mt ... ...MEi? FROM THE EDITOR'S CORNER jl * * « mn JOHN ANDERSON ^ Police Chief J. C. Rowe had a very pleasant surprise this week. He serves as Captain of the Brevard Rescue squad and Ik that capacity he taught a 12-hour first aid comae do seventh graders of Mrs. Lyda here at Brevard. To show the Chief their ap preciation, they sent him a package and a “thank you” card on Wednesday. A beau tiful tte and handkercUefs were enclosed along with a donation for $20 for the Res cue squad. The Chief was impressed, and so were we with the thoughtfulness of these youngsters. In the mailbag: “I enjoy your newspaper im mensely. Keep up the good work! It’s very refreshing to read about everyday good things that people are doing for each other instead of the tab loid sensationalism most papers are practicing. 'T refer specifically to the article on raising funds for low income families in order that they may start their own gardens. “Enclosed is my contribution to that effort.” Mary S. Reed Cocoa Beach, Florida We had a run on postal scales in the office daring the But It Isn’t doe to the Peat Service. It’s 4ne to the fact that many women, and men, are going on a new diet. The vegetables and meat* have to be weighed oat very carefully, because the diet only permits 5M calories go day. This new diet works. The wife has loot 24 ponds since March 21st . . . And others we know have been just as successful. We thank Br. Robert L. Strieker for the run on the postal scales we have to sdL Divorce On The Increase In 1920 one in every seven marriages ended in divorce. In 1972 one in every three mar riages ended in divorce. Borrowed ... One small hoy came np with this defense of his poor report card: “I was the high est of all the kids who failed.” Optimist: A woman who starts feeling around for her shoes when the minister gets to . . . and now, in conclu sion ...” Inflation hasn’t ruined News From US Forest S* Support Is Asfcea An interested oitiamtijBfonn _ed us 'last Sunday four jeeps fifed entered the Turkey Pen area which has been closed to motorized vehicles. We visited the area and found tracks lead ing to the top of a mound of dirt near the closed gate. They didn’t make it so they tried again between the gate and a large Yellow Popular tree. It didn’t look like there was enough room to drive a jeep through there but they did. A sign on the gate said ROAD CLOSED. We waited dbout an hoar for them to come hack oat mid when they did each Jeep driver was given a citation for entering an area closed to ve hicular traffic by driving around a closed gate. The for feiture <rf collateral for this of fense is $25.00. Littering and campers’ trash El 0' Community Counseling Sum By - Gordon J. Kendall Program Director All misbehavior (for is the result of a child's mittslrea the way to find a place hi bis ft school, class) and to gain When the adult is net aware of due ing (goal) of the chili’s mi8beihewiors he np sponcfca by falling for the child’# schenae (mis taken goal) and thus reinforces this able behavior. In subsequent articles we will look at «*ge histories of these Mistaken goals of behaviwr #o help in retcogfiiaiag them as they occur and Irmetv how to effedtirelr leal with them. everyrnntg. ®** !w iwb€ for a rainy day la a fnashTy washed oar. The g«y whose ttenhtos art m behind him ie probably a school b«fe Mm. Joke of the meek . . . Husband: *Tft «ff eix years of marriage me hJWeaT tan sMfe to agree Wfa anything-* Wife: “It’s been seven yeans, dear.” And we Mso Hkb . .. The Mefc man, oonacUmee hfc dodtar at tm in he morning, Opciofkei piwfaae #. Doe, and I know flg Mne h somewhat nut of your way, too.* “Oh, that’s aS right,” re assured the doctor- ‘1 have another patient who lives near yon se PH <*Mt Mm *nd last kffi two birds WMh one stone* is a continuous problem which is detracting from the beauty of the Forest. People who camp outside the ■dev sloped areas like Yellow Gap and Headwaters Road, Gove Creek, Shining Rock Wilder ness as well as all other areas are required to take their trash home With them. Be not bury traSh - wSd animals wtt dig it up and scatter R 401 over mak ing g mess. Funds are pot avaflabie^or ■clean up of non - developed oreas. Yon oan obtain a plastic bag from the Ranger Station on U.S. 276 to carry your trash out but it must be taken out &t the National Forest Your coopera tion will help conserve the beauty of She mountains. Viola tors WiM be prosecuted. One snore note about this ve hicle problem on dosed toads - bio motorised vehicles are allow ed behind dosed gates. There Is * valid reason for every gate on National Basest Land In most cases it is to conserve the cod and water resources. Chew Engineers Meet Tuesday The Western North Carolina Section of the American insti tute of Chemical Engineers will hold its May meeting nest Tues day, May 22nd, at the Colonial Inn in Brevard. At 7:00 p.a. thee* will be a social session with snacks and beverages, followed by a busi ness meeting to elect new of ficers at 7:30 pm. At 8:00 P. B. Robb, Di rector of ttapttiQg, Procure ment and Development, Olin Corporation, Brevard, will dis cuss "A Planning View of New Product and New Process De velonmeML" fiednon Family To Appear At preaching nightly at the Faith Assembly of God Church at 7:86, N«y Nft, dhMttth the Russell Fisher, Sapphire Mrs. Helen Brown, Brevard Merritt Galloway, Greensboro Charles Lee Garber, Pisgah Forest Mrs. Mary Ellen Griffin, Bre vard Mrs. Evadeea Jenkins, Bre vard VHHiam Joseph Logan, Cedar Miss Joyce Pace, Brevard Mrs. Lauaia Sheppard, Bre vard Master Matthew Sheppard, Bkcward Miss Mary Trader, Brevard Walter Wilson, East Flat Rock Harold Bentley, Sherwood Forest Mrs. Jeprel Dunlap, Cedar MMuntH* Jess Green, Brevard Mrs- Lila Hall, Brevard Mm A via Shelton, Lake Tox «WSjr Roy Shelton, Pisgah Forest V MlMMo oTc 1 WJUUuww w W Mm Hw following hours; mendogs MtSD - 11:M; after, noons Jt:S0 • 4:D0; evenings Roy Anderson Passes Bar In Hawaii It was learned last week that Roy Lone Anderson was ad mitted to the Bar of the State of Hawaii and the U. S. Dis trict Court, after successfully passing the bar examination held in April. Captain Anderson, USMC, is presently Chief of the Defense Section at the Law Center of Kaneohe Marine Air Base on Oahu. He attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, receiving the Juris Doctor de gree from the Law School there. He is also a member of the North Carolina Bar. Captain Anderson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Denton Ander son of Woodside Drive and the grandson of Mrs. Lewis Hamlin and the late Dr. Roy Long. It was also learned that he ex pected to visit with his par ents briefly in June before re turning to Hawaii and Marine Corps duties. The number of men and wo men between the ages of 25 and 34 in the workforce has been roughly equal in the re cent past and will continue to be in the future. 11 million in 1964; 13 million in 1972; 18 million in 1980; and 20 mil lion in 1895. little River Community Club Meets Thursday Night By • Mrs. George Hudgins LITTLE RIVER — The Little River Community Club will have their regular meeting at the community center Thursday night, May 17th, at 7:30 p. m. The president, Morris Hawkins, urges every one to be present. The Trash to Treasures sale will begin Thursday at 10:00 a. m. at the community center and will stay open until 0:00 p. m. also Friday at the same hours. Come see us and look around; you might find something you need.. Last Sunday (Mother’s Day) at Little River Baptist Church a large crowd attended. The beautiful flowers in the sanctu ary were placed there by Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Merrill in memory of Albert’s mother, Mrs. Beatrice Merrill. Flowers were presented to the youngest mother, Mrs. Sandra Brown Mc Call, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown; the oldest mother, Mrs. Emma Blythe, mother of Mrs. Merrimon Shuford and to the mother with the most chil dren present There were sev eral with the same number of children present but all agreed that the flowers be presented to Mrs. Ida Whitmire. Congratulations to Miss Beth Walker who won second place in longtime record judging in Home Improvement on the Dis trict level. She also won the key award and will be attend ing State Club Congress in Raleigh. On the week end of the 11, 12, 13 she attended the 4-H Western District Retreat at Swannanoa 4-H camp. She will be attending the County Dem onstration Day at Brevard High School on May 26th. She is a delegate from Transylvania County to attend Fontana in June. She will go to Mitchel County for District Activity Day and will be attending 4-H camp in July, also 4-H Leader ship in August. Sunday guests of Mrs. Ruth Cox and Mrs. Letha Cox were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cioffi and Sandy from Piedmont, S. C., and Glenn Shirley from Columbia. Little River community is glad to have a new beauty shop known as Melba’s Beauty Shop. It is located in the building formerly occupied by Flossie’s Beauty Shop. It is owned by Mrs. Melba Hampton, better known as Melba Merrill, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hall Mer rill. She is open Tuesday through Saturday and her phone number is 877-4560. •# \ News From Glen Camion Country Club b)r Staff Writer Several Glen Cannes Lady Members participated in the Btan Ridge monthly Tourna ment They competed against air other golf clubs at Beaver Lake last Thursday. Ann pie mm low ant with 78 in Class *A*’. Nancy ©avis won low gross wife MU 4a date “B”. Martha Malawi nr won low net with 80 in class T3”. Jane Beahant won low grass with 106. Glen Cannon Ladies Golf President Linda Nix said, "This was an excellent showing by our Glen Cannon gals." team at Asm Brower, i GiUeapie Charles Giaze *id D(t. Walter Clayton GcM event enhtg. They ___ * law bail coeae «f 34 0 hole “Plly-DW «*ant Tfi * A Gbuides ttttga will be held May tab. Social p. ol Dinner TAO p. i #. kn. Jteaerva at the fcOO p. Pool ChMnnan, Bill Jamerson, announces there will be a “work” day alt the pool this Saturday at 9:00 a. m. The purpose this work day is to dean the pod in prepara tion for the pod opening date of June 3rd. Vdunteers are needed. j —☆— Dave Calhoun, Tennis Com mittee Chairman announced that Hick Lebert, Brevard Col lege Tennis Coach and Non Resident Pro at Sherwood For est, will conduct group Tennis lessons for Glen Cannon mem bers beginning In late May or early June if enough interest is shown. Cost of a series of six lessons inclining a tends tournament to be held at the completion of tiie lessens w® be: $24 per Adult $18 per ymfth •Classes w9 be kept small to provide maximum hi dividual instruction. Any member inter ested Should call Burn Odfcoun 0834*62) as soon as paaaible. Annual Athletic Awards Program 1$ Held For Athletes At Rosman Hie Mutual athletic awards program was held Friday at Bee naan High School. Letters in all sports were given to approxi mately 75 athletes and seven Special awards included: Foot ball - most J’ jproved, Bill Bar ton; most underated, Ricky Lee; Mr. Guts, Tony Steward; Golden Helmet, Sammy Cathey; and most valuable Ricky Pangle. Basketball • Most improved, Donald Kitchen and Shelia Crowe; meet undented Troyce Chappell and Louise Owen; most valuable, Sberwin Shook. Doimavce Wilson and Ricky Rackley. Track - Outstanding in running events, Steve McCall; and outstanding in field events, Carl Galloway. Sportsmanship, Diane Owen; Student Athlete, Chuck Press ley; most valuable cheerleader, Wanda Hartmp. The annual picnic for the athletes which was held Tues day, ended a fine athletic year that saw the “Tigers” win Ap plachian Conference Champ ionships in football and basket ball, with a District 6 Champ ionship for the boys’ basket ball team, along with being named the outstanding small school team in WNC. Tent Revival A tent revival wffl begin Sun day night at 7:00 o’clock next to Clark’s Garage on Highway 64 near Rosman under the spon sorship of the Rosman Pent costal Lighthouse Church. The Rev. Frankie Owen, evangelist of Brevard, will be the speaker. Rev. Morris Reid will direct the music. The public is invited to at rented a mother’s day poem for devotions. Reports were given by Mrs. Clyde Summey on the annual district meeting at Lake Juna luska and by Mrs. Phillips who attended a class in Needlepoint at Montreal Mrs. Kedzia Aiken reported on “Landscaping and Gardening.” Miss Jean Childers, home agent, presented a program on the “Importance of Design.” She used slides and distribut ed an informative publication tend. Sale The Youth department of Cherryfield Baptist church will sponsor a basement sale Satur day from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. in the Church Fellowship Hall. Proceeds will be used for church projects. Mrs. James Saunders is in charge of the arrangements. Plan Entertainment Plans for entertaining the International Students Tour groups from N. C. State Uni versity who will be visiting Transylvania county were dis cussed at the May meeting of the Cherryfield Extension Homemakers club. Mrs. Joe Duckworth, Interna tional chairman, Mrs. Carl Phil lips, Mrs. Clyde Summey, and Mrs. Glennon Parker are as sisting in the entertaining of the group who will tour Olin Industries, NASA Tracking Station, Blue Ridge Parkway, and Cradle of Forestry follow ed by a covered dish supper at Camp Straus. All members are invited to attend. Mrs. Parker presided at the meeting and Mrs. Phillips pre on “Design in the Home.” Mrs. Marie Whitmire will be hostess for the June meeting to which visitors will be wel come. Middle Fork Church News The WMU of Middle Fork Baptist church sponsored a Mother’s Day program Sunday with Mrs. Ernest Powell in charge. Mrs. Effie Mae Rackley was honored as the “Mother of the Year.” Others included: the oldest mother, Mrs. N. H. Chap man the youngest mother, Mrs. Carolyn Ross; and the mother having the most chil dren, Mrs. Lois Aiken. The GA’s of Middle Fork church met Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Ernest Powell. Mrs. Carolyn Lowe was in charge of the program. Refreshments were served. The group also recently spon sored a toy party for Scott Petit who lost all his toys when his home recently burned. Faodly Dinner A family dinner was held Sunday honoring Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Powell. It was Mr. Pow ell’s seventy-ninth birthday an niversary and for Mrs. Powell en Mother’s Day. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Powell and chil dren of Pickens, S. C., Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Powell and daugh ter, Beth, Mrs. Robert Chap pell and children, Mrs. Tom Raines, Melvin Powell, and Mr. and Mrs. Brady Chappell and son David. Mothers Honored Last Sunday At North Toxaway Church By - Mrs. Leo Owen LAKE TOXAWAY — Dur ing the morning worship service of North Toxaway Baptist church Sunday, a special tribute was paid to all mothers and grandmothers present. A beautiful pot flower was pre sented to the oldest and the youngest mother there. Mrs. Lela Owen, age 88, re ceived one for the the oldest and Mrs. Joe Owen, who is 19, received one for the youngest mother. Rev. Robert P. Ham by, interim pastor, preached an inspiring sermon on mother to a congregation of over 100 persons. Charles Barton, who is a stud ent at Atlantic Christian Col lege, is emending this week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barton. Mr. and Mrs. Edward John son spent the weekend in At lanta visiting their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnson, Jr. and fami ly and their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ashe and children. Mr. and Mrs. Lagran Brown and Miss Linda Powell of Greer visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Powell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and family of Murphy were weekend guests of Mrs. Smith’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Owen here. Rev. and Mrs. Robert P. Ham by were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Owen. Mrs. Charles Smith and chil dren, Mrs. Lewis Owen and Kenneth Banther visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woodring and family Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mc Call and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith, Jr., spent the weekend in Gatlinburg. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Reid and sons of Pisgah Forest visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fugate dur ing the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wood ward and children of Atlanta were weekend guests of Mrs. Woodwards mother, Mrs. Nell Owen and son Michael Mr. and Mrs. Danny Fisher and daughter Tina of Robbins 3"—...... | Brevard Personals ! □ I J Hiiiiiiiiinmiiiii*itrt^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiu(iii(i) Recent out-of-town guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cum mings, for the wedding of their daughter, Deborah Lee to Gard ner Morgan on April 28 were Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cum mings of Villa Park, Illinois; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jacobsen, Jr. and their children of Des Plaines, Illinois; Miss Linda Simonidies, Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Traynor, Mrs. Grace Wiedenhoeft all from Chicago; Mr. Adolph Dirian of Broad view, Illinois; Mr. and Mrs. Nisle Meyer of Cedar Grove, New Jersey; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Klemeyer and daugher Joanne of Oak Forest, Ashe ville; Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Anderson from Hendersonville; the Morgan family of Leicester and the Gasperson family of Raleigh. ville are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilde here. SAY I SAW IT IN THE TIMES NOTICE Change Of Address Form Date__ . Pease «se this form in making change of address in subscriptions. Name_ , OLD ADDRESS NEW ADDRESS ZIP CODE_ Yofcr cooperation in this matter will be greatly Appreciated. We are constantly receiving notices from the Pest Office Depart ment concerning second-class mail which is not deliverable, due to in correct or insufficient address. Since each of these notices costs The Transylvania Times ten cents, within a short time it amounts to a need less expenditure of a considerable sum of money. We are, therefore, requesting individual subscribers, when mak ing a change of address, to notify us immediate^, giving both the old ■and new address. Thank yen!

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