FROM THE EDITOR'S CORNER Bj EDITOR JOHN ANDERSON We always enjoy the Fourth of July observance. Maybe it’s because we like to see flags flying and hear band music playing. Anyway, we feel that It Is a time when people seem to show that they like the American way of life. If you were uptown, you saw Old Glory flying in front of every business establish ment, and if you listened to WPNf, you heard the Stars and Stripes Forever playing several times. We feel the July 4th oc casion serves to awaken an awareness that America is the greatest country in the world, however, we’re con cerned that this apparent love is only shown on holi days. A summer visitors asked us yesterday, “How’s business in Brevard?” Before we could answer, he said that he had visited in sev eral sections of the country lately and that there was a mild recession everywhere. We told him that this was not true of Brevard. In fact, one of the managers of a large store here told us over the weekend that Friday was the biggest day in the his tory of his firm. Another said that last week broke all records. It’s true that we have a lot of summer visitors this year, but when they are gone, we have more than 600 college stu dents. So business is not alto gether seasonal in Brevard. We notice that these mer chants who are merchandising and advertising are doing quite well for themselves! If your radio has been cut ting lip lately while listening to WPNF, it. hasn’t been your set. We’ve had lightning prob lems at the Radio Station. Chief Engineer Leon Southerland has been work ing overtime keeping ns on the air. One bolt from out of the blue did about, a thousand dollars worth of damage, but Leon had the station back on DOROTHY MANNERS' Hollywood INEW YORK —Joan. Craw ford, Super Star, lives on the 22nd floor of a mid-Manhat tan building in an apartment with such huge windows that the view ot the New York skyline looks like a m u r a 1 hungf there just for her. The interior is equally elaborate^ Fine pieces of fur niture (“from my William Haines peri od”) have been reuphol eioan Crawford stereo in whites and beige, accented with bitter greens. In addition to the large living room, there is a full-sized dining robm, three bedrooms, kitchen and pantry, and an office with several TV and film scripts visible oh the desk. A queen could be happy liv ing here. In a manner of speaking, one really does—one of the greatest of the former movie queens. Today, cooking Sunday branch for an old friend from Hollywood, she is not in a queenly mood. The moderate ly long reddish hair la pulled back tight and held by a bar rette. She Is wearing no make up except lipstick so the freckles show plainly across her cheeks and nose. Hie dress is a buttoned-up yellow smock. For breakfast we are having huevas rancheros, sausages, herb-spiced salad greens, and hot breads. Throughout the apartment Is the month-water ing aroma of the simmering hot sauce of tomatoes, onions, green and red peppers, and powdered chili she has been cooking all morning to spread over the eggs. “Only a couple of dames like us who were bom in Texas could eat this food for break fast and not die,” she said. She is just back from three quick toed trips as ambassa dress for the soft drink com pany that pays her a whop ping salary for representation and is “very nice” about giv ing her time off to make a TV show or film when a script she likes comes along. She isn’t too happy about the ones on her desk, the stories she is reading now: ■ In a financial position where' I do not have to accept any- j thing: I don’t want. Farticu- j larly now, my time 14 very. filled up. 'Tm writing: a hook, or; rather dictating: one into a tape machine, which Audrey1 Davenport will put together | for me. It’s titled *My Way of life,’ meaning more my philosophies than, an actual biography. My life story has been told over and over. My. thoughts about life are newer." And when she is not dictat ing the tapes, she’s off and running on soft drink busl-. ness. She reports gleefully that many funny things hap pen at the openings of new bottling factories and at ban quets. Recently, in a small town in the South, with herself and other dignitaries on the grand stand, an emcee stepped forth and told the assembled crowd that first on the program was the singing of "The Star Spangled Banner.” dust as the vocalizing burst forth, some one miscued and also started the commercial theme of Fepsl-Cola—loudly. "And it came out like this," giggled Miss C.—“Oh, say can you see ... you’ve got a lot to live... by the dawn’s early; light ... Pepsi’s got a lot to give.’ What did I do? X HOWLED!” One thing the lady is not amused about is the slackened pace of the Hollywood she, once loved and reigned over with the Gable* Garbos and1 other greats. i "My heart aches fbr all the i fine actors who^urp being de-, prived of careers rightly theirs | because of conditions beyond: their control. .Ill be everlast-j ingly grateful that I came' along when I did in. the great old days, Someone once said that half the battle of achieve ment is beings there at the right time. I’d say it is 99 per cent of the battle. "But as grateful as I am, X do not live in the past—you don’t see any photographs of me as a glamour girl around here, do you?;—because I don’t have to. I am very fulfilled by the present, I am a happy per son because I am a busy per-i son.” At Uxe moment, the business on hand was to get that hot sauce poured over those morn ing-fresh eggs. Joan Crawford, Super Star, was starring hap pily in her kitchen. the air in about aa hoar. While we have had onr problems, the Franklin Radio Station was knocked off the air recently by lightning, and it was two weeks before they were back on. Weatherwise, we are off to a bad start this summer. The rains hampered the crowds at the annual Olin Fourth of July picnic, but those attending had a big time in spite of the slight drizzles. Would you believe that they ate 900 dozen cups of ice cream? Drank 350 gallons of lemon ade? And consumed 5,000 boxes of popcorn? They did! Have you noticed the plant ers in the business section of Brevard? How could you miss them? The ladies of the local Garden clubs are to be highly commended for putting them out and keeping them water ed. They certainly add a splash of beauty, and it’s surprising how flowers continue to grow and to bloom. “A thing of beauty is a joy forever!” Someone told us he saw this one in a magazine: He: “Whisper those three little words that will make me walk on air.” She: “Go hang yourself!” —☆— This sage advice came from Modem ‘Secretary: One man gets nothing but discord out of a piano; anoth er get harmony. No one claims the piano is at fault Life is about the same. The discord is there; the harmony is there. Study to play it cor rectly, and it will give forth beauty; play it falsely, and It will give forth ugliness. set that the Minister was leaving his parish. The Minister tried to comfort her. Said he: “Bent worry. The next Minister will be better.” Said she: “That’s what they said last Ome:” The Times CLASSIFIED RATES All classified* are payable in advance and must he by Hie Borrowed . . . If absence makes the heart grow fonder, many people love their church. —it— Most kids nowadays think a well balanced meal is a hamburger in each hand. A small boy leading a donkey passed by an army camp. A couple of soldiers wanted to have some fun with the lad. “What are you bold in your brother so tigto sonny?” said one of them. “So he won’t join the army,” the youngster replied without blinking an eye. Dr. Merle Young Is Now The Pastor At St. Timothy United (Cnttnei mm Pag* One) the Navy, Dr. Young served on such well - known combat ships as the USS Enterprise, the USS Massachusetts and the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt. From 1960 - 63 he served as Senior Chaplain, U. S. Naval Academy and later was Fleet Chaplain, U. S. Atlantic Fleet. He trans ferred from the New Jersey Conference United Methodist Church to the Western North Carolina Conference in 1967. He is married to the former Dorothy Beulah Nash of Vic tor, Iowa. Dr. and Mrs. Young have two married daughters: Mrs. Marilyn Ricketts of Spring field, Va., and Mrs. Donna Lu bot of Norton, Mass. They are proud of four grand children. Dr. & Mrs. Young reside at the St. Timothy Parsonage, 218 Oak Park Drive and state they are exceedingly pleased to be serving the people of St. Timo thy and the community of Bre vard. Several Face Drug Charges, Cases Listed (Continued From Page One) lawful possession of stimu lant and narcotic drugs, one case each Bobert E. Palmer, unlaw ful possession of stimulant and narcotic drugs Michael L. Edwards, un lawful possession of stimu — Legion Post And Auxiliary To Hold Supper And Bingo Party . lant and narcotic drugs Eric M. Saunders, unlaw ful possession of stimulant and narcotic drugs, ane case each Dennis McGee, forgery Leonard McKinney, assault Steve Lance, robbery. Other cases are expected to be added to the docket be fore court begins next Mon day. Monroe Wilson Post No. M, * The American Legion, will hold ♦ its monthly covered dish dinner ' and bingo party on July 10th - at 7:15 p. m. Members of the Legion and ' Auxiliary with their out-of-town » guests are invited to attend and to bring a covered dish of ' their choice. When you think of prescrip- ’ tions, think of VARNER’S, adv. • IT’S NO SECRET! Patterson,\ ANNUAL Always Comes Right After The Fourth Of July. Its Also No Secret That When We Close Out Our Summer Merchandise, We Really Shoot The Works! So Maybe We Didn't Even Need To Notify You-You Would Probably Be Here Anyway! In Case You’ve Forgotten — This Is It! MEN’S SUMMER merchan dise and discontinued styles re duced will include such famous brands as: Jantzen Arrow Manhattan Beau Brummell Thane Higgins Palm Beach Botany 500 Asher Interwoven Hickok Swank Buxton Norris Typical Example of Reductions $ 1.00 2.00 4.50 6.00 9.00 13.00 17.00 21.00 30.00 36.00 40.00 52.00 63.00 73.00 79.00 88.00 $ .59 I. 29 2.99 3.99 5.99 8.99 II. 99 14.99 | 19.99 23.99 | 27.99 i 34.99 41.99 49.99 53.99 60.99 LADIES SUMMER wear and discontinued styles and colors: Koret of California Evan Picone Aileen F Red Eye **?'■ Bodin Knits Butte Knits Country Miss Hob - nobber Encore Mr. Fine Haymaker David Smith Lady Wrangler Herman Marcus Roberta Lee Allison Ayres Valley Set Hoot Owl Vanity Fair Gossard - Artemis * Shadowline Bali Bras ~TK' USE YOUR BANKAMERICARD FIRST BANK CARD MASTER CHARGE o« PATTERSON’S OWN CONVENIENT PLAN -n Prices Are Low... Selections Are Good ... Sayings Are Terrific!