THE EDITOR'S CORNER * EDITOR JOHN ANDERSON Wfc always enjoy publish ing And reading this iasne of The Hans — on- annul Chriitmas edition. Ton’ll find beantifnl Inli day messages throughout the paper, W* Plan a gnlet Christmas with all the family, and we hope that yonts wffl be the best ever. We’re most appreciative of the many Christmas cards that we have received, and we look forward to sitting down and reading them again on Christmas day. Again, let ns wish yon and yonrb a very Merry Christ mas! In tin mailbag . . * With a beautiful Christmas card came the following per sonal message from Elmo Crowe, one of our dose upper county friends: Dear Mt. Anderson and Staff: With deep appreciation for all your many acts of kindness to all of us here in Transylvania— we do appreciate The Times and your co-Operation in covet ing our needs sb well. We are espedally thankful for remembering us here at Ros man in your well written arti cles from time to time, and all our singings at Zion. We do have so much to be grateful for. Such wonderful people as you all make life Worth working a little harder fdt. To Oil of you many thanks and a Merry Christmas. Sincerely Elmo Crowe Has Following the Invocation at the Rotary banquet Monday night at Glen Cannon, Gil Coan, who waa Master of Ceremenes, told this story. II seems that several years ago at a similar function, he called on Buddy Melton for the blessing. Briefly, Baddy said: - “Oh Lord, please send this dab a minister.” Gil said Baddy’s prayers have been answered. At Monday night’s banquet meeting, the following min sters were present: Dr. Rob ert A. Davis, Rev. Orion Hutchinson, Rev. Otis Wheel house and Rev. Harry Phil lips. On page 16 of the Second Section there are several poems by students from the upper grades at T. C. Henderson school. Mrs. Judy Humphrey Dillard, who teaches the second grade, sent us the following by one of her pupils, Julie Alice Chason: What Christmas Means to Me Christians—not hypocrites Faith, Good Will, peace on earth, Jesus Christ—not idols America—no war. We’re happy to hear from T. C. Henderson school this week. The Frank Byrds had a fine surprise fbr Christmas. Theit son, Gary, who was due hohie from the Philippines in February, arrived the other day. tt Was a joyous homecoming fpr all!... especially Mrs. Byrd, who is still on cloud nine. Borrowed .... Bumper sticker: “College used to be fun. Now it’s a riot.” Conservationists are worry ing about the disappearance of America’s wild life. Don’t worry. We still have it but it’s moved to the city night dubs. Nudist Camp sign: Open day and night — we never clothe! A good salesman is a fel low who can convince his wife that she looks fat in a fur coat. —☆— Before long a “dollar to a donut” may be an even bet. —☆— King size beds are a lot of bunk. —☆— The height of the average girl’s ambition is just over six feet. Many who call themselves dreamers are just sleepers. Joke of the week . . . Doorman to man who just ran up to street corner: “Ex cuse me, sir, but if you are the palefaced gentleman who looks like a lop - eared rabbit, I was I-1 With The Sick At Th« Transylvania Community Hospital IWmMimtIlHNIIMmilINMIfHMNHIIN.MnHil The following persons wen reported by the staff of thi Transylvania Community Hos pital to be confined at noon 01 Wednesday: Edwin Wayne Buckner, Bre vard John Dale, Brevard Mrs. Alice Turbyfill, Brevard Mrs. Clyde Fletcher, Brevard. Visitors are requested to ob serve the following hours: mornings 10:30 - 11:30; after noons 2: 30 • 4:00; evenings 7:00 - 8:30. I Brevard Personals I Lt. and Mrs. Thomas R. Mitch ell, III, announce the birth of a son, Thomas Rutledge Mitchell, IV on December 18th in Pensa cola, Fla. Lt. Mitchell is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Mitchell, Jr., of Rice Street. to tell you that your wife got tired of waiting and took a taxi.” And we also like . . . A man was standing on a street corner waiting for a bus when he was suddenly knocked into the street by a huge St, Bernard. As he was picking himself Up he was struck again, this time by a small car. Upon Anally get ting to his feet, a passerby rushed over, gave him a hand, and asked the shaken man how he felt. “Well, the dog wasn’t so bad, but that tin oan on his tail just about killed me.” ' • SAY I SAW IT IN THE TIMES be inspiration of the Star ... the wonder of the Wise Men... the Miracle of the Savior's birth... . These are the joys . of Christmas. 1 ! May they be yours. ....v.’-rv.. AND Christmas House Distributes Baskets To Needy Families (Continued from Page One) , Dr. Matheny, “have made their own Christmas more meaningful by helping others to have a more Joyful holi day. This is a fine example of the real spirit of Christ mas and all of ns have a right to be proud of onr commun ity.” WPNF To Broadcast Many Special Holiday Programs (Continued from Page One) Choir, directed by Earle Ander son will also be heard, with the Army of Stars Orchestra. Larry Bryson, sometimes known as “Lazy Larry” has re turned to work at WPNF after having served in the U. S. Army for approximately three years. Larry was overseas in Viet nam during his tour of duty, and says he is happy to be back home. He is currently being heard on the WPNF “Record Party” Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights from 7:05 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. The schedule for the Farm and Home hour is as follows: Thursday, Carolina news; Fri day, Station Program; Monday, County Extension Chairman Jerry Purser; Tuesday, Station Program; Wednesday, home agent, Miss Jean Childers. Speaking next week on Morn ing Devotions is Rev. Albert Bishop, pastor of the Mt. Mo riah-C'alvert Baptist church. The Sunday morning church service is being broadcast?, through the remote facilities ofjjj WPNF from the Lutheran ■ —☆— Church of the Good Shepherd. 3r. Lewis Thomberg is pastor. FOR BEST IN ★ News ★ Music ★ Weather ★ Sports And Nighttime, Too TUNE IN WPNF SPEED READING COURSE At Brevard College Purpose: To accelerate reading rate by refining infor mation - getting skills. Time: Tuesday Nights - 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. Beginning Date: February 1, 1972 Ending Date: March 7, 1972 Fee: $30.00 (payable in advance at the first meeting on February 1) Limited to eighteen persons Instructor: Dr. James Douglas Tyson, Visiting Profes sor of Special Education, Brevard College t join Santa in taking this opportunity of our customers and friends a Merry, Christmas. May your holiday be rich with the joys and blessings of happy family unity aid warm friendships. Xt'B been our pleasure to serve you. THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF FURNITURE CO. STREET DIAL 883-9260 BREVARD