NASA Observes Eighth Anniversary OfjRosman Tracking Station ROSMAN TRACKING STATION •—Near Balsam Grove in the Pisgah National Forest, the two 85-foot antennas stand as sentinels alongside the buildings where operators and equipment seek out the satellite sig nals. OUR : -^ealizec ; \vould FOREFATHERS n e v e r [ that upper Transylvania one day be a tremendous part of the space age. Above is one of the antennas at the Tracking Station above Rosman. News From PM US Forest Service, Rainfall Discussed I 'K • tr" ■ m the Editor’s Corner last week, Mr. Anderson brought up an interesting point—and that is the! great difference in rainfall within a comparatively small area. So we thought it would be of Interest to discuss our rainfall readings throughout the David son River watershed in more detail. The reading we reported of 31 inches (9 months) was from the fish hatchery station. ;Only five air miles away, high 1 up -oh Shuck Ridge, there were ft inches of rainfall during 9 months of 1971. surprising thing is that south of the fish hat town of Brevard had ,j. Other readings show Bennett Gap on the 47.4 inches; Club Gap near the Pink Beds 43.5 in; Cedar Rock 36.9 in. There appears to be a dry area in the center of the watershed with the fish hatchery receiving the least rainfall. -The best answer to this is that the warm moist air from South Carolina is cooled enough after going over Cedar Mountain that we get heavy rains in the Lake Toxaway area (80.08 in. ave. rainfall). Since the prevailing winds are from the southwest the rain is pushed in a north easterly direction. As the rains progress toward Asheville, the rainfall decreases. This is substantiated by the of ficial weather bureau figure of 36.83 in. average annual rain fall for Asheville. Brevard re ceives an average annual rain fall of 62.43 inches. These fig ures are based over a 10-year period. To the north along the Park way the rainfall more resem bles that of Brevard,, wth this dryer trough lying between the Parkway and Brevard - Toxaway area. Our records at the Cradle of Forestry show that we had 58 rainy days there between May 1 and Sept. 30. CARD OF THANKS Many, many thanks to our many friends and neighbors who showed their deepest sympathy during the loss of our dear be loved wife, mother, sister and daughter, Mrs. Peggy Anne O’Dell. A special thanks goes out to: Minister Don Jones and wife, Minister Terry Angelocos and wife, Reverend Eugene H. Gentry and wife and Reverend Kenneth Bragg and wife. Buddy, Milton, Teresa O’Dell Mrs. Linda Lance Mr. and Mrs. Alvin “Diddle” Owens. History And Function In The Satellite Program Given (Editor’s note: The follow ing article summarizes the his tory and complex functions of the National Aeronautics and -Space Administration Space Tracking and Data Acquisition Network (STADAN) station near Rosman. It is our birth day salute to an important and appreciated government industry in Transylvania Coun ty-) —☆— October 26, 1971 marked the eighth year of operation of the Rosman Tracking Station^ James C. Jackson. Director, has an nounced. The operation of the station began in October 1963, with approximately 60 employ ees and has reached a present total employment of over 200 people. "I fully expect that fur ther expansion will be required during the next two years in order to be ready for new satel lite programs just around the corner”, Mr. Jackson reported. “Construction work on build ings and antennas is nearing completion while new equip ment is beginning to arrive to prepare for the next family of Applications Technology Satel lites.” Headquarters At Goddard The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was established Oc tober 1. 1958 and the Goddard Space Flight Center in Green belt, Maryland was organized on May 1, 1959. The Center was named for the late Dr. Robert H. Goddard, recogniz ed as the Father of American Rocketry. He designed, de veloped and flew the world’s first liquid-fuel rocket. The Goddard Space Flight Center is one of ten field lab oratory facilities of NASA, and is one of several integrated units under the direction of NASA Headquarters, Washing ton, D. C. Role Of Rosman Tracking Station If you should visit the Ros man Tracking Station you will see one of the largest NASA installations of its type in the family of Goddard Space Flight Center Tracking Sta tions. The Rosman station has the capability of “tracking” several satellites simultane ously. Although “tracking" a satel lite in the true sense is per formed occasionally, the term is generally applied to a number of different functions includ ing, in some cases, electronic measurements made to deter mine the satellite location. How ever, in most cases, particularly for satellites that have been operational for over a few days, the orbit-and consequently the location - is well established. Therefore, the primary activi ty or “tracking” operation cen ters around the receipt of op erational and scientific informa tion from each satellite, and sending commands - or instruc tions to-each satellite. People Are The Key “I have had a number of people aak me — ‘lust what is it that the Tracking Sta tion does — and what kind of people are required to track satellites?’ ” Jackson com ments. “The Bosnian Tracking Station is one of a team of similar sta tions located in places such as Hawaii, Alaska, Australia, Chile, Madagascar, Bermuda and Spain. Together these stations and others share the responsi bilities of continuously receiv ing the information being gath ered by 30 to 40 satellites — all serving us daily in provid ing such services as weather forecast information or search ing for answers to the myster ies of our universe. ' “In one sense, the people who work at the Tracking Station are no different than you might find in some other research and operations bus iness. Here yen will And a variety of people skilled In many fields — electricians, mechanics, secretaries, engi neers and so forth. In another OF THE ORIGINAL 58 RCA EMPLOYEES at NASA’S Rosman Tracking Station in October. 1963, 26 remain. Standing, from loft to right: Clarence Brown, Robert E. Lentz, Kenneth Radford, John E. Smith, Carlos V. Leal, William F. Martin, Donald D. Culin, Emmett E. Owen, George H. Morris. Seat ed, left to right: Donald Pidgeon, Syvalia M. Owen, Thurman G. Echols, Harold H. Everson, Robert M. Marshall, Clifton P. Moore, Albert W. Rogers, Paul A. Patrick. Those not included in the picture are: William T. Burbage, Charles Conrey, Clyde R. Davis, Erik O. Hansen, Edward W. Hicks, Walter A. Neubauer, Calvin T. Reece, William A. Reed, John H. Wells. sense, you will find people who have uncommon skills and trades associated with the aerospace industry such as specialists in hydraulics, com munications, logistics, record ing equipment, antennas, ra dio frequency equipment and so on. In essence, no particular individual or small group ac complish the objective of tracking a satellite — rather, the teamwork of all these various disciplines are re quired." The transmittal of informa tion to and from an unmanned sattellite is exacting and com plicated. Since no human is aboard to report scientific find ings all information must be transmitted to and from a satel lite on a signal from the earth station. To accomplish this task, tracking stations are equipped with very sensitive “ears” or antennas. These antennas, be cause of their specialized mis sions, vary in shape and size. Some are long and slender and some resemble giant corkscrews. Others are big and saucer-shap ed. The antennas receive radio signals as a satellite passes overhead. Critical informa tion may be transmitted to the Goddard Space Flight Cen ter immediately, but in gen eral the signals are stored on tape and then shipped to God dard. There the tapes are run through computers for inter pretation and comparison wit’, other data so the scientist may know what happened in space, where it happened, and precisely when. The Center, on a weekly bas is, receives about 50 miles of magnetic tape containing in formation about the space en vironment. If this information were converted to narrative form it would amount to approx imately 170 million words, enough to fill 180 encyclopedia volumes every day. Character Of Satellites To Jules Verne, a space craft was a huge aluminum bullet fired tjoward the Moon from a gigantic cannon buried in Florida soil, not too far from Cape Kennedy. In 1865, when Verne’s “De la Terre a la Lune” appeared, space craft were conceived as well appointed extensions of the drawing room, and the gentle men Who traveled in them not wore top hats and formal attire. This ro mantic view of the space craft persisted well into'the Twentieth Century. To dis tinguish these visions of fic tion from today’s complex space machines, we call the former spaceships and the latter spacecraft. A spacecraft is any vehicle that operates above the sensible atmosphere; that is, above the attainable by research balloons and aircraft - approximately 100,000 feet of altitude. In the first ten years of space flight, over 600 satel lites have circled the globe. Even so, the sattellite has been greatly outnumbered by the sounding rocket, a space craft that breaks through the atmosphere into space for on ly a few minutes. Although sounding rockets do not ling er long at high altitudes, they have made major discoveries in space science, such as the existence of X-ray stars. A satellite is a spacecraft that has been given sufficient velocity by its launch rocket to be placed in orbit. Ultimately the trace of atmosphere still present at satellite altitudes will slow the satellite down and gravity will pull it back to Earth. The distinction between a satellite and a long range rocket is that the satellite makes one or more complete circuits of the Earth. Spacecraft, that are shot deep into space and escapes the gravitational pull uf the Earth completely are called space probes. Depending cm the target; they are called lu nar, planetary, and deep space probes. Deep space probes are placed in orbit around the Sun to study the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field. In essence they are ar tificial planets. One of three things may happen to a probe launched toward the Moon or one of the planets: (Da near miss or fly-by, (2) injection into orbit around the body, or (3) impact on the surface, with either a hard or soft landing. Fly-by probes usual ly go into orbit around the Sun after planetary encount er. Lunar probes may swing around the Moon and settle down to become Earth satel lites. Mars Exploration Of considerable current in terest and a good example of the interplanetary probe is the “Mariner 9” probei presently nearing the completion of its voyage to Mars. “Although the Rosman Tracking Station is not in volved in supporting this probe, we are extremely in terested in the outcome of the mission”, Jackson stated. The 2,200 pound Mariner 9 spacecraft was launched on May 30, 1971 and is planned to transmit back to earth sci entific data on the atmosphere and surface and 5,000 to 6, 000 photographs for at least 90 days while orbiting Mars. Weather Satellites The earth satellite is the most valuable meterological tool contributed by the space program. Like rockets and bal loons, satellites carry instru ments far above the layer of air hugging the ground; like big networks of stations, they af ford a wide geographical per spective of world weather. In fact, no combination of surface station networks can match the panorama of world weather radioed back from satellite cam eras. Cloud pictures - the stock in-trade of the weather satel lite-show the great weather systems forming, swirling, and dissolving against the back drop of the oceans and con tinents. By taking pictures of the Earth in the infrared por tion of the electromagnetic spectrum, weather satellites give the meteorologist infor mation about the heat added to and lost from the Earth and its atmosphere. Since the vast cyclones and anticyclones that^oll across the globe are hrfpshforeca^watiw.1Wwton mUT casts, but they can help sig nificantly. Each hurricane is created and sustained by a colossal heat en gine that we are just beginning to understand. Somehow, energy from the Sun starts these at mospheric machines turning ov er. The same is true for the much bigger, but less intense cyclones and anticyclones that make most of our weather. Since weather is really atmospheric turbulence created by too much solar heat at the equator and too little at the poles, measure ments of the Earth’s heat in flow and outflow should be use ful to meteorologists. For this reason, most NASA weather satellites have carried infrared radiometers to record the ther mal radiation emitted from the cloud tops and the visible land surface below the satel lite. w Weather satellites include Television Infrared Observa tion Satellites (TIROS), TIROS Operational Satellites (TOS), Improved TIROS Op erational Satellite (ITOS), and Nimbus. In the pre-TIROS days, hur ricanes used to sweep in from the unpatrolled oceans and slam into land areas with little warn ing. Destruction and loss of life have frequently been high; much higher than they would have been with ample warning time. TIROS has changed all that by constantly monitoring cloud cover over the desolate reaches of the oceans. Anyone who watches TV news programs dur ing the hurricane season has seen TIROS pictures of these intense storms and followed their progress along the U. S. Atlantic coasts Satellite pictures often catch these storms in their formative stages, showing the prehurricane squall lines that ring the growing nucleus. Some times, a hurricane interacts with a jet, stream, giving mete orologists a ringside seat for the battle between these two power ful weathermakers. Without the high vantage point of the weath er satellite this drama would go unseen. Will the Boy Scout hike be rained out tomorrow? Do the smudge pots have to be lit in the orange groves tonight? This is the kind of weather in formation that most, people want to know; that is the lo cal forecast, the local situa tion. The local weather fore caster would like very much to see what is going on in his area as he prepares his pre dictions. The APT (Automatic Picture Transmission) system gives him local cloud pictures with a minimum investment in equipment. Applications Technology . Satellites Mr. James E. Taylor, Assis tant Director, describes the “ATS” program as a means to test in space promising tech niques and equipment for use in future meteorological, naviga tion, and communication satel lite systems. Rosman actively supports the three Applications Tech nology Satellites currently in orbit, ATS-1, ATS-3. and ATS-5. These satellites are synchronous, that is they or bit the earth in the same time period that the earth com plets a revolution about its axis, thus appear to be in a fixed position with respect to the earth. ATS-1 and ATS-3 are routinely used by the Na tional Oceanic and Atmos pheric Administration for storm watch duty. ATS-1, while being controlled by Ros man and used for a routine Alaskan educational com munications experiment, con tributed to the saving of a life as a doctor was able to instruct a nurse at. a remote location to stop a hemorrhag ing by voice relay through the satellite. AST-5 contributes largely in the areas of t.he “Millimeter Wave Experi ment" for investigation of higher communications fre quencies and navigational ex periments for aircraft. A planned addition to the se ries, ATS-F is to be launched in 1973. Rosman is undergoing modifications and installation at this time in preparation for ATS-F. Rosman will play an im portant role in checkout of the ATS-F before it is moved to within view of India for edu cational TV usage. ATS-F will be placed.In synchronous orbit 23,309 miles over the Pacific Ocean, approximately over the Gal apagos Islands, where the sa tellite’s 30-foot-diameter de ployable antenna and precis-' ion control system will make it possible to beam TV signals direct to small TV receivers. Government Station Although the NASA Tracking Station is government owned, operation is accomplished by contracting with industry to provide the necessary personnel while the director and assistant director are NASA civil service employees. In 1963 RCA Service Com pany was awarded the initial contract for the operation and maintenance of the Rosman station. At the conclusion of this contract in 1967 a subse quent contract was awarded to RCA which also included a Tracking Station near Fair banks, Alaska Spacecraft Control Centers and Opera tions Support groups at God dard Space Flight Center in Maryland. This contract cov ered a period of five years. The local Rosman area pay roll and expenditures have amounted to over 10 million dol lars since the award of the present contract. When you think of prescrip tions. think of VARNER’S, adv. Let Us Do Your Job Printing*1 The Transylvania Times y

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