ork Begins On Olin’s New 'aper - Coating Facility “SPOFFORD”, with W. C. ‘Mutt’ Burton in the title role of a Connecticut chicken farmer, opened at the Flat Rock Playhouse Tuesday night. Shown here with Burton, at right, are his granddaughter Geneva played by Marianne Hyre, center, and Ralph Redpath as Tad Springer, socially prominent boy friend of Genera’s. “Spofford” plays all this week at Flat Rock. Let Us Do Your Job Printing The Transylvania Times (Continued front Page One) mated at $2,800,000 n of course. Mr. Merchant: If you want to reach the Teenagers in Transyl s, advertise each evening during WPNF’s Record Party. That’s 'clock each night over 7:05 until. 10:00 o’ Taylor Is Named Associate Chairman Of Natl Bible Week William F. Taylor, Vice Presi dent Olin Corporation and Gen eral Manager of its Ecusta Paper Division, Pisgah Forest, has been named Associate Chairman for the 31st annual National Bible Week, Novem ber 21-28, 1971, it was announc ed today by Justice Arthur J. Goldberg, National Chairman. Bible Week, an interfaith ef fort to motivate the reading and study of Holy Scripture, is sponsored by the Laymen’s Na tional Bible Committee in co operation with the American Bible Society, the Greek Ortho dox Archdiocese Department of the Laity, the Jewish Commit tee for National Bible Week and the U. S. Center for the Catholic Biblical Apostolate. President Nixon is honorary chairman. Honorary co-chair men are Mrs. Earle Brown, president. General Federation of Women’s Clubs; Hon. James A. Farley; Jerome Hines and Richard Tucker, Metropolitan Opera Company; George Meany, AFL-OO; Patrick Cardinal O’Boyle, Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Norman Vincent Peale, New York; and the Rev. Dr. M. L. Wilson, chairman, National Committee of Black Church men. Mr. Taylor, a native of Indi ana and graduate of Purdue University, is a member of the market research committee of the American Paper Institute, No Beer Or Wine Will B& . Sold In Brevard On Sundays (Continned From Face One) Russell, seconded by Alderman Moffltt and duly passed, Tran sylvania County was given per mission to use the old Fire Sta tion for housing two ambu lances and providing a place for two attendants. The City and of the Salesmen’s Associ ation of The Paper Industry. A director of the Asheville Country Day School, Mr. Taylor has served as membership chairman, member of the ush er’s guild and director of acoly tes of his local Episcopal church. Attorney was instructed to draw said lease. Upon motion of Alderman W. W. Duckworth, seconded by Alderman ff. M. Melton and duly passed, the Manager was authorized to make an extension to the City water line to the fire station at Fire Training Center provid ed the fire department fur nish the pipe. The question of furnishing free water service to Brevard Bescue members was postponed for study. Mayor Charles Campbell ap pointed Alderman Gil Johnson to make a study of the inactive Recreation Commission and make a report at the next regu lar meeting. The Mayor announced the appointment of Otis Jones to the Brevard Housing Au thority. Mr. Jones will fill out the onexpired term, ending October 1972, of Jack Bryant who has moved outside the City Limits. Due to Labor Day falling on the regular meeting night in September, the Board will meet the following Tuesday, Septem ber 7, 1971, When you think of prescrip tions. think of VARNEB’g. adv. Uncommon Mountain Condominiums fft Carefree is the word for Countryplace Condominiums. You are provided with complete exterior residence mainten ance, protection from vandalism, 24 hour security. If desired, we’ll open and close your residence, furnish maids, de liver meals, cater your parties, and more. Elevation 3,300 feet. Highlights of lures: finest golfing, tennis, swimming pools, riding stables, skiing, children’s activity counselor, entertainment, din ing and dancing. VJ One, 2 and 3-bedroom residences. Big. Beautiful. All with fireplaces. Dazzling views of forest, lake and mountains. Priced from: $29,500. See them or write: Colonel Jerry Gamer. Location: short stroll from the Sapphire Valley Inn, U.S. Highway 64 (3 miles East of Cashiers, 60 miles southwest of Asheville). Telephone (704) 451-2110. An environmental achievement of REALTEC INCORPORATED a subsidiary of CERTAIN-TEED PRODUCTS CORPORATION