives • «■" \v^ / // v\\ vyy U,b; 25c Nabisco Chips Ahpy '*£?'■ 50c 'p^ 47c Keebler ll\’, Cookies’^* 49c isoz 49c Nabisco Toasiettes 39c * \^L Warfare Grown i1 JUMBO 4ft kxCantalounes *™ 49c Cantaloupes Serve Chilled for BrcoMos* f Honey Dews ** 69c Tender Fresh _ Yellow Corn 10 * 69c Mouth Smacking Watermelon Colifomie Seediest fc* 99c *V-r: AND UP White Grapes \ Uu 55c; V Air Virfinia SulltJ j f Peanuts VtWVAVlPVW SSI Vacuum Facka4 13-0«. Con 59c! vl Marvel Srand Carton of 6 10-OZ. BOTTLES CASE $4 96 Of24:10_ T ■ 02. BOTTLES ONLY KIMBERLY CLARK PAPER Klttan Otiifiwr or Anort*4 Jumbo Towels 30c I Buy Po«utor or Super Kotex Tampons *}£■ 31.39 2c OP# Label mi KIomoo* Boutique Napkins^! 27c .'ZtvfiH Lobel on Do loop Rmut Plpanpr 64c . roc.;wrr uoooi on i • Bo«#Cleaner Buy tki 2-RoH PK§. Detsef •VJsr n» 28c Buy R«|hIw Svpar er Blue Kotex 12-C8. fk|. 45c 3« Off Ufc«f mi Print KImmx Tiww fh>, Bur wk»* * AiwrMi Kleenex (SS ’ST ate Boutique ThH» n*. Bakery Buys! Riato Chips 69c Unm Rolls :ssflS* 4$l.QQ wm*zsamui^z Spanish Bar Cake 2 '^ 76c Ice Milk KW. Cm. ^ 100% Brazilian \ 4s. Mellow Ioffes Marvel Sugar Wafers

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