TRANSYLVANIA— The Land of Waterfall*, Mecca for Summer Camp*, Entrance to Piagah National Foreat and Home of Brevard College and Brevard Music Festival. b A * i jAV It, ★ VoL 87—No. 6 TRANSYLVANIA TIMES A State And National Prize- Winning Home Town Newspaper SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BREVAED. N. C. ZIP CODE SS7I1 A 32 PAGES TODAY * BREVARD, N. C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1974 ISc COPY ^TRANSYLVANIA^. An Industrial, Tourist, Educa tional, Agricultural and Music Center. Population, 1970 Census 19,317. Brevard Community 8,500. Brevard proper 5,243. PUBLISHED WEEKLY THREE EAGLE SCOUTS are pictured above with their Scoutmaster shortly after receiving their Eagle award, symbolic of the highest rank in Scouting. The three are all members of Troop 703, sponsored by Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church, and they were presented their Eagle awards at a special Court of Honor during the morning worship service at the church last Sun day. Pictured above, left to right are; Kevin Nor ris, Scoutmaster Richard Gustafson, Frank Cordell and Greg Winston. (Times Staff Photo) A Epley Employed Commissioners Adopt County Manager Form Of Government Charles Michael “Mike” Ep ley was appointed County Manager by the Board of Commissioners at their spec ial meeting Monday night. Transylvania County joins numerous other North Carolina counties in adopting the coun ty manager plan of government. Commission Chairman Bill Ivea expressed to the audi ence his feeling that the Commissioners role should be that of policy makers and that the day-to-day nianage ment details should be left to someone with special training in this field. Mr. Epley was not present at the meeting as he is in Chap el Hill all week at the Institu tute of Government attending a special school for county man agers. The Commissioners themselves have attended simi lar schools and will constant ly encourage all county em ployees to further their edu cation in this manner. A larger crowd than has lately been showing np ap peared at this meeting, but only one person In the aud ience asked the Chairman to explain this change in gov ernment Mr. Ives cited the North Carolina Statutes, the new Chap ter 153-A, which governs the organization and administra tion of county governments. He went on to dte the important passages. The first passage —Turn To Page Three Lengthy Session Protests Are Heard At Meeting Of The Aldermen Two groups, with their at torneys, appeared before the Board of Aldermen at their February meeting Monday night in the Municipal build ing. One group opposed the improvements and develop ments being made at the air tsrip on the Greenville high way and the other Nopposed the location of the Love and Care Nursery and Day Care Center. Attorney Cecil 1. Hill, rep resenting the group opposing improvements and develop ments at the airstrip, spoke at length. He requested the Board to notify citizens if and when any action was taken. He also asked that no effort be made to amend the zoning ordinance without those per sons interested in the develop ment of the airport property being present. Mayor Charles Campbell said attorneys on the matter would be consulted further and the public would be noti fied when any action would be taken. Attorney John Smart ap peared before the Board rep resenting citizens in regard to the Love and Care Nursery —Turn to Page Three Monday Night Board Of Education Takes Action At February Meet The Transylvania County Board of Education met id regular session on Monday for a busy session. The Board listened with in terest to a report on the Title in Democratic Primary Dr. Jerry Cabe Announces For Board Of Education Dr. Jerry Cab#,. Brevard dentist, announces his candi dacy for the Transylvania Coun ty Board of Education, sub ject to the May Democratic pri mary. . r'-; Dr. Cabe is a Brevard native, a graduate ft UNC with a B.S. in Chemistry and the UNC Den tal School. IV Presently he Is- chairman of a committee, appointed by the School Bqard ;to evaluate health, physical education and athletics in the . Transylvania Pn-anlrlj-Lnl xTCSKlGul 01 I Tutorial Reading Program which was initiated in the ele mentary schools this year. Mrs. HHda Olson explained the guidelines of the program and Mrs. Maree Krug gave an explanation of the daily activi ties as they involve the children and the tutor. Mrs. Krug pointed out that this program operates on a one to-one bask and was most en thusiastic in her evaluation. Test results statistics were quoted by Miss Mildred Day and Mrs. Vera Taylor which indicated that much progress is being made by the majority of the children involved in the program. At this time there are 22 full, time aides and four part time aides working in the Title I Tutorial Reading Program. Gene Morris, vice chairman, thanked the teachers and prin cipals for their report and ex pressed the hope that the pro gram can be expanded in order that more children can be served. Superintendent Harry Corbin read requests from eight par Gilts for transfers to attend schools out of their assigned districts. Kadi request was dte —Tam to Pege Three ii Three Awarded The Rank Of Eagle Scout Three young men received their Eagle Scout award, sym bolic of the highest rank in Scouting, at a special Court of Honor at Brevard-Davidson Riv er Presbyterian Church here last Sunday morning. The three are all members of Troop 703, sponsored by the church, and received their Eagle awards from their Scout master, Richard Gustafson, who is retiring after heading 703 for the past eight years. The new Eagles are Kevin Norris, Frank Cordell and Greg Winston, who all received their Scout training under Scout master Gustafson. Kevin Norris, 14, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill P. Norris of Brevard, and is a freshman at Brevard High School. He has served this past year as Senior Patrol Leader of Troop 703, and attended the Scout Na tional Jamboree in Pennsylvania last summer. He is a member of the Order of the Arrow. He is a member of Brevard First Baptist Church, and an honor roll student at Brevard High, where he is also a mem ber of the band and the fresh man football and basketball teams. He is also a member of the Orioles, the county’s Babe Ruth League championship team, and recently co-authored and published a book on the history of Transylvania County. Frank Cordell, 15, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Cor dell of Penrose, and is a mem ber of the sophomore class at Brevard High. He has served the troop in a number of capaci ties during his four years as a Scout, and is a member of the —Turn to Page Five Double Murder Trial Is Underway, Two Days Requi red To Select Jury Judge Martin Is Presiding, State Begins Its Testimony The murder trial of three iren charged with the Sept. 12th slaying of a Bal am Giove c i pl» <~t underway today in Brevard. Defendants in the case, Lawrence McCall, who has been in jail without bond, Garv McCall and Lloyd Mc Call, who have been out on bond, are charged with mur d"r in the ‘laving of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dice at Balsam Grove. According to Transylvania County Sheriff Milford Hub bard, Hice and Lloyd McCall had been involved in a dis pute over access to McCall’s property, which adjoined Hice’s, since June. The 12 jurors, a majority women, were selected Tuesday after two days of a mixed February Term of Transyl vania County Superior Court. They were selected from a special venire of 100 picked from the county. Two alternate jurors were selected Wednesday morning before the trial got under way. They were also chosen from the special venire of 100. Judge Harry Martin of Asheville is presiding. Solicitor Leonard Lowe is —Turn to Page Three Highest temperature register ed at Brevard during the past week was a reading of 69 last Thursday. The week’s low was 17 on Tuesday morning. Aver age readings for the week came to 61 and 31, and there was more than one and a half inches of rainfall. North Carolina extended fore cast for Thursday through Sat urday: scattered showers Thurs day. Precipiation Friday night or Saturday. High temperatures in the 50s, cooling down to the 40s by Saturday. Lows in the upper 30s to the mid 40s Thurs day morning, cooling to mostly the 30s by Saturday morning. Brevard weather data for the week as follows: Date High Low Prec. Jan. 30_ 66 35 Tr. Jan. 31_69 25 0.00 Feb. 1 _ 66 25 0.00 Feb. 2_ 59 41 1.33 Feb. 3_65 48 0.30 Feb. 4_ 53 29 0 00 Feb. 5_51 17 0.00 Mrs. Marian McMahon Incumbent Files For Re-Election As County Clerk Of Superior Court Mrs. Marian M. McMahon filed Friday as a Republican candidate for re-election as Clerk of the Superior Court for Transylvania County, sub ject to the May Primary. The incumbent clerk. Mrs. McMahon is now completing six years in office. During this time she has supervised the transition from the old County Court System to the new, uni form, state-wide court system which was instituted in Decem ber, ltxsa One of the many « to Page “'flf Three THE DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD, which is annually present ed by the Brevard Jaycees to Tran sylvania’s “Outstanding Young Man of the.Year”, was presented last Fri day night to Jerry Purser, County Extension Chairman here. Mr. Pur ser, shown above, right, receiving his plaque from past State Jaycee President and former National Vice President of the U. S. Jaycees Bill Hobbs of Forest City, left, was one of a number of Transylvanians hon ored by the local Jaycees at their annual DSA banquet at Brevard Col lege. See more pictures in the second section. (Times Staff Photo) Last Friday Many Awards Are Made At The Annual Jayeee DSA Banquet Susan Torella Winner Of Southeastern Vocal Contest Susan Torella, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Torella of Brevard, has won the South eastern Regional Vocal Contest for high school students at the regional convention of the Mu sic Teachers National Associa tion in' Birmingham, Alabama this tyeek. Miss Torella is now' eligible to compete with the other win ners of regional contests in Los Angeles at the national con vention in March. She has won many honors and awards in the Brevard area, among which were scholarships from the Brevard Music Lovers Club to study at Brevardi College with Professor Harvey Miller and a scholarship to the Brevard Mu sic Center. Susan is currently rehearsing for the upcoming production of “Bye Bye Birdie” in which she has one of the lead roles. At Brevard, Rosman Ilot Meals Being Served Senior Citizens Daily The nutrition program for older adults for Transylvania county began Thursday of last week, with 39 hot noon meals served in Brevard and Rosman. The program will continue, Monday through Friday each week, at Silvermont in Brevard and the United Methodist church in Rosman. On the first day, a few of the Rosman clients were confined to their homes by illness, but their hot meals were delivered by volunteer help. With enough volunteers, this added service can be continued. Though the program is now well started, there are still a few vacancies to be allotted to clients, to bring the total up to the 50 authorized under federal financing. These addi tional clients will be selected by Mr. Donald L. Morrison. Transylvania’s Director of So cial Services. Also it may be possible to expand the program beyond these 50 places by adding cli ents who are willing to sign up for the full five-meal-a-week program, and who are able to pay the full cost of their own meals. This, however, may need to wait until details are worked out. Brevard’s Mayor Charles H. Campbell, who is also Region B Commission chairman, has said of the program, “For too long we have been youth - ori —Turn to Page Five Brevard Jaycees presented a number of awards to Transyl vanians for outstanding achieve ment at their annual Distin guished Service Award banquet last Friday evening at Brevard College. Highlighting the affair was the presentation of the Disting uished Service Award to Tran sylvania’s “Outstanding Young Man of the Year”, Jerry Purser. Mr. Purser, who is Transyl vania’s County Extension Chair man, was cited for his civic leadership as President of the Brevard Rotary Club, and for the outstanding job that he did, in heading the- county’s junk ear removal program. He was also commended for his efforts in aiding Transyl vania’s community development clubs to continue to lead the way in the community develop ment program throughout West ern North Carolina. Mr. Purser was one of three finalists selected for the DSA. The other two were local op tometrist Dr. Glenn Matheny, and current local Jaycee Presi —Turn to Page Five Civic Leader ? Bill Norris In Race For County Board Of Education Bill P. Norris, Advertising Manager of the Transylvania Times, has announced his can didacy for the Transylvania County Board of Education, subject to the May Democratic primary. Mr. Norris, a native of For est City, has resided here in Brevard for the past 21 years, and has been active in civic and church activities since coming here in 1953. He attended Charlotte and Forest City schools, graduating from Cool Springs High School in Forest City in 1944. He serv ed in the United States Mar chant Marine during World War II, and spent thirteen months —Turn to Page Five