Kids . . . that’s what PTA is all about. It began 75 years ago in February, 1897, when founders Alice McLrllan Uirney und Phoebe Apperson Hears! recognized the need for improving the conditions affecting children and youth. Since that time, the National PTA lias been instrumental in activities ranging from the establishment of hot lunch programs to lobbying for the pas sage of the recently enacted Drug Abuse Education Act. PTA believes that if a single child is lost, a part of the nation is also lost. As in 1897, PTA continues to help parents, teachers and students provide a better life for children growing up in modern America. Log Reviewed "A Citizen Speaks" Is A Popular Program On WPNF Two interesting programs are heard regularly on WPNF Radio each Friday morning at 11:30 a.m. on the stations’ pro gram titled "A Citizen Speaks.” The first of these is “Tar Heel Highways”, brought to "WPNF listeners in cooperation with the State Highway Com mission. On this Friday’s pro gram, Arch Laney, the Commis sion’s public information officer will talk with Bi Planning and 1 1.SHC Engl: Subject of the program will be an environmental impact statement put out recently by the Highway Commission. The second program during this Friday morning period is called “Progress Report”, pre sented with the cooperation of the North Carolina Department of Community Colleges. Host on the weekly program is Raleigh newsman Bob Far rington, who will interview Dr, H. B. Monroe, president of An son Technical Inst, at Anson ville. IVs The New Law By - J. C. ROWE Chief, Brevard Police Editor's note: The 191* North Carolina General As sembly made 84 changes In the state Criminal Statutes— wrote some new laws and changed old ones by addition or deletions. Since these laws affect the general public. Brevard’s Chief of Police, J. C. Bowe, has collected the changes and THE TIMES is publishing them over the next several months as a pub lic information service. The laws are here published at. they appear in the General Statutes; no effort has been made to explain or interpret them. This is a function of the legal profession and the courts. —W— 14-32. Felonious assault with a firearm or other deadly wea pon with intent to kill or in flecting serious injury: punish ments. — (a) Any person who assaults another person with a deadly weapon with intent to kill and inflicts serious injury is guilty of a felony punishable by a fine, imprisonment for not more than ten (10) years, or both such fine and imprison ment. (b) Any person who assaults another person with a deadly weapon and inflicts serious in jury is guilty of a felony pun ishable by a fine, imprisonment for not more than five (5) years, or both such fine and imprisonment (e) Any person who assaults another person with a firearm with intent to kill is guilty of a felony punishable by a fine, imprisonment for not more than five (5) years, or both ($50.00) or imprisonment for not more than (30) days. (b) Unless his conduct is covered under some other pro vision of law providing greater punishment, any person who commits any assault, assault and battery, or affray is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500 00), im prisonment for not more than six (6) months, or both such fine and imprisonment if in the course of such assault, as sault, assault and battery, or affray he: (1) Attempts to inflict seri ous injury upon another person; or (2) Assaults a female, he be ing a male person; or (3) Assaults a child under the age of twelve (12) years. (c) Unless his conduct is covered under some other pro vision of law providing greater punishment, any person who commits any assault, assault and battery, or affray is pun ishable by a fine, imprisonment for not more than two (2) years, or both such fine and imprisonment if in the course of such assault, assault and battery, or affray he: (1) Inflicts serious injury upon another person; or upon another person; or (2) Uses a deadly weapon; (3) Intends to kill another person; or (4) Assaults a public officer while such officer is dis charging or attempting to discharge a duty of File State Income Tax Immediately Here’s a statement from the North Carolina Department of Revenue: “Please help save your tax money, and allow prompt pro cessing of refunds, by filing your North Carolina income tax return early, and using the preaddressed form mailed to you. When you have more time, you avoid costly mistakes. If you need help, any of the 64 field offices of the Department of Revenue will be glad to give it. The Hendersonville office is located in the Professional Permits For Plumbing Work Are Required In Transylvania The Transylvania County Board of Health has adopted, from the North Carolina Plumbing Code, doles and Regulations governing the in* stallation, maintenance and inspection of plumbing fix tures within Transylvania County. These rules are regu lations were felt to be reason able and necessary to protect and advance public health in the county. Section 6, of Rules and Regulations Governing Plumb ing within Transylvania Coun building on 4th Ave. West, The office hours are Tuesday 8:00 to 5:00. ty, states that “Before any person shall be issued a permit to install or superintend the installation of plumbing in accordance with the regulations of the Transylvania County Board of Health, he shall produce satis factory evidence that he holds a state qualifying license in accordance with Chapter 7, Article 2, of the General Statutes of North Carolina.” Before any portion of the plumbing and drainage sys tem of any building shall be constructed or before any change, alteration, or addi tions are made in any existing system, the Plumbing Inspec tor for Transylvania County shall be notified and if the proposed new work or altera* tlons conform to the require ments of these rales and regu lations, a written permit shall be issued. After the rough-fti test and final inspection, and if the work is found to be in accordance with these rales and regulations, there shall be issued to the person to whom the permit was granted a certificate of approval sign ed by the Plumbing Inspector. Gaston Sinlard is the new Plumbing Inspector for Tran sylvania county. He succeeds the late S. L. CappelL Permits may be obtained from him at his residence at # Tax Information . Available At Post Offices* A booklet that jives infor mation on bow to flO ont Federal tax return* will be Mid at both the Brevard and Pisgah Forest Offices Post master Charlie Patton an nounces today. “Tour Federal Income Tax” was written by the Internal Revenue Service and con tains many examples to illu* trate how the tax law applies to actual situation*. A spec 200 Park View Drive, or he can be reached by calling 883-3613. Other information can be obtained from the County Accountant’s office here in the Court House. Ill feature of the booklet to the simple flDed-in ratal* Fora 1040 keyed to |t|H where explanations m fee found for each entry on the return. The 160-page booklet to now on cale and coats 75 cents a copy. “By selling this booklet «t postal facilities In Bresurd and Pisgah Forest, we are al« faring a convenient service to our customers,” Postmaster Patton said. ! • > “We are participating In a nationwide program to make the tax booklet available to the public In 15,000 postal facilities,” he concluded. 'K him in tbit ad art effective in BREVARD til elate of butinatt Saturday, February 24, f -. 1 ■1 ' "... "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY HEAVY GRAIN FED BEEF Let’s talk about budgets! Budgeting is tough these days. It seeins that every time vuu turn aruund the cost of something is going up. The economists tell us it’s to be expected. Maybe so, but it sure makes running a home difficult. We wish we could tell you that A*P has the answer to all vuur difficulties, but we can' store can. We canton, tin,: ; 39^1 yii-f- tartar ih '.?»&■'■*** ■ J»*A - There is one guaranteed way to cut votfr ltwm bm- 4 without sacrificing quality; buy A*l’s own brands. Hold it...don't scoff...wu’re serious. We don’t have our own private national brands just to have low prices. If it isn’t a quality product, it can’t carry the A*P Seal. Take A*P Brand Canned or Frozen Vegetables for example. They're GRADE ‘'A" can't buy better. if you buy A*P Brands, we guarantee you’ll reduce your total food bill. We also guarantee every A*P product you buy...unconditionally. V_ - _J V "SvMr*fti9ht” Roneleai SiriolR Tip St»ak » $1.35 Quality Boneless Chip Staak ^ $1.49 "S«p«r>li|M" Quality Beef Flaak Steak *• $1.49 "Sute'*ftitht'' Quality Fill Cat Roind Steak $1.19 Qvulity Eye Style Ronnd Roast “ $1.29 Quality Whole Boef Loin 40-H U. A»«. C«t Ymh u. Danish Cooked Ham 69o InI, Chicken or Turkey Morton Moat Pot Plot 4 !&:89c Sm« Mmr — •»» Caaaad Nan $2.M AIP DaHoatassaa DallgMs Plmanto Spread ct» Han Salad c£* Fratt OoaUall FF? Ik. Pfcf. 69c Cf'n Mn'i Brand Floudar FIIWs ft, 79c Tor Cap's Join’s Fish Sticks#9e A Quick Muul 14*. Cap’* John's Fish Sticks £ 78c M•*. C>.ih< H««. fc«» » T«. Manay Saving lay—Jana Porkar Cloverleaf W J«N Ftik«r VahM FmKfr Baked Apple Pies 2”?,'89c Jm Mw InMIi lUc«4 Wtoal Bread 3^ Me Rolls 4 m si .00 This is the finol week to complete your set of Flatware from A&P All pieces on sale at special feature prices. Wfciiii Grapefruit 51c Naval Oraagas F«w)f AN fmtfut Romm Apples Tomatoes u. 29c i r.' » * . *V.'ll ivfff H'l mphpmIwIm '.“ 83c v.s. Rassat Potato* 2 lbs. 2fe Try Saw AW Roastod Poaaats Jm 31c «-■ — BJ ^-« ..ut »■■ •v * ■ r**«■« wWti* 2 u. 17* SHOP A&P FOR So*e Money Today! On AW'i Our Own Tea Bags Really Freeh F« Ann Page Mayonnaia Vi Spice Department “-J Page Black Pepper | B ' I i ■ L ■ On Laundry Day Try Some A&P Liquid Bleach mma Detergent '1 Pepsi Cola 2S-Os. No*'* Returnable Settle Jfi ?|