FROM THE EDITOR'S CORNER ■DrroR j ohh ‘Anderson Bill Norris got a real chuckle when be opened his mail Tuesday. Included was a letter from the Federal Aviation Ad ministration la Atlanta invit ing him to attend the formal dedication of urn new radar installation at the municipal airport in Asheville. This was a reasonable in vitation, since Bill Is Presi dent of the Brevard Chamber of Commerce, and the govern ment officials wanted Urn to attend in that capacity. But the chuckle came when Bill noticed the date of the dedication. It was to be on September 22nd, some five and a half weeks ago! The letter was AIB MAIL ED from Atlanta on Septem ber 14th, and was received by BiU on October 30th. We know that our Federal government currently has more problems than it ap parently can cope with, but when one department of that government air mails a letter through another department of that government and it takes that letter 46 days to travel 185 miles to its re cipient, then man, we’re in a heap of trouble! Bill was real philosophical about the whole thing. HFm Brevard Personals (J .. Miinuimnitiminipl pfc. Preston O’Dell and wife, Lora, formerly of Brevard, attended Brevard High’s An nual Homecoming game. They stayed at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. O’Dell, 149 Oakdale Road, Bre vard. Pfc. O’Dell has complet ed U. S. Army Training at Fort JacksOt and Airborne training at Ft. Benning, Ga. He is cur rently Stationed in. the, 119th .Aviation Co. at Fort Rragg. Mr. and Mrs, Rick Chappell, of Greensboro, announce the birth of a son, Scott Gallamore, born Oct. 16th, 1973. The ma ternal grandparents are Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Scarborough of Auburn, Alabama, and the pa ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fulton Chappell, Pick ens, formerly of Brevard. The paternal great-Grandmother is Mrs. Fannie Chappell of Green ville. Mrs. Nellie Bishop Bruton has returned to her home in Rush Springs, Oklahoma, after visiting relatives and friends in this area. She wishes to ex press her appreciation for all the courtesies extended her dur ing her vipit. She would espec ially like to say thank you to each one who attended the dinner in honor of her birth day. She carried many happy memories back to Oklahoma. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John I. Anderson were Mr. and Mrs. Richard McGehee of Savannah, Georgia._ Just glad it wasn’t a letter telling me 1 would inherit a million dollars if I would be in Atlanta by September 22nd", he quipped. North Carolina laws aiv strange. Case in point. Super markets, package stores, etc., can sell table wines, wines with 12 per cent alcohol. However,'it’s against the for table wines to be sold ABC stores, but they can fortified wines, wines with per cent alcohol. Biff! With the newsprint short age and the necessity el rat ting stories, columns and features shorter, the News Bureau at the University has sent out some examples of drastic condensation — some 40 years old. These were written then by a ruffled and frustrated reporter, who told his editor, “here’s brevity for ydi”: STORY ONE — A woman was making a Are In a stove one morning, and found it hard to get the fire going. She meant to add kerosene to make a blaze, but unfortu nately poured gasoline into the Are. The result was demo lition of the house, explosions and the like. A story about this took half a column in the paper. Here is the way the word economy-minded editor ex plained how to rewrite the above: Kitehen stove Gasoline Struck a match And ain’t been seen. STORY TWO — An inebri ated citizen was walking down the street in San Francisco when a trolly was coming up one of those steep bills. Though intoxicated he was well off the track. But, un fortunately, he staggered and fell in the path of the vehicle on rails, with disastrous con sequences. The news story, abbrevi ated, was: Drunk man Trolley car Foot slip And there you are. STORY THREE — A man and his wife were having marital troubles. He loved his wife dearly, but found one night she was having an af fair with another nun. In fact, half a dozen other men. He came home and shot the wife. The courts found him guilty and he’s serving 20 years in the state prison sys tem. The story came out in the newspaper: Papa loved mama Mama loved the men Mama’s in the graveyard Papa’s in the pea. Borrowed... Filling opt # number of re —---—---— 410 Ea»t Main, Brevard Week-end Specials THURSDAY CHICKEN TEI4RAZZINI MIXED GEEEN SALAD BEVERAGE - DESSERT FRIDAY TflERMIDOK OF BOOK IOBSTEB SATURDAY > [IGINA, SPAGHETTI - SAUCE parts at the end of M* aehyl upon the question. "Li* One reasons for entering the teaching profession.” Her answer: "June, Inly V* An gnst” Keeping np with the Joneses isn’t nearly as danger ous as trying te pass them on a MIL —★— Theater usher; "Is there a Mr. and Mrs. Perldns in the house? Yeiir babysitter wants te know where yon keep the fire extinguisher.” Joke of the week The teacher was reproving one of her young pupils who had fallen into the habit of swearing. “If you feel you must say something, why don’t you just say, *(Mi brother,’ or something like that?” she suggested. “Your father doesn’t swear, does he?” “No, ma’am, he replied. “Well, suppose he were working in the garden and sud denly stepped backwards on a rake and it flew up and hit him from behind, What would he say?” the teacher queried. “He’d say,” answered the young ster, “you’re home early dear!” And we also like .... A prosperous Texas ranch er was enjoying a New Tear’s vacation In Hawaii when the phone operator asked if he would accept a long-distance call collect from a neighbor not noted for his overwhelm ing generosity. “Certainly not,” said the vacationer, “but if he wants to pay for the call himself pnt him on. The friend thereupon car oled a cherry “heHo” and proceeded, to gossip for a full 40 minutes. Finally, the vaca tioner felt he had to-say, “1 hope yon realise this call is costing yon a small fortune.” “Think nothing of it,” re sponded the Mend, “I’m call ing from poor house.” I With The Sick \ M Tho Transylvania | Community Hospital j jukvwx Transylvania Community hos pital to bo Wednesday: Mrs. Dianne Angeledes, Bre vard Ray Beck, Brevard Mrs. Frances Dobbins, Bre vard Mrs. Betty Lou Fisher and baby girl, Lake Toxaway Mrs. Etna Gillespie, Brevard Mrs. Louise Hunter, Cashiers Mrs. Lillie Brown, Brevard Mrs. Ethel Chapman, Bosnian Mrs. Nancy Fisher, Lake Tox away Thomas Hoxit, Brevard Mrs. Dora Monteith, Brevard Mrs. Martha Owen, Brevard Mrs. Hettie Powell, Brevsrd Leonard Simpeon, Cedar Mountain George Summey, Sr., Brevfrd. Visitors ant requested tp oh mornings 10:30 - UdNh si|ep noons 2J0 • 4:08; muajpgi 7:00-8:80 Winter Mulch should bo mulcted i— -; Transylvania Bookmobile Schedule Thursday, November 1-- Blantyre Tuesday, November € «— Hendersonville Hwy. Wednesday, November 7-Boylston Hwy. Thursday, November 8-little River Tuesday, November 13-Plsgah Forest Wednesday, November 14-Calvert - Rosznan Sapphire-Whitewater Wins Prizes In Community Contest By ■ Wallace Brewer SAPPHIRE - WHITEWATER —Mr. and Mrs. Tom Condon, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dann, Lawerence Denslow and son, Norman, Mr. and Mrs. James Owen, Mrs. William Matson, George Blair, and Mn. T. Don Batson attended the Awards Dinner at Olin last Thursday evening. Sapphire - Whitewater placed second on the overall judging and received an honor able mention on the Achieve ment Book. Our commuity ex tends congratulations to Lake Toxaway, See Off and to Little River for placing first in each of their Divisions. Mrs. Beverly Dann, Assistant Librarian of the Sapphire Whitewater Community De velopment Club, will keep the library open on Thursday eve nings during, the winter months from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. Parents of young children, from 4:30 until 5:00 p.m. A storytime will be held for the children up to 10 years of age, so, please send or bring your children and as sistance shall be given them in helping them to select books Don and Mary Jo Batson and Mrs. Rotha Matson were treated to dinner in Highlands last Fn day by Mrs. Homer Hebb after Don had chauffeured the ladies during the afternoon on a color tour around Glenville Lake. Hearts and souls were filled with the Glory and Praise of God and with Thanksgiving for the most unbelievable beauty that abounds in our mountains at this time of year and for the incredible weather we have enjoyed for some 20 days. Congratulations to Carol and Erik D. Hansen on the occasion of their Anniversary last week and for their being selected out standing citizens of the Com munity and also to the latter on his birthday. Mrs. William Matson spent the weekend in Atlanta visiting with her daughter, Pamela, and with her son, John. Satur day evening she was treated to the Ice Capades. Miss Susan Condon of Elli jay, Ga., visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Condon. Last Sunday Mary Jo and Don Batson were the guests of the John D. Smiths to attend church with them in Brevard and have dinner with them afterwards. George Blair has been to Ten nessee to visit his sister and hi# family, and Thelma and Joe Welch went down to Mississippi to visit Thelma’s sisters, and Lawereiyee Denslow and son, Norman spent a camping trip on the Appalachian Trail. The Rosman Termites cele brated the end of the season at “Tomfleld” Campground at a party given by the coaches, Larry Bullock and Gregg Sheear Mrs. Patricia Barclay w#s hostess and she was assist ed by Mis# Martha Jean Willis anfd M>ss Patricia Barclay. Lake Tqxaway boys honored at the party were John Barclay, Daren Owen, Kelly, Joe and Mike Banther, Monty Burrell along with the other 24 teammates. The hail was decorated with Halloween decorations, there were games and prizes. There was also a spook house with a real witch. Hotdogs, punch and donuts were served. Dr. and Mrs. Ray Stratton of Sarasota, Fla., paid a surprise visit dur ing the festivities. The Earle Osterhoudts enter tained the Melvin Danes with a picnic and color tour along the Blue Ridge Parkway last Wed nesday. The color was reported to be very beautiful. The youth of the Sapphire Whitewater Community held a Halloween dance at the Sap phire - Whitewater Community Development building Friday evening, October 25th. Approxi mately 15 young people attend ed. Ken and Laura Wilson fur nished refreshments and Bev and Melvin Dann chaperoned th erly and Melvin Dann chape roned the dance wearing their “Black Belt” Karate outfits as costumes. Don and Mary Jo Batson were dinner guests of Bev and Mel Dann. Bev served one of her famous Mexican dinners. We all kept saying that we should have some kind of restaurant in the Sapphire Whitewater area and how about one catering to Mexican foods? Dr. and Mrs. Ray Stratton were dinner guests of Mrs. Homer Hebb one evening. There have been some one day trips, too. Mrs. Walter Whitted and Mrs. Rotha Matson visited in Highlands, Mrs. Homer Hebb and Mrs. T. Don Batson went to Norton community, Joe and Thelma Welch, Mrs. Homer Hebb and Mr. and Mrs. T. Don Batson visited in Waynesville one day via the Parkway. Last Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dann and Mr. and Mrs. T. Don Batson were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Weiskoffs. The following members of the Lake Toxaway Volunteer Fire Department answered re cent fire alarms with the first one being on East Shore Drive at the home of James Morrisson with a sofa being on fire and filling the building with smoke, Walter McNeely, L C. Case, Herbert Fisher, Harold Mc Neely and Dave Johnson. A second fire was a truck belong ing to the Gloucester General Store of Rosman on 81. The members that responded were Ford Owen, Fire Chief, Herbert Fisher, L. C. Case, J. A. Wilde and Dave Johnson. To all others who assisted in any manner the Fire Department extends appre ciation. Due to the State Wide School Bond Referendum being held on Tuesday, Nov. 6th, the Sap phire - Whitewater Community Development Club will have their covered dish supper and business meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 13th. With the dinner be ginning at 6:30 p.m. and the Business meeting following at 7:30 p.m., we hope that all reg istered voters will exercise their convictions on Nov. 6th at the Community Center. Planning Board To Meet Monday The Transylvania County Planning Board will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, Novem ber Sth, at the Court House ac cording to W. A. Huters, Chair man. Items on the agenda include further work on the flood plain toning ordinance and the mo bile home park ordinance. A new item of business will con sent zoning and the Board will be asked to work with a com mittee from the Greenville Highway area to study this. A report will be given on the status of the land use study cur rently being done for all Region B, Buncombe, Hender son, Madison and Transylvania Counties. A new member, Arthur De hon, Jr., will be welcomed to the Board. Hie other members are Bill Cathey, Morris JHawk Jaine#j Hap Tootey. __«*• open, iCraST’' • r?.h'V; * See Offy Lake Toxatvay, Little River Win In Rural Contesm 5° 65’ (Continued from page one) William M. Ives, Chairman of the Transylvania Board of Commissioners, and Morris McGough, Executive Vice President, W.N.C. Develop ment Association. The speaker for the evening was William M. McMurray, who Assistant Director for the U. Climatic Center at Asheville. The meal and program ar rangements were made by Charles L. Russell, Olin Cor poration. Over $900.00 In cash prizes for the various contests was donated by the following busi nesses: Winn Dixie, Brevard Insurance Agency, Western Auto Assoc. Store, First Union National Bank, Coleman Tire Company, Haywood Electric Membership Corporation, Citi zens Telephone Company, WPNF, The Transylvania Times, First Citizens Bank and Trust Company, Pisgah Candy Company, Sky City Inc. Business and Professional Wo men’s Club, Biltmore Dairy Farms, Duke Power Company, American Thread Company, Gaither’s Restaurant Inc., Bre vard Lumber Company, Lyda McCrary Motors Inc. Brevard Federal Savings & Loan Assoe^ Bryant Conatruo tion and Electric Corp., E. L DuPont Do Nemours * Com pany, B & B Feed and Seed Company, Varners Drug Store, Brevard Chamber of Com merce, Brevard Rotary Club, Olin Corporation, Austins Art Shop, Mitchell - Bissell Com pany, Tansylvania County Farm Bureau, Rice Furniture Company, Belk Department Store, Morris Pharmacy, Trantox Inc., Star 8apphire Company, Owen Wilson, Inc., McCrary Chevrolet Olds Inc., Connestee Falls De velopment Corp., MiUers Laundry and Cleaners, Melton Company Realtors, Moore Funeral Home. Of Lions Clubs United Fund Money Will Go To White Cane Program A sum of $450 of United Fund monies will be directed to the Brevard Lions Club White Cane program, and a sum of $404 will go to the Pisgah Forest Lions Club White Cane program. These sums are arrived at by a per membership amount in each club. The monies are used to pro vide eye operations, special glasses for visually handicap ped, glasses for needy school children and other related vis ual assistance. On a recent visit to the county, the Lions Club Eye Screening Van provided free visual screening for hundreds of school and preschool chil dren throughout the county. While the screening may not be as thorough as a child would receive from an opto metrist or ophthalomogist, it is thorough enough to alert adults to the visual problems of children which are then followed up with the optome trist and/or ophthalmologist. Important Service United Fund Helps Support Transylvania Humane Society While most of the United Fund contributions underwrite human services, a very vital service is provided by the $1190 which helps make up the op erating budget of the Humane Society. Pet owners in the county are grateful that there is a place vvliere sick, injured and lost animals can be cared for. Persons who have an an tipathy toward pets should ap preciate such a service, for without it the county would be inundated with animals on the loose who would pose a health and financial problem to all persons in the county. Surely this is a service that deserves our concern and sup port. Halloween came early to the Quebec area of Transylvania County. The local 4-H Club leaders Mrs. Vernon Bishop, Mrs. J. C. Webb and Mrs. Per ry Fisher, gave a party for the local 4-H’ers on October 18th. Before the party a bicy cle rodeo was held and various contests such as balancing, pedaling and breaking, circle riding, obstacle course, and slow and fast races were held. Winners were chosen and the top two winners were given prizes. The top boy contestant was Bruce Hutchinson, and the top girl winner was Pam Ship man. Second place finishers were Dawn Hayes and Jim Coker. Jim also won the Obstacle Race. The overall champion was Pam Shipman. Pam received a bike riding light for her prize, and Bruce received a camping set. After the Rodeo, an old fash ioned apple bobbing was held and only the brave boys and girls were getting the sought after apple prizes. Refresh ments of Black Magic Brownies and Gobblins Brew were served to the parents and to the boys and girls. During National 4-H Week, the clubs, officers, Melody Owen, vice President, and Kar en Waldrop, President, gave a part of the TC Henderson PTA program on 4-H. In August, two members also attended a 4-H Junior Leaders Workshop on crafts to teach the club. Sonja Fisher and Karen Waldrop took candle making and Creative Stitchery to help the club members learn more about it. At their next meeting, No vember 15th, the third Thurs day night, the club will meet at 7:00 p.m. and take a test to obtain their Bicycle Riding License from the N. C. Depart ment of Motor Vehicles. Every one between the ages of 8-19 is welcome. CARD OF THANKS We are deeply grateful to our kind friends and relatives for their expressions of sympathy and concern at the death of my mother, Helen Duckworth Rus sell. We also appreciate the ser vices of the Reverend Art Fore and Donald Lee Moore. Dorothy Ann Charles and Family When you think of prescrip tions, think of VARNER’S, adv. NOW AVAILABLE! “Transylvania County, An Early History” MARTIN REID1NGER & KEVIN NORRIS This informative hook, written and published fay two Brevard High School students, has been acknowledged by lpcal educators and historians for its outstanding factual content concerning the history of Transylvania County. Copies are now on sale at the Brevard Chamber of Commerce office and the Transyhreu.a Times office. By If you sure interested In Transylvania’s past, GET YOUR COPY TODAY!