The Transylvania Times | A State And National Prize-Winning Home Town Newspaper : SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PUD AT BREVARD. N. C. ZIP CODE 28712 +* ■—--—— . . - itum Vol. 84—(No. 48 BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1971 * SECTION TWO jk NEW TRANSYLVANIA SHRINERS — The largest class from this county since 1943 was initiated and became members of Oasis Temple, Charlotte, at a recent Fall Ceremonial held in Asheville. The class was named the Asheville 1971 Class. Pictured above, ieft to right, are: Harvey Souther, Charles Petit, Kenneth O’Shields, Charles B. Peevy, Milford Hubbard and Charles Moss. Absent when picture was made were: Alvin Victor Morgan and Arnold Barman Carter. There were 275 candidates in the class. (Photo by Bill Boggs) f Local Officers Will Take Part In School Of Instructions Dec. 4th *. A school of instructions for the 60th Masonic District: will be held in Kedron Masooic 'Temple, Hendersonville on Sat urday, December 4th, from 5:00 3>.m. until 11:00 p.m. Z This announcement comes jfrom J. Frank Nixi district Ideputy grand lecturer of this district. * The school of instructions !will be under the supervision of Mr. Nix, and he will be assist ed by I. E. Johnson, certified lecturer and member of Kedron "lodge. - During intermission, refresh ments will be served. *' Clifford Frady, Worshipful blaster of Dunn’s Rode lodge, Women Past 21 WITH BUDOCJt IRRITATION Suffer Many Troubles After 21, commofc Kidney or Madder Irritation* affect twice at many women _i from too frequent, burning or itching urination both day and night. Secondarily, you may lose sleep and suffer from Headaches, Backache and feel old, tired, depressed. In such irri tation. CYSTEX usually brings fast, rslaainc comfort by curbing irritating ftUU.'sra strong, acid urine and by anal n relief, r-‘ _J. Oct CYSTEX at drug Sec how fast it can help you. urges the officers and mem bers to make every effort to at tend this important meeting, and he especially urged the newly made Master Masons to attend. The master stated: We will leave the local tem ple at 4:30 and anyone needing transportation should be at the temple at the above time. The local officers will ex emplify the following in the work: 1) Dispense with labor as at stated communication 2) Resume labor 3) Exemplify first section of Master Mason’s degree. CARD OF THANES We would Rkfflp express our Sincere appreciation for the kindpess and. sympathy shown us at the death of our dear, loved onie. The Family of Harold E. Torrance Trucks Are Lifetime More than 35,000 American communities—more every year — are totally dependent on truck transportation to deliver the goods needed for daily liv ing. Harvey Miller Has Choral Piece Accepted By Festival Of University Of S. Florida HARVEY MILLER Weather Road Enemy Studies show weather is the worst, enemy of good highways. Soaking raina, frost, heat, and rapid temperature changes break up highways—even those where traffic is light! When yon think of prescrip tions. think of VARNER’S, adr. Harvey Miller of the music faculty of Brevard College hasi, for the second consecutive year, had a choral piece accept ed in the Contemporary Choral Festival of the University of South Florida in Tampa. His work, Before Thee Father, is one of fifteen chosen from num erous composers from the southeastern United States. Mr. Miller’s composition will be performed at the Festival by the seventy-five member Melbourne (Fla.) High School Chorus. Each year the Festival has a well - known composer to attend and act as a commenta tor. This year William Shuman, chairman of Julliard School of Music, will offer his comments and criticisms. Mr. Miller plans to travel to Tampa to attend the Festival in late January._ _ For Rubber Stamps Call The Transylvania Times 883-4250 ALL NEW The Most Beloved Story Of All Time The Blazing Black Stallion that Carried a Boy to Manhood — a Love to Its Destiny — and a Country to Victory Co-Ed $1.25 & 60c Wed. - Thurs. - Fri. at 7=00 & 8:46 Saturday 2:00 & 7:00 Rated (G) DOUBLE FEATURE Brevard Drive-In Fri. - Sat. - Sun. Both Bated (R) **•25 The dirty dolls of devil s island You can Co-Ed $1.25 Rated (R) for 17 & Older Saturday Nite at 9:30 Sunday Nite at 8:00 Mon-A Tues* 7:00 & 8:40 ! The disenchantment of an All-American jock. “DRIVE, HE SAID: BRILLIANT! I don’t Mt how anyone who really loves navies can affenl to miss it!” —JOSEPH OELMIS. Ncwtday r “The best picture I have seen this year!” —dan LEWIS Ben McClure Syndicate “A shocker, evoking extreme passions of almost every sort” —AftTAJNaCR. ingenue SOCIAL SECURITY \ Questions And Answers j By I NORRIS G. GRUBBS \ Field Representative Q. I am a self-employed car penter. How do I pay my So cial Security tax? A. When you file your Fed eral tax returns you pay your Social Security tax and any income tax due at that time. Instructions are includ ed with the tax returns. Q. Is an ambulance cost un der Medicare when the pa tient is taken to the doctor’s office. A. No. The patient must be taken to the hospital and an ambulance must be medi cally necessary before Medi care will pay the bill. Q. I will be old enough to file for Social Security bene fits and have a delayed birth certificate. Is this enough proof or should I bring the old Bible also? A. The delayed birth cer tificate might be enough proof but to be sure the fam ily Bible or some other proof should be brought in also. Q. I am a 23 year old fe male and have had my Social Security number for 6 years. I recently married. Am I ito make some change in my Social Se curity account? A. Yes — your name should he changed. Call or write your nearest Social Security office for the proper forms. Q. 1 am a career man in the army and married. I realize I don’t have some of the expens es civilians dot, but then my salary is not too high either. Will that mean lower Social Security benefits for my fam ily or myself? A. Not any more it doesn’t. Up to $300 noncontributory wage credit can be added to your Social Security account each quarter now. When in need of job printing, call The Transylvania Times Eastern Star And Masons Will Have Covered Dish Supper, 9th Members of Pisgah Chapter #198 Order of the Eastern Star will be hostesses to the Masons and their wives in the dining room of the Masonic Temple at 7:00 o’clock on Dec. 9th. A covered dish supper will be rerved, consisting of ham and turkey salads, vegetables and deserts. Mrs. Mary Linville, secretary of the chapter states it is sel dom the Star has an oppor tunity to express its appreci ation to the Masons for their support and cooperation. Clifford W. Frady, the Wor shipful Master, states a stated communication of Dunn’s Rock lodge will be held following the covered dish supper A Master Mason’s lodge will be opened promptly at 8:00 o’clock. Labor will be dispensed with at 8:15 and the wives and friends of the Masons will be extended an invitation to the lodge room at which time a pro gram will be given. Theodore E. Reid, Past Mas ter and Past District Deputy Grand Master of the 60th Masonic District, will present 25-year certificates and lapel buttons to the following mein bers: Bruce Hagguad Cassell, Wfcr ren Coy Fisher, Vernon Peny Fullbright, Robert Tabor Kim zey, Harry Foster Morgan, Leo Augustus Reid, Charles La Garee Russell and Fred Otis Stroup. Charles B. Peevy, Past Mas ter and Chairman of the Edu cational committee, will give a program on Masonic Education. Following the program, labor will be resumed and the annual election of officers will be held to serve next year. When you think of prescrip tions. think of VARNER’S, adr. By The BREVARD JAYCEES Wed, December 8th Through Thursday, December 23rd 9 A.M. To 9 P.M. DAILY Next To Carolina Tire Company On The Four Lane Asheville Highway -it TREES AVAILABLE INCLUDE Norway Spruce if Colorado Blue Spruce if White Spnice Serbian Spruce if Scotch Pine if Servian Spruce if Hemlocks YOUR CHOICE OF Cut Trees, Or Live Trees To Re-Plant Proceeds From The Jaycee Christmas Tree Sale Will Be Used To Help Sponsor The Christmas House For The Needy Of Transylvania County THIS PUBLIC SERVICE MESSAGE IS CONTRIBUTED BY Clin CORPORATION flSGAH FOREST. N. C